The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 193. A Sudden Encounter

After that, I was able to join Nishino-kun and his friends safely.

The Self Defense Force base—or should I say the former Self Defense Force base—was able to properly function as a “Safety Zone”.

There were some degree of confusion and anxiety among the populace, but the Mayor and Fujita-san stepped forward to manage it.

For the time being, we had acquired a place where we could stay again.

“Ahh…I’m tired…”

I was finally able to relax after entering the “Safety Zone”, and as per usual, I was overwhelmed by the fatigue and went out cold, only managing to wake up the following day.


After waking up, I speak to Nishino-kun about various things.

The Mayor, Fujita-san, Chief Shimizu, and Nijou are all busy at work, with President Igarashi and Nishino-kun’s friends helping them out.

I tell him what transpired during my battle with Peony and exchange information.

“—We’ll have to spend some time exploring the area, gathering information, and securing food again.”

“Yes, but we should be fine. It seems like Peony has gobbled up most of the monsters that lurked around here…”

He’s right I’m not sensing any signs of any living things around us.

Most of the monsters in this region should have been devoured by Peony along with the town’s residents.

“…Goshogawara-san must be having a tough time.”

“Indeed. The only saving grace is that he got his ‘memories’ back…”

Apparently, memories associated with those that were devoured by the Treants can be recovered if we defeat them.

I have no idea what the mechanism behind it is, but everyone’s “deprived memories” have been returned, including those of the Self Defense Force members and Goshogawara-san.

I’m told that Goshogawara-san cried by himself after the battle, praying for his family members with his diary, handkerchief, and ring in hand.

“He’s a strong person… much stronger than me….”


With clenched fists, Nishino-kun continued,

“That’s why I must do my best to improve. Until I can be as good as Goshogawara-san and Kudou-san… There…there must be something that I can excel at as well.”

Looking refreshed, he lifts his head.

He must have overcome something.

Not even a trace of a shadow could be detected on his face.

Nishino-kun…you’re already plenty strong, at least much more than me…


After paring with Nishino-kun, I head to the infirmary.

It doesn’t take long for me to find the person that I’m looking for.

She’s on a bed that’s next to the windows.

When I enter the room, she notices my presence and smiles.


“—It must have been tough on you, Ichinose-san.”

I sit on the chair besides her bed and check her condition.

Her fingers have been wrapped by bandages, but there’s some blood seeping out.

“Are your fingers okay?”

“Yes…Uh… what was that person’s name…….? Oh, yeah, Shibata-kun treated me. It may look like this, but the pain has mostly subsided.”

“Is that so? That’s good to hear…”

I’m glad that it’s not a permanent injury.

Oh, and you should try to remember people’s names properly.

You almost forgot about Shibata-kun’s name just now, didn’t you?

But then again, who am I to scold her…

“He kept visiting, so it was becoming very troublesome. I’ve been using ‘Cognitive Impediment’ to avoid him. It’s just… I’m not good at dealing with people like him…”

“I-is that so…”

Let’s be honest here.

“Not good” is an understatement.

“How about you, Kudou-san? You left arm…I heard from the others that it’s not in a good shape. Is it okay?”

“It’s alright. I haven’t removed the bandages yet, but it should be in good form after a few days of rest.”

My left arm has been bandaged and fixed in place.

It’s slightly inconvenient, but I can perform daily activities and battle normally with a bit of assistance from my “Shadow”.

“Eh…? But wasn’t you arm, like, bitten off or something?”

“Yes, it was. I’m assuming that it’s one of the perks of being a Newcomer, but I was able to get it treated with a Recovery Potion and Shibata-kun’s help.”

The injury was originally so serious that even my bone was visible.

I must say, Newcomers must have an extremely high vitality.

I’ll consider this a benefit of “Evolving”.

I’m really becoming less and less human, aren’t I?

“Wow, what a cheat. Officer, there’s a cheat guy here…”

“I haven’t heard that in some time.”

It’s what she said to me when we first met.

“…Although it’s not to Kudou-san’s extent, I’ve also had a similar experience where the pain in my muscles from the gun’s recoil got much better in just half a day…”

“Hahaha, then Ichinose-san must be a cheat guy as well.”


Wait, it’s not like it really matters, but since Ichinose-san is a girl, should I be calling her a cheat girl instead?

Perhaps frustrated with my comeback, Ichinose-san pouts.

“Speaking of evolution, Aisaka-san evolved into a ‘Demon’, am I right?”

“Desu desu. She was here until a moment ago. You must have missed her.”

Rikka-chan evolved into a “Demon” in the midst of battle.

Her appearance now is mostly the same as before, but when she enters battle-mode, her skin turns reddish brown and a glowing horn is said to appear on her forehead.

