This is a Miracle

Chapter 38: Pirates

“Nice place”

Listening to the old man’s description, Bai Luo commented.


Uncle Saros, who was standing at the helm, suddenly frowned. He noticed something wrong, hence, he quickly said to Bai Luo,

“Tell the boy and girl from the White Eagle family to send their eagles to scout the island, something is wrong!”

“What’s wrong?”

“I found traces of people on the island. People are living here”

After speaking, Saros immediately laughed self-deprecatingly,

“I should have expected this. We knew that this was a good place many years ago, let alone others.”

“This island has been occupied?”

“Worst-case scenario, yes.”

The old man’s response was concise. He looked at Bai Luo and inquired,

“What do you plan to do next?”


Bai Luo slightly hesitated, but upon seeing the Ardennes behind, especially the children, he replied unswervingly.


The Ardennes have no way back, they can only continue moving forward. Anyone who stands in their way must either surrender or become the dust of history, forcibly crushed by the wheel called Arden.

“It might not necessarily be the worst-case scenario.”

Uncle Saros has a conjecture. The biggest reason why he brought the Ardennes to this island is that he thought that it was suitable for Arden’s development.


About half a day passed, and at noon, the white eagles came back.

After reaching the island, they separated and spent several hours inspecting the entire island as fast as they could.

After being blessed by Lilith’s miracle power, the white eagles’ intelligence became rather high. Although they are still unable to speak, they could still answer in the form of nodding or shaking their head to the old man’s questions.

“About how many people are roughly on the island, hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands?”

The people on this island don’t have Bai Luo’s basic sacred pouch. They could only rely on the garbage crops from the miracle continent, hence they couldn’t produce that much food.

Generally speaking, it takes at least an average of 5 acres of land to support the food consumption of one person.

Therefore, the population of the island would never exceed 50,000.

However, even so, it will be a big challenge for the Ardennes. Their number is too small after all.


However, the answer really surprised Bai Luo. The old man had a smile on the other hand. The result was within his expectations,

“A little over a thousand? So few?”

“How could there be so few people?”

Bai Luo pointed at the white eagles and said,

“Everyone’s life is in your hands, you mustn’t make a mistake!”

The white eagles were shaken upon hearing this, but their chief, the silver eagle raised his head and looked at Bai Luo firmly. He seemed to be conveying a message—If something goes wrong, then roast me!

“Good! You have some guts!”

Bai Luo looked at the old man and asked,

“Uncle, what do you think is the situation of this island?”

“It’s not much different from what I expected.”

“It’s highly unlikely for an island like this to be occupied by a superpower, let alone developed.”

As for who occupies the island. Uncle Saros only said one word, instantly solving everyone’s doubts.


This island is indeed a good place.

However, it is precisely because of its superior worth that it is difficult to develop it, simply because this area is too far from the main continent.

It hangs alone overseas and is in a position that is difficult for the countries around to control.

“Pirates are very common in this sea area.”

The old man explained to everyone,

“They plunder the passing merchant ships and often pillage the residents of the surrounding islands. Even if some people build a settlement here, it wouldn’t survive for long.”

“Because pirates will repeatedly attack this place until they make it theirs.”

“Then why did you choose this place, daddy?”

Inya suddenly asked such a question, and everyone was also curious about the reason.

After all, the old uncle always considers every possibility before making a decision. He can’t possibly make such a mistake. Whatever action Saros takes must have its purpose and benefit.

“Do you think that picking this place was a bad idea?”

Uncle Saros calmly said to the Ardennes,

“In times of peace, prepare for danger. If you aren’t under the slightest pressure for a long time, that will instead harm you.”

Yes, if there wasn’t even the looming threat of pirates, the Ardennes would truly turn into flowers in a greenhouse.

“Are you afraid of some pirates?”

The old man’s question instantly stimulated everyone.


“They’re just mere pirates!”

“Kill them!”

Although the Ardennes are mostly composed of women and children for the moment. Pirates aren’t to be feared.

If they dare to attack, then slaughter them all!

The Ardennes are not tenderhearted. They are natural warriors, they love to fight and crave war!

If they really live here peacefully for dozens of years, the Ardennes would feel very uncomfortable. What’s the point of not even having a decent opponent?

“Okay, now comes our first test.”

The old man slowly stopped the ship, then asked Lilith to cast an invisibility spell on the ship so as not to be discovered by the pirates.

“There are more than a thousand pirates over there.”

Pointing to the island ahead, uncle Saros said,

“They are different from all the people we met in the past.”

“There aren’t many civilians among them and even less good people. All of them are desperadoes who lick the blood on the edge of their swords!”

Bandits and pirates are no different.

