The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 245

Chapter 245: Dance of the Abandoned Planet

The strangers from the five doomsday planets led the way, and Liu Junxin walked behind them.

It was still a desert, and Liu Junxin walked back and forth several times without finding it.

This time is different, when it reaches a certain position. The spear in the leader’s hand smashed heavily in the yellow sand, and after a crunching sound, a portal rose in the yellow sand. I saw him take out an ultra-thin transparent chip and scratched it in front of the door.

The portal glowed blue and the channel opened.

“High Priest, please?” The leader said, and the leader entered the portal.

Liu Junxin boldly followed him.

The other end of the portal is the free market she has been looking for for a long time – the black market.

This place is hard to find because it’s hidden underground and encrypted. If it weren’t for this leader, she didn’t know how long she would have wandered outside.

Like the black market in all people’s impressions, this free market hidden on the ground is dirty and messy at first glance.

Small shops are in tatters, and sewage flows across the street. The foul smell mixed with the air-cleaning incense into a strange, sickening smell.

This high-profile place, the environment is really bad.

People who come here are all about business, and they are all illegal. Naturally, no one has the heart to take care of the environment. In addition, some people living in poverty are doing pornography, gambling and drug activities here, and the environment is getting worse.

This year, no one wants to do cleaning work, please clean robots, and they can’t afford it.

The people from Doomsday took her into a fairly clean restaurant, and the entire restaurant was wrapped up and quickly cleared.

The four men went down to look at the wind, and only she was left to talk to the two leaders.

“Introduce myself first, my name is Yan. I am the leader of the Green Star Red Mountain Tribe.” The leader said humanely.

He is from the abandoned planet 347, commonly known as the Green Star.

When the planet was discovered, the unique and fresh natural scenery attracted countless capital investment from tech stars. It was developed as a tourism planet, and was once a popular planet for star tourism.

However, the good times did not last long, and this planet mutated into a doomsday planet within less than a hundred years of development.

Green Star’s characteristic landscape – the collective mutation of plants covering the entire planet.

They not only became huge, but also possessed intelligence, and began to attack major scenic spots in an organized manner, and even attack tourists. The oxygen concentration of this planet is also rising, and it is no longer suitable for humans. Soon, the Star Alliance announced that the Green Star had been abandoned.

Of course, there are a large number of humans who cannot immigrate, and they survive on Green Star. The primitive tribal civilization of the interstellar age was formed.

The environment is different, and the human body also begins to mutate. The body of the green star has evolved to be taller than ordinary humans.

Liu Junxin is not short, but when she walks in front of Yan, she must also look up at this giant who is more than two meters tall. The other party made her feel a sense of oppression.

“How did you recognize me?” Liu Junxin asked.

As the number one traffic of the current Star Network, Liu Junxin will naturally not be stupid enough to go out with his original face. She was disguised, and the digital mask turned her into a very inconspicuous passerby, who could recognize her at a glance.

Yan laughed twice, pointed to his eyes and said, “The forest **** has given us eyes to see through the fog, how can the little tricks of the tech stars deceive us?”

Life is dominated by giant plants, and the beliefs of the Green Stars are changed. They worship the forest god, as well as other gods. The abilities they have evolved are also regarded as miracles of the forest god.

“‘Liu Junxin’ is still live in the live broadcast room.” Liu Junxin reminded.

Yan Zixin said: “The high priest has boundless mana, and I deeply admire him.”

Liu Junxin didn’t explain, and she didn’t ask much.

After she connected to the Star Network, she found out that the girl Winona helped him set up superstitious people in advance. It certainly helped her a lot. Many things depend on the direction of miracles and do not need to be explained.

“Excuse me, what exactly is the business you want to discuss?” Liu Junxin asked.

“The high priest is refreshing, and I won’t make any detours.” Yan said: “We hope you can retire. Your appearance has destroyed our holy war plan.”

Yan’s expression became cold and serious.

