The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 63:

Issei - So Hamlet's on this continent...

The party stopped their ship in front of the port. Before they could dock, they had to undergo an inspection.

When the inspector expressed shock at the uppy on board, Kathryn started droning on about her engine's technical workings and Natal also needed to give a report about their situation, she reluctantly left Issei's side but becomes cheerful once again after Issei gave her a pat on the head.

Then, Issei gazed out at the vast continent before them.

Riche - There are two bridges to the north, with Central on the west side and Hamlet on the east. What we see right in front of us here is Hamlet.

Issei - Wasn't this the first continent people went to after journeying outside Central?

Riche - They called it the Poison Continent back then. The poison was a big reason humans couldn't leave Central in the first place.

Issei - Poison...

Riche - It's said that priests from the Church of Mother Eve learned detoxification magic to make the trek possible.

Ramius - Then the church established its headquarters here and saw Arthur's exodus off to Humpty.

Issei - Hmm... It's like we're traveling backward over Arthur's footsteps.

Gurigura - Ise-nii, the church here is really big and pretty.

Issei - Oh? Cool, let's give it a visit later.

Gurigura - Okay!

Issei - Poison though... That must've sucked.

Laertes - If only it were a thing of the past. The northern side of the continent remains covered in a poison swamp.

Laertes joined the rest of the group with Kathryn after finishing his exchange with the inspector, then looked out at the continent of Hamlet.

Issei - Hmm, is it dangerous?

Laertes - Oh dear, have I frightened you? Poison can actually be beneficial to humans if used properly.

Riche - Now that you mention it, I've heard you can make cheese from a kind of poison.

Laertes - That would be mold, yes. It's also been found that mold can be made into curative medication.

Kathryn - That research has given Hamlet a reputation as the most medically advanced country in the world.

Riche - Huh, so Hamlet's like... A country that defeated poison.

Laertes - If only I could say that...

Issei - Hmm?

Issei heard Laester's bitter whisper.

Kathryn - Anyway, we got permission to dock. Time to enter Hamlet.

Issei - Oh, got it.

The party's ship produced ripples as it approached the State of Hamlet City.


Upon disembarking from the ship, the party was met by Central's Knights.

The one who stands out the most is the lone woman at the front.

She has a gorgeous face, she appears as a slightly dark-skinned woman with dark red hair and eyes. And her outfit is that of a long green jacket and a white vest that opens up at her chest part probably because her breasts are too big, and she wears a black mini skirt with green boots. She carries a large greatsword at her back. (AN:

She is Millet the <Zero Knight> from Central. Issei felt something weird when sensing her presence, it appears she's also hiding something... As for her soul, it's neutral. It's neither evil nor good as far as he could tell.

The same goes for Millet when she tries to sense Issei because she couldn't sense his presence at all.

It's like he just blends in with his surroundings, she can't even sense his power. She thought he must've used some sort of technique to hide it. She heard about him from the rumors and she thought maybe those rumors aren't so baseless after all.

Millet - Millet, the <Zero Knight> of Central Empire.

Issei - Issei Hyoudou, the <Zero Knight> of Eden Kingdom.

Their introduction is quick and simple, Issei thought she's probably the strongest person he has seen so far even Shiro and Kuro lost if compared to her. Of course, QD and Arthur don't count because they're basically not a "Person".

Ramius and co. also introduced themselves towards Millet and she returned their courtesy professionally. Riche have already met Millet before along with Prince Felton.

Millet - I heard about what happened from the last ships that got here. It's good to know that Princess Croix is safe.

Issei - Um, don't worry she's in safe hands.

Millet - And I've heard a lot about you as well, Sir Issei Hyoudou.

Issei - I could say the same about you, and you can just call me Issei if you want. No need to be so formal towards me.

Millet - Very well, then I shall do just that. And you can call me just Millet as well.

Issei - Ah.

Natal - Um, apologies for interrupting, but what of the other ships?

Millet - Thanks to your quick thinking, the civilian ships all made it here unharmed.

Natal - Is that so? Thank goodness.

Natal appeared to be glad that the civilians are safe and sound, Issei smiled at her. Because this is what makes him attracted to her, she appears prideful but she always put the safety of the civilians above all else even when they just got to know each other.

Riche - Nice to see you again, Millet. Oh, I just noticed... Where's Prince Felton? He usually sticks around you.

