The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 220: A Short Break and an Unexpected Visitor

It’s been about two weeks since I started training with Rebel.

“Look, look, look, you’re still reacting too slowly!”

“……! This”

I’ve managed to dodge her magical attacks somehow.

But it’s just dodging.

I was surprised by the sheer number of attacks, including fire and ice bullets, lightning arrows, and muddy bogs that stopped me in my tracks.

(There is no opening to attack…)

I was able to get close to her a few times, but her physical strength was better than mine. I was quickly subdued and the spar ended quickly.


“Take this!”

Momo and Sora launch a pincer attack from the ground and the air.

The shadows attacked from the ground, and Sora’s breath attacked from the sky.

“Useless, useless, useless!”

However, with a shout from Rebel, she repelled Momo’s shadows and flicked away Sora’s breath.

“Oh, that’s what I’m talking about, now that’s an attack.”

In that split second, Ichinose sniped from a distance, but I don’t know what kind of reflexes she had, Rebel managed to avoid that too.

How did she manage to avoid that?

“I’m faster than a bullet.”


Rebel had appeared behind me in the blink of an eye, and I hadn’t even noticed her.

Actually, could you please not read my thoughts so easily?

“Yes, that’s it.”


I was struck in the head with a cane and fainted.

≪Experience gained.≫

≪Kudou Kazuto’s LV has been increased from 26 to 27.≫

≪Proficiency has reached a certain level.≫

≪Skill Prediction increased from LV8 to LV9.≫

Just before I fainted, I heard a vague announcement in my head.

―― I woke up to a familiar ceiling. 

“Ah, good morning, Kudou.”

“…… Good morning, Ichinose.”

When I woke up, Ichinose was reading a manga in the corner of the room.

It was a manga about a hero who fought demons while riding on his motorcycle.

“How long was I unconscious?”

“About an hour.”

An hour……

That’s a lot less than the half a day I spent in bed the first time.

The time it takes to recover is also getting shorter.

“You can really increase your level just by fighting with Rebel huh.”

“Yes, even I was surprised at first.”

I was really surprised by this system.

We had always thought that the only way to gain experience to level up was by killing monsters, but apparently that wasn’t strictly true.

Killing monsters is not the only way to gain experience.

It seems that you can also gain experience by ‘just’ fighting monsters.

“But if you think about it, you’ve always done that, right?”

“That’s right……”

If you think about it, the same thing has happened to me when I’ve fought monsters before.

Even during the battles against Titan and Peony, all the people who participated in the fight received experience and their levels went up.

I hadn’t really thought about it, because I thought that the experience from the monsters we killed was just assigned to the participants, but it seems that the system of gaining experience is more complicated than I thought.

“At any rate, since we can level up without fighting monsters, that’s even better.”

“Yes, yes.”

Ichinose smiled and began reading the manga again.

Is that…. volume nine? I’ll ask her if I can borrow it later……

At any rate, this situation where we can level up safely is a blessing in disguise for us.

(However, this is only possible because we’re facing Rebel.)

You can gain experience just by fighting.

But the experience is much less efficient than when you kill monsters.

According to Rebel, “You can get more experience by killing one goblin than by fighting a hundred goblins.”

So, this is only possible right now because she has a far higher rank than us.

(Rebel said “at the very least”. She’s probably not going to keep doing this for six months.)

Once our levels hit a ceiling, we will move on to the next training.

Well, right now I’m still getting beaten up and knocked out every time.

I can’t stop shivering now, wondering what kind of training is waiting for us after this.

“Speaking of which, where are Nishino and Asaka?”

“Um, Nishino fainted, so he’s already been taken away. Ricchan is still training with Rebel.”

“You’re tough, Aisaka……”

“Yes yes. These days, Ricchan’s level has been increasing at an incredible rate. She said she will be level 10 soon.”

“That’s amazing……”

No, it’s really great.

If I’m not careful, I might be overtaken in the next six months.

She’s been the most enthusiastic about training since she got used to Rebel’s intimidation.

