This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 156: A New Beginning

Chapter 156

Yin Minbi and Wan Tusui arrived together, as their biggest boss Yu Shu had fled, leaving them busy until now without even having dinner.

A nanny made some food for them. Wan Tusui held a bowl, shoveling rice into his mouth while staring intently at Gu Xiaoxin.

While they were eating, Zheng Xinming briefly explained the "Poor little" girl's background. Her father had fallen from a height and injured his spine when she was eight, leaving him paralyzed. Her mother ran off with another man in the second month. Other relatives stayed as far away as possible. Ever since, Gu Xiaoxin and her father had depended on each other for survival.

Misfortune seems to target those with tragic fates. Two months ago, the old house they lived in collapsed due to aging and poor maintenance. Under the community's arrangement, they ended up living under a bridge, and Gu Xiaoxin had to drop out of school as a result.

Wan Tusui listened with tears streaming down, mixing with the rice he ate in between sobs, finishing three big bowls.

Yu Shu discussed with him, "You find a capable agent to bring her back and get her enrolled in physical training and performance classes. That timid habit of hers also needs to be corrected, but most importantly, her aura needs to be cultivated."

Wan Tusui nodded, "Leave it to me. But she's also too thin, even for being on camera. We need to arrange a dietitian to properly nourish her."

Wan Tusui then laughed mischievously, "The 'Little Muse' has no place to live. How about living with big brother? My parents would surely love you too."

Seeing his unreliable silly look, Yu Shu covered her face helplessly, "Nevermind, I'll just take her back and nurture her myself."

Gu Xiaoxin stared blankly at Yu Shu, not quite believing what she had just heard, feeling as if she had auditory hallucinations.

Yu Shu then asked Gu Xiaoxin, "Sorry, I can't just leave you with this unreliable guy. Would you like to come back to Rong City with me? Your father can stay here, and someone will take care of him. You can visit him often too."

"You want me to become a celebrity? I can't..."

"If you can't, then learn," Yu Shu stated matter-of-factly. "With your looks, if you don't become famous, that would be my and Wan Tusui's problem."

With Yu Shu's current resources and Wan Tusui's talent, even a complete dimwit could be made into a star.

"Anything else?" Yu Shu pondered, stroking her chin.

Zheng Xinming raised his hand, "There's also her school enrollment. If you take her back to Rong City, I'll go and find her a school to study at."

Yu Shu nodded, asking Gu Xiaoxin, "What grade were you in when you dropped out?"

"High school freshman."

Yu Shu nodded again, "This semester is almost over anyway. Next semester, we'll re-enroll you, either as a freshman or sophomore, we'll discuss with the school based on your learning progress."

Shen Youlin raised his hand, "Her name also needs to be changed. It's too uncouth."

Yu Shu immediately changed her expression, her previous calm demeanor vanishing as she planted a loud kiss on his cheek, her tone playful, "Dear, you're the most cultured one here. Why don't you give her a new name?" She then added, "A proper name."

Shen Youlin pouted, then recited, "Hazy little star, bright guide through the night. Solemn midnight journey, embrace in moonlight." He suggested, "How about Gu Xingyu?"

The name received unanimous approval. Yu Shu also liked it, asking Gu Xiaoxin, "Do you like it? If not, we can change it."

Gu Xiaoxin said softly, "I like it." Feeling that Yu Shu disliked her timid nature, she raised her voice, "I really like it. Thank you, brother-in-law."

Shen Youlin was even more satisfied with her now.

After finalizing the plans, Zheng Xinming took Gu Xingyu to the hospital to see her father. She would spend the next two days accompanying her father more before leaving for Rong City with Yu Shu and Shen Youlin.

The day they returned to Rong City, as soon as they got off the plane, Yu Shu received a call from her paternal aunt. Her cousin Wenwen had missed the final English exam during her high school entrance exams. After a scolding from her aunt, Wenwen stormed out of home in a fit of anger and was spotted boarding a bus to Rong City by an acquaintance.

Yu Shu reassured her aunt, saying she would resolve Wenwen's schooling issue. Once Wenwen was found, she could spend the summer in Rong City.

After hanging up, Yu Shu smiled at Gu Xingyu, "It works out well. She can be your companion."

Same-aged peers should be able to connect better and be closer. The outgoing Wenwen could perhaps liven up the timid Gu Xingyu.

"What kind of girl is this Wenwen you mentioned?" Gu Xingyu asked nervously, worried that Wenwen might not like her.

"You'll know once you meet her."

One was raised in a honey jar, the other in bitter waters. As Yu Shu thought of Wenwen, she couldn't help but feel more sympathetic towards Gu Xingyu.

Before they reached the long-distance bus station, Wenwen called, sniffling, "Is there any kind soul who can take in a homeless little girl?"

Yu Shu laughed wryly, "Where is this little girl?"

"At the bus station entrance."

Yu Shu instructed, "Come over yourself. A black Alpha car, the driver has flashed the hazard lights."

"You can't even come out to receive me, how pitiful I am!!" Wenwen whined before hanging up.

A few minutes later, Wenwen carried her backpack onto the car and pounced into Yu Shu's embrace, "Sister—I'm so pitiful—"

She was sweating profusely, her little face flushed red. Yu Shu pushed her away in disgust, "You reek of sweat, don't come near me."

"Hmph!" Wenwen pouted unhappily. It was then that she noticed Gu Xingyu in the back seat, her eyes immediately lighting up, "Pretty sister, you're so beautiful!"

Shen Youlin handed her a towel to wipe her face, mocking, "What sister? She's a month younger than you."

Gu Xingyu blushed, "Hello, I'm Gu Xingyu."

Yu Shu said, "You two need to get along well from now on."

"Yes, yes! I love beautiful sisters the most!" Wenwen helped herself to an ice cream from the car's fridge, passing one to Gu Xingyu as she plopped down next to her. "Now that we've shared ice cream, we're best sisters!"

Gu Xingyu's face reddened further, "Sisters, brother-in-law, would you like some ice cream too?"

"Don't mind them," Wenwen shoved a spoon into her hand. "They have hands, they can get it themselves if they want it."

Wenwen chattered incessantly, asking Gu Xingyu how her skin became so fair and beautiful. Gu Xingyu answered shyly.

After listening for a while, Yu Shu turned to see Shen Youlin smiling at her, "Suddenly, it feels like history is repeating itself."

In the past, Yan Xingnan and Shen Youfei had raised Shen Youlin and Jiang Han like their own children. Now, they were taking care of Wenwen and Gu Xingyu.

Yu Shu smiled back, leaning in to give him a kiss.

Throughout the journey, Wenwen kept chattering away, sharing her snacks with Gu Xingyu after finishing the ice cream, not treating her as an outsider at all.

A child who never lacked love, with a hundred candies at her disposal, would never hesitate to share her sweets with her little friends.

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