This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 167: End of text

Chapter 167

After that day when Shen Youfei went out with Shen Yingshuang, she had not returned to the old mansion for three consecutive days.

Shen Yingshuang came back that same night. She said that Shen Youfei had left the club without even saying goodbye, and she thought Shen Youfei couldn't adapt to it, so she came back early.

Thinking about it, that day Shen Yingshuang had just jokingly invited Shen Youfei to the club, and who would have thought she would actually agree.

Yu Shu and Shen Youlin, these two weasels, caught the scent of a huge juicy scoop, and as soon as they heard that Shen Youfei's car had entered the perimeter of the old mansion, they immediately emerged from their hiding spots and waited at the door of her villa.

The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, crouched at the two sides of the gate, and when they saw that Shen Youfei was not wearing a Taoist robe, but a new cashmere coat, their jaws nearly dropped off - she had even done her hair and put on lipstick!

Shen Youfei looked at them, amused and puzzled: "Do you think there's a lack of stone lions in front of my door?"

Shen Youlin coughed: "My legs are numb, I can't get up."

Yu Shu: "Me too."

Shen Youfei was even more amused, and first pulled Yu Shu up: "You two little dumb-dumbs."

Shen Youlin straightened up, puffed out his chest, and said in a deep voice, "Ms. Shen Youfei, you have the right to remain silent, but everything you say will be used as evidence against you. "

Yu Shu nodded in agreement: "Confess voluntarily, resist severely! Spill the beans! Where have you been these past few days?"

Shen Youfei raised an eyebrow: "Is this any of your business?"

"The organization is concerned about you," Shen Youlin began to speak glibly, "You say, you've been wise all your life, and now you're getting on in years, if you get entangled with some cheap trash and lose your honor, that would be a shame."

Shen Youfei's temple throbbed: "Getting on in years? Losing my honor?"

"Yes!" Shen Youlin continued to step on every landmine precisely, "If you're like Shen Yingshuang, just indulging in physical desires without any real feelings, I wouldn't say anything. But look at us three siblings, we're all 24-karat pure romantics. If you get deceived in love, what will you do? Will you go to the temple and become a nun next?"

Shen Youlin spoke earnestly: "So, you have to let your brother me keep an eye on you!"

Yu Shu coughed lightly and glanced at Shen Youlin.

Shen Youlin added: "And your sister-in-law too."

"Hmph." Shen Youfei sneered, "Do you two think I don't know what you're really like? Get lost, or I'll make you reminisce about your 'childhood'."

Shen Youlin understood that when Shen Youfei mentioned "childhood", she was referring to the days when he got beaten up by his sister every day.

To get the scoop, Shen Youlin suddenly had the bold and heroic backbone: "We're really just concerned about you!"

"Yeah!" Yu Shu looked at her sincerely and simply.

What bad intentions could these two little dumb-dumbs have? They just wanted to get the scoop.

In the end, the two of them were chased out by Shen Youfei with a large broom used for sweeping the yard.

Shen Youlin had to rely on a bystander to inquire, but was blocked by Shen Youfei's people - after acquiring worldly desires, the Taoist priestess had even brought back her former subordinates, becoming more and more like a young lady of a prominent family.

Yu Shu and Shen Youlin only knew that Shen Youfei's little lover was a young man in his twenties named Zhao Cunzhi, and from his name, he sounded very rustic! Apparently, his family was a group of bloodsucking leeches, and he himself hadn't studied much, always doing some kind of low-level service work.

With the precedent of Shen Yuxiao's two wives, Shen Youlin was really scared, afraid that it would be another weirdo, and tried every means to see Zhao Cunzhi, but was all blocked by Shen Youfei.

Shen Youlin was full of concern, but seeing that Shen Youfei was gradually becoming more lively, no longer the lifeless and disinterested person she used to be, he gave up on worrying.

What's there to worry about? As long as his sister is happy. The family has so much money, they can solve any problem by spending hundreds of millions.

Shen Youfei kept the man hidden until the day of Shen Youlin and Yu Shu's wedding.

Shen Youlin and Yu Shu's grand wedding was held on the day of Yu Shu's graduate school enrollment, which was also her birthday.