“It’s just that she complains that her clothes get tattered after every training session.”

“Ah…. That sure is…….”

Rikka-chan’s fighting style is close combat, full of blood and gore.

It is also a style of combat that uses the demon’s unique skill of ‘Blood Art’ to strengthen the user’s body and weapons to plough through the enemy with brute strength.

The reinforced hatchet is able to even deflect Rebel’s magic if it’s not too powerful, but the aftermath of that is that her clothes are usually ripped to shreds.

(Rebel said that as the level of the ‘Blood Art’ increases, the chances of clothes being blown off will also decrease….)

In other words, until then, her clothes will keep on ripping every time.

I’m sure Rikka-chan didn’t seem to mind at all, but I wish she would consider mine and Nishino’s situation.

Because it jiggles, you know? It’s very exciting.

To be honest, it’s very stimulating. Thank you very much.


“……Wha, What is it, Ichinose?”

“I think Kudou was just thinking about something indecent. Are Ricchan’s boobs that attractive?

“It, it’s just your imagination.”

Ichinose really has a keen intuition.

“Ah, um, I’m going to take a shower. Well then I’ll go.”

“Ah… Wai–“

I left the room as if I were running away.

I’m sorry, Ichinose. I can’t help it.

I took out a bath towel from the item box and headed for the bathroom, but there was already a guest there.

“Oh, Kudou-san, thank you for your hard work.”


While wiping his head with the bath towel, Nishino looked at me. It’s warm here.

“I’m sorry. I took a bath first.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that.”

Nishino slipped past me and went out into the hallway.

His level has risen considerably.

I’m pretty sure he’s level 29 right now.

Perhaps tomorrow’s training will allow him to evolve.

“Oh, I’m almost done with the laundry, can you run the dryer for me?”

“Ah, yes, sir.”

Currently, there are four of us living in a shared house: Nishino, Rikka-chan, Ichinose, and me. Nishino is the one who is basically responsible for the cooking and laundry.

At first I suggested that we take turns, but Nishino was adamant about it.

(…… He’s good at what he does and his cooking is delicious. ……)

If there are any skills for housework, I’m sure Nishino knows them and can do them all.

I’m sure he would make a good wife.

Ahem, I don’t think it’s my fault that I thought of that.

Also, while I was taking a shower, I washed Momo for the first time in a while.

Momo doesn’t like to take a bath, so this is the only time she gets really cranky.

She will hide in the shadows and go on strike. She was even ready to put up a thorough fight, but I succeeded in luring her out of the shadows using dog food and toys as decoys, and washed her thoroughly.

“……wau wau”

After drying her off, she curled up grumpily. So cute.

“Oh come to think of it, is today the day Aka will get its body back from the Sea Lord…..?”

Currently, Aka is in the process of having power transferred to it by the Sea King.

Aka is repeating the cycle of having the Sea King’s power poured into its body little by little until it can finally absorb all of it and familiarize itself with the Sea King’s powers.

Aka’s appearance is mostly the same, but its status has been growing rapidly.

“Momo, please.”


Using Momo’s “Shadow Crossing”, we headed for the beach.

–When we arrived at the beach, the Sea King was already there.

He was rolling along the sandy beach, seemingly relaxing. His appearance of rolling along the sandy beach did not seem like one of the Six Kings, who are called the strongest monsters.

Looking at him like this, it is impossible to believe that he could destroy our town in an instant if he wanted to…

[Oh, you came.]

The Sea King approached us while bouncing on the surface of the water like a loose ball of water.

“Sorry, I’m late.”

[You’re right on time. There is no need to apologize.]

The Sea King trembled magnanimously. He was very tolerant.

The bosses at my company, no matter how early you arrive, if you’re later than them, they’ll give you a lecture without question.

The Sea King shook for a moment and then spat out Aka’s body with a pop.

[That’s it for this time. I will share more power next time, but I’m sure the child will adapt quickly again.]


