The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 144: Side

"Hmm, is this the right place?" A young girl wondered to herself while looking at the scenery below her: "Grandpa Zel said that this is the right place..."

It's a normal human city that couldn't be normal except there's a hidden aura that can only be felt by those of the supernatural world.

"Mama and the others won't tell me about it... but I'm still quite curious." The girl mumbled mischievously.

The girl looks like she's only around 13-14. She has a delicate face with fair, white skin and a pair of big, red eyes that she inherited from her father. Her beautiful, long hair is purple-colored, although her ends are mixed with crimson and for someone of her age, her body is already quite mature with how her full her chests and bottoms are.

She wears a white uniform along with a white skirt and black tights and matching shoes.

From her glossy lips, charming eyes, her sharp nose... All of them are perfect but the thing that stands out the most is the protruding pair of blackish crimson horns on the top of her head.

Probably because her mother is quite bountiful herself so it's probably in her genes.

Even the Goddess of beauty Aphrodite or Ishtar themselves still couldn't defeat them in terms of beauty or strength for that matter.

They admit their defeat which is quite a surprise with how narcissistic the two are especially the Goddess Ishtar.

The girl's beauty is basically unmatched unless she is compared to her mothers and sisters... and surprisingly also her father.

Her mothers and sisters and including herself are considered as the pinnacle of beauty while her father somehow, despite being a man could surpass that said pinnacle of beauty... Much to her mothers' annoyance.

The number of mothers she has is exactly at 1269 and it might still increase in the near future because of how many pursuers her father has... Not that they couldn't understand why though.

She and her sisters thought that their father is the best man in the whole multiverse. They've seen their fair share of men but not a single one of them could come close to their father.

Hence they see their father as their ideal man... Unless another man could miraculously surpass their father then the chance of them gaining their heart is zero.

While their father smiled from ear to ear from this piece of information, some of their mothers are having a massive headache.

The girl eyed her surroundings from above. She has her wings out in the open but she's not afraid of being seen by anyone unless they're quite powerful themselves which is very rare.

Her wings are colored purplish-crimson just like the color of her horns.

She then spotted the place she was looking for.

"Ah! That should be the place!" She said in glee before she flew towards that direction.

When she reaches her destination, she saw a crowd of people wearing the same outfit according to their gender.

"Hmm, I think I'm in the right place. Their outfit is still the same and I can sense a <Dark> energy belonging to a Devil inside." She sniffed lightly.

"Ah!" Then she spotted someone. It is a high school student of average height with short spiky brown hair, with two short locks of hair behind his head, and light brown eyes.

"Hehe, he's so cute when he's still young." The girl giggled lightly seeing her target of interest.

Then she followed the boy and observed his antics...

To say that she's not surprised seeing how the boy is peeking some girls changing their clothes at first hand would be a lie but, she doesn't really care that much since she's already informed of this before.

She chuckled lightly seeing how the boy finally got caught by the angry mob of girls.

After that, the boy and his two friends laid down under a tree before they started blaming each other since two of them escaped while the boy is left behind.

The boy then accidentally saw a girl with red hair gazing at him from above.

"Hmm, that must be her." The girl mumbled while looking at the red-haired girl by the window.

And for the rest of the day, the girl keeps observing the boy... So far what she witnessed is the same as she has been told before.

The girl still has fun regardless until she saw the boy got confessed by a beautiful woman with raven black hair.

The boy happily accepts her confession and they decided to have a date tomorrow.

The girl knows that there will be no more incidents today... she took out a small floating castle from her spatial magic and went inside it to wait for tomorrow.

There are gardens containing a wide variety of trees, shrubs, and vines, resembling a large green mountain constructed of mud bricks in the castle surroundings.

The floating castle is gifted to her by her very own father.

While it is small in the view of the girl, the castle could easily house a thousand inhabitants if it is allowed to.

The castle's automatically hidden itself from the naked eye.

"Hmm, I wonder if it will work as intended..." The girl wondered to herself inside her castle.

She has been taught by her own father on how to use time magic. If she's successful then she doesn't need to be worried about her mothers discovering her current mischievous act.

She won't be able to fool her father though... But thankfully her father is currently accompanying one of her mothers to her homeworld so that should give her a little bit of time at least until she finds what she wants.

The girl waited for a bit to see if there's any disturbance in the air and to see if her mothers are searching for her.

When she realized that there doesn't seem to be any abnormality, she decided that the spell was a success.

She then changes to her pajamas before she lay on her bed to call it a day.

"Hehehe, Papa..." The girl mumbled in her sleep dreaming of being embraced lovingly by her beloved father.


The next day, the boy finally had his date with the raven-haired girl.

They seem to have fun for the entire day much to the observing girl's slight jealousy.

When the sun goes down, that's where it all began...

The raven-haired girl turns out to be a fallen angel and she stabbed the boy with a light spear... killing him in the process.

Even though the purple-haired girl has been told about this part... She still couldn't completely calm herself down.

