The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 55:

-The Past-

Kuoh Town.

The happy laughter of children can be heard, and their guardian/parents are gossiping with each other.

Issei is an orphan so he comes here with his guardian from the orphanage. (AN: I decided that Issei doesn't have any parents in the first place.)

Young Issei can be found playing at the playground with his friends, they are playing hide and seek, Issei is 7 years old right now.

He decided to hide in the forest because he knows his friends will never check here.

Then when he got into the forest he saw someone else on the ground, it's a little girl that seems to be at the same age as him. But there's something different about the girl, she has a long and wavy dark purple hair, she has a very beautiful face at such a young age, but what's stands out the most is that she has 2 pair of small horns, one on top of her head pointing upwards while the second pair curved from the side of her head pointing forward. The horns are colored black with a red pattern engraved on it.

She appears to be wearing a dark purple gothic lolita dress one piece, although it's kinda torn up here and there and she also has some small wounds all over her body. Her eyes at this moment are closed.

Issei becomes surprised at first but then he checks on her right away, he shakes her little body gently while asking if she's okay.

Issei - Hey! Are you okay?!

The girl feeling him shaking her body slowly open her eyes. Her beautiful eyes are golden colored.

??? - Guh... Human? Did I got transferred to the human territory... This is bad...

The girl sits up and leaned her back against a tree, although she appears to be wounded here and there it seems her life is not in danger.

Issei felt relieved that she appears to be okay.

Issei - Haah... Thank goodness, you seem fine...

??? - ...Why do you seem to be relieved?

Issei - Huh? I mean if someone got hurt it's obvious to help them right?

??? - ...Don't you know that I'm a Demon?

Issei - Demon? What's that? Nevermind that, here, hold on to me. I will carry you out of this place, then we can see a doctor afterward to check on your wounds. Don't worry, my guardian will surely help you.

Issei shows him her back signaling her to climb on his back.

The girl becomes a bit taken aback seeing another person trying to help her even though he's just a child. Usually, the other children tend to avoid her when they see her, that includes human or demon children as well.

??? - ...No need, you better leave now or you will get dragged into trouble as well.

The girl told Issei to leave her be because she doesn't want such a pure child to be dragged into her mess.

Issei - No. The Orphanage teaches me to always help those in need, so I won't leave you alone here while knowing you're in need of help right now.

She becomes taken aback once more hearing his words, she never thought there will be someone who tries to help her and it's from a human. Even the demons won't try to help her much less the humans. But this kid...

Just when she's about to say something there's a sudden black portal appeared nearby them.

From it, there's a bunch of armored knights coming out. All of them wearing a white knight armor that fully covers their whole body, even their helmet fully cover their entire head.

All of them have something different, some of them have crow-like wings, some have bat-like wings and some have wings made of fire, ice and many more. But one thing for sure is that they are definitely not human. And all of them are looking straight at the girl.

??? - Guh! This is bad! Leave now!

The girl becomes alarmed after seeing the newcomers and she screams at Issei to leave now but her scream made them launch an attack at her.

Issei who saw that instinctively covered the girl beside her with his own body.


Issei - ...

He got stabbed with one of their attacks while trying to cover the girl, he coughed out blood covering the girl's face with it.

The girl mind becomes blank after feeling his blood on her face, and when she looks up to see the boy's face she saw him smiling at her.

Issei - ...Heheh... I'm glad you're still okay...

After saying that he drops down to the ground while still having a smile on his face with his eyes closed.

The girl who saw that screamed out loud in anger and her whole body is covered with a black aura, and that made the newcomers become wary at her.


She launches herself at them while her whole body is covered with the black aura. And the moment her hand touched one of them, that person screamed in agony and a few moments later he dropped down becoming mummified.

When they saw that they instantly become terrified.

Knight 2 - Don't let her touch you! Attack from the distan- GWAAAAAAH!!!

One of them tries to give a command but the girl appeared right in front of him and grabbed his head with her small hand.

The rest of them panicked when seeing one of their allies died once again, so they started launching their attack on the girl but every time the attack touched her aura it disappeared into thin air.

