This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 180: Extra Should Be the Return of the Old Friends (Completed)

Chapter 180

Three months ago, on Luxia Mountain.

Wuchen Daoist suddenly visited Shen Youfei's small courtyard. Shen Youfei's residence was quite secluded, and she enjoyed the tranquility. There were rarely any visitors, and Wuchen had never stepped inside before. If she had any business, she would either send a young nun to deliver a message or invite Shen Youfei to her meditation room.

Shen Youfei welcomed Wuchen inside, "Please come in, Daoist."

Wuchen recited a Daoist title, but did not step forward or exchange pleasantries, "I have just glimpsed a hint of destiny: an old friend will return, so I came to tell you."

"An old... old friend?" Shen Youfei was puzzled, but she saw the smile in Wuchen's eyes and had a faint guess in her heart, though she couldn't believe it.

Wuchen nodded, "It is the person you have been thinking about."


Wuchen: "When the time is right, you will meet."

Shortly after, Shen Youlin and Yu Shu came to Luxia Mountain, inviting Shen Youfei to celebrate the New Year with them. Without much persuasion, Shen Youfei followed them back to the Capital.

Later on, Shen Yingshuang jokingly urged Shen Youfei to stop moping around at home all day and invited her to go out and have fun with men. Surprisingly, Shen Youfei agreed.

As a result, Shen Xingnan saw Shen Youfei at the Jinse Club.


"That's how it is."

In the hospital room, after explaining the whole story, Shen Youfei let out a sigh of relief and leaned back in her chair.

Shen Xingnan sat cross-legged on the hospital bed, his broken arm already operated on and slung around his neck, taking a few bites of a banana while the anesthesia hadn't worn off yet.

"So, you recognized me at first sight?"

Shen Youfei nodded, a smile playing on her lips as she looked at him with an enigmatic gaze, "Yes."

Shen Xingnan recalled the ridiculous things he had done these past few days, his face flushing red. He coughed and turned away from her gaze, unable to bring himself to look away from her face, repeatedly twisting and turning his head in embarrassment.

Jiang Han, on the side, felt goosebumps all over his body, raising his hand high to ask a question, "I have a question!"

Shen Xingnan: "Go ahead."

"Why didn't you tell us? You even went to the police station to report the case. Yang's father thought you were acting suspiciously, thinking you were one of the drug dealers trying to gather information!"

Shen Youfei blinked at him, also waiting for his answer.

Shen Xingnan cleared his throat, "I... I was afraid you wouldn't believe me."

The idea of soul transmigration was just too absurd.

Jiang Han wasn't bothered by that, "Another question, should I call you Dad or Brother now?"

"... " Shen Xingnan: "Actually, my surname is Shen now."

Jiang Han: "Taking your wife's surname? Voluntarily marrying into her family?"

If she hadn't been sitting so far away, Shen Xingnan would have given her a few red mushrooms on her head.

Shen Xingnan rambled on about the background of this body, drawing gentle and smiling gazes from Shen Youfei and Jiang Han.

The identical smiles of the two made Shen Xingnan feel extremely nervous.

"What are you... laughing at?"

Jiang Han: "Congratulations to Shen Dad for successfully marrying into a wealthy family."

"What nonsense..." Shen Xingnan saw Shen Youfei smiling and looking away, with a tacit approval, the high-pitched tone of Jiang Han's scolding immediately deflated. Awkwardly coughing, his eyes wandering, "I wonder if the wealthy family is willing to marry."

Shen Youfei smiled, "Hasn't the betrothal gift already been given?"

Shen Xingnan remembered his shameless demand for a house and a car, feeling embarrassed and blushing instantly.

Jiang Han looked at Shen Xingnan and then at Shen Youfei, feeling more dazzling than the sun at this moment, wanting to fly to the sky side by side with the sun.

Another "sun" flew in at this moment, Yang Zhao finished the final work of this arrest operation, carrying his beer belly, bouncing over.

The bodyguard standing outside the ward recognized him, so he didn't stop him, knocking on the door to remind the three people inside the ward.

"Brother~" Yang Zhao pushed the door open and entered, tearfully looking at Shen Xingnan on the hospital bed, "Is it really you?"

Shen Xingnan looked at him with disdainful tears streaming down his face, extending his intact hand straight, palm facing his fat face, firmly indicating a "firm rejection": "I'm really not your mom, I'm your dad."

This arrogant and unruly little jerk, damn it, is so memorable.

Yang Zhao was overjoyed, giving him an irresistible bear hug, "Brother, I missed you so much!"

"My hand... hand hand hand!"

The two of them teased each other for a while, while Jiang Han cheered on the side, afraid that the world would not be in chaos.

Shen Youfei's phone rang, smiling and nodding to them, she left to answer the phone.

Shen Xingnan loosened his arm around Yang Zhao's neck, "Let me ask you something, over these years, how many people have been around Feifei?"