“This also means that what you have to deal with is likely thousands of enemies,” the old man said,

“More than a thousand, maybe even two thousand fierce pirates!”

“And we…”

Uncle Saros gestured around,

“Even if the women join the battle too, there would be no more than thirty people.”

30 against 1000, 2000, or even 3000!

“Can you single-handedly fight against 100 people?!”

“Just one against a hundred!”

Inya isn’t very capable, but her confidence is overflowing,

“I can fight two hundred!”

“If Inya can fight 200, then I can slaughter 300.”

“I can fight 500!”

“1000 at the very least!”

“We don’t need 30 people, just 10 of us can absolutely slaughter them!”

They are the Ardennes! Proudful warriors that wouldn’t back in the face of enemies!

After finishing his performance, the old man decisively retreated to the background, leaving the highest position to Bai Luo, but he still didn’t forget to guide the crowd,

“Everyone, don’t forget, we still have miracles!”

Shirley and Lilith’s invincibility bolstered the confidence and courage of the Ardennes.

“The heart of your people is pumping, I will leave the rest to you.”

The Ardennes have always been militant and united, coupled with the stimulation of the old man’s speech, their blood was already boiling, thirsting for blood and battle.

“We have Lilith and Shirley.”

“Everyone has seen Shirley’s power,” Bai Luo loudly said,

“Even a giant storm couldn’t stop us.”

“Can mere pirates compare to the might of the stormy sea?”

Yes, they had even overcome lightning and tsunamis, what’s there to fear in the face of pirates?

The worst case is just some injuries and deaths.

However, as long as the children can survive, all mothers are willing to sacrifice themselves. Even the big brothers and sisters were prepared to pave the way for their younger siblings with their bones.

This is how the Ardennes have survived over the past two hundred years.

“However, this time, I not only desire victory but also zero casualties.”

Bai Luo’s words deeply infected all the Ardennes,

“A single person can’t be missing!”

Without waiting for the crowd to respond, Bai Luo bluntly said,

“I will ride Shirley and take the lead, everyone will follow Lilith, for she will protect you.”

Although it’s possible to leave all the battles to Miracles, it’s absolutely unacceptable for the Ardennes.

They are fighting for Bai Luo, not simply accepting his shelter. Those who work hard get food, and those who don’t work will not be rewarded. This is the tradition of Arden.

Therefore, even if Lilith could single-handedly wipe out all of the enemies, the Ardennes must participate in this war, even if it puts their lives at risk.

They need to show their worth, proving that Bai Luo isn’t just raising a bunch of rice buckets.

Bai Luo understood this, and he couldn’t disregard the wishes of the Ardennes just because he had miracles.

The Ardennes had no way of dealing with the storm, that’s why they obediently acknowledged their powerlessness and hid in the cabin.

Over the years, the old man has trained the Ardennes using military training.

Do as you are told, don’t have any doubts, do your part.

However, what the Ardennes are facing now isn’t natural disasters such as storms, but a mere group of pirates. Even without Lilith and Shirley, as long as the Ardennes seize the right opportunity, they can wipe them out.


“I will go with you.”

Uncle’s positioning of himself is a man that can be sacrificed at any moment, hence he wanted to save the most forward and most dangerous position to himself.

Bai Luo originally wanted to refuse, but his old man’s combat power is really exceptional.

Nowadays, there are too few adult warriors in Arden. Bai Luo really couldn’t leave a grandmaster like his old man behind,

“You can go, but you must promise me first. If I say withdraw, you must withdraw.”


Sensing Bai Luo’s reluctance and determination, Saros nodded,

“Now you are the leader, you have the final say.”

Bai Luo smiled upon receiving the old man’s promise, “What should I do next. How about I go scouting first?”

“Go ahead.”

The old man didn’t say anything about the potential dangers, because Bai Luo is already the most powerful being among the Ardennes.

Now he needs to show his power and protect the Ardennes.

Only in the future when the Ardennes have grown up can they protect their king.

“it’s getting dark.”

“Be careful.”

Issafeiya simply said, and Bai Luo responded with a confident smile,

“Don’t worry!”

Although Lilith’s invisibility spell has no time limit, it has a distance limit.

Once she leaves, their ships can no longer be hidden.

Hence, Bai Luo waited until it was dark, then rode Shirley and took Lilith to the coast from a high altitude.

Shirley has a special scouting ability. Regardless of day or night, she can get the exact number and distribution of creatures. She will soon get a clear picture of the number of people on the island.

More importantly, as a miracle master, Bai Luo can intuitively perceive the power of all kinds of miracles.

If this island has a trace of miracle fluctuations. That is, if the pirates have some kind of magical power, Bai Luo will definitely discover it in a short period.

