The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 214: Iiiiichinose Nananatsuuuu

Blue’s donation chapter (2/5)

Now, what the hell is this situation?

The Sea King, the primordial slime, Shram, gazed with satisfaction at Rebel, who is still stuck in the sandy beach.

I don’t know what’s going on, but I want someone to explain this situation to me.

But don’t tell anyone that I think that the pouting, angry Sea King was a little cute, like Aka in the past.

Then Sora, who had been standing behind me, stepped forward and first looked at the Sea King and then at Rebel.


After a moment, she nodded her head and extended her tail to the Sea King.

For a moment, I thought it might be an attack, but I didn’t feel any hostility.

“…… (furufuru)”

The Sea King also stretched out a part of his body and lightly touched Sora’s extended tail.

It’s like they were giving each other a high five and saying, “yay!”

“Well done.”

“……♪ (furufuru)”

Sora was in a good mood, and the Sea King shivered in delight.

“It’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other, but you sure have a nice way of saying hello…..”

Rebel is back.

Perhaps she had some sand stuck in her mouth because she was repeatedly wiping her mouth with some water in her hand as if trying to get rid of something. 

What a terrible waste of a skill. 

“Are you okay Rebel?”

“No problem. Just a broken neck.”

That does not look okay.

“I’m undead. A broken neck is not going to kill me. Oh, my God, my robe is covered in sand. It’s my favorite.”

The Sea King and Sora stared coldly at Rebel as she complained while dusting off the sand on her coat.

No, the Sea King doesn’t have eyes or anything.

“Wha, What? Why are you looking at me like that…?”

Rebel couldn’t help but flinch under his gaze.

The Sea King huffed and sighed.

No, it wasn’t through not a mouth or anything. It’s more like a gesture.

[Don’t you have to first apologize to me for something?]

A voice echoed in my head.

The voice sounded both serene and heavily dignified.

Could this be ……?

[Of course it’s me.]

The Sea King stretched out a part of his body and pointed at himself.

“You can… speak?”

[No, I’m not talking. It is more of communicating directly through thoughts. Our species has no vocal organs to begin with. So, to communicate with other species, we use telepathy.]

“Oh, I see…..”

Well, Sora can also do it, so it’s not that strange that a slime can do the same…

[Not everyone can do it. Very few creatures are able to communicate with other species through thoughts. It’s not just us. There are other species that can do the same too.]

“Oh, oh I see.”

I glanced at Aka, who was trembling at my feet.

I wondered if perhaps Aka would be able to communicate as well, but that looks tough.

Well, Sora had the “telepathy” skill, but Momo and Aka had the “communication” skill.

Unlike “communication,” which allows you to vaguely understand what is going through someone’s mind, “telepathy,” which allows you to have a proper conversation, is a higher level skill.

Sora really is amazing….. As expected of a dragon.

“Huh, Wha, What are you looking at Kazuto?”

“No, nothing.”

Well, I’m not going to tell her that because she gets carried away easily when I praise her.

Huh? So Shiro, who was able to use telekinesis right after she was born, might be even more powerful than Sora――

[–So, I’ve been sidetracked. Death King Rebel. You owe me an apology first, don’t you?]

“Uh, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Rebel was once again flicked by the Sea King and she flew far away.

[T/N: Is she a yo-yo?]

[If you’re not aware of it, that’s fine. I’m sure you’ll remember it eventually.]

“We, well, that’s why– bufura!?”

[First of all, you! Me and my kind! We were treated like garbage!]

“Hafu! Pfft!”

[For forcing me to flee when I refused to go hunt for the Bird King’s feather, and then leaving me in the mountains!]


[Every time you needed me for an experiment, you cut up my body and took it with you!]


[And more――]


Over and over again, Rebel was slammed and beaten painfully by the Sea King.


I was a bit taken aback.

Of course, it was not because of the Sea King, but Rebel.

I somehow knew what to expect from her, but I guess she did some pretty nasty things in the other world.

“…… She has a bad habit of unknowingly agitating and involving people, so…”

I could only agree with Aiba’s words.

“You were with Rebel at the time, weren’t you? Why didn’t you stop her?”

“You want me to die?”

“I’m sorry.”

Yeah, it’s impossible.

Even by the otherworld’s standards, Rebel is apparently a top-class monster, and there were probably few people who could stop her.

“By the way, should we stop that?”

“It will be fine. Lord Shram is taking it easy on us. In the first place, if Shram-sama had really hit her, not only her but even we would have been wiped off the beach by now.”

That’s scary.

He’s a little too strong, isn’t he, Lord Sea King?

Super weird.

“All we can do is quietly wait for Lord Shram to calm down. Oh, let’s step back a bit, shall we?”

“…… Oh, yes.”

[T/N: I imagine this scene to be similar to when Hulk threw Loki around like a rag doll in Avengers…]

The moment we stepped back, Rebel fell head-first in the sand where we stood.

“Even I want to be a part of this.”

“Please stop!”

While appeasing Sora, who was itching to hit Rebel, we watched what was going on.

After being punched over and over again by Lord Sea King, Rebel’s face looked like something a woman would never want.

I’m not sure if the damage is getting worse or not, but she’s wobbling on her feet now.

“Wait…, please…… any more of this and she’s really going to die……”

[Not yet. There’s still something very important left to do.]

The Sea King’s tentacles grabbed Rebel by her chest and dragged her towards him.