Knight 3 - Don't use magic attack! She can absorb mana! Use a physical attack!

Knight 4 - B-But if she touches us then we will die!

Knight 5 - We have no choice! We have already come this far, in a few moments her personal bodyguard will come and it will make it harder for us to kill her! Attack!

Then each of them draws their sword, spear, bows, etc. Trying to kill her with it, but the girl nimbly avoid each of the incoming attacks and she uses their allies body to hide from some of the incoming attacks.

Her small body gave her the advantage to make them harder to land a hit on her, and before they even know it there's only a few of them left.

Knight 6 - S-Shit! I didn't come here to die! I'm leaving!

Knight 7 - Wait! You coward!

Knight 8 - I-I'm sorry but I don't want to die as well!

All of them tries to run away but every time they tried to make another portal it always fail.

Knight 9 - W-Why we can't make another portal! Hiiii! Stay awa- GAAAAAAAAH!

They become even more terrified after knowing they can't create another portal to escape, and when they try to run out of the forest they find out they are within a barrier.

Knight 10 - Wh-What?! Just when did she make this barrier!

??? - You all won't escape... None of you will!

The girl's eyes glow brightly and her golden eye has a tinge of red on it, her white sclera also turned black as well.


All of them scream in agony feeling the pain they went through right now. Feeling their very own life force and mana being drained of their body is excruciatingly painful.

Finally, all of them died an agonizing death, and the area went silent after that.

The girl dropped down coughing up blood as well because she just used a lot of mana just now along with her own life force. And if this continues she will die as well sooner or later...

??? - ...Heh, how laughable... To think that I'm gonna ended up this way...

Then the girl drags her body towards Issei's.

??? - ...I guess I will be joining you soon enough...

The girl silently looks at Issei's face and looking at how serene his face is even on his deathbed is making her own heart feels hurt for the first time. She never felt anything before this because of her past.

Its either kill or be killed at her place back home.

She slumped down at Issei's side and keep looking at his face, she touches his face gently.

??? - ...How foolish of you...

The moment her hand touches his face something happened. There's a resonance between their soul.

??? - What?!

And before she even knows it their soul is linked together.

??? - ...I see... To think you have such huge <Life> aura for a human and you seem to possess a Dragon bloodline within you as well... I guess you saved me once more... Heheh, what a funny twist of fate. Me the great Forzelotte Savant the current Supreme Overlord of the Demonkin being saved by a human and he's still a child... What a mysterious being you are...

She smiled from the bottom of her heart for the first time in her entire life. She never thought she will find her soulmate here. And he's a human at that too.

After having their soul linked together her body stabilized along with Issei, their body regenerates at a visible rate. Issei's hole wound close themselves soon after.

Forzelotte - Umu. It seems you're gonna be fine, but I will need to put a seal on you so my mana inside you won't go berserk.

She put her hands on top of Issei's forehead to put a seal on him. Its mark is the same as when Issei get the <Orb of Life> in the future, a diamond-shaped mark but without the dragon wings around it.

Forzelotte - Good. It's done.

Issei slowly opened his eyes and he looks at her.

Forzelotte - ...What's your name?

Issei - ...Issei...

Forzelotte - Umu... My name is Forzelotte Savant... Well, you won't remember that until you're 18 though. Just go back to rest for now...

Then like he's in some sort of spell Issei passed out once more.

That mark will seal his memory of this ever happening and the seal will only be released when his age become 18 years old. But because she has never done this before she kinda messes something up...

When he wakes up, Issei will have a memory where he met an "Old man" who shows him the Glory of Oppai, and he becomes super perverted because of it. So the mystery of why Issei becomes so perverted before was because of her. And his soul also affected because of it so his face looks average to the others around him.

Forzelotte - I expect great things from you in the future... Danna-sama(Husband)... Fufufu, how intriguing... I never felt so happy before in my entire life, and you're the only one who can make me feel this way.

He touched his face gently.

Then there's another portal created nearby, and the one who comes out of it is Forzelotte's personal bodyguard.

Bodyguard 1 - Forzelotte-sama! Are you alright?!