She gritted her teeth while her aura flared out of her body like a tidal wave.


Pure, unadulterated power...

As soon as the wave of power made itself known whether it's the waiting Devil or the fallen angel below her... All of them shuddered greatly while cold sweat started to pour down on their whole body.

"What was that?!" One of the stronger individuals who's currently resting shouted in alarm.

"Where is it from!" Another one inquired solemnly.

"It's from over there!" Yet another one said.

The three of them, albeit from a different location, after finding the source of the dangerous aura immediately teleported themselves to that said location.

The fallen angel who just killed her so-called date had it the worst since she's basically right at the center of the storm.

After a few seconds, the girl finally took a deep breath to calm herself down... Only then the fallen angel manage to gain control over her body and she wastes no time before she flew away in a hurry.

"Ah..." The girl covered her mouth realizing her blunder.

She hastily created a spatial opening to leave the place less there will be more complications.

No longer than five seconds later, a group of supernatural beings appeared at the place where she just disappeared.

They are surprised seeing one another there but after a brief exchange, they sensed another presence nearing their location which made them feel very tense.

The owner of that said presence has the appearance of a cute young girl with long black hair down to her hips and black eyes. Her ears differ from a normal human's as they have pointed tips, although her long black hair makes this feature difficult to notice. Her dark grey eyes have reptilian slitted pupils.

"...You... Why are you here..." One of the three stronger individuals said cautiously.

But the young girl paid no heed to his muttering... She kept gazing at the place where the purple-haired girl just disappeared.

After a short silence, the young girl extended her hand towards her front before she started forcing her way to open a new dimensional opening of her own.

One of the newcomers sent a telepathic message towards the trembling group of young women on the ground below before they nodded direly.

They took the dying boy on the ground with them before they teleported themselves away from that place...


"Uwaah... I almost get caught just now..." The girl sighed to herself.

But she just can't help it... What she witnessed is not something she finds pleasant or acceptable in the slightest.

If it wasn't for the repercussion that might happen, she would've blasted that fallen angel to dust right where she stands...

She wiped her nonexistent sweat before she decided to just call it a day for now... The boy should be okay according to what she knows.

"Little sister..." Suddenly, there's a tired sigh coming from behind her.

The girl shuddered greatly before she comically turned around to face her subjugator.

"E-Eldest sister..." The girl said while flashing a wry smile at her.

The woman that she called elder sister has snow-white skin and also snow-white hair. She's drop-dead gorgeous in every sense. Her red eyes are sharp but also look gentle at the same time.

It's clear that these two are sisters with how similar their eyes are albeit the elder sister looks more gentle. And the elder sister also has a pair of horns on top of her head but it is of different color and it looks more intricate and longer.

Their age disparity is only by 4 years but she looks far more mature than the purple-haired girl.

She looks calm, composed, and graceful befitting of someone of her appearance... She's a fathercon just like her other siblings though...

Her body shape is also more profound and she still hasn't finished growing! One couldn't imagine just how devastatingly beautiful she would become if she were to reach her maturity... Which is not really a surprise since their eldest sister is the one who looks the most similar to their dearest father.

Perhaps, she's the only one who could surpass their father in terms of beauty later on... Their father would've felt depressed if they were to say that he's a beauty though.

"What are you doing here..." The elder sister inquired softly.

"U-Umm... Sightseeing?" The little sister said awkwardly.

Her lies couldn't be more obvious...

"Honestly... You know that your presence here could cause some unwanted consequences right?" The elder sister gently admonished her little sister: "What would dear father say if he were to know of this?"

"But eldest sister... I'm really curious about 'it' you know..." The girl faked a tear.

"Haah... If our mothers didn't tell you about it then you shouldn't have pry too much. Sometimes, it's better to not know of something we weren't supposed to know." The elder sister advised.

"You know that it took mother five years to earn dearest father forgiveness, right? While I could understand dearest father's feeling, I still hope he forgives her sooner..." She said while looking in the distance remembering that day... The day when she found out the reason just why her dearest father seems so distant with her birth mother: "But that doesn't matter now since they've already started loving each other like a normal husband and wife." She shook her head erasing the thought.

"Uuu... I understand..." The little sister said feeling a little guilty.

"By the way, eldest sister. How did you find me here?" She asked curiously.

"What do you think? I've known you and the others for years ever since you were still a baby." She raised one of her eyebrows knowingly: "And your energy spike just now serves as a beacon for me. You should be thankful that your outburst just now didn't alert dearest father or any of our mothers."

"O-Oh..." The little sister said embarrassingly while rubbing the back of her head.

"Seriously... dearest father spoiled you too much... Perhaps I should tell your mother about this? Knowing dearest father's personality, he won't really care much about it and will only keep spoiling you like usual."

"No no no! Anything but that!" The little sister said horrifiedly: "Don't tell mama about this! Please, eldest sister!"

She practically latched herself onto the elder sister's body before begging her desperately.

Just remembering the punishment she would receive from her birth mother scares her to no end.

