The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 267

Chapter 267: Shattered Bronze Sword 6

Zhao Qingxuan led the way for Lord Baili, passing through one after another, and they returned to Linglong Peak where Zhao Qingxuan lived.

Linglong Peak is as its name suggests, and it is small and compact. But this place has everything and the scenery is unique. Year-round verdant forests, galloping waterfalls, calm lakes, babbling streams, and colorful flowers. The scenery here is beautiful, and although the spiritual energy is relatively barren, it is also called a fairyland.

Zhao Qingxuan’s residence is halfway up the mountain, and the road leading to the halfway up the mountain is lined with harvest spiritual fields. The fields are the crops of the four seasons in the mortal world, and there is no need to worry about eating them.

The shot of Lu is a simple and elegant courtyard with a plaque of “A Dream in Floating Life”.

From the material aspect alone, Zhao Qingxuan’s party to Chonghua is really not bad. Linglong Peak is an ideal place for practice.

Therefore, as soon as Lin Jiaojiao provoked her, many people attacked Zhao Qingxuan.

Why can a mortal occupy a mountain? Many people couldn’t control their jealousy when they saw Zhao Qingxuan.

As soon as Zhao Qingxuan and Baili Junxin approached the hall of the other courtyard, a row of attendants ran over from nowhere.

As soon as Zhao Qingxuan took his seat, two handsome men in green clothes greeted him.

One of them held a basin of warm water in their hands, and the other held a towel.

“Young Master, you are back, Master, you have worked hard.” The two nodded their heads in greeting.

Then, the man with the towel began to wash Zhao Qingxuan’s face and hands.

Zhao Qingxuan just sat there, motionless, he naturally accepted the care of the two.

After the contact was over, two people came, consciously pinching the shoulders and beating the legs with Zhao Qingxuan.

“Young master, you must be tired from walking in such a big circle. You have to relax.”

Fatty Zhao Qingxuan had a comfortable smile on his face, obviously enjoying this kind of treatment.

Baili Jun was stunned for a long time, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching.

She always felt that Zhao Qingxuan was a pitiful being bullied, but the scene in front of her…

Seeing that she wanted to smoke someone, she was inexplicably angry.

Can this be any more lazy?

Facts have proved that Zhao Qingxuan is okay.

Two beautiful girls in light-colored clothes came forward with snacks and fruits.

The dim sum is a limited-edition top-quality product from a well-known spiritual food store, and the fruit is also freshly picked in the forest.

The girl took a pair of chopsticks made of high-quality white jade, took a small bite of dessert, and brought it to Zhao Qingxuan’s mouth.

“Sir, please use it!” the girl said.

Zhao Qingxuan was also not polite enough, he just opened his mouth and bit.

Another girl cut the fruit into a rabbit shape, and there was tea behind it.

Baili Jun has no expression in his heart, and he complains wildly in his heart. At what age do you still need someone to feed him? Zhao Qingxuan’s current figure is fed like this, right?

Zhao Qingxuan was taken care of like this since he was a child, and he was served in all directions, and he didn’t feel that something was wrong at all.

He chewed the snack in his mouth and reached for the fruit.

Baili-jun couldn’t bear to watch, this child was so spoiled, and sooner or later grew into a giant baby. He is not completely abolished, he is still a little ideal, and it is really a miracle.

Snapped! She slapped Zhao Qingxuan’s hand.

The crisp, loud voice was painful to hear, and red marks appeared on the back of Zhao Qingxuan’s hand.

Zhao Qingxuan was taken aback and dared not eat again. The surrounding servants took a deep breath.

“Hey who are you!” Everyone screamed.

As soon as Baili Junxin raised his hand, all the attendants were swept out of the courtyard by her. Baili Junxin immediately set up a mental barrier to prevent these people from entering.

She looked down at Zhao Qingxuan, the little fat man looked aggrieved, he had no idea what went wrong, why Sister Jianling was suddenly angry.

“Sister? Why are you angry?” Zhao Qingxuan said weakly.

Baili-jun shook his head, fortunately, he is only thirteen years old now, so it is not troublesome to change.

This little fat man is living a very comfortable life, right? Lin Jiaojiao’s retirement plan has really cultivated a lot of bad habits.

Besides, you can eat as soon as you enter the door, and you can eat it at any time. Will you get fatter as you grow?

“Aren’t you going to practice with me?” Lord Baili asked heartily.

Zhao Qingxuan’s eyes lit up, “Of course!”

“The first step in this practice is to lose weight!” Lord Baili ordered.

Zhao Qingxuan was puzzled: “To lose weight?!”

“Eat less and exercise more, keep your mouth shut and open your legs.” Baili Junxin arranged: “From today onwards, you will do your own affairs by yourself, and no servants are allowed to help. Exercise more every day, and the recipes will be arranged by me.”