“Holy War? What does this plan have to do with me? I didn’t do anything, and your plan was destroyed by me, which means your plan is not good.” Liu Junxin said sarcastically.

Yan wanted to refute, but was interrupted by Liu Junxin. She stirred the coffee in her hand and said lightly, “Besides, are you talking about business?”

Who doesn’t have a plan yet?

Yan Yi’s fists were lined up on the table, and the cups and saucers on the table were shaken to pieces. It was obvious that he was furious, and his dark face was dyed red. But he still held back and explained patiently.

“High Priest, before you appeared, the people of our planet had already won a staged victory in the war to conquer the technology stars. We should be the focus of the interstellar media, and then it was you who captured the star network!” Yan Quite a bit resentful: “You have scattered the glory that should belong to us!”

Liu Junxin: “?!”

Why didn’t she understand the logic behind it?

Liu Jun was indifferent, Yan Shen explained slowly.

As a green star, I really don’t have the slightest impression of tech stars. They have the protection of the forest god, and naturally do not rely on high-tech technology, nor do they yearn for rich and prosperous technology stars.

They regard the primitive forest beliefs as the highest, and regard the tech stars as heretics and blasphemers, which must be eliminated.

It took the Green Stars nearly 20 years to successfully import an astonishing number of warriors into Techstars through the platform of Techstars reality show.

This year, everything is ready. They started the Holy War and launched an attack on Techstar.

However, Techstars used permissions to block the message. They didn’t pay attention to the forest god, and they didn’t pay attention to their group.

They are going to do another big vote to attract the audience.

When Liu Junxin appeared, one stole the limelight, and the other hindered the big plan.

Originally, they planned to create a big accident on the platform of “Dream Game” and become famous. But with Liu Jun in her heart, she is also the high priest protected by the gods, and the mana is unfathomable, and the plan is difficult to realize.

“We can give you money to retire.” Yan said, “If you want, we welcome you to leave Blue Star and settle in Green Star.”

“Thank you. However, I’m not interested in either money or Green Star. I also have my own things to do.” Liu Junxin lost the mind to discuss business with him, and was not the same.

【What holy war? They are terrorist attacks. All the dead were civilians. 】

In the interstellar era, police and soldiers have become occupations of AI and robots. Attacks on military areas simply cannot injure people.

The Green Stars believe that technology must be trusted to people, so they start with ordinary restaurants and shops, and start at the station. Children, women and the elderly are the biggest victims.

[Actually, they are also a powerful force, maybe… they can win over? 】 Natalia is not very sure.

[No, not a type of person. 】Liu Junxin can’t agree with the act of taking civilians, even though most of the tech stars are not good things.

Being decisively rejected, Yan looked annoyed.

“The high priest really refuses to take a step back?” he asked.

“Your Excellency Chief, I also have my own mission.” Liu Junxin shook his head, got up and left.

Yan didn’t say anything after all, but waited for Liu Junxin to turn around. The burly man suddenly slapped and patted it from behind. This aura was overwhelming, if it were really a slap in the face, Liu Junxin would be half-crippled if he didn’t die.

Liu Junxin jumped up alertly, turned around and raised his foot and kicked Yan’s face. The two-meter tall man was knocked unconscious by him.

After finishing one, the four outside rushed in when they heard the noise, and Liu Junxin laid them all down and let them sleep on the ground neatly.

【You are in trouble. This is not an alliance, and don’t engage in hostility. They are crazy and vengeful. 】 Natalia reminded.

【well enough. 】Liu Jun doesn’t care.

She squatted among the fainted people and scoured them carefully. She also deliberately went through their memories.

【Have it! Stealth Fighter! They are well equipped. 】 Liu Junxin found a surprise.

She immediately put the transparent chip and other messy things on Yan’s body.

[Um…I didn’t expect you to be like this. 】 Natalia tilted her head, she really did not expect Liu Junxin to be so proficient at cutting people’s equipment.

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