Millet - It's nice to see you again as well, Princess Riche. And it would be more appropriate to say I'm sticking around him, and not by choice...

Riche - Oh, right...

Millet - Well, he's so aimless on his own that it's an understandable mistake. But if you'd like to know where Prince Felton is, I had him imprisoned.

Everyone - ...

Issei's party becomes speechless after hearing her words, she imprisoned the prince?

Millet continued her words after seeing their inquisitive gaze.

Millet - He insisted on coming to see the princess, but our hands are full enough watching over one member of royalty, so he's been confined to Ancestor's Tower as part of the ritual.

Riche - Is it really part of the ritual, though? I know about the story, after Eve returned to her tower, she was met by the First Ancestor, despite having imprisoned him in a different tower.

Kathryn - Well, the unexpected reunion apparently made her that much more emotional, though.

Millet - Though he's not so much in the tower as the town next to it. He's being fed, so rest assured he won't starve to death.

Ramius - Imprisoning your own Lord in order to defend him... You're an exemplary Knight, Millet-dono.

Gurigura - Hmmm, I dunno if that's the idea.

Barro - Anyway, I take it that means the Central Empire have their preparations for the ritual in order.

Millet - That's correct... However, we'd like to ask that the ritual be delayed and Princess Croix remain in Hamlet for a while.

Barro - Hm, is there a problem?

Millet - Sir Barro, may I ask that you come to the Church of Mother Eve?

Barro - Not something you can discuss openly? Alright, then. Issei-kun, can you look after the Princess?

Issei - Sure.

Croix - Then I wanna go to a cafe with you, Otouto~. Let's have a look around town while we have the chance.

Millet - I'm afraid you can't. Please stay put at your inn, Princess Croix.

Croix - Aaaw, but my otouto would be there. Isn't that good enough?

Millet - In the event anything happened, we would have to call off the wedding ritual.

Croix - But, but... Just a tiny bit should be fine...

Millet - ?!...Very well, I'll double the town's security and ensure no suspicious persons come near. Let me go take care of that now. Farewell.

Millet softened her position to an unnatural degree and rushed away from the party.

Issei - What happened?

Riche - Maybe she thought turning down Onee-chan would get ugly?

Kyou - Huh, Hamlet's medicine has come along more than I thought.

Laertes - Though much of it has yet to be tested, and we need to prioritize safety when it comes to medicine.

Kinou - I'm fascinated by the theory that healing magic doesn't work on colds because of the virus is a part of the patient.

Kyou - Oh, what's wrong?

While the party was wondering about Millet, the twins and Laertes disembarked from the ship while discussing medicine.

Issei - Nothing, really. We were just about to head into town together.

Kyou - That's a nice idea. This man here just told us that he has some delicious tea made from medicinal herbs.

Kinou - Our cooking is quite health-focused, so that's very much of interest to us.

Laertes - In that case, let me introduce Princess Croix to a cafe that uses many of these tea leaves. I can lead you there if you'd like.

??? - FATHER!

Laertes voice was drowned out by a girl's shout.

??? - When I heard your ship was attacked by pirates, I got so worried!

Issei - Oh?

Laertes - Towa... Sorry, I worried you. As you can see, I'm perfectly well, thanks to the help of these fellows.

Towa - Well now, thank you for helping my- WAIT, ISSEI-SAN?!

Issei - Yo, so Laester is your dad, Towa?

Riche - A senator's daughter... I was wondering why she was so sheltered.

Because when she's asked if she knows where a baby came from at some point she answered a platypus will bring the baby to them when they kissed.

Laertes - I see, so the handsome Knight that Towa met on her journey happened to be you, Issei-dono. Indeed... You're very handsome if I have to say so myself.

Issei - Err, thank you?

Towa - Hey, d-don't mention that, Father!

Laertes - Perfect timing, my daughter can show you around instead. I need to visit the church. Towa, can you take care of them?

Towa - Oh, okay... That's fine. I can show you all my favorite- Wait, this is no time for that! Everyone thinks you died, so there's a big fight over who's going to take your place at the hospital!

Laertes - What?

Towa - The chief surgeon and chief of medicine have gotten especially heated. They've even called off a few surgeries.

Laertes - They're abandoning patients to fight over this? What fools. I'll return to Horatio as soon as possible.