Bodyguard 2 - Please forgive our incompetence! We never thought Lord Cuvar will betray you like that!

All of them kneeled at her direction and felt relieved that she's okay.

Forzelotte took back her smile and her face turned cold once more while facing her subordinates.

Forzelotte - ...Hmph. I will kill Cuvar myself! And as for your punishment... We'll see when we get back.

Bodyguards - Ha! As you wish!

They sweated profusely thinking they're gonna be punished later, then they saw Issei's body.

Bodyguard 1 - A human?

Forzelotte - ...He's no mere human, he's my soulmate. And he also saved me...

Bodyguards - ?!

The bodyguards become surprised hearing that but then they congratulated her.

Bodyguards - Congratulations, Forzelotte-sama for finding your soulmate!

They don't dare to ask her why a mere human becomes her soulmate or how did he save her in the first place. For them, as long she's happy then that's all that matter.

They don't want to earn more of her ire and get punished even harsher because of it.

Forzelotte - Umu. On account that I have finally found my soulmates, I won't punish you heavily.

The bodyguards become ecstatic hearing that and they thanked her profusely and also thanked Issei silently as well.

Forzelotte - Tojo, I need you to do something for me.

Tojo is one of her personal bodyguards, he has a spiky green hair with 2 horns pointed upward at his forehead.

Tojo - At your command!

Forzelotte - I want you to make sure he gets back safely. After that find some good family and have them adopt him.

Tojo - Understood!

Forzelotte - ...I will come and get you when you turned 18, Danna-sama... Until then. Wait for me...

Then she gives Issei a kiss on the forehead right at the mark she gave him. And that mark disappear right after, it's still there but it's just hidden from plain sight.

Forzelotte - Then, let's go find Cuvar.

Bodyguards - Ha!

And with that, she disappeared into the portal after taking one last look at Issei who's in Tojo's arm.

When Issei woke up he only remembered he met an old man who shows him the glory of Oppai so he turned super perverted because of it, and a few days later he's adopted by the Hyoudou family. But sadly when he turned 14 his adopted parents died. (AN: I decided to have his parents died)

He has some inheritance from his adopted parents so he's living well enough. And after he graduated from middle-school he entered Kuoh Academy, where he meets Rias and co.

Too bad Rias and the others didn't wait until he turned 18, because that's when his seal become undone and he will transform to the current him. (AN: As in the new Issei after he reborn into a Dragon, all badass and strong as fck)

Tojo returned after he confirmed Issei's going to be okay because it will garner too much attention having a high-class demon like him watching a single human.

Forzelotte found Cuvar soon enough and he died an agonizing death just like his men, even his soul is not spared and absorbed by her. For a Demon like her, it's quite easy to devour a soul and she also won't get any backlash from doing it.

Her body returned to its former state after absorbing Cuvar's power.

Her body got turned from a child body into that of an adult. Her face becomes even more mesmerizing, her skin is flawless white, her body becomes bountiful and curvaceous as well. Her horn also got longer, there's another set of horns coming out from her back circling around her waist. (AN: She's the one with the purple hair and Tojo is the green haired dude.)

Forzelotte - Finally, I have regained my power... Now to clean up the rest of the traitors...

And with that Forzelotte Savant, the current Supreme Overlord returned on her reign, and she obliterated every traitor's factions. She consolidated her standings on the Demon realm, even the Celestial realm also affirmed her standings, along with the Human realm.


When she just need to wait 1 more year to have her soulmate besides her she felt something went wrong. She felt like his soul suddenly become so corrupted at an alarming rate and that scared her so much until her face went pale white but then her aura went berserk.

This is happening when Issei trying to get the evil pieces which are corrupting him after he found out Rias and co. betrayal.


Her fury can be felt even across the 3 realms and every demon in the area kneeled down while shivering in terror that caused by her fury. While the other 2 realms shivered in trepidation.

Just when she's about to go to Issei's place on her own, she felt his soul stabilized and become even purer than before and that make her taken aback. Her berserk aura calmed down right away, and she sighed in relief knowing he will be fine.