The elder sister chuckled at her little sister terrified expression before she gently pats her head: "Fine, I won't tell her about this but you need to go back with me now."

"Ehh... but..."

"No buts." The elder sister said a little bit sternly.

"But eldest sister... don't you want to see papa when he's still young?" The little sister asked calculatingly.

The elder sister's body jerked lightly hearing her words.

Seeing this, the little sister eye flashed with a cunning light: "He looks so cute, you know? And the way he acts is also very funny. We could brag about how we saw him when he's still young to the others!" She tempted her elder sister with her words which seem to be working.

The elder sister's eyes darted around while she's having an internal struggle with herself.

"Maybe we could take a few pictures of him and cuddle him to our heart content and... perhaps even more~" She whispered just like a little succubus... Well, she's part demon herself so it's really not far fetched to say that she's a succubus.

Her elder sister's imagination started to get out of hand really quickly the moment she heard that.

"...No. As tempting as that is. I don't want to make dearest father feel upset." But in the end, she manages to fend off her desire.

The little sister pouted and grumbled to herself seeing that she failed to tempt her elder sister.

"Now come." The elder sister waved her hand to open another portal but to her surprise, she couldn't do so.

"What happened?" The little sister asked.

"I can't open the portal... It seems that something went wrong during the process of our teleportation..." The elder sister frowned deeply while trying to find just what causes this phenomenon.

After a little bit of searching, she finally realizes the time axis is slightly distorted which in turn made them unable to pinpoint the exact location of their homeworld.

"I guess we need to wait for the time axis to automatically fix themselves..." The elder sister said with a sigh.

"How long would it takes, elder sister?" The little sister asked worriedly.

"It shouldn't be that long... Well, there's nothing else we can do but wait... further tinkering with the time axis would cause more trouble than we needed..."

"Yaay!" The little sister cheered happily.

The elder sister could only smile wryly at her little sister's antics: "Why are you feeling happy about this... We won't be able to see dearest father for a while you know?"

"It's okay! Papa is still here, no?"

"Well, yes... but..."

"Then it's okay! It's not like we won't be able to go back anyway. Grandpa Zel has warned me of this before and he said if it indeed happens then I shouldn't worry too much."

She can only hope that their mothers don't find out about this or they will be punished...

The elder sister also apologizes to her dear father inside her mind since she's the oldest sibling, she should've set a good example to her younger siblings. But here she is joining her little sister in her act of mischief... Even though she's forced to do so.

The two of them sensed something trying to force their way into their location and they recognize this presence very well...

"Ah... It looks like your outburst just now alerted her, little sister." The elder sister said admonishingly.

"Oops...?" She sweated: "What should we do now, elder sister? We could prevent her from entering but it might alert papa..."

Their father has given them a protective charm that serves as an alarm that will activate itself when they are forced to use almost all of their full power. The charm only activates itself when they're not in their homeworld though.

The reason for that is because, in their homeworld, there's another set of divine magecraft at work.

They obviously train themselves in their homeworld so it would be weird if their father is alarmed every time they have their training session.

"Haah... There's nothing else we can do but to face her... Even if we run now, she would give chase since she already remembered your aura just now. Just let me do the talking." The elder sister said sternly.

"U-Un." The little sister nodded meekly.

They can count on one hand of the number of individuals that could contend against their strength in this world... Unfortunately, the one who tries to breach into their place is one of them...


A few seconds later, she has finally succeeded.

The three newcomers' eyes went wide open seeing the two goddess-like beauty in front of them while the young girl is still emotionless.

The three newcomers are a man.

The first one seems to be in his early 20's. He has shoulder-length crimson red hair and blue-green eyes.

The second one is a tall man appearing to be in his twenties with an average build, black hair, golden bangs, and black goatee.

And the last one is a man with long blond hair and green eyes.

They only stare at each other in silence.

"...You two... smells familiar..." The emotionless girl said breaking the silence: "You, have a Dragon scent on you... and not ordinary dragon... but a True Dragon God, just like me and baka red..."

Her words immediately made the three men feel shocked.

What?! These two seemingly young girls are a True Dragon God just like 'them'?!

This young girl is one of the strongest beings in the universe and she's saying that these two are similar to her!? They never heard of anything like this before! Just one of them is already dangerous enough but now you're saying that there's two more?!

"Not only that... your aura is slightly similar to mine... why is that?" The young girl tilted her head.

The two goddess-like girls sweated internally... Of course their aura is similar to hers... since she's one of their mothers!

"We apologize but we cannot answer your questions." The older of the two answered calmly.

"Why?" The young girl repeated.

"...We just can't." The elder sister felt awkward talking to one of her mothers like this... She barely changes...

Despite how many years have passed, despite how powerful she is, she's still the same... she still looks clueless and innocent...

Out of all their mothers, perhaps she's the most gullible of them all.

Even her birth daughter has more common sense than her... Not that they really mind since they love her regardless of her personality.

