The Witch Hunter System

Chapter 790 Great Devil Conference

Chapter 790 Great Devil Conference

Gehenna Realm, Dreamdust Territory

Shortly after Hecate returned to Illusory Moon City with her six Dreamcatchers and three Vampiress Lords, darkness encroached on the land.

An unprecedented sense of gloom and oppression weighed on the myriad races living within the prosperous city. The liveliness and bustling activities throughout the busy streets ceased, and an ominous sense of fear crept into everyone's heart.

It was like the Grim Reaper's hand had latched onto their hearts, ready to crush them with a squeeze at a moment's notice.

"W-What's going on?!" a Transcendent-rank Dark Fairy cried with alarm and dread.

Illusory Moon City had never experienced such large-scale ominous phenomena since its founding. Moreover, many residents have never encountered difficulties or danger due to its high quality of life and strict stability.

Anywhere could be attacked, but not Illusory Moon City; it was hidden in the heart of Dreamdust Territory and was the safest place to live.

As such, their fear was amplified when they encountered such a dreadful aura covering the whole city.

Meanwhile, Hecate knew who the all-encompassing aura belonged to. There was only one being in Gehenna with such a dreadful aura of death – Thanatos.

Although the deathly aura seemed to threaten to take everyone's life in the blink of an eye, she also knew the Supreme Great Devil wouldn't take a life so easily as long as she didn't defy his will.

Of course, there was only a thin line between a threat and a death sentence; the choice was hers to make.

"Hecate, your immediate presence is required at the Great Devil Conference. Will you agree or decline?" Thanatos's voice eerily resounded throughout the Dreamdust Territory.

"I agree!" Hecate resolutely shouted at the sky.

Naturally, she had no other choice—not with Thanatos's death power looming over everyone's head like a Sword of Damocles, ready to be dropped at any time.

Although she didn't want to believe Thanatos would wipe out the Dreamdust Territory's population because of a single disagreement, she didn't intend to find out. After all, she would still lose something even if she didn't lose everything.

A hefty price would be paid for defiance.

Nevertheless, after Thanatos received Hecate's answer, his deathly aura retracted from her Dreamdust Territory like a receding tide.

Even so, many people were still inflicted with lingering fear.

"So that's the power of a Realm Lord…" Third Dream slightly shuddered with a mix of dread and astonishment.

She was already a Late-stage Rank 6 Divine Being, but her power was nowhere near that of Thanatos, who was at the peak of Rank 6 Divine Being.

After all, besides Thanatos, no other Divine Being in Gehenna could cover an entire territory with their divine aura.

Even Hecate, who was at the same level, couldn't match his seemingly boundless power. It was not a matter of quality but sheer quantity; it didn't seem like The Supreme Great Devil's divine power could be exhausted.

This was because Thanatos was bound to Gehenna and could draw its power for himself.

The power of a single Rank 6 Divine Being was nothing compared to an entire realm.

"Mistress, are you really going to attend the Great Devil Conference?" First Dream asked with concern.

"I don't have a choice. I must meet the other Great Devils and give them a proper explanation. Otherwise, Sir Vaan's life will be in danger, and our territory will also suffer," Hecate calmly stated.

First Dream frowned and said, "I don't understand, Mistress. Why go so far for a human you just met?"

"I wonder about that myself," Hecate smiled before shaking her head, saying, "Actually, it's not a complicated reason. I had something he needed, and he also had something I needed; we are helping each other for that purpose."

"Do you know why I have chosen to leave my powerful clan and settle down in this backwater realm alone for the past ten thousand years?" Hecate asked.

"Mistress once mentioned that because of your unique soul constitution, you would never be able to step into Rank 7. However, Mistress's grandmother divined that you could find your destiny-changing opportunity in Gehenna, which was why you came here," First Dream recalled.

"That's right, and I have found it," Hecate admitted before adding, "My bottleneck is already no more, and my ascension to Rank 7 is only a matter of time, First Dream."

"Congratulations, Mistress! Your long-cherished wish has been achieved!" First Dream rejoiced, feeling happy for Hecate.

There wasn't a single Dreamcatcher that didn't feel the same way.

Each of them used to be a no-name, living in some slum region scattered throughout Gehenna.