Towa - But Father... The cow carts are running on a limited schedule, so there's no more leaving until tomorrow...

Laertes - ...I see.

Riche - Does Hamlet not have a lot of cow carts?

Gurigura - They totally do. Normally the cow carts would be running 24/7.

Ramius - Is it because of the wedding ritual? Like say, have so many Knights been diverted toward security that nobody's left to guard the cow carts?

Towa - No, that's not the problem. It's just... There have been a few issues.

As though Towa found whatever it was hard to discuss, she instead looked to her father with concern.

Laertes - Very well, I'll charter a cart if I have to.

Towa - There are monsters out there and you'd be going without Knights, it's too dangerous!

Laertes - Some of the patients need urgent surgery, or it will be too late. As a doctor, I have to do something.

Towa - But...

Issei - What if we saw him there?

Towa - Huh?! But you're in the middle of guarding Princess Croix.

Croix - I'll be fine. The town seems to be under the watch of Central's Knights regardless.

Kyou - We'll stay with her. That way, you shouldn't have anything to worry about.

Issei - Okay, I know I can depend on you.

Kathryn - Well, they're probably about the strongest guards you could get beside Ise...

Laertes - Thanks for the offer. Do you think you can do this?

Issei - Yes.

Kinou - We'll go ahead and get tea at the cafe. Come meet us when you're done being a hero.

Issei - ...Okay, I'll be right back.

Issei doesn't really like being called a Hero because it doesn't really suit him that much, to be honest.

A Hero is someone who wanted to save everyone while he only wanted to save the ones he holds dear, sure he will help someone in need as long as it's within his capabilities nor will it endangers his loved ones.

Natal - Take care, darling. I'll be going back to my ship to watch over the sea once again.

Issei - Ah, you as well.

They both shared a quick kiss then Natal depart towards her ship.

Towa blushed deeply seeing their interaction, she thought they both gonna have a baby soon after that kiss.

Riche - C'mon, let's hurry to Horatio.

Kathryn - Horatio's a city full of hospital and research facilities if I recall correctly.

Gurigura - If we keep going west from Hamlet, we'll run across it.

Issei - Alright, let's go escort Laertes.

Croix - Come back soon, Riche, Otouto~

The party left Croix with the twins and set off for Horatio with Laertes.


Issei - So this is the land of poison...

The party left the city of Hamlet and gasped at the sight of the wasteland before them.

Ramius - Comes across as desolate.

Riche - It's like the whole country's gloomy, yeah.

Gurigura - Clouds blow in from the west around this time of year, so it's always this way.

Ramius - Right, and the Central Empire would be in the middle of winter right now.

Kathryn - That means it's better in other seasons?

Gurigura - A teensy bit brighter, maybe.

Kathryn - Only a little brighter, even without the clouds?

Laertes - There isn't much greenery so, unfortunately, it will always appear grim.

Issei - Oh, sorry. We didn't mean to insult your homeland.

Laertes - Oh, I'm perfectly used to it. Besides, it may be hard to believe, but summer weather is perfect for the sick.

Issei - I see.

The party decided to head west toward the town of Horatio.


On the way to Horatio, Laertes had the party come to a stop.

Laertes - There shouldn't be any monsters past this point. Thanks for the help, Issei-dono.

Issei - Don't mind it.

Kathryn - That's Horatio?

They saw Horatio city at the front.

Laertes - Indeed it is. Many patients come to our town seeking Hamlet's advanced medical practices.

Issei - We can see you the rest of the way there if you want.

Laertes - I appreciate the sentiment, but only authorized personnel can enter.

Gurigura - The town's full of sickly people, so they don't want anyone bringing germs in.

Riche - Our clothes are dirty from fighting, so it's probably best we stay out.

Laertes - Towa's talked about you nonstop since she got home, so I wondered what you were like... Mhm, you're a finer man than I imagined.

Issei - It's nothing worth mentioning. I just can't ignore Towa when she's in need, she helped us many times as well.

Laertes - You help anyone that needs helping? Hahaha, there's just more and more I like about you.

Laertes seemed to have a good impression of Issei, smiling and patting him on the shoulder before walking off to Horatio.

Ramius - Now let's go return to Hamlet and get some tea.

The party finished transporting Laertes and headed back toward Hamlet.