Yang Zhao didn't understand, "What people?"


Both Yang Zhao and Jiang Han looked at him with difficulty expressing their thoughts.


The call was from Shen Youlin, he was well-informed, wanting to come to the hospital to visit his "sister's lover," Yu Shu was on the side adding fuel to the fire, Shen Youfei spent a lot of time dealing with the two.

She didn't want to be surrounded by these two little fools who were afraid of chaos.

When she returned to the ward, Yang Zhao and Jiang Han had already left, leaving only Shen Xingnan lying on the hospital bed, covering his eyes with his forearm, his chest heaving more than usual.

Now that the effect of the anesthesia has worn off, it must be painful.

Shen Youfei couldn't help but feel heartache, "If it hurts, let the doctor give you some painkillers."

"It... doesn't hurt."

Shen Xingnan put down his hand, revealing a pair of red eyes, looking at Shen Youfei, unable to help but sniffle.

"Crying from the pain?" Shen Youfei teased him with a smile, "That shouldn't be the case, Mr. Tough Guy."

She smiled, with a few fine lines appearing at the corners of her eyes, making Shen Xingnan feel even more like crying.

"Really hurting? I'll go call the doctor."

"Don't go." Shen Xingnan sat up abruptly, "I'm a tough guy!"

His hand didn't hurt, but his heart did.

"Really don't need?"

"No need!" Shen Xingnan replied firmly, but then pouted and extended his uninjured hand, "I want a hug..."

A hug makes everything better.

Shen Youfei chuckled and embraced him, resting her head on his shoulder and gently stroking his back.

Shen Xingnan couldn't hold back and shed tears like a tough guy.

He thought he knew what his one true mission in life was now.

Before leaving, Jiang Han touched the police badge on his shoulder and said, "I will uphold your and our predecessors' aspirations and continue on this path unwaveringly. Please, let go of this responsibility. You are irreplaceable to Feifei's godmother."

Yang Zhao also looked solemn, "After you left years ago, Miss Shen couldn't bear to live several times, almost following you. She has been living in seclusion in the mountains all these years. A once prosperous heiress, living a life..."

Yang Zhao sighed at the end.

Perhaps the atmosphere was too heavy, Jiang Han cleared his throat, "In other words..."

"Father Emperor - it's time for you to abdicate!"


The successful arrest operation this time also involved a certain Mrs. Qin, now known as Mei Li, originally named Xu Xiangmei. Interestingly, Mei Li has some history with Yu Shu.

Mrs. Qin, now Mei Li, originally Xu Xiangmei, was involved in a scheme with Yu Shu to deal with Zhou Yan, using two female sex workers to get revenge. One of them had a miscarriage on the spot, which was Mei Li.

The two women took the money and left, meeting Zhang Yi on the way. Somehow, Zhang Yi brainwashed Mei Li, sold her companion to human traffickers, pocketed three hundred thousand, and together they killed Xu Xiangmei's biological mother. Zhang Yi then took Xu Xiangmei's identity and disguised themselves as a mother-daughter pair.

So, even though they couldn't find Zhang Yi at first, and after Zhang Yi's death, Xu Xiangmei was able to continue being Mrs. Qin.

Zhang Yi was quite a character, turning a red-light district woman into a socialite who married into the Qin family. Before going to jail, Zhang Yi conspired with Shen Hui, and later with the help of his adopted daughter Xu Xiangmei, continued to collude with Shen Hui. The bomb case involving Yu Shu and Shen Youlin was orchestrated by Shen Hui through Xu Xiangmei.

After the case was closed, Jiang Han told Yu Shu about all this, and Yu Shu found it all too unbelievable.

She suddenly remembered the damp explosives Zhang Yi used to kidnap her, not knowing if she knew that the explosives had become ineffective due to moisture, but she had many chances to press the detonator, yet she never did.

Jiang Han also marveled at Zhang Yi, a person who may no longer be in the world, but whose legend lives on in the underworld.

Shen Youlin appeared behind Jiang Han, saying softly, "I think that Zhao Chuanzhi is even more legendary, able to make a nun have worldly desires and a fairy descend to earth, making my sister elope with him."

Jiang Han blinked, choosing not to respond to that. After discussing it, they all decided not to tell Shen Youlin the truth for now.

Firstly, it's hard to explain, as it's all too fantastical; secondly, Shen Youfei found him too much trouble, especially with Yu Shu around, Shen Youfei felt she couldn't handle it.

Shen Youfei worried about attracting the attention of two paparazzi, so she took Shen Xingnan and ran away before he could react.

Due to identity issues, Shen Xingnan currently has no passport or visa to leave the country, so the two of them went to Hainan.

The Shen family has many properties in Hainan, and after much consideration, Shen Youfei chose to live in a secluded vacation villa with a private beach.

