This is a Miracle

Chapter 32: Hillul

However, the problem of her inability to smelt metal ore is not absolute.

Lilith can manipulate hammers and other tools to smelt the raw ore, create processed and wrought ore, then use her magic to shape them.

“Ah, I wrought iron!”

Lilith’s original depression was immediately dispersed at the sight of iron being processed under her manipulation.

Lilith can’t directly reshape raw materials, but she can still process a large number of resources through indirect methods, such as making dozens of furnaces work at the same time, then instantly shape the tools everyone needs through her magic, saving the Ardennes a lot of time.

In addition, they also found that Lilith could not directly turn trees into wooden products, but she could control saws and axes, cut down trees first, then use her magic to reshape them.

Of course, Lilith’s life magic mainly lies in basic necessities. Innovation and creation are a bit out of her range of abilities.

For example, Bai Luo wanted Lilith to make some high-precision instruments, such as pistols, microscopes, TVs, computers, and even atomic bombs.

Unfortunately, Lilith was unable to do so. In fact, Lilith couldn’t even create watches or alarm clocks.

It might be due to Bai Luo’s lack of knowledge about them, but thinking about it carefully, fairies and technology do clash in nature, hence Bai Luo no longer tried to trek down that path.

“It stands to reason that the fairies in fairy tales do not make weapons, nor do they have advanced ingenuity. Instead, they have mastery over ancient and mystical powers.”

In fairy tales, there are some stories of humans catching fairies with their weapons or traps. It can be seen that the power of fairies is diametrically opposed to humans.

However, it was the request of her master Bai Luo, Lilith had no time to consider whether it was a fairy thing or not.

Even if it’s opposite to her area of expertise, she has to do it!

“Paying too much attention to human ingenuity is a misuse of Lilith’s power.”

The old man said so, hence the two of them changed their approach and focused more on the areas that Lilith excelled at.

Sure enough, they discovered Lilith’s true strength—Transfiguration.

Transfiguration is really very, very powerful magic.

Moreover, it’s very popular with children, making Lilith’s popularity surge past Shirley’s in a short period.

“Crystal slippers, what beautiful slippers.”

“That’s really a pumpkin carriage!”

Mia was wearing a pair of extremely beautiful crystal slippers on her feet. Although uncle Saros could also make ones as beautiful as them, Lilith’s crystal slippers are fundamentally different.

She didn’t make them out of crystals! Yes, Lilith directly transformed Mia’s cloth shoes into crystal shoes.

Even the pumpkin carriage wasn’t made out of pumpkins, but out of an orange generated by the sacred pouch.

Anyway, their shape and color are very similar. She just made it bigger and slightly adjusted the shape and interior and voila! A pumpkin carriage straight out from fairy tales.

“Lady Lilith, I want beautiful clothes.”

The moment a little girl said that Lilith waved her fairy wand, turning the girl’s simple clothes into an extremely beautiful pure white princess dress.


“So beautiful!”

“I want one too! Lady Lilith is the best~~”

The little girls had never seen such a magical scene, they directly regarded Lilith as a wish-fulfilling fairy from fairy tales, cheering, and making all kinds of wishes.

Lilith also straightforwardly responded. She is the patron saint of girls’ dreams. She simply rolled her sleeves and used one spell after the other to fulfill the desires of these little girls.


Bai Luo was truly amazed by this scene, marveling at the power of fairy magic.

Sometimes it follows the law of conservation of matter. However, sometimes, it truly steps into fantasy territory, completely ignoring the law of conservation of matter.

One example would be the pumpkin carriage, it was truly created from an orange and nothing else, but after Noel tested its weight, he found out that it’s as heavy as normal carriages.

The same goes for the crystal slippers. No matter what method they used to test it, whether it was optical or more complicated methods, the results indicated that it was truly made of crystal.

However, unlike simple form changes, material changes would immediately be canceled once Lilith stops supplying her magic power. However, until Lilith terminates the magic, no physical act exerted on the object would cause it to return to its original state. Whether it was breaking, smashing, or tearing it.

However, if there is a drastic chemical change, it will quickly return to its original state.

This is also the reason why Lilith can’t simply create food. She can change stones into food, but it mustn’t be eaten, absolutely not!

“Even so, it’s an ability straight out of fairy tales.”

Bai Luo didn’t know the principle of fairy magic. He felt that something was restricting Lilith during the process of magic release.

“Does it consume a lot of magic power?”