Ramius - Ise, Ise, this is serious. I found something unbelievable. Can you have a look at this?

A solemn look on her face, Ramius yanked on Issei's sleeve.

Issei - Hm? What is it... A porno mag, Crazy Night?

Ramius - Yes, I've wanted it since I was a child, but my age and circumstances kept it out of arm's reach. But now, at last, it's mine. I can't believe it finally happened...

Issei - I see...

Issei smiled wryly at her but he doesn't really care how she is though as long she's happy then that's all it matters. Besides, it's not like he never collects porn as well before.

Ramius - Want to look through it together, Ise?

Issei - Err, sure I guess.

Then Issei read the magazine along with Ramius. Well, he only looks at Ramius face though because it's so adorable seeing her being so serious about this kind of stuff. He felt like he wants to give her a kiss after seeing how adorable her face is at this moment.

Ramius - You like this pose, Ise? I can try it in bed next time.

Issei - Hm? Oh yeah, sure?

Issei doesn't know which pose she's pointing out because he was watching her face just now.

Ramius - Oooh, this is something... I'm amazed she can fit that in her mouth... Heheh, I can't wait for tonight.

Issei - ...

Issei gently gazes at Ramius.

Ramius - Hm? Something wrong?

Issei - Hmmm, I thought you hid how much you like porn before, but you seem happy to show it off now.

Ramius - Naturally. You say I'm cute and you love me in spite of it. That means I can be myself, I don't have to change.

Kathryn - You've gotten even dumber, though.

Ramius - S-Shut up.

Issei - *Chuckle* I love getting to see different sides of you, Ramius.

Issei hugged Ramius gently from her back.

Ramius - Eep! I-Ise...

She fully entrusted her whole body weight to Issei after being hugged by him.

Kathryn - Don't spoil her, Ise, or she's gonna get even dumber than that.

Issei - Heheh, I'll try.

Then he resumed cuddling Ramius in his arms. The latter felt like she's in bliss right now.

Kathryn - ...Geez, I know you won't stop spoiling her...

Riche - But that's another good point of him, though.

Gurigura - Eheheh, yep!

Kathryn mumbled after seeing his smiling face but she loves how he spoils her wives so she's not really complaining or anything. He even spoils her a lot as well so it's not like she's the one to talk.

After that, they resumed their journey.


When the party returned to Hamlet, they met up with Croix and the others to have tea at an outdoor cafe.

Towa - How did you like it? I thought this tea would be good for first-time drinkers, at least...

Kyou - Oh, it was absolutely delicious. Not only was it rich and mildly sweet, but it feels like my whole body's being cleansed.

Kinou - You could make good chazuke with this. It would be perfect for hangovers.

Croix - Not as refined as black tea, but the aroma was certainly relaxing...

Ramius - I liked the tea, but... The sweet stone potatoes were delectable.

Gurigura - Oof, mine had too much cream... I couldn't finish.

Towa - This is the least I can do to thank you for helping my father. Eat as much as you want.

Riche - Oh god, I ate everything... And I've been trying to watch my weight, too...

Issei - I'm not worried about your weight.

Riche - I am!

Towa - Heheheh, not to worry. That cream uses a low-calorie sweetener.

Kathryn - Oooh, I knew there was something off about the flavor. So that's it.

Riche - So it won't make you fat?! Is this some kind of miracle food?!

Towa - No, it'll make you fat. Just not as fast.

Kathryn - This is made to avoid weight gain? I've heard that fat people get sick easier.

Croix - Even sweets are like poison if you gain too much weight.

Towa - The history of Hamlet is a history of poison, so we've closely researched how much of any given substance the body can take before it becomes toxic.

Issei - Right, they did call it the Poison Continent.

Towa - Oh, right... Um, if you'd like...

Issei - Yeah, mind doing the usual for us?

Towa - Okay!

Towa responded to Issei's request by bashfully pulling a bundle of papers out of her bag.

Towa - Now, it's time for the story of my homeland, the State of Hamlet City.

Gurigura - Yaaaay!

Then Towa told them about the history of Hamlet.

The City-State of Hamlet is the headquarters of the Church of Eve and occupies the northeastern continent of the World of Eve. While formally a city-state, the government of Hamlet also presides over the hospital town of Horatio and the neighboring lands including North Port and Osric. Hamlet has a unique governmental structure for the World of Eve, in that the head of state is the pope of the Church of Eve, but day-to-day activities are handled by an elected senate.