"Oh..." Surprisingly, the young girl gives a light nod and doesn't try to pursue her previous question.

The young girl suddenly floats towards them and started to sniff their body more closely.

"...I, like you two... Come with me." She then grasped both of their hand with her own and tried to pull them away with her: "I don't like baka red but, I like you two..."

They look like sisters now that they're standing side by side... With the young girl being the youngest...

But those who knew of their actual relationship would think otherwise... who would've thought that the youngest looking of them all is their supposed mother?!

"Sorry... But we cannot come with you."

"..." The young girl didn't say anything but she keeps staring at them silently: "...If you don't come with me then I will stay with you instead." She suddenly said.

'Uh-oh...' The two sisters thought awkwardly inside their mind. They didn't see this coming at all...

They thought that they could talk some- no... This is her they're talking about...

They understand her personality well and nothing will be able to change her mind if she's dead set on something... Perhaps their father could but he's not with them right now...

What would happen if she were to follow them back home? They couldn't imagine the consequences of that...

"Umm... Excuse me." The man with the goatee called out cautiously.

All three eyes homing in on him which made him flinch.

The other two men slightly take their distance from him as if they're stating that they're not with him.

The first man who just called out felt pissed at this but since he has already initiated a conversation, he might as well go along with it... At most he would die... Okay, no... He's afraid to die but who wouldn't?

"M-May I know what your business here? I mean, I know 'her' well enough so I'm not really that surprised seeing her here but..." He asked with a sweat.

There's no reason to ask them about their identity since they already said that they can't share that information.

"You can relax... We don't have any ill intent. Think of us as an observer, no more no less." The oldest girl said.

"O-Oh, I see..." The man nodded apprehensively. Like it or not, they can only take their words for granted.

If they want to bring harm to this world then... they can only hope for the best.

"Now, if you would please leave us be."

"G-Got it." The man said understandingly before they took a step back and the dimensional opening closed themselves.

There's an uncomfortable silence between the three men when they glance at each other wanting to know just what should they do now...

Back in the dimensional void, the three girls had an awkward silence as well.

But the purple-haired one broke the silence soon after: "Wh-What to do now, eldest sister..."

"What else we could do? Just wait it out..." The elder sister said with a sigh: "When the time axis fixes themselves we will go back right away."

"You're going somewhere?" For the first time, the young girl finally let her emotion shows on her face. She frowned while the thought of these two leaving her side is... disagreeable: "I, will follow you..."

They sweated at this... The elder sister gives her little sister an accusing look while the latter wryly smiled.


A week passed since then...

The two so-called "observers" along with one tagalong calmly observe the life of the very same boy who supposed to die at the hand of the fallen angel.

The elder sister's expression mellowed at the sight of him despite his perverted personality.

"He's so cute right, eldest sister?" The little sister said while giggling to herself.

"En..." The elder sister nodded. But... there's something wrong about him... something different from what they're told...

She couldn't really tell what though...

"But... Now that I sensed his aura... something is weird..." The little sister muttered unsurely to herself.

The two of them shares the same thought.

"...?" The young girl tilted her head in confusion at their conversation.

What's so interesting about him? He's weak and doesn't seem really special minus the <Sacred Gear> inside his body...

They saw him having a fight with a group of women headed by a single man which they find disgusting.

He and his friends had a match with the opposing party. The opposing side, headed by a man with blonde hair wanted the boy's party leader to marry her right away if they were to lose.

They put up a good fight and close at winning the game but the blonde-haired man special constitution allows him to win the game single-handedly.

Finally, incapable of doing anything as the boy's body reached its limit due to the burden of his <Sacred Gear> that is continuously placed on his body and was nearly beaten to death by his foe, forcing their party to resign...

The two of them felt angry at the treatment of the boy but manage to hold themselves back from lashing out.

The boy becomes frustrated and blames himself for his weakness only to be given a paper with a magic circle engraved on it by another woman they know well which allowed him to warp to the underworld.

The three followed after him...

Upon arriving at the engagement party hall, the boy challenged the blonde-haired man once again to a fight.

The same crimson-haired man they've met before who's also the bigshot of the underworld acknowledged the boy's challenge.

The two participants then got teleported to an arena.

The three "observers" decided to go with them into the arena. They need to sense his aura up close. To see just what seems different about him.

Their presence doesn't go unnoticed... not that they wanted to hide it in the first place.

"They are!" The crimson-haired man said in shock.

He's not the only one who feels shocked at their sudden appearance. While some have knowledge of their identities, the rest are captivated by their beauty.

They couldn't believe that there could be someone so devastatingly beautiful like this...

Just when the crimson-haired man wanted to stop the match, he receives a voice transmission from them.

He can only grit his teeth and let the match goes as intended while he started explaining the whole situation to his companions...

"O-Onii-sama... Wh-who are they?" The red-haired girl who looks similar to the crimson-haired man asked.

They obviously look similar to each other since they're brother and sister.

"Not now." Her elder brother said with a wave. He looks at the three intruders with dire expression.