She's wondering on why was that happening in the first place, she felt a change in Issei's soul after he became a Dragon.

Forzelotte - ...His Dragon bloodline awakening?

She thought what just happened is caused by the awakening of his Dragon bloodline. She felt even prouder after knowing he awakened his Dragon bloodline.

Soon her subordinates come before her to ask her what's wrong just now. She dismissed them that it's just a false alarm.

She felt like the seal he's giving him weakening day by day but that's normal because he almost turned 18, so when Issei obtained the <Orb of Life> his seal unknowingly has become undone and he remembered a bit about his childhood and Forzelotte overlooked this so she doesn't realize that the seal has become undone.

Forzelotte - ...It's almost time... I wonder how is he right now. I hope he'll remember me at least...

She smiled for the future when they gonna reunite once again.

Issei remembered meeting a little girl but that's about it, he felt weird remembering how he "died" before. He thought it was just a dream...

-Back to the present-

Upon her arrival at the castle in the Kingdom of Eden, Riche waved around the letter from the King of El Quixote as she ran to the throne room while dragging Issei's hand.

Issei - No need to rush, Riche...

Riche - What are you talking about?! This is another country's recommendation. Once we hand this over, you will certainly, absolutely, obviously, get promoted!

She let go of Issei's hand while cheerfully rotating in place while saying that.

Issei - Err... That's good, I guess? But still...

Riche was so delighted as though it was her that's being promoted and Issei can only smile wryly at her antics, and along the way to the throne room, Issei keeps getting the looks by the maids and noble ladies of the castle.

All of them blushed to see Issei and some of them even try to take a picture of him but only to be glared by Kathryn.

Issei - Hm?

??? - Riche~ Oh?

Issei bumped into someone at the throne room entrance. It's a beautiful, smiling woman who just bumped into him.

She's a mature woman who seems to be in her twenties and she has a long light blonde hair and dark green eyes. She also has a flower on top of her hair just like the one Riche's has. Her body is very slim but also curvaceous and plentiful, whether it's her breasts or her butt. She wears what appear to be a white Saintess garb that tied with a black colored belt with a golden outline. (AN: Her picture, sorry I'm honestly bad at describing people attire, appearance sure I can manage but not attire 😂)

Both of them stared at each other and for some reason, Issei felt a certain attraction on this Woman, it's not a love attraction or anything like that. He felt like this woman has a big amount of Holy Aura, Sure compared to him it's not really comparable but It's quite big for a normal human to possess this high amount of Holy Aura.

Her <Holy/Life> Aura is comparable to Jeanne's. And that's quite remarkable for a normal human, while Jeanne is a divine spirit.

While Issei is inspecting her, the woman is also inspecting Issei.

And her heart beat faster and louder for each second she stays near Issei and gazes at his face. In the Castle, Issei doesn't wear his hood so the woman gets a perfect view of his devilishly handsome face.

??? - 'W-What's this feeling? My entire being is telling me to become one with this man... Ah... But... I already have a fiancee...'

Yes, this woman is Saint Croix Eden, a saint of the Church of Eve, and the first princess of the Kingdom of Eden. She is second in line for the throne. Due to her high spiritual power, among other factors, Croix was considered to be a near-reincarnation of Mother Eve, which prompted several international organizations to celebrate her engagement to Prince Felton of Central by recreating Mother Eve's journey to her own marriage in the form of a rite of the church.

Croix's similarities to Mother Eve extend beyond her considerable powers. Croix is almost universally motherly and loving, though she prefers to act like a big sister to most of her immediate family, especially her blood siblings Riche and Phillip. She loves children especially and enjoys spending time with them, both because of her relationship to Mother Eve and due to her own lost childhood. Also like Mother Eve, Croix also has a voracious sexual appetite...

As a princess and a saint, Croix seems to accept her social obligations without the slightest complaint, even if they come at great personal cost. She does not seem to resent either the crown or the church for these restrictions and seems quite close to her father, Louin.

So obviously because of Croix similarities with Mother Eve, she becomes fully attracted to Issei who has far bigger <Life> Aura than her. It's like she's being pulled towards Issei very existence.

