The Youngest Son of Sunyang

Chapter 130 A Slice of the Pie 1

"Has Uncle Gongmo left?"


When they went up to the library on this floor, the two of them were deep in discussion, laying out the DMC map and a list of companies.

"Is the outline coming together?"

"Government agencies and organizations like KONJIN, the Korea Media Rating Board, and the Broadcasting and Telecommunications Review Commission have all moved in, so there's no issue there. The only remaining concern is the film studios in Chungmuro and independent productions." Looking at father's expression, it didn't seem too bleak. "Don't worry too much about Chungmuro; there are plenty of companies following my lead. The real problem is the broadcasting companies."

"Isn't the issue with public broadcasters related to government policies? They've already announced plans for individual studio relocations, so it should be fine, right?"

"The administration changes every five years. I can't guarantee anything until the new broadcast headquarters is completed."

I understand his concerns, but I can't bring myself to tell them to stop worrying. Cable is expanding, and with the introduction of comprehensive programming channels, the platform will be overflowing. I can afford to be patient.

"Don't rush things too much. It will take a few years to complete, and media companies will gradually come in. As for you, have you considered acquiring DCN?"

"As long as there are no issues with film procurement, there shouldn't be any operational difficulties. But revenue..."

"As I mentioned earlier, don't think about revenue for the time being. You have enough capital already. Just focus on planting strong seeds."

Father still looked anxious, but Oh Sehyun was different.

He knows exactly how much money has been accumulated in the United States and Korea.

"Hey, when it's time to give, just give it. No matter how much those cable broadcasters eat up, it's just a few pots of water in the Han River."

Just a few pots? More like a lake. We need to make a strong foundation from the beginning.

"How many pots will become how many lakes. Start with movies, dramas, games, entertainment channels. That's how you should start."

"What? Four of them?"

"If you're in charge of film content acquisition, there shouldn't be a problem, right? And take this opportunity to produce dramas and variety shows as well. Half of them can be produced in-house, and the other half can be rerun on public channels. That should be enough."

If Father hesitated due to anxiety, I would have no choice but to push him to unleash his potential. We need to harness all of Father's dormant potential.

"Building an Asian film distribution network, operating a film studio, and even running a cable network will keep you busy."

Oh Sehyun, who understood my intentions, didn't forget to lend his support. "I'll also look for some talent in that field. Let's create a proper media company this time."

Seeing Father's face, which displayed a mixture of excitement and anxiety like a student about to take an exam, we both burst into laughter.

The year 1999 was a year when the emotions of the end of Nostradamus and the hope of the new millennium were intertwined.

Our household was no different.

On the first day of the new year, the attitude of the gathered family members felt oddly awkward.

"Happy New Year."

"Stay healthy."

Everyone exchanged greetings, but there were people missing, which was hard to ignore.

Even those oblivious to social cues didn't mention the names of the two people who were absent.

Jin Yeong-jun's exile had not yet been lifted, and it seemed that the only son-in-law of this house was not ready to come.

The gazes of the aunts looking at their sister-in-law were filled with suspicion, and the elder uncles showed caution.

Rumors started circulating within the group that Chairman Jin was going to generously compensate his daughter for the divorce, and concrete details about the process of corporate separation had already emerged.

If it were just a matter of dowry for his younger sister, they might have been more accommodating, but taking away an entire pillar meant that the expressions of the male siblings couldn't be good.

When the atmosphere turned cold even at the table where rice cake soup was being served, Grandfather didn't take a sip and put down his chopsticks.

"If you've filled your stomachs enough, come to the study. Eating like this, you'll all get indigestion."

As Chairman Jin stood up, his children also quickly rose.

This, undoubtedly, was the day the bombshell would drop.

Chairman Jin looked around at his children gathered in the study and began to speak.

"Today, I intend to make a major announcement. Listen well, and even if you have complaints, don't voice them. This is a decision I have made after careful consideration."

Jin Seo-yoon tried not to show her nervousness to her brothers, but she couldn't help but swallow dry saliva repeatedly.

Finally, it was the day to open the Pandora's box. She prayed that there would be Sunyang distribution in that box.

"First, Yoon-gi."


When Jin Yoon-gi's name was mentioned first, everyone began to roll their eyes as if it was unexpected. It was a guard against the youngest getting more than his share.

"As you already know, from this year, you are officially the director of the Sunyang Medical Center and the director of the Sunyang Personnel Development Institute. The legal procedures have already been completed. Make the media announcement and assume office immediately."

Everyone knew this information, but they couldn't completely let their guard down. Some things should not be mentioned in the subsequent conversation.

"The hospital generates profits that won't be a burden to your family. As long as you don't do anything foolish, there should be no problems in the future."

Everyone's eyes softened. It was a declaration that the hospital was all they had.

"The Personnel Development Institute will receive sufficient funding from each subsidiary, so make sure to run it well. Don't think about making money from there. Just manage it to avoid losses."

Jin Yoon-gi nodded with a blank expression. There was no room in his mind for things like hospitals or training institutes. Just the thought of a massive media company, the task his son had assigned him, was enough to make his head explode.

"Lastly, I want to ask. I have no intention of leaving anything more to you... What do you think? Are you satisfied?"

Everyone began to look at Jin Yoon-gi's lips.

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