It’s exactly as it’s written in the race description.

Similar to Newtypes, Demons are a rare species, which means she must have become considerably stronger.

“She was really excited about finally catching up to us.”

“Haha, just what we’d expect from Aisaka-san.”

“Even if she has evolved, Ricchan is still Ricchan…The people around her are behaving normally as well.”

One’s true nature won’t change that much from evolution alone.

I’m relieved to hear that her friends are open-minded about the changes.

Everyone in their group, Nishino-kun included, seems to cherish friendship greatly.

“Ichinose-san must have also gained a lot of experience.”

“Desu desu. My level shot up by seven.”

I’ve confirmed this by checking the “Party Members” section of my status.

When I defeated Peony, everyone else also leveled up.

Momo has gone from being Dark Dog LV 3 to LV 10, Aka from being Creation Slime LV 5 to LV 11, Kiki from being Carbuncle LV 2 to LV 8, and finally, Ichinose-san from being Newtype LV 2 to LV 9.

“Since I got a lot of points from leveling up, I’ve gone ahead and done the ‘Gatchas’.”

“T-that so…”

“This time, I was pretty lucky and received a new skill. I’ll show you later.”

“Oh, I’ll be looking forward to it.”

“But of course, it might not be as impressive as Sora’s…”

“Well, that’s pretty much a given.”

Compared to what Sora has, any skill or occupation will appear subpar.

“I didn’t think Sora would ‘Evolve’…”


Yes, Sora has “Evolved” through this battle.

Her level maxed out after obtaining the experience points from Peony, consequently changing race from Blue Dragon LV 38 to Ancient Dragon LV 2.

She herself was the most surprised of us all.

Something about a miracle happening despite having just given birth.

She was so shocked, in fact, that she was in a daze and didn’t respond to anything we said for a while.

Is there meant to be some correlation between childbirth and evolution?

Her appearance has changed a bit, her wings doubling from 2 to 4 and her scales turning deep indigo.

Her presence has become stronger, so much so that I was worried for a second that she’d leave the party.

Thankfully, it seems like she’s planning on staying with us for the foreseeable future.

According to her, it would be until her child has grown up to an extent.

“…She said ‘It’s not because I like this place, okay? Don’t misunderstand, Kazuto’, but…”

“Seeing her like that doesn’t make things convincing, does it….”

Looking out the window, we can see the figure of Sora taking a nap at a corner of the field with hay scattered around her.

The residents are staring at her from a distance.

It’s almost like they’re at a zoo without a fence.

“She has thrown caution out the window…Oh my, she’s even snoring out fire…”

“That just goes to show that she’s comfortable. By the way, there’s one more Dragon displayed on the Party Members column. This is…?”

“That would be Sora’s child. The name’s—”


The shadow beneath me spreads out, and out comes a small Dragon that makes a dive for my face.

‘Kazuto! Play!

“Oof…! You little, l-let go, I can’t breathe like this!”

I struggle to peel off the white creature that’s clinging to me and puts her on my head.

“This child…?”

“Yep. She’s Sora’s child—Shiro the Little White Dragon.”


Ichinose-san cocks her head.

“Her scales are blue though…It’s just my guess, but I think this child’s a bit unique…”

This is something I heard from Sora, but not all Dragons are of the same race as their parents.

In rare occasions, they’re born a different race, making them the so-called unique individuals.

“She’s blue at the moment, but her scales will turn white after she sheds her skin a couple of times.”

“So Dragons shed their skin…”


A random fact about Dragons’ ecology.

Naturally, I was the one who named her.

At first, I was thinking of naming her Ao, but changed my mind and went with Shiro instead after checking her race.

According to Sora, it’s rare for a newborn to have the ability to speak immediately after they’re born.

‘As expected of a child born from him and I! She’s very promising. Fufufu…’ was what she said in a good mood.

Shiro’s a female, and she’s as big as a crow at the moment.

‘Kazuto ♪ Kazuto ♪ Mufu ♪’

For some odd reason, she’s really attached to me and follows me around.

Her favorite seat is the top of my head.

Hey, stop pulling my hair.



The “Shadow” expands once more, and Momo and Kiki appear from within.

Momo snuggles up to my feet while Kiki rides on my shoulders. It’s as if they’re asserting that “These are out fixed seats!”

“…Furu furu ♪”

Aka, who’s mimicking my clothes as usual, trembles happily.

“…It was the same with Aka-chan and Kiki-chan… Does Kudou-san release pheromones that attract monsters?”

“That shouldn’t be the case…I think?”

I’m not a “Monster Tamer”, so why?

Whatever, it’s not a bad thing.

After all, I get to mofu-mofu.

Shiro’s getting along with Momo and the others, so all’s well.