The continent of Hamlet is largely uninhabitable, with most of its land being riddled with poisonous marsh. It was the epicenter of a zombie virus outbreak that afflicted the human settlers first arriving with King Arthur's pilgrimage, at the very start of their journey. While Arthur and his pilgrims were able to push back the zombie infestation, they were not able to claim the entire continent, and a great labyrinth designed to slow the zombies still surrounds the settlement of Osric.

Because of the land's toxic ecology, the city-state relies on food imports from the Kingdom of Humpty to survive. However, the flora and fauna that live here have also served as the basis for significant medical developments, whose forefront is represented by the hospital town of Horatio currently administered by senator Laertes.

The continent is named after a researcher who pioneered the poison resistance techniques that allowed Arthur's pilgrimage to safely combat the zombie infestation. Those who stayed behind would use this research to purify the currently inhabited areas.

Towa - ...Thus, the home of both cutting-edge medicine and the Church of Mother Eve, the State of Hamlet City, was established. To this day, the church offers their prayers not only to the living but to the deceased who brought us to where we are today. This story was brought to you by the corporation leading the way into the future, the National Bigbux Company... The end.

Issei already told Tio to keep sponsoring Towa and her journey so that's why she still says her usual catchphrase at the end of her story.

Kathryn - Interesting... So the name Hamlet comes from a guy who made medicine. Speaking of the tolerance thing, they say if you catch mumps or the level-down disease once, you'll never catch them again.

Riche - That's why it's best to catch the level-down disease when you're a kid and your level's still low, yeah.

Kinou - Nobody would think of combating poison by ingesting poison, except for humans.

Kyou - It's the way you turn all common sense upside down that makes humans so fascinating.

Towa - There's still a lot of poisons and diseases we haven't overcome, though...

Kathryn - You've got genfluenza, the plague... Also greening disease. People even get ostracized if they catch that.

Croix - If only everyone could be cured with healing magic...

Towa - ...Um, Princess Croix! R-Read these, please!

While Croix was hanging her head, Towa worked up the courage to hand her a few letters.

Croix - Uuum... My marriage isn't far off now, so I can't accept any offers to date.

Towa - I-I-I-It's not about dates! There aren't love letters.

Kathryn - So it seems. They're not from Towa... This messy handwriting looks like it belongs to a kid.

Towa - They were written by children who got terribly ill and were hospitalized away from their families.

Issei - In Horatio?

Towa - Yes. Many of the children there have incurable diseases and haven't left in some time. I at least tell them stories from my travels around the world, but that's all I can do...

Ramius - I assume you can't spend too long around them, either...

Croix - But why do they have letters for me?

Towa - The children saw your ceremonies on magivision and seem very interested in you.

Kathryn - The international broadcast worked wonders, apparently.

Towa - These kids had no hope for the future, but now they're all excited and talking about how they want to be like you when they grow up. You got them thinking about what they might do when they're cured. I was going to mail their letters to you, but as long as we're meeting in person, I hope you don't mind taking them.

Croix - Of course. I'd be happy to read these.

Croix accepted the letters, then carefully unsealed and read them one by one.

Croix - Heheheh, they put a lot of effort into these.

Ramius - That must be a picture of you praying.

It was impossible to actually tell without asking the artist, but Croix squinted at it closely.

Croix - ...I've got an idea. I... I'll go visit these children.

Riche - Huh? Like, in person? The ritual's not over yet.

Towa - Whaaat?!

Issei - Hmm, I think it should be fine. Let's go ask Barro.


Barro - ...I see. And you want to take Princess Croix to see them in Horatio...

Croix was so surprisingly stubborn that the party couldn't change her mind, so they visited the Church of Mother Eve's headquarters to get permission from Barro.

Silent - Before the ritual is done?

Silent listened with Barro and looked uncharacteristically perturbed.

Croix - When I read those letters from Towa-chan, I knew I had to meet with them... The ritual isn't scheduled for any particular day, so it won't delay anything.

Silent - That is true, but...

Towa - ...Eep.

Silent's glare gave Towa chills.

Silent - Even I wouldn't want to let the children down, but... You can't go.