Shirley and Lilith, as miracle creatures, also have such abilities.

Of course, if the other party has a miracle master like Bai Luo, they would quickly detect his arrival, but it doesn’t matter. Even if the enemy’s stance is tough, they aren’t afraid of fighting. The big deal is to simply blaze a trail of blood and leave this island.

“There are 1284 people in total, but there is no trace of the power of miracles.”

With the personal dispatch of a miracle master, it’s impossible to hide the fluctuations of miracle power from Bai Luo. Therefore, Bai Luo is certain that no person on this island has the power of miracles.

“Basically safe.”

After confirming the number, Bai Luo immediately returned and recounted the status of the island

“How is the situation?”

“Very good.” Bai Luo said, “There is no miracle power on the island.”

This point is very important.

In front of miracles, the number of people is mostly irrelevant, but if there is a miracle master, that means that there is a large number of miracle children on this island.

These people are not easy to deal with. They are extremely powerful opponents that the current Arden mustn’t easily provoke.

Detailed investigation, meticulous planning, and complete layout. Sending troops without these is taboo.

“If there are truly miracles or miracle masters on this island,” Uncle Saros solemnly said, “then we can only give up on it.”


This is not a question of whether they can fight or not. The problem is that there is a huge difference in background between the two. Bai Luo needs to think twice for the sake of the Ardennes.

Fortunately, these pirates are ordinary people.

“What about their number?”


“What else is there to plan? Let’s slaughter them!”

Hearing that there were only more than 1200 people, Noel immediately stood up and shouted,

“I’ll be the vanguard, no one can take this position from me!”

The moment Noel finished speaking, he was slapped to the ground by the old man.

“Even if there are only a few people, we have to prepare properly. Underestimating any enemy is a big taboo.”

Saros lamented that Noel still has much to learn, so he personally arranged everyone’s positions, even drawing the map of the harbor, 

“You must memorize all of these.”

“Got it, old man.”

Noel got up from the ground and rubbed the back of his head with an awkward smile.

“Pfft! A kid wants to be the vanguard.”

“Heh, little Noel, don’t think you can be so arrogant just because you don’t wet the bed anymore.”

Diana was holding a spear at this moment. Beside her were several older Arden women. Their strength is extraordinary, although most of them aren’t as powerful as Noel, even he wouldn’t dare to challenge more than 3.

The women of the Arden clan are very terrifying. They are powerful enough to tear apart tigers and leopards by hand.


Noel was very dissatisfied with Diana revealing his scandal as a child,

“Who hadn’t wet the bed in their life. Have you ever seen one?”

“Yes, I have.”

Diana wanted to say that Bai Luo had never wet the bed, but now, Bai Luo’s identity is different. She naturally doesn’t dare to say that.

“Okay, okay.”

Bai Luo interrupted their argument,

“There are few of us. It’s stupid to act together, it would be very troublesome if we around surrounded by the enemy, and this wouldn’t be efficient.”

“Let’s split into six teams.”

“The big sisters will split into 3 teams of 6 people each, led by Diana, Emmett, and Gonia.”


“As you command!”

Most of them are women with children. Few of them are 17 or 18 years old or in their early twenties.

For example, Gonia is actually only 18 years old, but because her Ardennes bloodline isn’t very prominent, her strength is much worse than Issafeiya’s.

In addition, Gonia doesn’t have amazing archery like Jerah, hence she is often not regarded as a considerable fighting force in the Arden clan.

Fortunately, Gonia’s intelligence is very high. Bai Luo felt that she was more suitable to be a researcher and a scholar.

Now is a critical time, and these big sisters have also become an important fighting force.

Just like Diana. She is an extremely skilled warrior. She can easily fight Noel to a standstill and even suppress him relying on her experience. A top powerhouse of the Arden clan.

If it weren’t for her two children that need to be taken care of, Diana wanted to remain a warrior rather than a mother.

Emmett on the other hand is the daughter of Grandpa Mountain, the village pharmacist, and botanist.

Emmett, 36, has a son about the same age as Abaddon named Boya, and a 6-year-old daughter, Seffini.

In her youth, she was a well-known hunter in the village.

Although many women have not fought for many years due to the lack of food, they have regained most of their skills under the guidance of Issafeiya during their journey on the sea.

Although they don’t dare to claim that they have regained their peak strength, 70% to 80% are still there.

“The remaining two teams, one is led by me, and the other is led by uncle Saros.”

“Noel, Issafeiya, and Jerah, you all charge with me.”

Bai Luo commanded,

“Inya, Fiora, Little John, Leon, Sheila, you all act together with uncle Saros.”

In this way, all thirty people have been arranged properly.

The remaining 50 were mostly children, but more than a dozen adult women were left to protect them.

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