…That said, I am a little worried that Shiro would accidentally maim me in the future when she has grown up and wants to play with me.

I should warn her sternly when the time comes.


“No one’s here, so this should do…”

I’ve parted with Ichinose-san and come to the rooftop.

It’s quiet, and there’s nobody here to disturb me.

It’s the perfect place to do some research.

“Now, what do we have here…”



I’m sitting on the ground with Momo on my lap and Kiki besides me asking “What are you doing?”

Shiro’s currently sleeping inside my hood.

“A lot of questions have sprung up in my mind because of our recent battle. I’m thinking of looking them up one at a time.”

I want to allocate my points as well, but this comes first.

I take out Peony’s magic stone and the “seed” from my Item Box.

Then, I open up my status screen and tap on “The Right to Question”.

“There was something about the lock on ‘The Right to Question’ being released…”

If I’m remembering things correctly, that should be what the Heavenly Voice said.

Since the lock’s been released, I should be getting more information than before.

“Let’s test it out with something else first…”

What would be a good test subject?

Oh, right. There’s that.

The mysterious item known as the [Healing Jewel] that I have no knowledge of what-so-ever regarding its usage.

Last I asked, the reply was just a short “heals the target”.

I wonder how it has changed since then.

I search it up straight away.

The information displayed is as follows:

[Healing Jewel]

Has the effect of healing all wounds, illnesses, curses, and mutations inflicted on the target, returning the target to their original state.

The item is limited to one use.

“Ohh, it’s much more detailed than before…”

Is this what it meant about the lock becoming undone?

The [Healing Jewel] had such effects, huh?

It’s rather overpowered.

The ability to heal any wounds. What is this, the Archangel from Hunter ◯nter?

The part about it being one-time use is also similar.

Anyway, with this, I might be able to understand something about Peony’s magic stone, the seed, and “Hero’s Hymn”, my new skill.

“…Huh? Wait a sec…Mutation?”

The word swims around in my mind.

Mutation…as in the mutation that turns people into monsters…?

If mutations can be healed, that means—

“…We might be able to convert Ono-kun back to human using the [Healing Jewel]…”

I put a hold to my investigation and head towards Nishino-kun and his friends.


“—I see, so it contains such effects…”

Nishino-kun is studying the [Healing Jewel] on my hand.

Rikka-chan, Shibata-kun, and Ono-kun, the last being the party involved, are also staring at the item with interest.

“Haha, this is great, Ono! Ya can become human again!”

“Yeah! But is this okay with you, onii-san? This thing’s quite valuable, right?”

“It doesn’t matter. I heard that Nishino-kun and Aisaka-san might have died without Ono-kun’s help. You can consider this my gratitude.”


Nishino looks at me, moved.

It’s a rare item, but I got it through pure coincidence anyway.

I’m thinking of searching for more treasure chests with President Igarashi in the future, so there’s a chance that I’ll come across one again.

I want to maintain a friendly relationship with Nishino-kun and his friends. This is a cheap price to pay for that.

“Thank you, Kudou-san…”

Nishino takes the [Healing Jewel] and bows.

“Thank you, onii-san.”

“We’re indebted to ya. Thanks…”

Rikka-chan and Shibata-kun also turn and bow to me.

Stop. They’re overreacting, and its making me uncomfortable.


Ono-kun, the person in question, seems to be contemplating something.

“…What’s wrong, Ono? Aren’t you glad?”


After some hesitation, Ono-kun speaks as if he had made up his mind.

“I’m sorry, Nishino-kun, Kudou-san, but I…won’t be taking it…I’ll remain as I am.”


“W-what are you saying Ono!?”

“Yeah, Onon! You can revert back to being human, you know!?”

Nishino-kun, Rikka-chan, and Shibata-kun raise their voices in unison at Ono-kun’s unexpected response.

“I-I’ll be fine without it. It’s my fault I became like this…not to mention how precious the item is to be wasted on me…”

“But you…”

“O-or could it be that you guys can’t bear being next to me, a Zombie?”

“Of course not! It doesn’t matter how you look. You’ll always be our friend.”

“That’s right, Onon!”

“’Course not! Stop shitting with me, punk.”

Ono-kun smiles at their words.

“S-see? …I’ll be fine…”

“But will you be okay with it?”

“Yeah…and as I’ve said after the battle, I…killed our friends.”


I’m already in the know about this.

According to Nishino-kun, Ono-kun has confessed to everything.

After being separated from Nishino-kun’s group, he met up with some of their other friends but ended up killing them because of a dispute.

Then, he consumed some magic stones and became a monster.

“I’ve killed my friends, mutated into a monster, and become nothing but a gathering of sin…the fact that everyone still accepts me…is enough…”

Ono-kun bows his head.

