This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 161: Flowers of the High Mountains

Chapter 161

"I'm completely exasperated! I'm starting to suspect that we picked up the afterbirth and raised it instead!" Yu Fanxing sounded agitated over the phone, discarding all dignity as she roared like an enraged dragon. "The women you've brought home are dumber than the last!"

Yu Shu had her phone on speaker mode, lying on the bed, while Shen Youlin sat cross-legged beside her, munching on sunflower seeds as they gossiped.

After the New Year, Shen Yuxiao dismissed his previous assistant and meticulously selected a new one. Eventually, he settled on a divorced woman, and within a few months, they had fallen for each other. Shen Yuxiao spent a long time persuading his grandmother to agree to meet this woman.

Tonight, Shen Yuxiao brought the woman home, causing a major uproar. His grandmother was so enraged that she nearly fainted.

The Shen family's objection wasn't because the woman was divorced but because, in Yu Fanxing's words, she was a "pure idiot" - a phrase she repeated several times.

This woman was a hundred times more bizarre than Zhao Wenqian. Zhao Wenqian appeared innocent and kind on the surface but understood the importance of money and reveled in the pleasures it brought. However, the woman named Chen Yun that Shen Yuxiao brought home tonight was truly an untainted, high-minded flower, carrying an air of superiority as if she alone was sober while everyone else was drunk, pure while the world was tainted.

"You should have seen her demeanor, as if entering our home was a great indignity for her. When she met Grandma, she didn't even bend her waist a little, as if bowing to Grandma and behaving like a junior would be a humiliation!"

Yu Fanxing continued ranting: "It's not like we made her suffer any indignity. I didn't even assert my seniority, but I kindly reminded her to bow to Grandma. Guess what she said?"

Yu Shu paused her sunflower seed cracking and cooperatively asked, "Then what? What did she say?"

"She said, 'All beings are equal. Why should I bow and pay respects to your grandmother? If I do bow, it would only be out of respect, not because your grandmother should use her seniority and authority to force me into submission.' Then she forcefully recited a line: 'How could I bring myself to bow and scrape to the powerful?'"

Yu Shu was truly speechless. This Miss Chen Yun's principles seemed excessively strong.

She whispered to Shen Youlin, "Did I bow when I met Grandma?"

"No, but you kowtowed when receiving your New Year's money, and you did it wholeheartedly and eagerly."

Cough, forget about just bowing. If she received a billion as New Year's money, she would kowtow a hundred and eighty times.

Why forsake money for the sake of dignity?

Yu Fanxing grew increasingly agitated as she spoke, becoming even angrier when money was mentioned. She was practically fuming. "Grandma managed to maintain decorum despite her anger, until dinner was over, and Shen Yuxiao was about to leave with that woman. Since it was her first visit, Grandma had to give her a red envelope as a gift, which she personally handed over."

"You can't imagine the look on Chen Yun's face when she saw the red envelope. It was as if she had suffered a great humiliation. She immediately accused us of seeing her as lowly, treating her like a beggar being dismissed with charity. She claimed she wasn't with Shen Yuxiao for the money and would rather live a simple, impoverished life with him. She went on a long-winded rant, saying she would only earn money through her own labor in this lifetime, and any other money obtained would be considered 'dirty.'"

"Then that waterlogged brain of Shen Yuxiao's had to side with the woman in front of the entire family, claiming that we couldn't stand to see him happy. He said he would bravely choose love over family this time."

Yu Shu: "..."

I would love for you to not see me as a person, so I can take that money!

Shen Youlin: "..."

What kind of weirdo is this? Should I get a paternity test to confirm if he's really my brother?

Yu Shu pondered before speaking, "Um... Couldn't someone teach her about proper etiquette for elders and such?"

"She's an orphan, a complete orphan. I'm not insulting her; she's just a pure orphan who was abandoned at an orphanage's doorstep as a child. Our family doesn't discriminate against anyone's background or lineage, but she's so twisted that there's no straightening her out. I'm afraid that if she does manage to enter the Shen family, she'll donate all of Shen Yuxiao's assets the very next day, and then scheme to donate the entire Shen family's wealth."

"Surely not, right?"