Back in the arena, the boy used his <Balance Breaker> for a few seconds, in addition, his armored arm can now hold a holy cross, despite him being a devil, to use against his opponent. However, his armor disappeared quicker than agreed due to still being weak, even so, he regained the upper hand by poring Holy Water that's been enhanced, onto his enemy making his special constitution rendered useless.

He then doused the Holy Water onto the cross and transferred his remaining power to deliver a devastating punch that knocks his foe unconsciousness and won the fight.

"As I expected... something is off with him..." The elder sister said with narrowed eyes looking at the triumphant boy.

"Un... He... Doesn't have mama's <Mark> inside his body." The little sister frowned.

"Little sister... Did you say that prankster is the one who told you about this world coordinates?"


"Haah... You of all people should've known that he's not someone who can be easily trusted right?"

"..." The little sister averted her eyes knowing that she has been fooled yet again...

"Jeez, he must've thought that it would be funny to lead you here and see just what will happen to this world... Seriously, why did you keep falling for his trick anyway?"

"But... it's papa..."

"I know it's about dearest father but you shouldn't trust others so easily like that. Did you almost forget back when someone tries to trick you using his name?" The elder sister felt annoyed thinking about that old coot with gray hair and beard... honestly, he's such a troll...

"I'm sorry..."

"I'm not mad at you, little sister... I just feel worried about your safety..." The elder sister gently stroke her head: "When you cried back then, dearest father literally wiped that stupid man's world out of existence. Granted, the inhabitants of that world is filled with evil people but still... You don't want dearest father to stain his hand with the blood of the innocents right?"

The little sister nodded while remembering her past when she's still 6 years old... The enemy of her father tries to trick her by using his name but thankfully, her father gives her a protective magic rune which immediately alarmed him about her predicament.

On that day... a world disappears into nothingness...

She will tell their father about this troll act. Even if his 'crime' is not really that fatal, he should at least lose a layer of skin...

Somewhere in the void, a certain troll shuddered greatly.

The youngest looking girl silently looks at them. Others might think that she doesn't care seeing how emotionless she was but the two siblings could tell that she's interested in their conversation.

"...You, have a father?" She asked.

The concept of a father or parent is quite distant for her. She's born out of nothingness hence she doesn't have any parents.

The fact that these two who are similar to her having a parent is quite confusing for her.

"Um... And he's the best father in the world." The elder sister said softly to which the little sister gives an energetic nod.

"Oh..." The girl nodded slightly before continues asking: "Is he strong?"

"Very much so. He's the strongest being in the multiverse... Even stronger than a certain 'baka red' that you know." The little sister said with a giggle knowing their little feud with each other.

"...I, want to meet him." The young girl said after her expression changes slightly.

"Uhh... Maybe later?"


They then exited the arena.

The boy that they have been observing and his friends have already left probably because the crimson-haired man told them to leave the place.

Those who were waiting for them outside went tense almost immediately.

"U-Umm, I hope that fight was up to your satisfaction, milady." The crimson-haired man said nervously.

To their satisfaction? A fight of that scale could barely count as a fight for them... He knows that his words are but empty lip service at this point.

"It was okay." The elder sister said with a nod.

"M-May I ask if you have some business with my sister and her friends?" He needed to know this since they seem to be interested in his little sister and her friends, especially that boy who just fought.

"We were interested before, but now, not so much."

"O-Oh? Did he do something wrong somehow? Perhaps he offended you?"

"We thought that he's the person we're looking for but apparently not." The little sister said with a pout still feeling grumpy for being tricked yet again.

It is a harmless prank but it stills annoys her seeing how she got tricked so easily like this.

Even the old prankster doesn't dare taking things too far with the descendants of the strongest being in the multiverse... It would be the last thing he does.

"I-I see... that's too bad then?"

"Can I ask you something, Sirzechs Lucifer?" The elder sister said seemingly familiar with him.

The crimson-haired man(who you guys probably already guessed already), is Sirzechs Lucifer, the big boss of the underworld.


"Is Grayfia Lucifuge really your wife?"

"Huh? Yes, of course."

Even though Sirzechs feel baffled by their question but he still answered her regardless.

The person in question herself also feels confused.

The two siblings narrowed their eyes at her which made her having a cold sweat internally but she keep a calm facade on the outside.

"...It's true, eldest sister. She is really his wife." The little sister said with a sigh. Then it's safe to say that they're indeed in the wrong world and time...

The two of them saw that Grayfia of this world is really Sirzechs's wife since she already lost her vital yin.

Whereas the Grayfia from their world is supposedly only married Sirzechs as a facade from what they've been told before.

"Is something wrong?" Sirzechs asked.

"No, nothing... We will take our leave then." The elder sister answered with a shake of her head.

"Feel free to use this to contact us in case you need some help... With some price, of course." The little sister said with a cunning smile while giving Sirzechs their business card.

"Little sister..."

"Mama always said to take advantage of any situation you can get, eldest sister. Think of this as a chance for business, hehehe." She grinned slyly.

