The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 227

Chapter 227: Dance of the Abandoned Planet

The black box left by Liu Chengsi looked similar to the mobile hard drive she was familiar with. The volume is a little bigger than the palm, and the whole body is black. It’s heavy and heavy.

Liu Junxin took the black box to study, and this thing did not have any sockets or interfaces. However, there is a small circular groove on the golden section point on the front of the black box. The size and depth of the groove was just right for the badge she got from the show team.

Want to use badges? Is there an alternative?

If I use it to open the black box today, will it leave a message on the badge?

Liu Junxin hesitated for a while.

But since Liu Chengsi gave her this, should he take the risk into consideration?

Lu Junxin turned off the communication device, took out the badge from the communication device, and put the badge into the groove of the black box.

Using badges is risky, but it’s better than diving into unfamiliar, scary environments with no information.


After a shrill electronic sound, the badge glowed blue. Two vertical and horizontal lines of blue light quickly spread across the black shell.


Another crisp sound. An ancient 3-inch digital CD was ejected from the tightly fitted black box.

“No way!” Liu Jun sighed.

Where did she go to find a CD-ROM drive?

In her past, digital discs, once popular, quickly became a marginal product for storing information. Nowadays, in the interstellar era, this kind of wasteful storage method has naturally entered the history museum. Even the antique computers in her home don’t have this configuration.

How did Liu Chengsi use CDs? Liu Jun was puzzled.

The question she should be thinking about now is how can she read without a reading device?

She doesn’t consider whether there are more advanced CD-ROM alternatives today. This thing has to be found in the market, but Blue Star’s market will not open until the market day, and the market audition will be over long ago. The black market also doesn’t buy these kinds of things because electronic devices are worthless.

Liu Junxin looked out the window. Can he find a CD-ROM in the electronic waste piled up like a mountain and a sea of smoke?

This is her only option at the moment.


Liu Junxin hurriedly changed into the daily clothes, and she put on the clothes before she even had time to wipe the sweat off her body.

After changing clothes and putting on a mask, Liu Junxin plunged into the pile of electronic waste.

It’s not hopeless to find an old CD-ROM in the garbage heap. I still remember that she saw several when she was looking for recyclables a year ago.

This thing is too old, completely outdated. It’s not a recyclable item, she just throws it back into the trash.

But now I’m specifically looking for it, but I can’t find this thing.

Liu Junxin’s mental power swept through the garbage piles, and she turned over all the cuboid objects that were shaped like optical drives.

Holding a shovel in her hand, she dug out all the waste buried deep in the ground. She had found one or two floppy drives older than CD-ROMs, but failed to find the target.

She was busy from day to dusk, and there was only one day left before the audition.

The wind whistled, and the sand and dust were visible to the naked eye.

Liu Junxin knew that the storm was coming and she had to avoid it. But I can’t find anything, how can I go back?

Blue Star’s storm didn’t know how long it would last, ranging from a few minutes to several days and nights. By the time the storm clears, it’s likely that auditions will begin.

The spiritual picture is broadened, and the concentration of the spiritual force makes the scene in the picture further deepen and refine.

The sandstorm is getting bigger and bigger, and Liu Junxin’s movements are getting faster and faster.

She knocked down a mountain of garbage, picked up a shovel and dug deep. In the mental picture, she found a lot of similar things, the storm is coming, she must act fast.

Dig a place, failed.

Continue to search for the next place, and push down another mountain of garbage, but it still fails.

The flying sand obscured half of her vision, and occasionally e-waste blown away by the wind hit like bullets.

The wind speed was accelerating, and Liu Jun thought it was a little difficult to stand firm.

For safety’s sake, she should go. If you don’t want to be swallowed by the storm, you should go home early and take refuge.

But the shovel in his hand is still speeding up.

Perhaps Liu Jun was lucky, persisted for a moment, dug up another mountain of garbage, and finally found what he wanted after losing again and again.

Dozens of optical drives were discovered together.

She hurriedly put things into the large backpack behind her, and sprinted towards the container with the backpack.

The gust of wind blew past and almost blew her away.

The sand and dust covered the sky, and the golden-red sunset became pitch black at dusk.

When she returned home and closed the container door, the storm came.

The howling wind was deafening, and the containers creaked.

Liu Junxin put down her backpack, leaned her back against the door, and slid to the ground to sit. She buried her head between her knees and breathed deeply.