Bai Luo felt that magic power might be the key factor restricting the spell casting process.

“Magic power, what is that?”

The moment Lilith asked that she began to receive information about magic power.

Bai Luo wanted to say that magic power is her miracle energy.

However, Lilith’s miracle energy hadn’t diminished from the beginning to the end, and she had been casting spells for a long time today.

Bai Luo was a little puzzled, Lilith didn’t seem to have consumed any miracle energy.

“You can keep casting spells, endlessly?”


Lilith gave Bai Luo an affirmative answer,

“Although the scope of each spell is limited, I can keep releasing all kinds of fairy magic spells without any problem.”


This is a bit terrifying, Bai Luo was shocked,

‘It seems that we must cultivate more researchers in future and properly delve into the study of the power of miracles.’

The old man told him that simply using a miracle’s basic power is the most primitive and basic approach.

To truly build a miracle kingdom, they must rely on a large number of talents and give full play to the subjective ingenuity of human beings. Only in this way can they truly extend the power of miracles to all aspects.

Only in that way can it truly be considered a miracle country.

“Forget it, I won’t think about it anymore, we still have time to slowly figure things out later.”

Bai Luo knew that he wasn’t a researcher. He clapped his hands and started the next segment—testing Lilith’s actual combat ability.

The selected enemy is Noel and the others.

However. . .

“It’s over so soon?”

Bai Luo doubtfully looked at the wide-field ahead. The rest of the Ardennes also looked at it, their faces filled with awe and disbelief.

How did it go?

Noel, Jerah, and Inya were easily overwhelmed by Lilith.

In fact, it was an instant KO.

The whole process was Lilith just snapping her fingers. In the next moment, the surrounding trees seemed to come to life, extending countless vines and branches, tying up the three and dangling them in the air.

“How does it feel?”

The old man calmly looked at this scene and asked Bai Luo, to which the latter responded,

“I once again witnessed the overwhelming power of miracles.”

Noel and Jerah are very strong, but they are like ants in front of Lilith. The little fairy barely used her miracle power to deal with them. They’re on a completely different level.

“If it isn’t powerful, how can miracles suppress entire countries?”

A miracle is a mighty power that allows individuals to dominate nations with millions of people

If miracles can simply be defeated by numbers, they are not worthy of the name miracle.

“You’re right.”

“Speaking of which, I don’t know if I’m wrong,”

Bai Luo asked the old man to look at the little girls, “But I found that they seem to be harboring some of Lilith’s miracle energy.”


The old man’s eyes narrowed, “Really?”

“That’s a good thing. No, it’s a great thing!”

“Absolutely good news!”

The old man said to Bai Luo,

“As I told you before, miracles can bestow their power to all kinds of creatures, and those who receive their gift will become the children of miracles or in this instance the daughters of miracles.”

They are simply referred to as the children of miracles because they’re the final state of Miracle derivatives.

They are one grade lower than the miracle itself, but they are the Arden clan’s most important power and its future.

In the future, whether it’s in the field of war, country development, or research, they will be the main force.

“However, this process is not absolute.”

“It needs to meet two conditions to succeed. The first is the willingness and approval of the miracle and the miracle master.”

“If the miracle doesn’t want to bestow its power, then no matter how talented the other party is, they would never get the miracle’s power. Even if they somewhat managed to get it, the miracle and the miracle master can take it back at any time.”

“The second condition is that the other party can adapt to and accommodate the miracle power.”

“There are countless talented people in this world, but not all might adapt to Lilith’s power,” Saros seriously said,

“Some children will show adaptability, and some will fail to show it.”

“However, that doesn’t mean that those who can adapt are better than those who can’t.”

The only thing Saros could say about such a case is that the former have more affinity to this miracle than the latter.

Those who are good at math are talented, but those who are good at languages are also talented.

All of them have shining points, just waiting for Bai Luo to dig into it.

The old man’s statement is actually a disguised hint to Bai Luo, advising him to not disregard any of the children. It’s very likely that they would have a very high affinity with another miracle in the future.

“I understand, don’t worry, I will never give up on any of my people.”

Bai Luo smiled and said, indicating that he had received the old man’s hint, but neither of them went further.

“I’m going to check on those children.”

Bai Luo walked to the children who surrounded Lilith. He carefully observed them and found that all of the ones that received Lilith’s miracle power were young girls.

Ersa, Little Helen, Fiora, Sheila, Tina, and Alice.

