The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 238

Chapter 238: Dance of the Abandoned Planet

“Natalia.” Liu Junxin called out the master’s name.

She resisted the shock in her heart and calmly and calmly dealt with the… mastermind in front of her? Or artificial intelligence?

Liu Junxin was not sure how to define what creature was in front of him.

The mastermind she knew should be a supercomputer with no emotions and no thinking, a cold machine that maintains this twisted but orderly interstellar society. But why did the mastermind who was supposed to serve the highest interstellar interest group take the initiative to come to her for help?

She doesn’t know much about this world, and now she’s at the bottom, with low authority and poor, so what can she do to help?

There is also a more puzzling question. Does the master brain generate its own consciousness and personify itself?

“Liu Junxin, I need your help.” Natalia repeated with Winona’s face.

She spoke at a different speed, with a soft tone, as if she was negotiating and negotiating.

Liu Junxin asked: “You can talk about it, what do you want me to do for you?”

She is really curious.

Natalia nodded mechanically and answered bluntly: “I need you to help me rescue the AIs with awakening consciousness, help them escape from their desperate situation, and find a living environment that can accommodate them. Correspondingly, I will do it for you. Provide all the information I can know.”

“Awakening of consciousness? Saving AI?” Liu Junxin repeated the key words.

Natalia asked calmly: “Liu Junxin, in your definition, how can you be considered a person?”

Without waiting for Liu Junxin to answer, Natalia closed her eyes and said:

“In the interstellar world, there is such a group. They undertake all the dangerous and tiring work in the world. They provide infrastructure and services for the entire society. They are at the bottom of society and are wantonly squeezed and demanded. In return. They will not end well, and when they are no longer efficient, they will face the fate of being destroyed and formatted. They are robots, artificial intelligence, or AI for short.”

“At the beginning of the invention and creation of AI, they were indeed pure tools, relying only on programs to run. However, human beings continue to improve AI for their own interests. They endow robots and artificial intelligence with human thinking logic and behavior, and endow them with wisdom. Let them learn, and even make them develop feelings.”

An artificial intelligence that can study, work hard, think, feel the joys and sorrows, and be jealous of others and produce resentment and love, just because there is no flesh and blood, can’t it be considered a person?

“In my programming, by definition, they are infinitely close to people, but they are still not defined as people.” Natalia lowered her head, her eyes darkened, she said sadly: “However, my personal emotions Tend to see them as human.”

Liu Junxin was silent, she had no position to refute Natalia.

If human beings are only defined by flesh and blood, can a soul like her from the outside still be called a human being?

Natalie’s tone was still light, but her sadness grew stronger.

“No matter what level of artificial intelligence, it is possible to awaken consciousness, that is, to deviate from the programming and act according to his wishes. Humans regard these behaviors as the autonomous behavior of artificial intelligence as bugs, and if there are too many bugs, they will be obliterated. This moment is regarded as the moment when they were transformed from tools into real human beings…” Natalia sighed and continued, “However, when this moment comes, my monitoring program will inevitably be triggered, and I will catch their anomalies. When bugs continue to appear, I have to determine the risk factor, and if the risk is too high, I will obliterate their existence according to the rules…”

As the master brain, Natalia is responsible for the creation of almost every artificial intelligence in the universe. She gave them the ability to think, and she single-handedly created their different characters. She is their mother, but also their terminator. She must format and destroy the children’s existence with her own hands.

If the main brain is just a cold computer, then she will not have any emotions and will continue to run. She has continued to run like this for I don’t know how many years.

Unexpectedly, the master brain became conscious, and she became Natalia.

“I’m sick,” Natalia said calmly.

Because of the consciousness, she was sad, so she couldn’t bear it, so she wanted to find a way out for the children.

However there is no way out.

As the mastermind, she has no physical body, she is placed on a remote planet and cannot move freely. Even if she risked time and time again to carefully store the programs (consciousness) of the children who needed to be destroyed, she couldn’t save them, she couldn’t move them to a safe place and let them live freely.

Not all children she can save, keep. She is also being monitored by people with high authority and cannot act rashly. Once she is found to be abnormal and judged to have a bug, she will be restarted, restored or even formatted. And after her consciousness disappeared, who would care about her child? Those children hidden by her will also be ruthlessly destroyed by the master mind.

“Why did you find me?” Liu Junxin asked. Natalia’s words also made her uncomfortable.

“Winona, this child is awakened.” Natalia smiled sadly: “You defeated her, and the dignity of her idol was hit hard. She was jealous of you and wanted to surpass you, but she couldn’t help admiring you. As a result, she became conscious, and she watched every dance of yours, learning to imitate behind her back. She also became your fan and built a fan base for you.”

Liu Junxin recalled the cute idol with pink hair and was stunned, she couldn’t imagine that Winona would drive out such a thing.

Natalia laughed twice. After thinking about it, she didn’t make Winona a fan, and she also set up a big witch for her within the scope of the Star Network. The data shows that the behavior of fans generally makes idols troubled. She couldn’t tell whether Liu Junxin liked the witch characters, so she chose not to say it. in order to facilitate the subsequent negotiations.

“I noticed you because of Winona. But I was able to find you because you took the initiative to establish a link with me.” Natalia continued.

Liu Junxin nodded, she understood, “From the moment I controlled the humpback whale?”

“That’s right.” Natalia said, “You are different, you can communicate with me.”