Ju Fanxing and Shen Chaowu truly gifted them an island, where the climate is warm all year round, and the wedding was held on the island. Plane after plane took off and landed, bringing in guests from all over the world.

The wedding was extremely extravagant, with many politicians and nobles from other countries attending.

At the first sight of Zhao Cunzhi, Shen Youlin was dumbfounded - this person looked remarkably similar to Yan Xingnan!

The more he looked, the more similar it seemed, and Shen Youlin soon fell into a daze.

Zhao Cunzhi's sharp eyes caught his gaze, and he gave him a bright smile.

The little boy who used to cling to his legs and act cute had grown up and gotten married. Come to think of it, Shen Youlin was now older than this body of his by a couple of years.

Shen Youlin was even more bewildered - this smile made the resemblance even stronger.

While Yu Shu was changing clothes and doing her hair in the dressing room, Shen Youlin suddenly barged in, shooing away the makeup artists and stylists, and secretly told Yu Shu about Zhao Cunzhi.

Yu Shu frowned: "A look-alike? A stand-in plot? Are you trying to write a tragic text?"

Shen Youlin also frowned: "Sister, you really know how to play."

The two little dumb-dumbs pulled Shen Youfei aside during the wedding.

Shen Youlin: "Uh, we can find a stand-in to mess around with, but you have to be able to tell the difference, don't let it jeopardize your honor." Hearing the word "jeopardize your honor", Shen Youfei was furious, but she forced herself to calm down, her finger trembling as she pointed at him: "If it wasn't your wedding day today, I would have beaten you up good."

Yu Shu hid behind Shen Youlin: "That... Sister, you can tell the difference, right?"

Shen Youfei didn't know how to explain it to the two of them, and after thinking for a moment, she said: "It's not a stand-in, it's really him."

Yu Shu suddenly slapped her forehead: "Oh no, she can't tell the difference."

Shen Youlin looked at her with a sorrowful gaze: "Oh no, she's gotten caught up in it."

On the big day of celebration, the two people made their sister extremely annoyed.

Apart from the little side story, Shen Youlin and Yu Shu's grand wedding could only be described as "perfect", and for a long time afterward, whenever the wedding topic came up, their wedding would be mentioned and praised.

Yu Shu got pregnant during her second year of graduate school, and the arrival of the child was within their plan. While busy with her studies, Yu Shu was carrying the child, and she didn't suffer much during the pregnancy, so she was still rushing around the campus every day, keeping Shen Youlin frightened every day, like a nanny, carrying big bags and small packages, serving her attentively.

Yu Shu stroked her swollen belly and talked to the child: "Tsk, Momo, you really won from the umbilical cord, having the top professors in the country doing prenatal education for you every day."

Since they knew it was a girl, they discussed and decided to use Yu Shu's surname, naming her Yu Mo.

Yu Mo kicked her, as if responding.

Shen Youlin saw Yu Shu's belly bulge out, and hurriedly soothed it by rubbing it: "Don't kick your mom, when you come out, Dad will play soccer with you! We'll kick it together!"

Yu Shu was amused by his silly behavior and covered her mouth, laughing uncontrollably, her big belly shaking along with her laughter.

On a bridge in a certain city, the fortune teller with a large pair of sunglasses covering half his face stopped a middle-aged man who was feeling lost: "Good sir, I see you have a forehead full of blessings, you're naturally destined for wealth!"

The man gave a bitter smile. He had just been laid off by the company, his mother was in the hospital needing surgery, and the surgery fees were astronomical, beyond his means. He was already in the process of selling his house.

Selling the house wouldn't be a problem for him and his wife to live a life of hardship, but their child was still young, and if they sold the house, paying for schooling would become an issue, what would they do in the future?

"Sir, you have miscalculated - I am a man born into poverty and hard labor." The man's tone was polite and courteous, not accusing the fortune-teller of being a charlatan, for it was all about survival.

The man shook his head, resigned: "I'm truly sorry, but I don't have any money to give you. Goodbye."

The fortune-teller watched the man's retreating back, stroking the new stubble on his chin, shaking his head and drawling:

"Those who strive to live their lives will never be forsaken by good fortune."

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