In a way, she's pretty much just like how the Kalars are attracted to Issei. Her eyes moisten and her cheeks flushed while looking at Issei and her body felt very hot from just standing near Issei.

Issei still didn't realize the peculiarity of Croix because he's still lost in his thoughts. Thankfully Riche noticed them right away.

Riche - Ise, Onee-chan? What are you two doing?

Issei - Hm? Onee-chan?

Croix - Ah?! N-Nice to meet you. You must be Issei Hyoudou, I've heard some stories, and I so wanted to meet you. I'm Riche's older sister.

Issei - Ah. Nice to meet you. You can call me Issei or Ise just like Riche if you want.

Issei finally snaps out of his thoughts after hearing Riche's words so that's why he felt a similarity on Croix, it's because she's her big sister, no wonder...

While Croix tries to act nothing happened and greeted Issei normally, but her cheeks are still blushing a little. Then they enter the throne room together.

Louin - After spending a year on Mother Eve's ritual, she just returned to the castle.

Croix - I'm Riche's older sister, Croix. A pleasure to meet you, Otouto-kun(Little brother).

Issei - ...Call me Iss-

Croix - Hm? What's wrong, Otouto-kun?

Issei - ...Just call me-

Croix - Hmm? O-to-u-to-kun~?

Issei - ...Nevermind.

Issei felt like there's no use telling Croix to call him by his name, and to be honest he doesn't really hate it being called like that by her.

Gurigura - Ise-nii admit defeat!

Ramius - Princess Croix is a saint for a reason... What astonishing charisma.

Kathryn - Hmph... I'm guessing it's because of her boobs...

Louin - Kathryn? It's nice to see you back. I sympathize with the emotional wounds you suffered, but it would be reassuring if you could continue fighting for our country.

Kathryn - Oh... I mean, I've had some time to get over it, so... I'll try to earn my keep.

Louin - I see...

The answer could have been more respectful toward a King, but Louin showed no sign of displeasure. He only wore a serene, satisfied smile.

Issei smiled at their interaction.

Croix - Eheheeeh, Otouto🎶 Otouto🎶 Cuuute Otouto~🎶

Issei - ...Err...

Issei felt speechless of Croix attitude right now.

Croix keeps fawning over Issei's while patting his head even though he's a bit taller than her, she still tiptoeing to keep patting his head.

Riche - Onee-chan, if you want a little brother to play with, Philip was just born.

Croix - But he's always with our mothers in the Queen's quarters, and I feel like I'd break him if I hugged him too hard...

She's actually doing this because she wants an excuse to stay close at Issei, she felt really comfortable just by basking in his presence.

Louin - The island where the ritual was held had no entertainment at all, and she was surrounded by church members at all times. I'm sure she was starved for human contact.

Croix - Hmmhm hmm hmm~🎶

She keeps humming in happiness while still doing her patting and hugging activities.

Issei - ...Ritual?

Issei finally decided to ignore Croix who keeps hugging his arm and patting his head, besides he doesn't really hate her touch if anything its quite soothing.

Ramius - Um. I think I told you this before, but Princess Croix is engaged to the Prince of the Central Empire. But at the same time, she's designated by the Church of Mother Eve as a saint.

Kathryn - Saints are women who, while human, have power similar to those of Mother Eve, and they must go through numerous rituals before marriage.

Riche - Onee-chan is a particularly remarkable saint, so her marriage to the prince has the whole world's attention.

Kathryn - Even when I hardly left my house, I still heard about the wedding.

Ramius - This is a special couple, so permission to recreate the ritual that united Mother Eve with the First Ancestor was granted by the church.

Issei - Oh, the wedding ritual Towa mentioned? 'No wonder she possesses such a huge amount of <Life/Holy> aura... Even Laurent doesn't come close to her.'

Issei finally knows why she has such a huge amount of <Life/Holy> aura.

Riche - Yep.

Louin - Anyway, Riche, you seemed in a hurry. Did you need something from me?

Riche - Oh, right! King Ben of El Quixote has a letter for you!