The elder sister shook her head with a defeated smile. She's right though... They can think of this as a business opportunity.

"A-Alright." Sirzechs nodded awkwardly while he read the business card he just received.

'<ECH(Eternal Crimson Heart)> company?' He never heard this company name before... Nevertheless, help from a strong being such as themselves is always welcomed.

"That's a magical card, just channel a little bit of your magic into it and you can contact us."

"Oh, I see... What kind of payment are you asking for by the way?" He inquired further while he inserted the card into his pocket carefully.

"We don't need money, that's for sure... Ah! Just give us some magical tools and the like."

"Okay... May I know the name of our business partner then?" Sirzechs asked with a smile feeling slightly relieved that these two individuals don't seem to be an evil person.

"Oh, you can call me Kozelotte." The little sister said with a smile of her own: "And as for my eldest sister..."

"You can call me Shirayuki." The elder sister said calmly.



"Don't be so depressed, eldest sister..."

"The fact that we won't be able to see dearest father for a while is just... plain torture for me..."

"A-Ahaha..." Kozelotte sweated at the sight of her elder sister feeling depressed.

"I swear... when we get back. I will beat that old troll to a pulp!"

"..." The young girl, whose name is Ophis looks at her silently before she started giving her head a pat.


"Oh, looks like they've contacted us already, eldest sister." Kozelotte said after sensing the energy signature coming from the card she gave Sirzechs.

Kozelotte answered the 'call' and had a brief conversation with Sirzechs.

"Hmm, they wanted us to act as a mediator between their meeting with the other factions... A peace treaty he said..." Kozelotte mused after ending the call with Sirzechs: "Well, since we have nothing better to do, let's just go, eldest sister."

"Oh... Fine..." Shirayuki responded lazily.

"Jeez, eldest sister... You are so prim and proper around papa but when you're not with him you seems so lazy..."


When they appeared at their designated location, those who haven't seen them before felt their breath stagnated because of how beautiful the two siblings are.

The location of the meeting is at the school of his sister. The whole school was enveloped in a strong barrier but Shirayuki and Kozelotte can easily bypass the barrier like it was never there.

"Nice to see you again, lady Shirayuki, lady Kozelotte." Sirzechs greeted with a smile.

"Wow... So pretty... And so- MMPH!" A brown-haired boy was about to comment on their beauty and something else when his friend covered his mouth almost immediately.

The boy is none other than their target when they first arrived in this world. But since he's basically not the man they've been looking for, the two of them lost interest... Albeit not completely since he still looks a bit similar.

"P-Please excuse his behavior." His friend who covered his mouth said apologetically.

"It's fine." Kozelotte giggled lightly.

On the corner of their eyes, they could see Serafall Leviathan standing defensively in front of her little sister much to the latter embarrassment...

"Hehe, they all look so alike right, eldest sister?" Kozelotte giggled seeing how they all look similar to the one from their homeworld.

"Um... Except for 'him'." Shirayuki nodded while looking at a girl with long silver hair who's leaning on the wall to the side.

"Ah..." Kozelotte froze a bit when she saw this woman.

The woman in question is looking at them with interest.

Kozelotte flashed with a wry smile seeing how similar this woman is with her uncle Vali back home...

And considering how they can sense her <Sacred Gear>, it's safe to say that this woman must be the Vali of this world.

"Let me introduce you to our allies..." Sirzechs said with a polite smile before he started introducing those who are present.

On the Devil side, they have Sirzechs, Serafall, and Grayfia.

Angel side, Michael and Gabriel.

Fallen angel side, Azazel and Penemue.

"...What business do you have with the Ouroboros Dragon?" Vali who has been silent asked lightly: "I've heard that you're as strong as her... Is that true?"

There's a slight glint of her eyes as if she's feeling excited with the possibilities that these two siblings are as strong as the Ouroboros Dragon, Ophis.

"Oi, Vali." Azazel frowned but Vali paid no heed to his words.

"...Their gender might be different but they have the same personality." Kozelotte muttered with a wry smile.

"What? Whose gender is different?" Vali asked with a frown but she soon waves it off: "I'm disappointed with this generation <Sekiryuutei> since he's such a weakling."

"Oi!" Hyoudou Issei called out feeling indignant.

"It would be more interesting if you two are as strong as you claim," Vali smirked ignoring his shout.

"Whether we're strong or not is something you need to find out by yourself... But we won't claim to be the strongest since that title belongs to our dearest father." Shirayuki said calmly.

"Oh? Then will you fight me?" Vali said feeling eager with the notion of fighting them: "Maybe I could even fight your father later."

"Jeez... They're basically one and the same at this point..." Kozelotte mumbled once again seeing Vali itching for a fight.

"And what will you offer in exchange for our fight?" Shirayuki asked with a calculating glint in her eyes: "Are you willing to bet your <Divine Dividing> as an exchange if you were to lose?"

Her words made Vali feel stumped.