The miracle light around them could only be seen by people with miracle power, and judging from the intensity of the light, Bai Luo judged that Ersa’s miracle power is the most powerful.

“So this is miracle power… How is it defined? And what’s its use?”

Bai Luo hadn’t noticed any particular changes in these little girls for the time being. He needs more thorough observation.

In the following days, everyone felt the changes that Lilith has brought to their journey. She captured many small animals in the forest and applied her blessings on them.

Although they haven’t acquired any peculiar abilities, for the time being. These animals have become much smarter after getting Lilith’s miracle energy.

Bai Luo even noticed that some of these animals seemed to understand what they were saying.

“Is there no one ahead?”

Noel retrieved his white eagle and asked him about the state of the surrounding area.


A docile dove-like sound came from the white eagle on Noel’s arm, it nodded, and then looked at the half-cooked rabbit meat in Noel’s hands.

“Here you go.”

Noel didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. As their white eagles became smarter and smarter, they became the best sentries of the Arden clan.

Oftentimes, they brought them useful news from dozens of kilometers away.

This helped the team avoid contact with outsiders several times. They marched all the way to the river valley closest to the ancient seaside capital Hillul without any mishaps, and the white eagles greatly contributed to that.

Of course, due to their high intellect, their requirements for food have also changed.

They like cooked meat now, and if it isn’t cooked to perfection, they would become unhappy and sometimes refuse to eat it, and they also like to bully Noel.

However, facing Bai Luo, these little animals suddenly become extremely respectful. Their demeanor would also become cautious, for fear of offending Bai Luo.

They’re very likely aware that he’s their boss’s boss.

“We have arrived!”

Finally, after a long journey through mountains and rivers, they reached their transit station – the ancient capital Hillul!

“The ancient capital is ahead.”

Bai Luo was mounting Shirley. He seriously instructed the crowd on what to do, especially magical creatures like Lilith and Shirley.

There is no miracle power in the ancient capital Hillul. The old man is sure of that.

This also means that the residents of this city have never heard of miracles.

For the people of the ancient capital, their team is too special. Once exposed, it will definitely cause an uproar.

“Lilith, restrain the little ones.”

“Understood, master.”

Lilith used her magic to confine her magical creatures in the carriage, stopping them from running around at will.

“Before entering the city, I want to check everyone’s disguise.”

Bai Luo dismounted Shirley, then walked past the crowd with his hands behind his back. He first walked to his uncle Saros,

“What an elegant butler. Uncle, your disguise is absolutely on point.”


The old man was wearing a black butler uniform. He had a smile on his face, “I was a butler once in the past.”

On this trip, Bai Luo played the role of a wealthy merchant from abroad.

Due to the failure of his business, he plans to go overseas to seek refuge with his relatives in another country.

Looking at his elder sister Issafeiya, her originally beautiful silver hair was dull. Although her dress is good-looking, it was a bit ruffled and had some traces of dust.

“Hmmm, as the bankrupt merchant’s wife, you look excellent.”

The identity of elder sister Issafeiya is Bai Luo’s wife, as for Inya, she is Bai Luo’s younger sister.

Noel is his skilled bodyguard, and Jerah is his personal maid.

The other adults look fine.

The women concealed their beautiful features, and the men disguised their muscular bodies and their obvious Ardennes features. Moreover, most of them will stay inside the caravan, rarely showing their faces.

Hence even if they don’t have any acting skills, as long as they hide, they can still blend with the crowd.

“Lilith, change everyone’s clothes.”

Bai Luo decided to change everyone’s clothes, choosing clothes that were not particularly high-class, but not that of refugees.

“Is this okay?”

Looking at the costumes Lilith prepared for everyone, Bai Luo nodded and said,

“It’s perfect.”


Bai Luo looked at the big city in the distance. He needed everyone to hide their peculiarity. They must absolutely not show their power at will.

Even Shirley had dulled her shiny fur and crystal mane, making her look just like any ordinary horse.

Bai Luo didn’t bother changing the look of other warhorses though.

Sometimes, unseen wealth is also a form of power display. If they really pretend to be refugees seeking shelter in the city, they will probably be forced to show their power before even entering the city.

“We’re going into the city. Next, everyone must try their best to keep silent. If you don’t need to speak, don’t speak.”

“Wait until we get on the ship and go out to sea.”

The corners of Bai Luo’s mouth were slightly raised. There was a hint of playfulness in his eyes,

“Then laugh out loud as much as you want!”

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