The Youngest Son of Sunyang

Chapter 67 Length of a Claw 2

When the car stopped, Jin Dong-gi looked up at the tall buildings outside the window.

"Is this the place?"

"Yes, sir."

"This kid seems to have made some money."

"Not only production but soon distribution as well. He's the powerhouse of Chungmuro."

As the secretary sitting in the passenger seat explained, Jin Dong-gi waved his hand dismissively.

"Enough of that. What's the point of making a few bucks? It's just a hobby."

The secretary tried to follow Jin Dong-gi when he got out of the car, but he had to stop.

"Wait here. I'll go in alone."

As he entered the film company's door, he immediately saw dozens of people bustling about.

Seeing that there was no reception desk at the entrance, he felt a little flustered and had to stand still for a moment at the entrance of the office.

"How did you get here?"


"Where are you from?"

"Oh, I came to meet the chairman."

One of the busy employees stopped and, in a somewhat irritated tone, asked the puzzled Jin Dong-gi.

"I said, where are you from?"

"Jin Yoon-gi, the chairman. He's my younger brother."

"Oh, yes. Come with me."

"Heh, seriously."

Jin Dong-gi burst into laughter and followed the young employee.

Although he had clearly stated that he was the chairman's younger brother, there was no sign of politeness. Furthermore, he was led to a small meeting room instead of the chairman's office, which made his blood boil.

"Hey, what's going on here? I came to see the chairman. I said I'm his brother!"

"The chairman is currently in a meeting, so please wait for a moment. I'll leave a message."

Without giving Jin Dong-gi a chance to say anything more, the young employee closed the door and left.

"What's wrong with these people?"

This was the first time he had received such treatment, and it made his blood boil for a while. However, after a short while, he began to feel a strange sensation.

Except for his father, he had never waited for anyone. Someone had always come to find him, and he had made them wait.

When he felt that he might understand their feelings even a little, the door suddenly opened with a creak.

"Hyungnim, what's going on? You came all the way here."

"This brat, can't I visit a place once in a while? Why are you so surprised?"

Jin Dong-gi smiled and extended his hand.

"Geez, it's been almost ten years since you last came to me."

Jin Yoon-gi took Jin Dong-gi's hand as he spoke.

"What? Has it been that long already? Ten years?"

"Well, it has. Let's go to my office."

As they entered the office, Jin Dong-gi furrowed his brow.

"What is this, despite making a lot of money?"

It was a room smaller than the offices of even the lowest-ranking executives in the Sunyang Group. The office desk was no different from that of an ordinary employee. The cluttered piles of documents in such a small room gave it the atmosphere of a warehouse.

"It's all just rumors. Even if you make a lot of money on the stock market, you can't handle even one department in my company."

"Hey! I can't take it anymore. I'll send someone tomorrow to expand your office. Decorate it nicely and live a bit."

Jin Yoon-gi knew that beneath his irritated words, his older brother's intention was actually a favor.

"Hyungnim, a well-established movie company should have a nice office. The company's interior design is also impressive."

"But why are your office so shabby?"

"I have debts to pay."

"What? Debts?"

Jin Dong-gi was taken aback, and Jin Yoon-gi extended his hand.

"It's not like I borrowed from loan sharks, so don't be surprised. When I started this business, it was Do-Jun who provided the initial capital, remember? He sold the ranch... didn't you know?"

"Oh, right. I remember now."

"I have to repay that. Even though Dad pocketed the money for the younger one's blessing, we have to fill it up again, right?"

"Now that you mention it, that's true. It's not like you wasted it, and if you make good money, you should pay it back with interest. Haha."

"Okay, okay, let's stop talking about that. Please tell me your business. What's the reason for your visit?"

When Jin Yoon-gi offered a cigarette, Jin Dong-gi took one and lit it.

After taking a few puffs and exhaling a long stream of smoke, he spoke.

"You plan to continue on this path?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I'm asking if you're going to finish things off in the movie industry."

This time, Jin Yoon-gi remained silent for a while, puffing on his cigarette.

"Don't you care about the company side"

"Right. You too... and your child..." Jin Yoon-gi furrowed his brows deeply at Jin Dong-gi's words and resumed smoking his cigarette. His expression seemed to crumple with Jin Dong-gi's words.

"Don't tell me you've been hiding your ambitions too?"

"You too? Are there others who hid their ambitions?"

"Except for you, probably all of them."

"Is that so? In my eyes, everyone was openly ambitious."

"Don't change the subject. Did you have ambitions or not?"

Pressured by Jin Dong-gi, Jin Yoon-gi tapped out his cigarette and replied.

"I couldn't even fulfill my father's role until now, but I thought I'd give it a try once."

"Are you talking about Do-Jun?"

"That brat dreams of becoming a great entrepreneur like our grandfather. Ah, it's a misunderstanding."

Jin Yoon-gi raised his hand to stop whatever his brother was about to say.

"It's not a small dish to be worked up about just because he wants to take over a few Sunyang Group subsidiaries. He wants to achieve something with his own hands. I'll do my best to help."

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