Riche ran up to the throne, took out the rolled up letter, and held it out to the king.

Louin - ...*Sigh* I'm not even surprised anymore... You really accomplished a lot. A lot more than Acheval reported...

Louin sighed after reading the letter content.

Ramius - Aniue? Was he watching us again?

Acheval - Nah, had other business this time. Wasn't there to check on Issei or anything.

Acheval was standing to the king's side and looked annoyed as he denied the suggestion, to which Barro, standing across from him, sighed.

Barro - El Quixote was taking large-scale military action, so Eden and Lancelot needed to prepare for any eventuality.

Kathryn - The army's target was the Kalars and the Monster Burrow. Still, it's possible they could have been turned toward other nations.

Louin - Provocation through magivision? The spread of convenient magic appliances has given rise to such potential uses.

Issei is confused just when Acheval was at El Quixote. He never saw or sensed him over there... But he decided he must've used a special method to observe from afar probably.

Riche - Rocinante's obsession with money make them move slower and we could avoid having a war happening because of it.

Barro - Misleading of the public through these broadcasts is something we'll have to consider criminalizing. Oh, we don't blame you or anything as long it's used for a good cause like this. So you can be rest assured.

Issei just nodded calmly at Barro.

Louin - At any rate... Issei... Just what to do with you... You basically have become one of the richest men in the world by obtaining the Bigbux Company and you single-handedly discovered that Rocinante is affiliated with the <Snake Crest> then you saved the King of another country as well on top of that... Just what kind of son-in-law do I have...

Louin can only smile bitterly because Issei is too outstanding, he just got promoted a week ago and here he is gaining another huge achievement for himself that obviously require another promotion, if the words gets out about him then there will be surprise that every other country or noble will try to get a connection with him.

Whether it's by arranged marriage or anything else. Thankfully he's with them basically, or it will be a nightmare having a person like him as their enemy.

He decided to keep related stuff about him owning the Bigbux Company for now. And he's really grateful hearing that he will support the Outlaw girls from now on with the money obtained by the Company.

Louin totally agrees about Issei making Tio as the new CEO. After all, Palomides basically see her as his granddaughter so it's obvious with this their country relationship will become much solid and friendlier with each other along with the El Quixote Kingdom.

Louin - At any rate, I'm going to promote you to a <Thousand Knight> along with your rank of nobility from a <Baron> to <Earl> straight away. I believe there are no objections?

Acheval - Sounds good. I approve!

Barro - He's made such progress in so little time. I'm sure this will be an inspiration to the other Knights.

Riche - Hehehe, as expected from my darling!

Ramius - Umu, agreed.

Gurigura - Ise-nii, amazing~🎶

Kathryn - Well, it's not really that surprising knowing his capabilities.

The other nobles also approve of this promotion.

Louin - Very well, then let the ceremony-

Croix - Father, do you mind if I do it?

Riche - You, Onee-chan? You are a saint, so there's no reason you couldn't, but...

Riche looked at Issei to see what he thought about it. Issei who's feeling her gaze on him replied: "I don't mind.".

Riche - Okay, then. Do it, Onee-chan.

Croix - Okaaay🎶 Time for your big sister to appoint you~.

Issei - Huh?

Croix held Issei's head and pressed her glossy lips against his cheek.

Croix - Chu❤

Issei - ...

Croix - There, now you're a <Thousand Knight>. Good boy.

Issei - ...What kind of ritual was that? Am I really a <Thousand Knight> now? Don't you need to use that antic sword or something?

Issei does feel like a light entered inside him like when he promoted into a <Ten Knight> but he needs to make sure...

Ramius - The sword that was used to appoint you as an official Knight is a magic item granted by the church. But saints themselves are magic items.

Issei - ...I see.

Issei feeling a little speechless after hearing that.

Riche - You're done, Onee-chan? I was planning to go home now.

Croix - Aaaw, don't be like that. I just got myself a little brother, so I was hoping to sleep with him in my arms tonight.

Riche - N-No way I am allowing that! What if something happened?! I mean... Well, I won't really be too worried about Ise but...