“Is it necessary? I am very flexible now.” Zhao Qingxuan muttered.

Without hindering life, practicing swords is also very easy.

“Your state is very bad.” Baili Junxin said a bit exaggerated. A chubby body is really not good.

Seeing that Lord Baili’s heart was so serious, Zhao Qingxuan obediently said, “Then I will listen to you.”

So Lord Baili began to arrange Zhao Qingxuan’s daily life. She took it and made a list of what to do and what to eat every day. She wrote it clearly and clearly.

Zhao Qingxuan was in trouble, and he felt that he would starve to death if he just ate so little.

“Sister, why doesn’t this look like a cultivator, but rather like the drills of a mortal soldier?” Zhao Qingxuan asked.

Baili Jun smiled secretly, isn’t it?

“If you can’t keep up with the mortal exercise arrangement, what else are you cultivating?” Bailijun was excited.

Zhao Qingxuan was successful in the move, and he agreed immediately, promising that he would never call his attendants to help, and he would never be lazy.

Since then, Zhao Qingxuan has lived a “hard” life.

Baili-jun thought that such a spoiled child would cry bitterly and be tired after all, and he would not be able to hold on, but Zhao Qingxuan persevered to her surprise.

He was really half-tired by Jun Xin’s arrangement, and sometimes he could fall asleep while lying on the ground dirty. But he did not cry out bitterness, nor did he cry out tired. All the tasks were completed obediently, and when I was so hungry, I ran to the library to read a book.

However, Jun Baili’s heart was not at all relaxed.

“Miss Baili, are you tossing the son, or helping the son to practice?” a maid complained.

Since Baili Junxin came, most of them have been laid off and have nothing to do all day long. They still followed Zhao Qingxuan, afraid that something would happen to him.

They change tricks all day long to persuade Lord Baili to show mercy, but their son is still young.

Baili Junxin dislikes this kind of excessive protection and never pays attention to it.

“Miss Baili, you are a sword spirit. Maybe you don’t understand. Among the monks, the cultivation of the body is the most despised and the lowest. Others will laugh at the son.” Another attendant responded.

In fact, the story of Zhao Qingxuan taking the artifact and then cultivating his body has been widely circulated in Chonghua, and many people have begun to laugh at Zhao Qingxuan.

“Nonsense.” Baili Junxin scoffed at this.

It is a big mistake to say that body building is useless.

Baili Junxin spent a considerable amount of time in forging the bronze sword body during his ten thousand years of practice.

Although the sword workmanship is good, the material of bronze is really low-level, and a lot of resources must be filled in to improve it in order to make it a qualitative leap.

The ancient sword spirit in the sword tomb said that only the powerful sword spirit of the body can rely on it, so that her power can be fully exerted. So she is also willing to take the time to rebuild the foundation.

On the monk’s side, it’s actually not much different from the sword.

Companions have complained to Jun Xin, some monks value spiritual power and xinxing, but ignore the most basic physique. They generally believe that the body will be reshaped after the foundation is established, so they are not prepared to waste time cultivating the mortal body.

These people practice spiritual power, but they ignore that the body after the foundation is also forged from the mortal body. The raw materials are not good, how can the body be good after the foundation is established?

Because of this, many people did not reach the height they should have, and they had to fill in a lot of treasures in the later stage to make up for it.

Therefore, it is definitely not useless to spend time training and laying the foundation.

The attendants also continued to refute and criticize from all angles. Baili Junxin replied at first, but then became annoyed.

“I think you are also free! Why don’t you all accompany you sons!” Jun Xin ordered.

The servants begged for mercy.

Just kidding, they were sent to Linglong Peak as attendants because they failed in all kinds of cultivation. The homework that Miss Baili arranged for the son to complete, they have to die.

However, Lord Baili was heartbroken and did not listen to their cry for mercy at all.

She released Karma and Tianlei, and forced them to exercise with Zhao Qingxuan in a different way.

Seeing the scene of Linglong Peak’s collective practice, Jun Baili was quite relieved.

“I can’t be the only one on this Linglong Peak!”

In the future, she took Zhao Qingxuan out to practice, what should I do if my house was stolen? !

Zhao Qingxuan consciously worked hard to lose weight according to the requirements, and the attendants also practiced hard under the supervision of Baili Junxin. Baili Junxin himself was not idle.

Three thousand Daoist methods were dazzling, and she plunged into the ocean of knowledge.

Alchemy, alchemy, formation, and talisman, the four basic skills must be learned, the cultivation and cultivation of spiritual plants, the capture, breeding and reproduction of spiritual beasts, it is not harmful to learn these things. There are also calculations, divination, etc. Anyway, there are many skills that do not overwhelm you. Even if you can’t learn it and understand a little, you will have a way to deal with it in the future.