“That’s why…I’m sorry everyone, but…please grant me this wish. I don’t want to run from it anymore. I’ll face it properly from now on and atone for my sins over the course of my lifetime. I won’t betray you guys either. So please… don’t take away my sins…I don’t want to treat it like they never existed…”




Shibata-kun hits Ono-kun’s head with his knuckle.

“That hurt! What was that for, Shibata-kun!”

“Zip it! You’re pretty much asking for it by showing us that kind of expression! I don’t care what you think, but I’m never abandoning you, got it!?”


“I don’t want to abandon my friends again…never again…I also…”


“Hey, stopping looking at me like that. It’s creepy. It feels like you’ve become even more gloomy now that you’re a Zombie.”

“T-that’s going too far, Shibata-kun!”

“That’s right. I’m against racism.”

“Oi, which side are you on, Aisaka!”

“Me? I quit being human, so of course I’m on Onon’s side! Demon be allies with Zombie!”

“Y-you…Nishino-san! Nishino-san should say something too!”

“…Sorry, Shibata. I was the one who chose Rikka’s evolutionary path, so I can’t say anything against them.”

“N-no way…”

“Uahahaha, it’s three-on-one, Shibacchi.”


Hmm…have I been forgotten?

Whatever. All’s well that ends well.

After confirming how close they are with one another, I quickly take my leave.


I’m back at the rooftop again.

It’s time to resume our research.

I take out the magic stone and the seed once more.

Oh, and let’s confirm how many points I have.

Curious about the number of points that I’ve amassed, I open my status plate to check.


Kudou Kazuto Newtype LV 16

HP: 912/912

MP: 422/422

Strength: 489

Endurance: 506

Agility: 1023

Dexterity: 1002

Magic: 185

Magic Resistance: 185

SP: 262

JP: 133


Oh! They’re there!

My level went up by 11, so I’ve received a ridiculous number of points.

I also notice that my agility and dexterity have entered the four digits.

This is great.

(Hmm, I should start considering what I should choose as my fifth occupation….)

When the research is over, I’ll think about this carefully.

I’m looking forward to it already.

Oh, but I should consult with Ichinose-san and Momo as well.

I’ll take their opinions into account before choosing.


Suddenly, I feel a presence behind me.

I turn around, but find no one there.

….Was I mistaken? That’s probably it.

There’s no one here except Momo, Kiki, Aka, and I.

If someone did come up, I’d be able to tell with my skills.

What’s more, monsters can’t enter the “Safety Zone”.

“Oh, well. I’ve confirmed how many points I have. I should quickly get on with the research.”

“Research? What are you researching? The seed or the magic stone?”

“Both. The former is displayed as the ‘God Tree’s Seed’ in the Item Box, but I should check what it’s for—Eh…?”

Wait. Hold it right there.

Whose voice… was that?

I should be the only one up here.

Is it Ichinose-san? No, that wasn’t her voice.

It’s a girl’s for sure, but one which I’m not familiar with.


My heart pounds heavily.

Feeling a chill, I look back again.


There shouldn’t have been anyone else on the rooftop.

My skills aren’t ringing, and I’m not sensing any presence aside from ours.

But there she is.


A woman with long silver hair and pure white skin.

She’s wearing a white robe and carrying a staff on her hand.

A figure reminiscent of a magician that appears in movies and games—such a person is standing behind us some distance away.

She has literally appeared out of thin air.

She inspects her own body before letting out a sigh of relief.

“Thank God. It seems to have succeeded. Well, since it’s something that mom and I did together, it would’ve worked out somehow. Yep.”

“…Who are you?”

“As I thought, the God Tree, no, Peony, seems to have wrecked havoc here. The effect of ‘Foreign World Displacement’, a skill that Treants have, has considerable weakened. I was finally able to cross over because to that.”


What the hell is this woman saying?

Then, the woman looks over at me.

“It’s all thanks to you. I’m really grateful.”


“Why are you making such a scary face? Ohhh, I see. You must be wondering who I am. Yup. Makes sense. Then an introduction is in order.”

The woman places the hand which isn’t occupied by her staff on her chest and greets me on one knee.

“My Name is Liber, Liber Lownherz. Not only am I the current head of the Lownherz Family, I am this generation’s ‘Death King’. If I were to describe myself in a way that’s easy to understand—”

She lifts her face and says,

“—I’m someone from a different world.”


TN: DUN DUN DUUUNNN!! Howdy, translator-san here. As many of you were probably informed, I’m just a temporary translator for this . I was requested to translate until this chapter, so my job here is done. Someone else will be picking it up from chapter 194, so yeah. Thank you for reading all the way up til now! Adios!

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