The Youngest Son of Sunyang

Chapter 34 It's Mine 1

When I went out to get the newspaper, I ran into my father, who was dressed in a suit.

"Oh? Father, where are you going?"

"Ah, today is the premiere. I'm going to the theater to see how it's going."

I couldn't help but laugh as I saw my father rush out as if he had missed his morning commute.

My father, who had never had a job in his entire life, had worked tirelessly and was now being evaluated today. Even though theaters wouldn't start screening so early in the morning, he probably thought it was better to wait in front of the theater than to linger around at home.

I completely understood that feeling.

When I sat down in the living room and finished reading all three newspapers, I felt that something was seriously wrong.

This was planned. All the newspapers attacking Ajin Motors? Morning newspapers have started, and it's obvious that they will exaggerate this story in the evening TV news. If this kind of thing happens a few more times, they will initiate an official investigation, and the media will sharpen their attacks on Ajin Motors even further...

Why now?

I don't even remember the events of 1991.

But the shockwaves of the foreign exchange crisis that began in 1997 hit Ajin Motors, and after 1998, Daehyun swallowed Ajin.

Could this be the future that has been foreshadowed? Has something started to change?

I approached my mother after folding the newspaper.

"Mother, when are we going to Grandfather's house?"

"Tomorrow. Why?"

"Can I go ahead alone then?"

My mother, who was preparing breakfast, paused.

"Why? Is something going on? Did Grandfather ask you to come first?"

"No, he didn't. I won't be able to visit him as often once I start middle school."


My mother lightly smiled and patted my head.

"Yes, go ahead after breakfast. Make Grandfather happy."

"Okay. By the way, aren't you going to the theater, Mother? Today is the premiere."

"What if there are no audience members, and the theater is completely empty? I'm too nervous to go."

I couldn't reassure her to go.

There is no information about my father's movie. It might be too long ago for me to remember or it might not have existed in the first place.

I merely provided an opportunity, and how I choose to walk the rest of my life is up to him. Watching without interfering can also be a source of enjoyment.

"Oh, our Do-Jun. You keep growing taller every time I see you. Good, good. Hehe."

He doesn't carry me in his arms anymore. No, he can't. I'm growing much faster than he is aging.

"Our little one, Grandfather has some work to do. Can you stay here alone for a bit?"

"Yes. I'll be in the living room."

My discomfort continues to grow.

The article that exploded just before the holiday and the many people gathered in the study. Judging by the neatly placed shoes in the entrance hall, there are almost ten people.

He's not the type of grandfather to be so cunning as to gather people until just before the holiday. There's no reason for him to gather in someone else's house and watch.

Is what happened seven years later happening now? What kind of conversation is taking place in that study right now?

I waited anxiously.

Contrary to Do-Jun's expectations, there was a lot of commotion in the study.

Not a neighbor's gathering, but a noisy gathering of people from another country called "Operation Desert Storm" in the desert.

On January 17th, the previous year, a multinational force led by the US military began the war, code-named Operation Desert Storm, to drive Iraq, which had invaded Kuwait, out of the country by firing Tomahawk missiles into Iraq.

While obliterating the equipment and command structure of the 600,000-strong Iraqi army and causing 70,000 casualties, the US military suffered only 294 deaths. Of these, 145 were non-combat casualties, and the actual combat casualties numbered 149, with 35 of them being friendly fire victims.

In contrast to the few casualties of the US military, it is estimated that about 20,000 Iraqi soldiers were killed, and when combined with the wounded and prisoners, it amounted to about 70,000.

As the rumors of Iraq withdrawing from Kuwait began to circulate in the face of overwhelming firepower, the war reached its final stages.

"When is this going to end?"

"They say there's less than a week left. The US and the UK are already discussing post-war reconstruction projects."

"What about our country? What's the government saying? Is there any chance of getting a piece of the pie?"

The expression on Chairman Jin's face, with his brows furrowed, already seemed to indicate that his expectations had been dashed.

"The Middle East division and European subsidiaries are already moving quickly, but it seems difficult for the government to get involved in reconstruction projects."

"Then we'll have to stand in line properly. That's the only way we can build a bathroom in the desert and get a few drops of oil, right?"

Instructions were given to secure reconstruction projects and oil in the Middle East. The CEOs of the construction and oil refining companies looked at the chairman and bowed their heads.

"We will do our best."

"Can I trust you?"

"Yes, Chairman."

Even though he didn't inspire much confidence, it was clear that he didn't want to voice any complaints before the holiday. He immediately moved on to another topic.

"Did you read the newspapers today? That's the Scud missile. We'll focus our firepower and send in occupation forces. Are you prepared for that?"

Everyone replied with stern faces. The acquisition of AJ Motors is the largest project for the Group this year.

The occupation forces refer to funds. They gather as much capital as possible and, when the chairman gives the signal, they rapidly acquire stocks anonymously. When a certain amount is secured, they conduct an M&A as soon as the government is expected to support it, whether overtly or covertly.

Of course, it must be completed in the blink of an eye, just like the Desert Storm operation.

"Everyone, go out. Go to your hometowns, perform ancestral rites, give your kids some allowance, and rest well."

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