If Lord Baili couldn’t understand it, he would ask Zhao Qingxuan to discuss with him. When encountering two people who did not understand, Baili Junxin took Zhao Qingxuan to ask Lin Yanzhi, Nangong Tai, and even the elders of other peaks.

Zhao Qingxuan had already loaded up with theoretical knowledge, but after being brought into practice by Lord Baili, he accepted the guidance of his predecessors, and he made rapid progress.


Linglong Peak lived a very comfortable life here, Zhao Qingxuan’s ability increased, and his appearance became more and more beautiful.

Bai Bai is fat and cute, and he has become a handsome, well-proportioned handsome guy.

Occasionally passing by other hilltops to do errands, the little girl who is just getting started will not help staring at her, and the older female cultivator will also be attracted by the good face.

There are also young male monks who want to clean up Zhao Qingxuan, thinking that he is too pushy.

However, they were afraid of Lord Baili’s heart and dared not approach. And Zhao Qingxuan, whose physical fitness has improved, is not so easy to be caught and bullied.

He was born with a sword bone, and his swordsmanship has become increasingly sophisticated under the guidance of Lord Baili, naturally surpassing the rotten fish and shrimp that Lin Jiaojiao cultivated.

Zhao Qingxuan lived a very comfortable life again. He developed along a bright road, which poked someone’s heart.

Lin Jiaojiao looked at Zhao Qingxuan, who was becoming more and more handsome in the Huanhua mirror, and he still regained the clear and moonlike posture of the past. The lost love was faintly sprouting, and this drug-like love made her self-loathing and hating.

“What the **** is going on?! How did Junxinjian become a divine weapon?” Lin Jiaojiao asked angrily, “Isn’t this my original world? Didn’t it say I was reborn? Why did something happen!”

An invisible voice said weakly: “Host, you are indeed reborn. As for the change of Junxinjian, there is naturally a reason.”

“System, then what the **** is she!!” Lin Jiaojiao gritted her teeth.

She loves and hates Zhao Qingxuan and wants to destroy him completely.

Then, for the sword spirit Baili Junxin, I hate it to the core, and I can’t wait to smash it into thousands of pieces, so that her soul will be scattered, so that she will never be born again.

Zhao Qingxuan had no feelings for anyone, but he let Lord Baili follow him like a shadow, and he exhausted his efforts for her. She didn’t believe that Zhao Qingxuan didn’t care about Lord Baili!

Lin Jiaojiao firmly believed that Zhao Qingxuan’s indifference towards her was not because he was bad, but because his heart had long been hooked by Baili Jun’s heart.

In this life, she wants to destroy Zhao Qingxuan, and even more to destroy Lord Baili’s heart. But I don’t know why Baili Junxin turned into a divine weapon, and her red lotus karma even ruined her appearance.

The system hesitated for a moment and said, “That sword spirit should be the help of the heavens in this world to Zhao Qingxuan.”

“What?” Lin Jiaojiao was puzzled.

“Don’t forget what your purpose is, so that you can be reborn in the true sense. Zhao Qingxuan was born with a sword bone and is the son of luck chosen by Heaven. You took away his luck and hindered his development. Heaven has its own compensation method.” The system said : “Tiandao won’t let you change his plot, so you have to keep getting stronger to fight against it.”

“Why? Why?!!” Lin Jiaojiao was indignant: “Zhao Qingxuan is just lucky, just because he is the darling of heaven, all the opportunities are his? All the people have to take risks for him? So I You must look at him obsessively, guarding the suffering of love and calamity, but he doesn’t respond at all?!!”

“Yes, this is the son of luck.” The system said lightly.

It thinks, the way of heaven doesn’t care about human love, it’s you who do it yourself, don’t rely on others. Moreover, God is fair, the more he gives, the more Zhao Qingxuan will repay God in the future. There are no luck and gifts for no reason. All the opportunities of heaven and heaven must be reported. It is cause and effect, and everything is fair.

However, these facts are against it, and there is no need to say them.

“I’m going to kill him! I’m going to steal his chance!” Lin Jiaojiao roared, her eyes were full of red threads.

“That’s right, don’t keep getting stronger, otherwise it will be difficult to fight against Heaven?” the system seduced.

“System, I want to exchange items!” Lin Jiaojiao called.

She was reluctant to trade with the system because it was too expensive!

But waiting for Dan Zong to refine the heaven and earth fortune pill to repair the spiritual veins and reshape the appearance is too slow, she can’t hide in the dark and watch Zhao Qingxuan and Baili Junxin develop smoothly.

She gave up the points, and if it’s a big deal, she can earn them back!

“Okay, host.” The system chuckled inwardly and finally took the bait.

Another powerful energy will be captured by it.


(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-06-04 15:44:02~2020-06-06 13:10:37~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of the mountain trail; 385225558 bottles; 2 bottles of fat pig cats;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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