The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 58: Searching and the New Skills

We start looking around the mall again. This shopping mall is the biggest facility around this region. Just by walking around, one will realize just how large the mall truly is.

It’s getting dark outside, so I should quickly proceed with my plans. As I have to secure some food, my first destination is the food corner.

“Most of them have gone bad.”

That is my impression of the food corner. In particular, the vegetables and meat are in an awful state. The orcs must have feasted on them. The leftovers are scattered on the floor. As with the case with goblins, the orcs don’t seem interested in eating humans despite their aggressive nature.

Do they assault humans because of the EXP? Just like Momo and Aka, other monsters should also understand the concepts of “Levels”, “Experience”, and “Skills”. Since humans can level up by slaying monsters, it isn’t weird that the opposite is true. So the monsters are raising their levels by hunting humans. Looking at Momo, it is possible that other monsters can become stronger through time.

Isn’t this work too harsh on humans?

“Hm? Wait a second. What happens when humans kill fellow humans?”

Is it possible for us to… also gain EXP from that? The worst scenario suddenly comes to mind. I don’t have the courage to try it out, but there is a high chance that my hypothesis is correct. Raise levels by killing people…. No, I should stop thinking about it. Even if I am right, it isn’t moral. The moment I start seeing humans as targets for EXP, I will no longer consider myself “Human”. I am aware of my selfish character, but I do not want to abandon my humanity.

I should get back on track. I search for food that hasn’t been spoilt. As a result, I get my hands on some cup ramen, snacks, spices, and water. I’m especially glad that I found water. I store everything in my “Item Box”. After walking through the staffs-only-backdoor, I put some unopened cardboard boxes inside as well. With this much, I am all set. Of course, this is assuming that I don’t use these supplies during fights.

“Should I get some water from the riverbank tomorrow?”

If I keep using household water during battles, I will never have enough to use. It is necessary to prepare water for “Rain”. Having stocked up enough food, I look around at the other booths. Most of the stores are selling clothes and shoes, but I’m trying to find something else.

“Good. This place wasn’t damaged heavily.”

I arrive at the sales floor.

The shelves have fallen and the books are all over the place. However, the books themselves haven’t been harmed. They can be read normally.

“‘Super Easy: Survival Techniques that even Beginners can Master’…”

My smile widens as I flip over the book. Yes, I am currently at a bookstore that is in the shopping mall. As smartphones, computers, and the Internet aren’t functioning, I have no choice but to manually search for these reference books. In particular, knowledge regarding medicines, agriculture, and survival are top priority.

I have abundant food right now, but worst comes to worst, I’ll have to start farming myself. For more detailed information, I would have to visit a library or a large bookstore, but these will do for the time being.

Let’s collect some manga and light novels as well. I want to read them if I have the leeway. Oh, it’s a new issue.

“This is the last release huh….”

The world has changed. Books won’t be published anymore. Arriving at this conclusion, I feel slightly depressed.

After retrieving all the books, I wander around the stores again, collecting miscellaneous objects such as tableware and furniture. Luckily, I am not confronted with any mimics or concealed monsters. When I finish looking around, I notice that the sky has already turned dark.

“I should call it a day…”

Having finished scavenging, I breathe out deeply. Just then, “Enemy Detection” catches something. It is a monster.

“It doesn’t appear to be inside the mall, so it should be outside.”

“Crisis Sensing” isn’t ringing. Is it a goblin or zombie? When I approach the area where “Enemy Detection” indicates, I see a monster that I haven’t seen before.



It is a monster which is commonly known as a “skeleton”. Its appearance is like that of a skeleton sample, and it has a rusted sword hanging on its waist. At the center of its rib, I can see a red magic stone where the heart should be present. It’s dark, but I can clearly see the monster’s appearance with “Night Vision”.

There are… five of them? They don’t seem particularly powerful. According to the reaction of “Crisis Sensing”, they should only be as powerful as goblins and zombies. Most of my HP has recovered. I’ll try out my new skills on these guys

“Momo, Aka, we’re hunting them.”


“Furu Furu”

We sneak up to the skeletons without alerting them. First, I use “Shadow Manipulation”. “Shadow Manipulation” is a skill that allows me to control shadows like Momo. In my head, I draw an image of the shadow transforming into nets and ropes that immobilize the monsters. The shadow moves as I imagined it and approaches the skeletons.


The skeletons seem stunned because of the shadow’s sudden act of binding them. To be honest, they aren’t showing any expression, but they should be surprised. They desperately try to resist the shadow, but they fail to escape from it.

“It’s amazing…”

Previously, I’ve seen Momo use it in her battles, but this skill is more convenient than I imagined. Not only is it easy to use, it is versatile as well. It’s compatible with other skills as well. Right now, I have the options of killing these skeletons by crushing them or by using “Ninjutsu”. However, let’s ask Momo to do it.

“Momo, can you do it?”


Momo roars as she moves one step forward. Then, she stretches her shadow into the shape of a hammer. With the hammer, Momo crushes the skeletons very swiftly. True to their appearance, the skeletons seem to have a low endurance.

Red magic stones fall to the ground.

“You have gained experience.”

Following our battle with the high-orc, Momo’s ability to manipulate shadows appears to have improved. There is another skill that Momo recently gained, but we won’t be using it this time around. That skill is powerful, but it is simultaneously eye-catching. Other monsters might also appear, so let’s avoid its usage.


With the battle finished, Momo returns.

“There, there, you performed well, Momo.”


I pet her head and praise her. As time goes on, Momo becomes more and more dependable. Since we defeated the skeletons, we return to the shopping mall. Now, I should get some rest. I want to meet up with Ichinose-san tomorrow.

“Aka, if you could.”

“Furu Furu”

Having found a suitable location, Momo and I coat ourselves with a layer of shadow. On top of that, Aka shifts to a form that blends in with our surrounding, camouflaging our appearance. If something happens, Aka will immediately notice. Also, even if we are ambushed, Aka can act as a defense as long as our opponent is not at the level of the high-orc Lufen.

It is now safe to sleep.

“Momo, Aka, good night.”


“Furu Furu”

I fall asleep quickly. I must have been exhausted. Thus, the third night passes, and the sun rises again.

The fourth day begins.

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