The Youngest Son of Sunyang

Chapter 56 Win-Win 3

His determination not to be nervous when he first stepped into the study proved futile.

I noticed that the tension had reached its peak when I saw Oh Se-hyun's trembling fingers.

"Uncle. Don't look at Sunyang Group behind Grandfather, just focus on Grandfather. It'll make you feel more comfortable."

Oh Se-hyun poked me in the back and raised his thumb.

"Let's go."

As we entered the study, Grandfather took off his glasses and stood up abruptly.

"Nice to meet you. Are you Oh Se-hyun?"

"Yes, Chairman. It's an honor."

As Oh Se-hyun bowed slightly, Grandfather extended his hand.

"Come, sit down. Make yourself comfortable."

Grandfather carefully scrutinized Oh Se-hyun's appearance with sharp eyes.

"How old are you this year?"


"You're still quite young."

"Thanks to Do-jun, I feel rejuvenated."

Huh? Even flattering Grandfather like this? I wondered if Oh Se-hyun had such a side to him.

"I've heard a lot about you. They say you increased the Do-Jun's money a hundredfold? That's an impressive skill. Hehe."

When Oh Se-hyun gave me a puzzled look for a moment, I shook my head slightly.

"Oh, that... I was lucky. Fortunately, I didn't lose the principal, so I've been feeling secure."

"This guy is so humble. I thought about how good it would have been if you had used that ability for my sake."

"You're exaggerating."

After keeping Oh Se-hyun in suspense for a while, Grandfather took out a document.

"I heard this is the money that can be laundered."

"That's correct. It's a total of 270 billion won. It's obvious that A-jin Automotive will enter court-ordered management once the grace period of the bankruptcy postponement agreement expires, so we need to divert the funds before that happens. If we get caught, not only A-jin's Chairman Son but also many executives will face arrest."

"In other words, you're asking for money laundering?"

"I apologize, but yes."


Grandfather tapped the document while lost in thought.

"Grandfather. It seems like this money should be set aside as retirement funds for A-jin Automotive executives, shouldn't it?"

I spoke cautiously, but Grandfather didn't even acknowledge that he heard it.

"Why should you worry about those bastards' retirement? Who are they, anyway? They should have prepared for their own retirements." Grandfather looked at Oh Se-hyun as he spoke. "Do any of them face prison sentences?"

"Song Chairman suggested sending about three to five people just to make it look like we're complying. He also proposed a compromise to the bank creditors at that level."

Grandfather's gaze turned dark. It was the look of greed he had seen countless times before.

"Oh, President Oh. What if we collect this money and keep it with Miracle in the United States?"

"All of it?"

"Why not? Is it impossible?"

"It's not impossible, but there might be difficulties in withdrawing it again..."

"What if we reinvest all this money in A-jin Automotive? And we distribute it fairly to those who want it, whether in the form of salaries, bonuses, or special incentives?"

Oh Se-hyun's mouth hung wide open in surprise. How much would they have to pay in salaries or bonuses if they wanted to spend all of the 270 billion won?

However, it was the most legal way to handle it.

I was confident that Grandfather would never give this money away. The look he had shown a little while ago, the look filled with greed, revealed his true intentions.

"But they want it in a lump sum. Most of them have to resign, so they want a big payout."

Oh Se-hyun still didn't know Grandfather well, so he was saying such things, not realizing how absurd it sounded.

Grandfather began to scrutinize Oh Se-hyun as if he were a bit disappointed.

"You seem more like an investor than someone suited for management. You don't seem to fit in."

When Uncle's face turned red in an instant, I almost burst out laughing.

"Why would they give the money away, making one excuse after another, when they're reluctant to give it in the first place?" As I spoke with such forced logic, Oh Se-hyun seemed confused about how to react.

"What if we give them all the money upfront? From that moment on, they'll be like wolves. They might even stick with you closely and attack you. In their eyes, you'll become the villain who took away A-jin Automotive, which they considered their own."


Oh Se-hyun, who had only dealt with numbers, had never seen the cowardly side of someone staggering like a reed.

"Money is both a whip and a carrot. Hold onto it and use it wisely. When you tame someone, give it to them one by one, like feeding them sunflower seeds. Oh, by the way, didn't you use my 100 billion won and make Director Lee Hak-jae come and go as you pleased? That's the power of money."

"No, Chairman. You misunderstand. That was legally impossible..."

When a bewildered Oh Se-hyun hastily offered an excuse, Grandfather smiled and waved his hand.

"Oh, President Oh, I'm not blaming you. I just used that as an example. Watch closely. If they find out that this 270 billion won has been reinvested in A-jin Automotive, don't you think the A-jin guys will lick your toes?"

He probably didn't expect it to be so straightforward. Oh Se-hyun remained speechless even after Grandfather had finished speaking.

I wanted to see more of Grandfather's true intentions. We would have to meet frequently from now on, right?

"Grandfather, that's not the only reason, is it? In reality, you don't want to give the money." I spoke with a smirk, and Grandfather also burst into laughter.

"You rascal. Are you trying to turn me into a miser who won't give away money? Haha." His gaze turned back to Oh Se-hyun. "What about you? Do you want to give all the money? Or do you just want to put on a show?"

"If I can, I definitely won't give it all."

"Exactly. There's no one who gives away money they don't have to." Grandfather looked at me again. "See, I'm not the only bad guy here. Haha."

After enjoying a moment of laughter, Grandfather handed him some documents.

"You need to convince Chairman Song that this is the best way. I'll take care of the money that A-jin has hidden. Clean it up and put it in the Miracle vault before going into court receivership."

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