[Forget it, Vali... They're not someone you can take on.] Albion, the Dragon soul who's residing within her <Sacred Gear> advised.

"...How can I know if we don't try?" Vali tried to reason.

[You don't need to try to know whether you have a chance or not... Ever since they stepped into this room, my whole being has been trembling fiercely... not with excitement I mind you... but rather because of fear!]

Albion's words made those who are present become shocked.

They never heard one of the Heavenly Dragon felt fear before... Even when facing Ophis or the Great Red, he only feels cautious but never afraid.

[Don't you feel the same way, Red-one?]

[...Indeed. Even though I hate to admit this... but I do fear them...] A grumpy voice can be heard from Hyoudou Issei's materialized <Sacred Gear>: [If possible... Let's avoid fighting them at all cost, partner... And don't even look at them with your perverted eyes!].

"O-Oh, got it..." Hyoudou Issei scratched his head in embarrassment. He's a pervert but not a complete fool...

They unconsciously gulped out loud hearing the two Heavenly Dragon little exchange.

"Okay okay! Let's just put this conversation aside... We have a meeting to attend to." Azazel changed the subject with an exaggerated gesture: "First of all, I apologize for my subordinates' action towards the <Sekiryuutei> and also because of Kokabiel attack a few days ago."

"All is well... We're here to sign a peace treaty with each other." Sirzechs said with a nod: "Now I invited our honored guests here to act as an observer. I hope all of you don't mind it."

They give a nod signaling their agreement.

"Please, take a seat." Sirzechs gestured to the two siblings.

They nodded and took their respective seat. Sirzechs and the others followed suit only after they are seated.

"Now let's begin our meeting..."

"God and Devil King had died, our three factions also because of the previous war is unable to continue to lose more people again, to let our race able to survive, the war should not break out again."


"That's why..."

They begin their meeting but the two siblings barely pay any further interest to their conversation...

"Hmm, so far it's been the same as we've been told..." Kozelotte said: "But... I guess it's not completely the same either..."


Nobody there could hear their little exchange but Ophis. Not that she cares though...

She's seated in Shirayuki's lap while munching on a doughnut that Kozelotte share with her.


"Um, it's, very delicious..." Ophis nodded while she's still munching on her doughnut.

"Right? Papa is the one who made it!"

"Umm, excuse me..." Michael called out politely.

The two siblings set their attention to him.

"You said that you have a father? May we have the honor to meet him as well?"

"Humm... I don't know about that..." Kozelotte said with her lips upturned: "Papa is currently away you see... He's accompanying one of our mothers to her home."

"O-Oh, I see..." Michael sweated at their words, 'mothers'? Does that mean their father has multiple wives? A harem?

A certain brown-haired boy cried tears of blood when he heard their words. If their daughter is this beautiful then it's safe to say that their mothers are also a beauty themselves... He's so jealous!

His friends look at him with a bitter smile.

"Here's your tea." Grayfia politely served them a cup of tea.

"Thank you, Grayfia mama!" Kozelotte said without thinking much.

"...Huh?" All of them let out a dumbfounded voice when they heard her words.

"Ah..." Kozelotte covered her mouth after her slip up.

"Little sister..." Shirayuki deadpanned.

"S-Sorry... But it's not like it will affect the future anyway, eldest sister. They're not the person that we knew."

"U-Umm, sorry but... What did you just say? Grayfia mama?" Sirzechs sweated while his imagination started to run amock thinking that his wife had an affair behind his back.

"By the way..." Shirayuki said while looking outside the window: "Are you expecting for more company?"

"Eh? N-No, we're not." Michael replied despite his shock.

"I see... Then it's safe to say that these newcomers are not from your side."


Less than five seconds passed, there's a loud explosion coming from outside the barrier.

A loud boom resounds through the horizon. At once, one by one, a black-robed person appears from Magic Array surrounded the whole area.

Most of the Angel, Fallen Angel, and Devil soldiers who are situated nearby are incapacitated.

Headed by Sirzechs, Grayfia, Serafall, Azazel, and Michael they felt like their surrounding is going slower than usual.

Rias, Sona, and their peerage are frozen in time... With the exception of Hyoudou Issei since he's protected by his <Boosted Gear>.

"Ah, so this is uncle Gasper's <Sacred Gear>..." Kozelotte muttered.

Shirayuki waved her hand gently and those who are frozen in time are freed from its effect. They are in a state of shock and bewilderment but nevertheless unharmed.

"So, Vali... Will you go join your friends now?" Shirayuki asked.

"What? Vali?" Azazel frowned.

"...It seems that you already know of my involvement." Vali smirked before she took off into the air with her <Divine Dividing> out in the open.

"Sorry, Azazel." In midair, Vali sound echoed: "I want to have a fight with strong beings rather than plain peace, therefore <Khaos Brigade> is more suitable for me."

"<Khaos Brigade>?" They never heard of this name before making everyone frown... with the exception of Azazel.