Croix - Is there anything that'll change your mind?

Silent - Horatio is a hospital city. Most are forbidden from entering for fear that they might contract a disease.

Towa - But it's okay as long as she's enchanted with the pope's special magic.

Riche - There's a magic that can do that?

Towa - Yes, I have to enter so I can help Father with work myself.

Silent - Towa, if everyone knew about that spell, the church would be mobbed by the families of the sick. Be careful who you tell.

Towa - Oh... Right, I forgot...

Ramius - Why is it a secret? Don't most of the patients want to see their families too?

Silent - It's for the patients' sake. The more people we let in, the more likely someone will bring in another disease.

Croix - But if that spell were cast on me, I could meet visit the children, couldn't I?

Silent - ...You can't.

Croix - ...If you don't let me go, I'm not gonna do the ritual.

Silent - What a child... Haaah, how to handle this?

Barro - Saint Silent, they're as involved in this as we are. You might as well tell them. I'll accept responsibility if anything happens.

Silent - ...Very well. The truth of the matter is, the pope is on a long excursion away from the church.

Riche - Huh?

Silent - The city of Osric in the northeast had a sudden zombie outbreak, so the pope left to go fight them off along with the Knights.

Kathryn - Zombies? I thought they were purged!

Gurigura - Hey, did you say Osric? Are the people of Osric okay?!

Silent - We don't know. There's a blockade around the northern herb garden, and we haven't received any contact from them.

Issei - Have you been to Osric, Gurigura?

Gurigura - Yeah...

Silent - Not only can you not go to Horatio, but it's going to be difficult for the pope to even return for the wedding ritual at the moment.

Barro - And please do keep this a secret. It'd cause a commotion if the public found out.

Issei - Did you know, Towa?

Towa - Yes, it's the reason Father's so busy and why there are so few Knights around.

Kathryn - Is this also the reason we can't start the wedding ritual?

Silent - Yes, so Princess... Please understand.

Croix - Okay...

Issei - ...

Issei felt uncomfortable seeing the usually cheerful Croix seems so sad at this moment. And he also wanted to help the kids as well.

Issei - ...Girls.

Riche - Un, you don't even have to say it. I wanna help Onee-chan get what she wants too.

Ramius - As your wife, I'll support whatever you want to do.

Gurigura - I'm worried about Osric. Let's go, Ise-nii!

Kathryn - In fact, we probably should go. There's a good chance this whole zombie thing is connected to <Snake Crest>.

Issei smiled hearing his wives responds and he knew from the start that they will agree with his decision.

Issei - Barro... We'd like to go where the fight is.

Silent - But... Actually, that's a good idea. Please assist the pope, Sir Issei.

Barro - I knew you would do this... Not that it's a bad thing though. Then I'll look after the princess.

Issei - Um, so what will you two do?

Issei turned to ask the twins.

Kyou - Much as I'd like to go with you, I doubt we can help with this one.

Kinou - We'll spend quality time drinking tea with Croix. Best to get to know our sister-in-law.

Kyou - We will take care to protect everything around us, so she will be in safe hands.

Riche - I doubt even <Snake Crest> would pick a fight with Witches of the Round Table.

Issei - Ah, if anything happens just call me through our mark.

Kyou & Kinou - Hai.

Silent - Thank you. Take this with you... It's a pass for entering the herb garden.

Issei - What's the herb garden?

Gurigura - It's where they cultivate herbs in the poisonous part of the continent. Osric was founded by the farmers that worked in there.

Issei - Alright, then let's check it out.

Croix - Eheheh, thanks, Otouto~🎶.

Issei - No problem.

The party set out to grant Croix's wish by heading to the herb garden in the north, where zombies rose from the dead.


Knight - There's poison land past this point. You can't pass without permission.

Issei - We have permission.

Issei showed the guard the pass he'd gotten from Silent.

Knight - You're the Knights from Eden? My apologies.

Ramius - We want to know what's happening across the bridge. Have you heard anything?

Knight - As you may be aware, there's been a zombie outbreak. They've been driven away a number of times now, only to return again.

Kathryn - They started off dead. Not like killing them will help.

Knight - Also, poison is spreading throughout the territory. Watch where you step.

Riche - Got it, thanks.

The party crossed the bridge into the zombie-infested poison land.

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