The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 211: Aftermath and the Future

Later on, with the help of Nishino and the others who had rushed to the scene, all of the reanimated monsters were defeated.

The people from the campsite looked surprised at the sudden appearance of reinforcements, but they soon realized that we were on their side.

After the battle was over, Fujita and Nishino explained the situation to them and they decided to move to our base.

The people at the campsite were all skilled at defeating monsters.

We were delighted to have them join us.

They will be an invaluable asset to us in both combat and production.

“Wh, what is this place, ……? Is this the SDF base?”

“Didn’t we just move in an instant?”

“Are you sure no monsters are coming in here?”

“This is unbelievable…….”

The campers who were invited to our base, the Self-Defense Force base, were surprised at the uniqueness of the “safe zone” and the facilities inside.

Apparently, no one at the campsite had any “town building” skills.

It seemed that they had to take turns keeping watch during the night.

“From now on, we can sleep in peace”, said the charming guy.

[T/N: When will we get the charming guy’s name….]

And with these new residents, the mayor’s level of “town planning” increased.

The electricity was back on, just as it had been at the city hall.

Now we can use the facilities that we couldn’t use before.

It was a lot of work, but the payoff was worth it.

(Well, there are still a lot of problems, but ……)

There were some problems with Aiba’s skills and the uncertain future of the reanimated people.

The reanimated people don’t remember that they are dead.

If they do remember, they are likely to reenact their own deaths like Satsuki did, and die again.

(Some people said that I should let them die properly…..)

When the mayor, Fujita and the others heard about Aiba’s skills, their reactions were mixed.

Some said that since they were already dead, they should be put to rest.

But they didn’t die because they wanted to.

We concluded that if they were given a chance to live, then we should let them live again.

(Well, that’s what you’d think if you saw a scene like that…..)

Goshogawara and his family were hugging each other with tears streaming down their faces.

That scene was enough to prove that these people were not just someone who had been given a fake life.

I can only hope that Satsuki and her mother can continue to enjoy their second life.

They’ve met again.

Ah, I really want them to live together happily this time.

(But, how did Satsuki survive…..?)

From what Aiba explained, if the way she died had been recreated, there was a high possibility that she would have ended up dead.

But Satsuki is still safe and sound, alive with Goshogawara.

Is she the only exception, or did something change under the influence of her outburst of some skill or Rebel’s “divine power”?

That remains unclear.

I heard that Rebel is going to investigate that from now on.

By the way, Aiba’s original purpose and the fact that he is from another world is being kept a secret.

If we told them everything, no one would be able to accept him. Only me, Ichinose and Sora would be able to accept him. 

“Hmm? Is that Nishino and the others……?”

As I walked down the corridor, I saw Nishino and the others carrying some luggage.

Satsuki is also with them.

“Rikka-chan, I’m ready over here.”

“Ah, thanks, Sachin. You really work fast.”

“I’m new here, so I want to learn everything. By the way, when you said Sachin, did you mean me?”

“Yes, since you’re Satsuki, you’re Sachin. Not good?”

“No, of course not. I’m rather happy.”

It seems that Satsuki is already getting along with Nishino’s group.

I didn’t know that Satsuki was in high school.

I thought she was a college student like the charming guy because she looks rather mature.

By the way, the charming guy is working hard under Chief Shimizu.

“I’m sorry, Goshogawara, for asking you to help me with so many things as soon as you arrived.”

“No, that’s not true, Nishino. I will help you in any way I can. Also, since my father is also here, you can call me Satsuki. Don’t use honorifics, just use casual language. We’re the same age, aren’t we?”

“Oh oh. Then, I will be in your care, Satsuki.”

“……! Yes! Please leave it to me!”

Satsuki is very excited after being told so by Nishino.

Hmm, it’s like a scene from my youth.

Ah well, the only difference is that she’s carrying guns, weapons, and other dangerous stuff.

Is it my imagination, or does Satsuki’s face look strangely feverish when she stares at Nishino?

……Well, I guess it’s nothing to worry about.

I walked straight past them and headed for the entrance of the base.

Then a part of my view flickered and Ichinose appeared.

“Ah, Kudou, thank you for your hard work.”

“Thank you for your hard work, Ichinose. I’m sorry to keep you waiting.”

“No, no, no, I just arrived too, yes.”

I bowed to Ichinose, who bowed to me as well.

“Thanks to you again, Ichinose, I was able to survive this time as well.”

“No, that’s not true. I just mailed Rikka-chan and then brought everyone here. I couldn’t participate in the battle.”

“No, that’s not true. That was the best thing you could have done in that situation.”

[T/N: Bless this awkward pair. I wonder when this ship will sail..]

We couldn’t use the perception blocker out in the open, and there was no place where we could take advantage of Ichinose’s sniper.

I think Ichinose’s actions of hiding in the shadows, constantly sending out information to our comrades, and bringing reinforcements was the most appropriate choice in that situation.

I was also grateful that she tried her best to suppress Sora’s desire to act out.

In the shadows, Sora was always saying, “I want to go out there! Let me fight! I want to fight!”

In fact, if she had come out, the battlefield would have been in chaos for sure.

“Turn…… My turn…….”

After the battle, I had a hard time appeasing Sora who was sulking…….

In the end, though, Shiro’s words, “Mom, you’re so uncool,” helped her regain her senses.

Sora’s dignified appearance from the first time is crumbling more and more.

“Well, it’s about time. Momo, I’ll leave it to you.”


The shadows around our feet widened and we stepped out of the safe zone.

We walked through the shadows to the campsite.

The ground was battered from fighting monsters all over the place.

As we proceeded after avoiding the muddy and damaged ground, we saw them.

They must have noticed us too, because they briefly waved at us.

“Sorry you had to come all this way.”

“No, it’s fine.”

The people who were waiting for us were Rebel and Aiba.

She urged me to sit down on a chair made of logs.

“…… How are you feeling, Aiba?”

“I’m fine for now. My physical condition and skills are stable……”

Aiba looked somewhat tired as he replied.

Well, he had been abandoned by the otherworlders, who were the cause behind his skills running wild and his friends being in danger.

He must be in a lot of pain mentally.

“It’s because I fell for those idiots’ tricks. I’m so sorry……”

“I have no words to return……”

Aiba is going to be under the constant supervision of Rebel from now on.

This is to keep his skills from going out of control.

Right now, the only thing that can control his skills is Rebel’s “divine power”.

I can’t blame him.

“Thanks to you, my future plans will be greatly compromised. They’ve put some really nasty shackles on us.”


Rebel, please hold back a little.

See, Aiba looks like he’s about to cry.

“A, and what’s the reason you called us here?”

I tried to divert the conversation by asking her why we were here.

I was told to go all the way outside the safe zone and not to bring anyone except Ichinose.

There must be something important to discuss.

“It’s about the future. As I said earlier, we need to revise our future plans drastically.”

In contrast to what she was saying earlier, Rebel’s expression became more serious.

“Kazuto, Natsu, what I’m about to tell you should be kept to yourselves, at least for now.”

“……! Yes.”


Ichinose and I both stiffened at the atmosphere and our eyes tensed.

“Good eyes. Now, listen up, both of you.”

Rebel breathed in and said.

“I want to bring the Wolf King and the Sea King to our side. Can you help me with that?”

……Such an impossible task?


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