Croix - Aaaw, I just want a night of rubbing those soft cheeks and squeezing him tight.

Issei felt his mouth twitch hearing that, he's not some kind of plushies alright...

Louin - They need their rest. Be understanding, Croix.

Croix - Fiiine...

She pouted adorably because she won't be able to spend more time with Issei together.

Which is good because if Croix does spend a night with Issei in the same bed then they will obviously gonna do it, well Issei won't be the one who initiates it though, but Croix herself instead. And it will give King Louin a headache on how to deal with them afterward because Croix is engaged to Prince Felton from <Central> Empire.

Barro - And what are your plans next?

Riche - Hmmm, the next logical place is the Kingdom of Humpty.

Ramius - <Snake Crest> had some presence in El Quixote too, but we still haven't found anything like a base.

Barro - If the Outlaws were invading via the sea, locating a base in the pirate-infested Kingdom of Humpty might be logical, true.

Riche - Well, not even sure how we'd get there, so we'll discuss this after getting home.

Croix - Aaw, Otouto... Come and play again sometime. Please~

Issei - ...Fine.

She still fawned over Issei and that makes it hard for him to reject her request.

Thus, Issei successfully moved up by two ranks and decided to return home.

At the throne room, there's only Croix and King Louin left.

Croix keeps staring at Issei's direction even after he's gone. Louin who saw her action sighed bitterly then he called her.

Louin - ...Croix... I know he's a very outstanding man... But you already have a fiancee. If not then I would gladly have you betrothed with him as well along with Riche... I'm sorry for being an incompetent father...

Croix - ...Uun. It's fine... I know... Even though I don't love Prince Felton but it is my duty as the first princess of the Kingdom. And I don't hate you for it, Father.

Croix finally took back her gaze from Issei direction. She smiled gently at Louin and her smile doesn't look forced at all, although her gaze has a bit of sadness inside it without Louin knowing it.

Louin - ...I see.

Louin felt sorrowful for his first daughter, when she's small she is appointed as a Saint and can't enjoy what normal people experienced. Playing with kids at her age or finding love on her own.

And along with it she matured faster compared to the other kids at her age. She knows her duty at such a young age which is quite saddening for Louin as a father but as a King, he can't reject the church and he already promised his friend the King of Central to have them betrothed after the war ended.

Croix - Now, Father. Let's go have some tea together with Mother and Philip~

Louin - Ah, Let's go...

After that, both of them went towards the Queen's chamber.


Right around after Issei was promoted, a certain group sat, gathered in darkness.

In the center was an old man sitting in a chair. But extending from that chair were countless tubes of various sizes that were connected to the decrepit old man. His face was so wrinkled as to resemble a corpse, entirely unmoving aside from his eyes, which glanced around at those before him as he began to speak.

SC(Supreme Commander) - Rocinante was killed, it seems.

Shiro - Yes, Kuro reported as such. He awakened at the very end but evidently couldn't make the most of his abilities. Not that I could blame him when his enemy is 'Him'...

??? - Couldn't even get a handle on his desire. Pathetic, just like Rochefort.

After Shiro gave his report, the young man next to him with a somewhat boyish face scoffed.

Shiro - Don't be like that, Jabber. They proved to be of some use to us.

Jabber is a man with long light blue hair, he's wearing a chef attire along with the long hat that chef usually use. (AN: his image).

Jabber - Uh huh... Well? How much of this is according to your plan?

Shiro - Now just what do you mean by that?

Jabber - Tch. Unlike Rochefort, Rocinante was at least good for his money.

Kuro - I doubt Rocinante ever saw you as more than a means to acquire materials.

Jabber - Kuro... Pretty late, aren't cha?

Shiro - Did the guide I prepared for you do a poor job?

Kuro - No, just had some business I couldn't cancel. But I see someone's even later than me.

??? - Sorry, you're last. I've been here from the start.

Kuro - ?!

Jabber - Whoa, seriously?! I didn't notice you at all...

Kuro - When did you get behind me?

??? - As I said, I've been here from the start. You just didn't notice me, that's all.