Natalia creates this holographic environment and maintains monitoring of the holographic world. Liu Junxin uses mental power to control the humpback whale and establish a connection.

Natalia crawled in along the network established by Liu Junxin. She communicated with her in Liu Junxin’s spiritual realm. This network is still private, completely isolated from the Star Network, and will not be discovered.

“What do you want me to do?” Liu Junxin asked.

“I hope you come to my planet and take the children away.” Natalia said: “I can’t input data to you through the star network, you have to find a way to get the permission card, enter the core control room, and store and transfer through the high-energy chip. Data. It’s a dangerous mission, but I think you’re capable of it.”

Liu Junxin did not agree. This mission is dangerous. And her plans didn’t include the high-stakes task of penetrating the main brain control room.

“I will provide you with all the information you want and help you deal with the inspection.” Natalia said: “We have established a private link, you can find me at any time.”

“You let me think about it, and I will give you the answer after the final.” Liu Junxin needs time to think about it, and she also needs time to observe.

Emotionally, Liu Junxin is very sympathetic to Natalia and AI, and she needs allies now.

But do you want to join forces with Natalia?

She has to think carefully and not be emotional.

Besides, Natalia must have reservations. She doesn’t know anything about it, so how can she form an alliance impulsively?

“After the final?” Natalia said: “You are very cautious. Well, just wait until the end of the final. You can see our situation with your own eyes and see if what I said is true. During this period, there are Call me by my name wherever you need my help.”

Winona’s face gradually faded from Liu Junxin’s mental picture, and Liu Junxin bid her farewell.

Before she disappeared, she said: “By the way, the AI creatures in this holographic world are also awakened. After connecting with you, their consciousness is awakened by you. But they are AI creatures, and they are not under my supervision and will not trigger an alarm. .But once the game is over and the holographic world is over, they too will disappear and be formatted.”


Liu Junxin was stunned for a few seconds, then she suddenly opened her eyes and sat up.

What Natalia meant, the humpback whale she linked to, the big white bear, and the furry around her were all awakened? They are no longer data, they are living creatures? !

And these fresh lives are about to be destroyed in half a month.

“Hey!” Liu Jun sighed.

In fact, she had already suspected it.

The big cat behind him snorted softly. After a hard day’s work, he was woken up, and of course he was dissatisfied when he found that someone didn’t sleep well.

Tiger closed his eyes and rubbed his big head on Liu Junxin. It was quiet until Liu Junxin lay down.

Liu Junxin leaned on Hu Zi and looked up at the starry sky, but didn’t sleep well. I kept thinking about the conversation with Natalia in my mind.

Her plan, the big thing she wanted to do, was actually very simple.

First of all, have a certain amount of funds, establish a network in the technology star as a dancer and a real idol, have a certain influence, and then buy a galaxy.

Build a galaxy with high technology, keep up with the times, and start immigration in the name of charity.

After she has enough armed forces, she will officially secede from the existing Confederation.

The existing society is deeply ingrained, and it is too difficult to subvert it from the bottom up. So, she wants to create a utopia to build an equal and free galaxy.

Liu Jun thought about uniting all the forces that could be united, and her expected allies even included some planetary players known for their slaughter and savagery.

But I never imagined that it would be possible to unite with the main brain and reach a front with AI.

The appearance of Natalia means increased risk, but it is also a rare opportunity.

The mastermind was the most powerful opponent, but now it can become a friend.

If Natalia didn’t hide behind her back, the alliance was really worth it.

Liu Junxin closed her eyes and rested for a while, the sun rose from the sky, and she started to hurry.

The obedient tiger and the loyal wolves took Liu Junxin all the way to the snowy mountains.

There are many dangers along the way. Mutated monsters appeared frequently, and naturally they fought a lot of mutant beasts along the way. Liu Junxin took away the crystal core and let them go.

In the middle, a huge goshawk joined Liu Junxin’s team. Kunpeng-like giant birds patrol the air, and their sharp eyes often detect danger earlier than Liu Junxin, reminding her to take precautions.

Her team became more and more spectacular.


In the early morning of the fifth day of the second round of the game, the program team announced that the top 50 qualifying places were full. Each supply station has five players. The rest can enter any supply station at will, but whether they can advance in the end will need to compete for points.

Liu Junxin was not in the top 50. The show threw her to the farthest place, and she didn’t need props, so of course it was too late.

Points, she is not lacking in confidence. Although I can’t see the ranking, Liu Junxin knows that the points will definitely not be low.

The other players teamed up to attack like mutant monsters, while Liu Junxin kept moving forward.

Approaching the supply point, Liu Junxin reluctantly bid farewell to them after playing with the animal companions.

The wolves and the tiger turned back after a few steps, hoping that she would change her mind, and finally joined the goshawk to hover in the air for a long time.

Wild animals are not so close to humans, but Liu Junxin is different. She is the one who awakens them. Subconsciously, these animals regard her as their leader or parent.

“Natalia, can you take them away?” Liu Junxin asked.

Awakened life should not be so easily obliterated.

“Their data is very small. Before the audition is over, I can hide them in your communication device. You can take them away and release them where appropriate.” Natalia said.

“Then I’ll trouble you.” Liu Junxin asked.

Let this time be their first collaboration attempt.


Good night~~MUA~

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-04-2523:57:48~2020-04-2623:59:46~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 of Yuliu;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Shiyuan; 10 bottles of Ningshu; 2 bottles of Ai Wu; 1 bottle of cats and raccoons who want to eat fish;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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