The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 218: Because they are also humans


Don’s donation chapter (1/2)

It was the night of a full moon.

A glittering palace stood in the middle of the forest.

On the balcony, there was a young man.

He wore a white cloak and carried a ceremonial sword decorated with gold and jewels at his waist.

He was a man who could easily be recognized as a noble at one glance.

He was waiting for someone.

“Are you back?”


The young man opened his mouth and someone answered.

Before he knew it, there was a girl by his side.

It was a girl of about fifteen years old, dressed in black kimono.

Her red hair was flowing, and she carried a large sword as tall as her body on her back.

“How have the people been?”

“They are in high spirits. They must be very happy that the demons are gone. The whole country is in a festive mood.”

“Well, we only told the people that the demons were gone. I suppose that’s to be expected.”

“……Are you sure all the demons are on the other side?”

“Ah, the six kings, the Condemned, the Bladed Beast, as well as the Divine Tree and ‘that’ woman, they have all been sent to the other side. …… No, ‘she’ is the only one who went there willingly. My my…..”


The girl’s expression changed slightly at his words.

“It’s hard to believe, isn’t it? But it’s true. Is she really a sage? Well, the system is running without a hitch.”

“Is everything going as planned….?”

“Yes, if all goes as planned, in six months we will be transported to the other side.”

He pulled out a fist-sized crystal from his pocket.

The crystal, which emitted a soft lilac light, radiated a suspiciously dark and dense energy.


The mere sight of it made the girl feel nauseous.

She turned her head away and refused to even look at it.

He laughed and ignored her insolence.

“That’s a good reaction. If you had continued to look at it directly, even you would have had your soul sucked out.”

He said this as if there was nothing wrong with it.

The girl couldn’t help but feel a shiver run down her spine at his words.

“The sage’s crystal, could you please not torment my men too much?”

As she clutched the crystal with all her strength, the heavy feeling she had been experiencing disappeared as if it was just an illusion.

“You… really are a lot like …… your creator, huh.”

He then puts the crystal back in his pocket.

This was the master key that had allowed him to tamper with the world fusion system that the sage had created.

“The Sage was an amazing person.  But …… the Sage was also foolish. People are not as beautiful and perfect as you think they are.”

The system for world fusion created by the Sage was divided into three stages.

First, before the end of this world’s lifespan, a few people will be transferred to the other world, and the situation will be explained to the people of the other world, and their cooperation will be obtained during that time.

The next step was to physically merge this world with the other world in a way that would not cause damage to the other world. In this process, we will make adjustments in various aspects such as climate, logic, and laws, as well as regulate the world that has expanded.

Finally, people and monsters will be transferred to the other world.

In this way, the two worlds will be reborn as one new world.

“But that’s idealistic.”

He laughed and brushed off the Sage’s idea.

“――There is no way we can ever understand each other.”

I can guarantee you that.

Because we are humans, and the people on the other side are also humans.

Who would accept someone’s request to live in your world just because their world is dying?

There is no way they would accept it.

That’s the kind of logic only a child could have.

Humans are not that good.

How can a person who doesn’t even know what’s going on on the other side of the world listen to the plea of people from another world?

“But I do understand her ideals. If we take the time, we could have a future where we work hand in hand. We are people who can speak. But how many people will have to be sacrificed before then? Are we supposed to accept it as a necessary sacrifice? No life can be dismissed with such words.”

There will always be a war.

And if that happens, many people will die.

The people who have escaped extinction will now be killed by people from another world.

So should I just accept it?

The world is reaching the end of its life.

So do we have no choice? Should we die with the world?

I can’t accept that.

Such a future is unacceptable.

That’s why he “tampered” with the Sage’s system.

In order to create a situation in which they would have an absolute advantage.

To escape destruction, to reduce the damage of the war that lies ahead, even if only a little, and to create a situation that is advantageous to them.

The lives of our people and the lives of another world.

He weighed both of them and chose the life of his people.

“…… Her disciple — Lady Rebel — was disappointed. Apparently, our choice was too much for her to accept.”

“…… That’s…”

“I know that. But I choose the people of this world over the faceless people of the other side. We will do what we can to survive. I don’t care if thousands, tens of thousands, or billions of people on the other side die for that.”

That is the duty of the ruler of a country.

That’s his belief.

“That land is our hope.”

He played with the crystal in his hand again.

When everyone heard that the world had reached the end of its life span and was dying, they all despaired.

But when they came to know that there was a new world they could go to, there was a way to avoid this inevitable death, they all harbored hope in their hearts.

“That hope should never be lost.” 

There should be no anxiety, no gloom, no doubt, no fear, no confusion.

“Yes. The people who live there are not human. They are a different species. They are lowly apes who only speak our language. They are our enemies.”

That’s what we have to believe.

If you don’t believe that, you will not be able to overcome the holy war that lies ahead.

“I will accompany you. …….No matter where you go.”

At some point, several more men and women were kneeling behind the red-haired girl.

Eight people in total.

All of them were heroes of this world, and all of them were said to have the strength of a thousand warriors.

And they were also the members of the advance team that would be going to that land before everyone else.

“The Sage’s disciple, the ‘King of Death’, Rebel. You don’t know. There is another loophole in the system that even you don’t know about.”

By now, Rebel is probably preparing for the battle that is coming up in six months.

With Iver’s help and the help of the locals, they are preparing to face us.

“We’re going to turn the world upside down. No matter how hard you try, we will win.”

And with that, he – Randall – laughed.


I’ve posted a spin-off. “A Tale of a Modern Swordsman in a World Overflowing with Monsters, I Want to Live as I Please [Spin-Off]”

It’s a story about a person who obtained a unique skill different from Kazuto’s in another place in the “world full of monsters”.

I wrote it to take a break from the main story.

I hope you will read it as well.

In addition, volumes 1 to 4 of the books and volumes 1 to 4 of the comics are on sale.

Thank you for your support.



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