Kuro - ...'Well, at least even if he surprise attack me I won't go down right away... If it's "Him" then... Heh, I won't even know how I die...'

The person who just standing behind Kuro is Bolonius. Once in charge of Ranger Academy and he was Gurigura mentor as well. He's been called the strongest of all Knights... until Issei arrived that is.

He's a man in his thirties, he wears glasses and he has whitish blonde hair tied in a low ponytail, he is tan skinned and wears a lab coat with a purple suit. (AN: his image).

Shiro - Bolonius, how was the <Adan's Blood> research been coming along?

Bolonius - Smoothly approaching completion. Jabber, here's the list of materials I need next. Get them ready for me as per usual.

Jaber - Sure... Wait, ack. This is gonna suck again...

Kuro - ...

Bolonius - And Kuro, you should restrain your bloodlust. It only reveals your inexperience.

Kuro - Hmph, no point in hiding it.

Bolonius - Enough. I'm not what I once was. Fighting me won't quench your thirst.

Kuro - Bastard...

Jabber - Agh, you're so annoying! If you're gonna fight, then get outta here.

Shiro - A group with no intent to unite, only to work toward their individual desires... That's <Snake Crest>.

SC - Hwah hwah hwah hwah. Excellent, my brethen!

With the old man's laughter, the other men shut up and accepted his appreciation.

SC - We wish for war, but what we seek from it differs! We have no allies. We need only to use each other! Compete with each other! That's what makes us <Snake Crest>! Hwah hwah hwah...

Shiro - A lack of competition leads to stagnation.

SC - The way to end that stagnation and trigger evolution... Is war. With a war in place, you can seek what you please and act as you wish.

Shiro - Understood. Supreme Commander.

Only Shiro responded, but the other three nodded, expressing their agreement with the man known as the Supreme Commander.

Jabber - ...But what about the guy who beat Rochefort and Rocinante? Are we just leaving him?

Shiro - They are acting against <Snake Crest>, clearly. Their next goal would have to be either Humpty or Hamlet.

Kuro - ...I'll keep an eye on them.

Jabber - Huh? Don't need ya. If they're making trouble on my turf, I'll just off them. He's got some nice ladies with him, yeah? Can't wait to see how they taste.

Kuro and Shiro just chuckled at his statement.

Jabber - What's so funny?! I'm serious!

They both only say, "Good luck." to him.

Jabber - Cheh! I don't believe he's that powerful, you two must've been exaggerating about his strength.

This is <Snake Crest>... They don't even trust their own allies, and this will also lead to their downfall one by one...

Bolonius - If you lose focus on preparing the materials, I'll see to it that you're incapable of thinking about these extraneous things.

Jabber - Hahaha, you serious? Without me, you'd be in a load of trouble.

Bolonius - What? There's all manner of ways to make you do what I want.

Shiro - How frightening. I hope I don't make any mistakes, lest I end up as Bolonius's puppet.

Bolonius - That's rich. You're the one I need to keep an eye on the most.

Jabber - Well, anyway don't come to my turf. Wouldn't want any of you interrupting my fun.

Kuro - Heh... If you can even put a scratch on "Him" then I will become your slave.

Shiro - Oh, count me in on that. It would be something to see Jabber able to put a scratch on "Him".

Jabber - Heh! You better remember those words, because I will be sure to have you work for me to the bone!

Kuro & Shiro - Sure.

Jabber - Hmph. Jag-off...

Shiro - Well, I'm glad everyone's getting heated. I think it's about time I start preparing for my own goals.

Bolonius - If we're done here, allow me to leave.

Jabber - Me too... Gotta go feed the fat pig.

Shiro - Kuro, everyone seems to be leaving. Contact the guide for me.

Without making eye contact with each other, the men went off to work toward their individual objectives.

The feeble old man watched the behavior of <Snake Crest's> administration with glee and guffawed.

SC - That's it. Use one another, or obstruct each other if you wish. That's what <Snake Crest> does... Devours itself! Hwaaah hwah hwah hwah...!

Like a broken toy, the old man didn't stop his maniacal cackling. But even that laughter faded away into the deep, endless darkness.

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