This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 176: The Former Should Return (5)

Chapter 176

Several maids brought dish after dish of exquisite dishes to the table. Yan Xingnan glanced at them and saw they were all his favorites. When all the dishes were served, the maids withdrew, leaving the two of them alone in the dining room.

Shen Youfei leaned forward slightly, gazing at his face unblinkingly, her eyes filled with longing but no emotion.

This unfamiliar version of Shen Youfei made Yan Xingnan feel very uncomfortable. He coughed and turned his head away, asking, "Do I... have something on my face?"

If it were the Shen Youfei he was used to, she would have replied, "Yes, an irresistible charm."

Instead, she merely curved her lips in a slight smile. "You remind me of someone."

"Is that so?" Yan Xingnan feigned ignorance as he touched his face, growing increasingly annoyed the more he thought about it. He looked into Shen Youfei's eyes and asked, "Miss Shen, I don't mind role-playing with you, but shouldn't we discuss the price first?"

He licked his lips greedily. "Miss Shen has always been generous to her lovers, hasn't she?"

Shen Youfei sat up straight, watching him continue his act with an amused expression.

"I'm new to this line of work, so I don't know the going rates. But surely a monthly allowance of at least 1.8 million yuan is reasonable? Plus a house, a car, and so on. My demands aren't high - just a small four-bedroom apartment within the Third Ring Road, around 300 square meters would be enough. As for the car, any Mercedes or Audi would do. If you happen to have a Ferrari or Porsche, I could reluctantly accept them."

Shen Youfei laughed and tilted her head slightly. "It seems you really don't know the going rates. A man of your looks would only be worth 100,000 yuan a month. A four-bedroom apartment within the Third Ring Road would be enough to keep you for life."

She was quite knowledgeable about the rates!

Yan Xingnan felt a surge of irritation. He leaned forward, bringing his face close to hers, and said greedily and shamelessly, "I'm willing, as long as Miss Shen is willing to provide."

Without changing her expression, Shen Youfei took out her phone and called her assistant, instructing her to make the necessary arrangements.

"Let's eat," Shen Youfei said, putting down her phone. "After we've finished, you'll have everything you asked for."

Yan Xingnan beamed at the slightest hint of sunshine. "Does that mean Sister will give me anything I want?"

Calling her Sister - was it because she thought I was too old?

Shen Youfei smiled. "Whatever you want, as long as I have it, I'll give it all to you."

Those words went straight to Yan Xingnan's heart, making it flutter as if a hundred rabbits were crashing around in his chest.

Shen Youfei's smile widened slightly. "I hope you'll be the most obedient one."

In an instant, the rabbits died from severe impacts causing cervical fractures.

The most? One?

How many had Shen Youfei had before?! No, how many did she have now?!

Was he just one of many?

Yan Xingnan suppressed his anger during the meal, constantly finding faults - one moment complaining about the ginger in the stir-fried vegetables, the next moment griping about the bones in the fish. He was like a nouveau riche who had clawed his way from a lowly background and was now reveling in his newfound success with the lady of the house.

Shen Youfei watched his act with the detachment of an outsider as she ate her own food.

After dinner, Shen Youfei's assistant indeed arrived, bringing a gift contract and the keys to the house and cars.

The house transfer paperwork would be processed the next day. A Mercedes and an Audi were already parked in the courtyard.

Yan Xingnan grew even angrier watching the assistant's professional and matter-of-fact manner, as if she regularly handled Shen Youfei's latest flings.

She was like the imperial eunuch in charge of managing the Emperor's harem of three thousand beauties, overseeing their every need.

Yan Xingnan snuck a glance at the Empress Youfei as he held the contract, watching her calmly sipping her tea with graceful movements. When she noticed him looking, she placed the first cup of tea in front of him with a gentle, indulgent smile.

Since when did she like drinking tea? She was putting on quite a show to impress him.

Yan Xingnan picked up the teacup and tried to pour it into his mouth, only to yelp and stick out his scorched tongue when the hot liquid burned him.

Shen Youfei burst out laughing and quickly asked a maid to bring some ice cubes.

Yan Xingnan kept the ice cubes in his mouth, using his burnt tongue to press against them, silently cursing himself for being an idiot whose brain went blank at the mere sight of Shen Youfei's smile.

But then, he had never been particularly clever in front of her, from the past until now, constantly making a fool of himself.

The assistant took the opportunity to break the silence, handing Yan Xingnan a pen for signing.

"Miss Shen, after I sign this, I'll be yours for the rest of my life," Yan Xingnan said.

Shen Youfei smiled. "Yes."

Yan Xingnan's mind went blank again. He started writing the first two strokes of the surname "Yan," then paused, remembering that he was now called Zhao Cunzhi, and quickly changed it.

If he went undercover with this scattered brain, he would die over eight hundred times in a single day.

Shen Youfei raised her teacup, concealing the smile at the corners of her mouth, without pointing out his mistake.

After the assistant left with the documents, Yan Xingnan stretched lazily and asked, "Do I start my duties tonight?"

If I don't knock you out first, I'm not who I am.

Shen Youfei glanced at his current scrawny physique. "Just do whatever makes you happy."

Everything had fallen into place.


The next day, Yan Xingnan came down with a high fever.

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