It was only when her assistant mentioned it that she remembered she had bought this villa when she was nineteen. Back then, Shen Youfei didn't know what worries were, and she bought this villa for a birthday party. After the birthday, the villa was forgotten.

In the villa's hall, there was still a photo from that party hanging on the wall, taking up the entire space.

Shen Xingnan looked at the carefree Shen Youfei in the photo, surrounded by friends, smiling without a care in the world, a side of her he had never seen before.

Nineteen was the last birthday Shen Youfei had before she met him.

Afterwards, their entanglement deepened, intertwining their bones, flesh, and even souls.

Shen Xingnan realized belatedly that he had never seen such a happy and carefree smile on Shen Youfei's face.

During flirtatious moments, Shen Youfei's smile was always playful and teasing.

When they were together, Shen Youfei's smile was always tinged with melancholy and a hint of sorrow.

In those moments of worry, she always felt anxious.

Shen Xingnan didn't spend much time with her in his previous life. Every time he had some free time, he would always be called away by a phone call. Shen Youfei never got angry or stopped him; instead, she would comfort him with a smile, urging him to go quickly.

Shen Xingnan always tried to make up for interrupted dates after finishing his work.

Shen Youfei would always say with a smile, "Because of you, because of all of you, my life is Dior, Gucci, Chanel, not marijuana, virus, heroin."

Over time, he took Shen Youfei's understanding and maturity for granted, ignoring the concealed worries and losses in her eyes.

Shen Xingnan was mesmerized, but what he saw fell into Shen Youfei's eyes, leading to a different interpretation.

She touched her no longer tight cheek and lowered her eyelashes.

"Hmm?" Shen Xingnan noticed her mood and held her hand tightly, pulling her closer to him: "Why are you not happy?"

Shen Youfei turned her eyes away: "It's nothing."

"Nonsense, clearly there is something." Shen Xingnan wrapped his arm around her waist, forcing her to look at him, "What are you thinking about? Why are you not happy?"

After a few more inquiries, Shen Youfei answered uncomfortably, "I'm not young anymore, and I'm not as good-looking."

At her age, she should have been calm and composed, but she was getting more and more anxious about her appearance.

"Who said that? My Feifei will always be the most beautiful in the world." Shen Xingnan lowered his head, planting a sincere kiss on the fine lines at the corner of her eyes, then lightly touched her lips, saying, "Even if you age gracefully, you will still be the most beautiful old lady in the world."

His bright eyes were right in front of her, making Shen Youfei's heart race, and her brain felt deprived of oxygen.

"Shouldn't you be saying, 'I'm not old at all'?"

"It doesn't matter if you're old, I'm young!"

Seeing Shen Youfei about to explode in anger, Shen Xingnan hugged her tightly, showering her with kisses until she went weak in his arms.

"My love, don't worry about the cruelty of time, don't fear the length of the years, every moment of ours is frozen in eternity within my spirit and flesh, bright as a flower, dazzling as a star."

After the New Year, Shen Youfei accompanied Shen Xingnan to meet his parents and relatives of this lifetime.

Upon seeing Shen Xingnan, a group of blood-related relatives surrounded him, crying and laughing, each with their own thoughts. Upon learning about his relationship with Shen Youfei, their eyes revealed a hint of disdain, with a few showing envy.

Shen Xingnan originally didn't care, as he didn't care about these blood-related relatives, nor did he care about how others viewed him. It wasn't until a cousin began to flirt with Shen Youfei that he exploded in anger and immediately dragged her back to the Capital.

"So annoying, why are you still so alluring? You should get older, with wrinkles all over your face, unable to walk, then no one will care about you, and you'll be mine alone!"

On the plane back to the Capital, Shen Xingnan pouted and held her hand, looking displeased.

Shen Youfei felt awkward, "It might be difficult, besides beauty, I also have money." Shen Xingnan squeezed her hand in frustration, "I don't care, you can only have me as your little white face for life!"

"That's not necessarily true."

"...You're becoming naughty."

After some thought, Shen Youfei nodded helplessly, "Indeed."

Shen Xingnan felt a sense of pride, "Yes, my woman, I spoil you!"

As the plane was about to land at the Capital airport, Shen Youfei finally asked the question she had been pondering for a long time, "What do you plan to do in the future?"

Resting on her shoulder, Shen Xingnan replied, "Be a little white face for my sister for life."

"I mean it seriously, don't you... want to return to the police force?"

"I'm serious too, no joke." Shen Xingnan sat up, staring into her eyes, "My badge has been taken by that brat Jiang Han, what else do I have to do if I go back?"


Shen Xingnan sealed her lips with a kiss, "No 'buts', the only thing I want to do in my life is to make you happy, to make you feel loved, to make you... never have to be responsible again."

"I am happy."

Shen Xingnan smiled proudly, but I feel like it's not enough, I want to make you even happier.

After the plane landed, there was a grand proposal waiting for you.

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