“Wha, what is this….. Are you saying it’s not over yet?”

[After all these beatings, you still don’t understand? You still don’t know what I’m most upset about?]


Rebel looks seriously confused.

That behavior made the Sea King emit a terrifying amount of anger.

I’m scared. To be honest, I want to run away from here right now.

“Wha, what is this….. Honestly what in the–“

[You did not ask me for help in this matter!]


At those words, Rebel’s expression distinctly changed.

[Why? Why didn’t you talk to me or Flamme…..? Why didn’t you rely on us?]

“That, that is…”

[We thought of you as a friend, even though we were different species. Were we wrong about that…..?]


[I know that you were worried about your Master. I also understand that there was no other way for our world to survive. Still…… we thought we could help you.]


[You did not come to us. Whenever you are in a situation like this, you always keep it to yourself. That is what I find so incredibly infuriating.]

Rebel collapsed on the spot, feeling powerless at his words.


After a while, she whispered, and this time, the Sea King trembled with satisfaction.

His anger seemed to have subsided.


As if the threads of tension had snapped, Ichinose, who had been clinging to me, slumped down on the spot.

“Are you okay?”

“Ha, ha, …… I lost my balance.”

“It can’t be helped. I was scared too.”

Unlike me, Ichinose didn’t have any resistance skills, so the pressure she felt must have been considerable.

Honestly, she did a good job of holding on.

“…… By the way, Aiba, who is Flamme?

“It’s the former Dragon King. He was one of the strongest monsters at the time, along with Nacht, the Wolf King.”

[That’s the reason why he is my beloved husband.]

“Thank you for the clarification.”

Sora continued to talk about him.

Well, I guess the Dragon King had a name too.

Well, he was one of the Six Kings, so I guess it’s not too surprising that he had a name.

But still, Flamme and Nacht……

Rufen, Schwarz, Titan, Peony… and the Sea King’s name is Shram.

…… Is this really what I think it is? I’d better go back and check later.

“It seems that Lord Shram’s anger has subsided, and now we can finally get down to business.”


“It’s been a long time, Lord Shram, Sea King.”

Aiba bowed down gracefully. That’s so elegant. 

Oh, he was originally a knight.

[This is what I get for having you with me… How pathetic.]

“……… I’m sorry. Please give me a chance to explain our situation, including that matter.”

[Very well. I will allow it.]

“Thank you.”

It seems that Aiba is going to explain the situation to the Sea King in place of Rebel, whose cheeks are swollen.

Aiba explained the current situation to the Sea King in a professional manner.

It’s quite an easy explanation to understand even from the side.

In the meantime, we had become complete spectators, watching the situation unfold.

……Did we really need to come here?

[So, these are our allies in this world.]

“Huh? Ah, yes.”

It was necessary.

It seems like this is where we will be introduced.


As soon as the Sea King landed on the beach, he slowly approached us.

[I am Shram the Sea King. What are your names?]

“I’m Kudou Kazuto……”

“M, my n, name is, I, IIIchinose Na, Na, Natsu.”

“Kudo Kazuto, Iiiiiiichinose Nananatsu. Good names.”

Sea King, no.

This girl is just nervous and did not speak properly.

Could it be that this is how she speaks normally?

Ichinose kept mumbling “no…… no……” in a low voice.

So on behalf of Ichinose, I told him her name properly.

[……I thought it was a good name, but she was just nervous?]

He seems kind of disappointed.

So, he was really complimenting her.

For some reason, he looks a lot like Aka this way. As expected of the original species.

“…… (furufuru)?”

Aka shivered near my feet as if saying, “What?” Cute.

[I’ve been wondering about that one since a while ago.]



The Sea King looked at Aka.

It seems that he was interested in Aka who had the same color as him.

[…Hoho. It’s been a while since I’ve seen a color this clear.]

Squish, squish, pinch, pinch.

The Sea King touched Aka.

Aka shivered in frustration, probably because it was ticklish.

I watched nervously as the exchange took place right under my feet.

To the untrained eye, it looks like two slimes playing cutely together, but the one at my feet is a monster of the same rank as Schwarz and Rebel.

I’m not going to lie, I don’t really feel like living.

[I see, I understand.]

After he finished squishing Aka, the Sea King left.

“Kudou Kazuto, does this child have a name?”

“Huh…..? Oh, yes, it’s called…… Aka.”

[…… convenient.]

He seems disappointed.

I’m sorry.

But I think it’s a better name than Iiiiiiiichinose Nananananatsu.

[It’s still young, but it has plenty of room to grow. I like it.]

Then the Sea King Shram stared at us.

[I have a proposal for you, Kudou Kazuto. This child, Aka, leave it to me.]

“…… What do you mean?”

[Exactly what I said. I will raise this child as my successor. It will be the next Sea King.]


The bomb was just dropped.

You’re going to make Aka the next…… Sea King?

The slime jellyfishes, who have been silent until now, began to buzz in unison at that statement.

It seems that the Sea King’s words were unexpected even for them.

“…… (Furufuru)?”

On the other hand, Aka, the person in question, was not sure what was going on and tilted its head.

No, it does not have a neck, but still…

The situation has somehow taken an unbelievable turn.

A/N: Supplement to the main story

The reason why Sora’s telepathy is in katakana and Shram’s is fluent is due to the difference in their skill levels.

T/N: Can we get an F in the comments for Rebel? XD


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