“…… (shake shake)”

Aka’s body trembled with joy as it re-absorbed its body.

This will make Aka even stronger.

[…… Now, while we’re on the subject, has that kid grown up in any way?]

“Ah, that child huh. For now, I’ve gotten to know Aiba and the party members a little better.”

[…… You’re still at that stage? Honestly, you guys….]

The Sea King shook instead of sighing.

He is talking about the slime jellyfish, otherwise known as the red jellyfish, that the Sea King had entrusted to us last time.

Basically, all communication with the Sea King is done through the Red Jellyfish.

But apart from that, the Red Jellyfish was also instructed by the Sea King to broaden his knowledge.

“Well, Aiba praised him as the most important member for the party’s safety, and he didn’t seem too happy about it.”

The red jellyfish has joined Aiba’s party and is currently in the middle of leveling up with them.

He has a good reputation with the other members of the team, especially Goshogawara (daughter) and Goshogawara (wife). Even though he looks like a cute little mascot, his defense is top-notch, and the gap between his appearance and ability is really unbelievable.

[Well, that’s all well and good, but what about …… Rebel? Did you notice anything unusual?]

“No, not really……. It’s the same as usual, I guess.”

[I see… Keep up the good work.]

“Yes, of course.”

After some idle chit-chat, the Sea King returned to the sea.

“Well, let’s go back, shall we?”


“…… (shake shake)”

Momo opened her shadows, but I decided to wait.

“It’s a beautiful day, why don’t we go for a walk? It’s been a while since I’ve taken Momo for a walk.”

“~~~~! Waun! Waun Waun!”

Momo nodded cheerfully at my suggestion.

She ran energetically along the beach, and I followed her.

Well, we still have some time left, so I guess this much is okay.

“Haa– It’s a beautiful day…..”

It’s been a relatively calm day like this for some reason.

Although we are preparing for the battle with the otherworldly people that is coming up in five months, I still think it is tens of times better than the hellish days we have had so far.

–I wish such days could go on forever….

[T/N: Yep. That right there. Flag raised.]

We all just need to work hard and build a foundation to live on.

That way, we don’t have to fight……

I can’t help but think like that.


It is pretty useless to be immersed in such sentiments.

At that moment, I felt the presence of a monster.

(It is… very strong.)

It’s been a while since I’ve felt such a strong presence.

And this one is coming straight at us.

“Are they going to fight us……?”

“Waun, waunwaun.”

“……! (shake shake)”

Momo and Aka are already very motivated.

“All right, Momo, Aka– let’s hunt.”


“……! (shake shake)”

Ichinose, Kiki, Sora, and Shiro are not here, but that’s no problem.

With our present strength, we’re more than capable of fighting on our own.

“It’s coming–!”

The presence approached us and showed itself in front of us.

And then…

“What ……?”

We stopped moving.

It was a black ant monster.

It looked similar to the Queen Ant we had fought at City Hall, but it was much smaller. It was about the same size as a human.

But the presence I felt was far greater.

A higher species of Queen Ant? Or is it a mutant like a high orc?

But what bothered me more was its condition.


It had wounds all over its body.

It was already on the verge of falling apart.

There were cracks all over its shell, its arms were bent in strange directions, and its entire body was covered in scars.


The black ant stared at me.

The next moment, it did something unbelievable


It bent its knees and held out its hands.

It was like a pose of surrender.



Naturally, Momo and I, who were ready to fight, tilted our heads in confusion.

But the next moment, I heard a buzzing sound that linked something in my head.

“……! What is this?”

I remember this feeling.

I’m pretty sure it was when I met Sora.

It was the same feeling I had when I met Sora, when she connected her thoughts in order to have a conversation with us.

This, could it be…


A voice echoed in my head.

Is this …… possibly from the black ant in front of me?

Can it use telepathy too?

When we looked at the black ant, it looked up at us pleadingly.

“Owner of ‘Precocious’……. I beg you…. save our king―― Schwarz, King of Wolves……”


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