He curled his lips and said with a smile: "Before, our Fallen Angel vice-governor stared at a suspicious group, they are a threat to the three big factions, their goal was destruction and chaos, in brief, was one crowd of terrorist that could not get used to seeing the world peace, was that <Khaos Brigade>?"

"Indeed." Vali admitted with a grin.

The magic circle then appeared beside her location. As they saw it, all the leaders of the three great factions were shocked.

No, Azazel laughed, and Sirzechs made a sour expression.

"...The magic circle of Leviathan."

A single woman appeared from the magic circle. She was wearing a dress that was extremely low-cut and had a high slit on it.

"How do you do, current Maou Sirzechs-dono?"

The woman greeted Sirzechs with a fearless tone.

"The one descended from the blood of the previous Leviathan. Katerea Leviathan. What is the meaning of this?"

They have their little drama exchange to which Kozelotte just yawned in boredom.

"All of them are basically spouting the same nonsense once you heard them... An arrogant or greedy idiot who doesn't know when to quit." Kozelotte mumbled boredly.

Shirayuki just chuckled lightly at her little sister's words.

"Umm..." Sirzechs wryly said. Her words are indeed funny and true but still...

Katerea who's in the air scowled at Kozelotte.

"Who are you brat! Did your parents never told you to respect your elde-"


Before she manages to finish her words, her body suddenly descends to the ground creating a giant crater in the process.

All of them are stupefied since they didn't see what just happened to her. When they look back at Kozelotte, they saw her frowning face and her right hand extended.

"Hmph!" She snorted lightly: "My papa and mama taught me a lot of things but listening to a rambling of an idiot is not one of them!"

"Dearest father always said that respect is earned not demanded regardless of age or identity," Shirayuki said softly.

Katerea herself is already silent and doesn't make a single sound anymore... It's clear as a day that she is either died or has been knocked out cold.

Poor idiot... They all thought to themselves...

Vali who saw this become tense...

[Vali... I suggest you leave now or you won't have a second chance.] Albion said direly.

"Tsk..." She clicked her tongue before she went away with teleportation magic.

She's unwilling to retreat but what chance does she have when she couldn't even realize what Kozelotte just did? And she's right beside Katerea Leviathan herself!

She wanted to fight strong beings but the odds are completely against her... Retreating her would be the best option for now.

She can just find them again once she got stronger later on.

Shirayuki and Kozelotte didn't stop her from teleporting away.

Sirzechs wanted to say something when he realizes the gesture Kozelotte is making.

She's making an "O" shape with her finger meaning that he need to pay if he wanted their help.

He smiles wryly at this sight... He guesses he could take care of the rest... After all, the strongest combatant from their side is already down for the count and the other one has already fled.

The magician and the others from the enemy side are easily taken care of without their leader leadership...

Gasper is rescued soon after by Hyoudou Issei and his friends.


"So... What's that about you calling Grayfia 'mama' again?" Sirzechs asked anxiously.

"Err..." Kozelotte averted her eyes: "Umm... you heard me wrong?"

The only response she receives is a deadpan gaze. They clearly didn't believe her...

"We came from the future or at least we thought we were." Shirayuki calmly said.


"Um... At first, we thought that we successfully went back in time but apparently not."

"What does that mean?"

"That means that this world is only a parallel world at best. Similar to our own world but not completely the same... For example, back in our world, there's another Sirzechs Lucifer and also Grayfia Lucifuge. But in our world, Sirzechs Lucifer and Grayfia Lucifuge is not really a husband and wife."

"Interesting... I never heard of anything like this before..." Azazel muttered. As for the chance of them lying, that seems unlikely.

After all, there's really no reason for them to lie considering how strong they are. Rather than tricking them to get what they want, killing all of them here is much easier and faster.

"And the reason that you call her 'mama' before is because..." Sirzechs trailed.

"Um. In our world, Grayfia Lucifuge is one of our mothers."

"I-I see... May I know why that world Grayfia Lucifuge is not married to 'me' who's over there?" Sirzechs asked awkwardly.

"According to her, they were enemies at first. Is it the same over here?"

Sirzechs and Grayfia nodded at this affirming her question.

"Sirzechs Lucifer of that world has someone he loves but that person already died and he accidentally cause the death of her sibling... and also... he's impotent..." Shirayuki smiles wryly at the stupefied Sirzechs Lucifer.

Grayfia Lucifuge sniffled a laugh to the side whereas Azazel laughed out loud. Even Michael could barely contain his laughter despite how rude it is...

"Their marriage was only a facade she said to ensure peace from both sides... Then you should be able to guess about the rest from there."

"Pfft... S-So, hahahah... Wh-What about me?" Azazel asked in between tears.

"You? You are our grandfather you could say... Since our dearest father thought of you as his father figure."

"Oh? And who is this father of yours if I might ask?" Azazel asked feeling further amused.

Shirayuki pointed her finger at Hyoudou Issei: "It's him."

"Eh? Me?" He pointed at himself.

All eyes are on him feeling dumbfounded at this revelation.

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