"Why not?!" Yu Fanxing was practically getting a headache. "This woman has been working for over ten years, but she's still dirt poor. Every month, she donates her entire salary to the orphanage that raised her, living off handouts and cast-offs from others. Is her brain filled with water? At the very least, she should maintain a basic standard of living for herself before helping others! The saying goes, 'When poor, focus on yourself; when prosperous, aid the world.' Is that so difficult to understand? If that's how she wants to live, that's her choice. But she's been trying to convince others to follow her example. Out of all those people, only Shen Yuxiao was stupid enough to fall for her brainwashing! I swear, everything I've said tonight is true, without any exaggeration! I'm about to explode with anger!"

Yu Shu and Shen Youlin didn't know what to say. They were shocked but couldn't comprehend how someone could voluntarily endure hardship and poverty as a form of self-torture.

Shen Yuxiao's life script had changed from 'The Arrogant CEO's Doting Wife' to 'Rejecting Wealth: CEO, Your Mistress Wants You to Donate Everything.'

Yu Shu covered her face, unable to understand.

If Chen Yun had stayed with Shen Yuxiao, she could have used the Shen family's resources to engage in charitable work, even rebuilding the orphanage into a Disneyland if she wanted.

In September, Wenwen and Gu Xingyu successfully enrolled in school. After careful consideration, Gu Xingyu was admitted to the first year of high school, in the same class as Wenwen. Although the two children lived with Yu Shu and Shen Youlin, they didn't need to worry about their daily lives, as they had a driver for transportation and a housekeeper to take care of their needs. Yu Shu's aunt and uncle also frequently visited Wenwen and bought clothes and supplies for both her and Gu Xingyu.

Yu Shu's aunt and uncle grew fonder of Gu Xingyu the more they interacted with her, eventually acknowledging her as their goddaughter with some close relatives as witnesses. Wenwen was overjoyed, finally having a sister and no longer being the youngest child.

On the ninth day of September, a sunny and pleasant day, Shen Youlin woke up early, putting on a crisp white shirt and grooming himself meticulously for two hours, ensuring every strand of hair was perfect.

When Yu Shu opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Shen Youlin's face, looking even more handsome than usual.

Yu Shu yawned and asked, "What are you up to?"

"The weather is nice today."

Yu Shu mumbled an "Hmm" in response, eyes still closed.

"Today is the ninth day of the ninth month. The numbers are auspicious."

Yu Shu opened her eyes and stifled a laugh with another "Hmm."

"Today is a good day for marriage. So... shall we get our marriage certificate?"

Yu Shu laughed out loud, "So eager?"

Shen Youlin pulled her up. "Of course. I can't let you run away in this lifetime."

Yu Shu spread her arms, "My dear Xiao Ling, assist your empress with bathing and dressing."

"As you command~"

Shen Youlin indeed provided attentive service, assisting with bathing, makeup, hairstyling, and dressing - a one-stop service.

Yu Shu admired her impeccable appearance in the mirror, unable to take her eyes off herself. "I forgot you could do makeup. Why don't you ever do it for me?"

Shen Youlin put away the lipstick. "Heh, if I do your makeup, you'll just go out and flirt with other men."

"Tsk, what about now?"

Shen Youlin smiled smugly. "Now? Now you're a married woman!"

Yu Shu giggled and kissed him. "And you, my dear, are now a married man."

Shen Youlin touched his lips, grinning foolishly. "Not quite yet!"

"Let's go get that certificate!"

Shen Youlin pulled Yu Shu and they ran, their laughter echoing along the way.

Passerby A had already queued at the civil affairs bureau and arranged everything. Yu Shu and Shen Youlin didn't have to wait long after arriving before it was their turn. Even the marriage certificate number, Shen Youlin had calculated it, with all 9s at the end.

Obtaining the certificate, vowing, taking photos...

Throughout the entire process, the two felt as if they were treading on clouds, light as a feather, as if they could take flight at any moment.

After getting into the car, Shen Youlin confiscated Yu Shu's marriage certificate, a bit shyly saying, "Let me keep this. I'll take your small one and give you a big one in return." With that, he took out an exquisite brocade box from the glove compartment and handed it to Yu Shu, his ears reddening as he bashfully lowered his head.

Yu Shu opened it to find a red brocade embroidered with golden threads, a handmade marriage deed.

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