However, their Mistress found them, brought them back to Illusory Moon City, fed them, taught them, and trained them. Without their Mistress, they would not have their present achievements.

To them, their Mistress wasn't just their benefactor and teacher but their mother. As such, they were eternally grateful to her.

"Mm," Hecate nodded before saying, "It's hard to say how long this Great Devil Conference will take, but I will most likely be gone for a while. I will have to entrust you and the Dreamcatchers with managing Dreamdust Territory in my absence."

"You can leave it to us, Mistress! We will not let you down!" Second Dream answered.

They have followed Hecate for a long time and learned how to manage Dreamdust Territory long ago. Whether Hecate actively managed her domain or not would not change anything.

Perhaps Hecate taught them to be competent with everything, foreseeing that she would leave Gehenna one day.

However, should that day ever come, they wouldn't want to stay behind; they would rather follow her.

"Alright, I am counting on all of you," Hecate said before suddenly reminding them, "Make sure the Sixth Progenitor, Eleventh Progenitor, and Thirteenth Progenitor feel at home and teach them the ropes around Illusory Moon City."

"We will, Mistress," First Dream promised.

Hecate nodded.

Shortly after, she departed Illusion Moon City and headed to the Great Devil Conference without further delay.

Out of Gehenna's seven habitable planets and two uninhabitable planets, the Great Devil Conference has always been held on one of the two uninhabitable planets—the Purpleflame Territory.

The Purpleflame Territory was, as its name suggested, a place filled with purple flames burning eternally.

In the distant past, the Purpleflame Territory used to be a beautiful green planet filled with lush vegetation and plant life. Only forty percent of its surface was covered with water.

As such, it boasted the highest production of magic plants used for medicine, alchemy, and potioneering, among other fields.

The Purpleflame Territory's renown was so great that it also spread to neighboring realms and even reached the eyes and ears of the ruling Skymagia Star Kingdom.

As a result, it eventually became one of the Skymagia Star Kingdom's strategic resource points, allowing it to enjoy unparalleled status in Gehenna.

Unfortunately, its glorious days did not last forever.

A beloved son of the Purpleflame Territory's ruler harmed a royal princess of the star kingdom during one of her visits, incurring the wrath of the entire Skymagia Star Kingdom.

Due to conflicting opinions regarding the truth of the scandal, a great war quickly broke out on the planet.

However, the Purpleflame Territory's strength could never compare to the might of the Skymagia Star Kingdom's forces. Thus, after losing miserably, it was reduced to its current state.

Although it was never confirmed, the Purpleflame Territory adamantly believed the scandal with the Skymagia Star Kingdom's royal princess was a scheme of the Divinesun Star Kingdom until the very end.

As such, many beings also believed the Purpleflame Territory's fiery demon spirits that emerged after its destruction were the evil spirits of those who had died unjustly.

Although many star arrays leading to the Purpleflame Territory still existed, its visitors were no longer the same as they were in its heyday.

It had become a tempering ground for those looking to train or gain battle experience against the fiery demon spirits.

On a tall, rocky black mountain, with an overall good view of the desolate land eternally ravaged by purple flames, a Stonehenge was found with seats around a rock table in the center.

Thanatos made this place the Great Devil Conference's location in remembrance of all who had died in the Purpleflame Territory.

Among those who served the Purpleflame Territory's ruler and fell in battle, there were countless more uninvolved innocent lives that did not partake in the war. They did not deserve to die, but they were killed regardless, simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The Skymagia Star Kingdom was certainly ruthless in maintaining its authority over its vassal star realms.

"No matter how often I've come to this place, I can always feel its lingering gloom and despair… Alas, this is a blood debt Gehenna can never claim back."

Great Devil Mephistopheles glanced at the scenery with nonchalance before turning to an undead lich cloaked in endless darkness.

"What do you think, Thanatos?"

"Pick your words carefully, Mephisto. You should know that loose lips sink ships. The Skymagia Star Kingdom might suspect Gehenna is plotting a rebellion against it due to those words of yours."

"Yeah, yeah… Can you at least address me by my full name, Thanatos? I'm still a Great Devil with some dignity, you know?"

"It's too long, and I am too lazy, Mephi."


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