This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 163: The Big Melon

Chapter 163

Yu Yan stared at Yun Hui's face, his eyes seemingly laced with venom, as if he wanted to devour her alive.

The atmosphere became extremely awkward. Yu Shu and Shen Youlin worked together, exchanged a few words of farewell, and dragged Yu Yan away.

Yu Yan tightly gripped Shen Youlin's hand: "Help me, help me keep an eye on her until she's dead!"

"Sure, sure, I'll call someone right away." Shen Youlin took out his phone as he spoke.

"And..." Yu Yan's expression darkened ominously, "help me find out where she's been all these years, what she's been doing, if she's... married." "Wow~" Shen Youlin laughed mischievously, "You like her, and even want to marry her, but you just treated her so harshly."

"I want to devour her alive!"

Yu Yan lost his appetite and merely had a few bites before returning home to drown his sorrows in alcohol. Shen Youlin stayed, under the pretense of being concerned that Yu Yan might drink too much.

Yu Yan truly intended to get drunk, mixing red and white wine, and soon began rambling incoherently.

"Heh... that woman, that woman just disappeared without a word, vanishing for ten whole years..."

"I was like a damn dog!"

"Damn it, she was so cruel, she... she wouldn't even abandon a dog..."

Yu Yan's shoulders shook as he laughed and cried: "In her heart, I'm not even worth as much as a dog she kept! I don't even deserve to be compared to her dog!"

Shen Youlin grew increasingly alarmed, barely daring to breathe.

At that moment, Shen Youlin's phone chimed with a notification. A stranger had sent over Yun Hui's information.

Shen Youlin opened it and frowned.

Yun Hui had been in the United States all these years. The stranger had mobilized the Shen family's overseas influence to uncover most of Yun Hui's whereabouts during this time.

Yu Yan noticed Shen Youlin's troubled expression and asked, "What's wrong? Did you find something?!"

Shen Youlin looked conflicted, unsure how to break the news.

"Tell me, give it to me straight." Yu Yan tightly gripped his wine glass, as if strangling Yun Hui's slender neck.

"She's not married, but she has a child." Shen Youlin pushed his phone towards Yu Yan.

Yu Yan stared at the young boy's ID photo and birth date on the document, his eyes reddening as if they would bleed!

After a long silence, Yu Yan violently smashed everything within his reach.

Shen Youlin acted quickly to retrieve his phone, narrowly avoiding destruction to the device filled with photos of Yu Shu. He had never seen Yu Yan like this before and remained frozen against the wall, not daring to breathe.

After a while, Yu Yan lost all strength and collapsed to the floor.

Shen Youlin mustered his courage to ask: "This child..."

"Is mine." Yu Yan's voice was hoarse, his eyes brimming with tears that refused to fall. He suddenly laughed bitterly, "In the past, she would often joke about going to leave a child..."

"Hahaha... I thought she was joking, but it turns out I'm the real joke!"

Shen Youlin carefully suggested, "What if she had her reasons?"

"Just leave, let me be alone." Yu Yan didn't answer him, staggering towards the bathroom, "Don't worry, I won't do anything rash, but I'll make Yun Hui pay the price."

Once back at his residence, Shen Youlin finally dared to breathe deeply.

Yu Shu immediately approached him, urgently asking, "What happened? Who is this Yun Hui? What's her relationship with my cousin?"

Shen Youlin recounted the story, adding artistic flair.

Yu Shu gaped, at a loss for words. She didn't know how to summarize the two's storyline.

It combined a reunion after many years, running with the ball, and abandonment all in one! Damn, how tragic!

Shen Youlin said, "According to the typical novel plot, in this situation, the female lead should have had her reasons, then the two would torment each other for a while before resolving the misunderstanding and reuniting happily ever after."

Yu Shu shook her head: "As a woman's sixth sense and a lucky charm, I can tell this Yun Hui has no excuse."

She really is a heartless woman who abandoned her child's father.

The next day, the stranger sent Shen Youlin more detailed information about Yun Hui, confirming Yu Shu's intuition.

Yun Hui hadn't suddenly disappeared all those years ago. She had planned it two years in advance, applying to that university in the United States.

She also had no legitimate reasons. The Yu family wouldn't have opposed her relationship with Yu Yan, and there were no issues in her own family.

Notably, Yun Hui's family, including her great-grandmother, grandmother, mother, aunts, and two sisters, all had children out of wedlock.

Well, well, leaving the child's father seems to be a family tradition!

Yu Shu stared in disbelief, amazed by the diversity of the world's ecology.

Yu Shu and Shen Youlin wanted to stay in A City to enjoy the drama, but Yu Yan couldn't stand the sight of them and grew increasingly agitated with each encounter. Fearing for their lives, as Yu Yan might take his anger out on them instead of Yun Hui, the two wisely left A City and decided to spend the winter in the warm southern hemisphere.

As for the drama, they could still follow it remotely.

The couple found a warm island to vacation on, with abundant natural resources, including plenty of black abalone and seaweed on the beaches, and occasional seal sightings.

One day, Yu Shu and Shen Youlin went out on a yacht. Yu Shu sunbathed while reviewing her graduate exam materials for a final push.

Reading is never a waste of time, regardless of one's circumstances. The more knowledge, the better.

Shen Youlin, wearing gaudy baggy pants and flip-flops, sat at the bow fishing while humming the only two songs he could sing without going off-key, 'The Good Fellow's Song'.

After fishing for a while without a single bite, Shen Youlin chanted, "Little fish, little fish, take the bait, little fish, little fish, take the bait."

Yu Shu, distracted by his incessant muttering, couldn't help but tease, "You didn't even prepare bait. Do you think you're Jiang Ziya?"

"But I caught something, what do you say about that?!"

"What can I say? Well done, bravo!"


"Oh? What do you mean, 'oh'?"

Shen Youlin chuckled, "Split the word apart."

Splitting "oh" apart, it becomes...

Yu Shu pelted him with her book: "In broad daylight, you're thinking indecent thoughts!"

Yu Shu sensed Shen Youlin had set a trap, but she didn't call him out and eventually agreed, blushing.

Shen Youlin swung his fishing rod, chanting "mommy mommy coddle," "urgent as a command," "Lord, please bless the world"...

Suddenly, his rod bent with a tug, and Shen Youlin laughed heartily, reeling it up—revealing a large golden fish on the hook.

It was a fish made of solid gold, exquisitely crafted to appear lifelike. In the sunlight, its scales gleamed brilliantly, almost blinding Yu Shu.

Thirty pounds of water was too heavy for Yu Shu to lift, but she hugged the thirty pounds of gold fish to her chest, grinning from ear to ear.

Shen Youlin set down his rod: "Every year, more abundance and good fortune comes in pairs."

Before Yu Shu could react, another golden fish appeared on the deck.

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