The World Cataclysm

Chapter 43: Ambitions

"Fuck! I'm already full of this bullshit! Why do we even need to provide those leechers with food? We risked our lives for it! And what about them? They just sat here doing nothing!" A male student was fuming as he shouted madly at people in front of him.

There were more than a dozen of them. At his words, most of them jerked slightly, finding his words uncomfortable.

"Kyle, don't be so mad. We are the only ones who have weapons, so it's our responsibility!" A blond male student tried to calm Kyle as he tried to talk sense with him. Both of them were tall and had wide shoulders, indicating good physical fitness.

"Yeah! It's not our fault that we don't have weapons."

"It's not like we want to be helpless!"

"You also need food!"

"Shut up, leechers!" Kyle again responded angrily to their words. During that week, he already started hating everything. He hated that useless burden! Stuck in an underground basement, he didn't know how many time had already passed here.

He hated people in front of him who remained in safety while he risked his life to get food, yet he hated a blonde guy more than them.

"Arthur, do you truly want to slide it off? They literally do nothing all the time we were here!" Kyle asked irritatedly as he thought, 'Stop playing a hero!'

"But it won't feel right otherwise! We should help each other since we are all stuck together," Arthur said as he also felt exhausted being cooped in one building.

However, Arthur had already been approved as a leader of their group by others. Arthur and Kyle were the only ones who didn't throw their clubs, so they were the strongest among them.

He thought that it was his responsibility to look after others!

"Big talk from a man who was at the brink of death just a while ago. Kyle, have you already forgotten how you were literally dying from fever just several hours ago?" The female student sided with Arthur.

She had long black hair and had worn casual clothes. However, the most unusual aspect about her was her beautiful ruby eyes, shining as a gemstone. She had a cold and sharp around her.

At her words, Kyle finally calmed down as he recalled something. Smiling lightly with a cold glint in his eyes, he said, "Fine! Then, let's finish it faster!"

"If you're feeling weak after a fever, I can take your place." The same female student suggested as she played with a wooden club in her hands.

"No need, Evelyn. You had gone previously, so you can rest. I'll do it myself." Kyle said as he held Failed Dagger in his hand. It was unusual for a person to change his temper so much, yet nobody paid it any attention.

"Evelyn, please, look after Mary," Arthur said as he glanced at a short charming girl next to her. She was shorter than Evelyn and had brown hair as well as hazel eyes.

"No need to worry about your girlfriend. She is also a friend of mine." Evelyn chuckled as she teased Arthur.

All three of them were friends from high school, so they were familiar with each other for a long time. Evelyn had also liked Arthur in the past due to his bright and cheerful personality, but now she had no lingering romantic feelings towards him. Well, it was a story of the past.

"Please, be safe, Art" Mary cheered him with her soft and sweet voice.

Watching how two girls were cheering Arthur, Kyle gazed at him enviously as a cold glint flashed in his eyes, even further fueling his hatred towards him. He especially hated that stupid sense of justice of Arthur.

Arthur had come from a well-off family, had a beautiful girlfriend and was popular in university, so he had strongly envied his life. Even Evelyn's status as an adopted child of their university principal was higher than his.

He had thought that he could outperform him with a help of a system, yet even then he couldn't catch up to him. Well, until now!

A short while later, three male students had gone upstairs from the underground basement to the first floor. Arthur was gripping a Broken Spear in his hands, while Kyle held the same Failed Dagger from before. The third man had a Wooden Club as his main weapon. Arthur had asked Kyle to give his previous weapon to the third man.

Since they had made such raids in the past, they were calmer and stronger on their first time. Both Arthur and Kyle had reached level 3, while the third man was on level 1.

Exiting the underground basement, all three of them moved slowly towards one of the shelves where snacks and water bottles were located. Arthur was in the front, leading them towards their goal while still avoiding wandering zombies.

When they couldn't avoid them, they swiftly killed them without causing much of a noise. With enhanced stats, it became much easier to kill zombies.

Finally, reaching a shelf with food, they started silently packing their bags with snacks and drinks. They had already done it several times in the past, so they already knew what to do. The third man had stood on the guard as they were packing bags.

'Phew...Everything is going smoother than I expected. Good!' Arthur thought silently as he was half-done with his task.


Since they were silent all the time, the sound of a metal can of coke falling on the floor sounded louder than it should have. It seemed that Kyle accidentally dropped one while he was throwing resources into his bag.

Immediately Arthur's face paled as he quickly zipped his bag, yet it was already too late. At first, it was only one of them, but a short time later, all zombies in a supermarket were growling madly.

They quickly took their half-filled bags and dashed towards the door, yet zombies quickly started surrounding them. At that moment, Kyle grabbed the man next to him and pushed him towards rushing zombies as he said, "Buy some time for me!"

The man slammed hard towards incoming zombies as several of them fell on the ground. Arthur was closely following after them, yet when he saw what Kyle did, he rushed to help the man and shouted to Kyle, "What are you doing?"

Smirking, Kyle glared coldly at Arthur and said, "Die in peace, Arthur! I'll kindly treat your girlfriend. Hahaha!"


With such words, the door to the underground basement was closed as Kyle left Arthur to his death.

As the door was closed, even more zombies had rushed towards Arthur, filling his heart with even more despair.



Rushing downstairs, Kyle slammed the door to the underground basement open as he hurriedly entered it. His face was pale as he panted heavily.

"What's up, Kyle? Where's Art?" Seeing the state of Kyle, Evelyn shakingly asked Kyle even if she had guessed the right answer.

Taking a long breath, Kyle made a slight pause as he said, "...He's dead"

"Stop...What do you mean?... How?" Evelyn stammered as she said.

"Arthur is dead! I've personally seen it!" Kyle repeated himself.

At his words, Evelyn's mind blanked as tears started welling in her eyes, but someone had cried before her. Behind her, Mary was muttering something as she cried and bowled loudly, kneeling on the floor, "No!... Art couldn't have died!... Why him?"

Looking at her best friend, Evelyn steeled her heart and hugged Mary, trying to comfort her. Even though she was also feeling sad and empty inside, Arthur had entrusted Mary to her, so she needed to look after her.

An unknown time later, Evelyn asked, "Where's the food?"

"I was able to fill only half of the bag, and I'm not gonna share it with anyone. Two of us had died to get the food! I don't wanna return to that hell, so it's all mine." Kyle shook his head as he gazed coldly at them.

"Arthur had sacrificed his life to obtain that food!" Evelyn finally lost her temper as she shouted in anger.

"It is my bag and I personally filled it. Arthur's share of food should be outside with him! If you want to have food, then go after it by yourselves." Kyle retorted as he smiled evilly inwardly. He thought, 'Just wait a bit and you all will beg me for it.'

"YOU!..." Evelyn shouted madly as she shakingly pointed her finger at him.

"What? Are you going to take it by force? Sorry, but I'm much stronger than you." Kyle glared coldly at her.

She was so mad that her face had turned slightly scarlet from anger. However, she couldn't do anything since she knew that he was much stronger than him since he had put all of his free points into strength.

Even though it might seem unreasonable to kill other fighters like Arthur and that man, Kyle had obtained what he wanted. Soon, nobody would dare to go against him and his word would become an order.

'With no Arthur around me, no one, even zombies, wouldn't pose me any threat due to my new strength! With my strength, I'll become a ruler in a new world.' Thinking so, he sent lewd glances at Evelyn and Mary as his eyes were sliding by their beautiful faces and bodies.

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