She couldn’t help complaining: “Can Liu Chengsi be more reliable?!”

She knew that confidentiality was important, and that it might be safe to pass information this way. But now that he has decided to tell her, can he lower the threshold for information extraction! Or provide her with a reading device?

After resting for five minutes, Liu Junxin started to work again after changing out of the daily clothes.

The discarded CD-ROM drive was found, and after cleaning it, a usable one had to be picked out.

With the passage of time, many of these antiques are unusable, and many parts have been eroded by wind and frost. Liu Junxin was busy from dark to dawn, and spent nearly 10 hours repairing. After scraping together, I finally got a CD-ROM that works normally.

He also successfully connected the optical drive to his antique computer.

Liu Junxin used a bottle of drinking water to wipe her body extravagantly, and the rare refreshing made her feel at ease.

She brought herself another tube of nutritional supplements. After replenishing her energy, she leaned back on the chair, her eyes widened.

After resting for about half an hour, Liu Junxin put the CD into the CD-ROM drive.

She wanted to see what Liu Chengsi left behind!


The CD-ROM starts to work, the noise is very loud, and the reading speed is a little slow.

The old antique computer is a bit stuck, the mouse icon has turned into a circle, and it keeps turning and turning.

Liu Jun was a little nervous, wondering if the CD-ROM could read the CD smoothly.

After being stuck for a while, Liu Chengsi’s face popped up smoothly in front of the screen. This clearly ten-year-old face was bright, with tenacious eyes and the vigor of many young people, which was completely different from her now decadent and corrupt biological father.

“If you get this information, it means that you have joined the game of Techstars, and you have to fight for survival.”

“The normal channel for people to obtain information is the Interstellar Network, referred to as the Star Network. However, everyone has different permissions, and the information that can be obtained on the Star Network is different. Your birth planet and status determine your basic permissions. Even if you immigrate, unless It is difficult to break through to the upper class, otherwise the authority will be impossible to change.”

“We do not have the right to consult the laws of all planets, nor do we have the right to comprehensively track the contestants on each planet. Unfortunately, we also do not have the technical strength to break through the information blockade.”

“What we can do is to collect and organize information from the programs and information disclosed by all reality shows of the entertainment company, and from the entertainment news reports that we can see later. This part of the content is not guaranteed to be completely true, and I hope you can distinguish it with confidence. .”

“Although the information is limited, I hope you can make good use of it and wish you good luck.”

After a short opening remark, Liu Chengsi’s face disappeared, the mouse icon turned into a circle again, and he began to read the disk slowly.

Just now, Liu Junxin noticed the word “we” first.

Could it be that there is some organization behind Liu Chengsi? What is the purpose of this organization?

There is also a keyword “authority”.

Any era has restrictions on key information, but the limitations of the interstellar era are obviously problematic.

Does public information like the law that everyone should know about needs permission? !

What exactly is the problem with whoever set the permissions? Or is there something wrong with the law itself? Or has the interstellar society completely changed?

The authority of the organization that Liu Chengsi participated in is too low, and the information obtained is not sure whether it is true or false.

This organization should not be large. Or to put it badly, it’s called a climate.

But at least, what they’re doing makes sense.

A folder window pops up in front of the screen, and the contents of the CD-ROM can be seen at a glance.

There are only three large folders on the disk.

The content of the first folder is the laws and regulations and special customs of the major abandoned planets.

It has been thousands of years since human beings entered the interstellar age, and society has undergone great changes. And the planets that have been abandoned for hundreds of years and thousands of years have their own development due to changes in the environment.

With the great development of science and technology, human beings have started interstellar travel, and they no longer need to restrain and protect the environment. The grabbing of planetary resources is becoming more and more excessive, and the destruction is also unscrupulous. When people leave, the environment of the abandoned planet that is left behind is getting worse and worse.

In order to survive in the harsh environment, great changes have taken place in all aspects of the abandoned planet. Abandoned so early but orderly planets like Blue Star are actually a minority. Before browsing these contents, Liu Junxin couldn’t believe the existence of some strange laws.

Some planets are restored to theocracy, and any detrimental things that are driven out in the name of God can be forgiven and forgiven.

Some planets respect the strong and kill innocent people, and blood and slaughter are their means to success.

On some planets, people have implanted beast genes in order to survive and become half-orcs. Although they are mild-mannered, they will snipe human predators in the game. Or even more brutally hunt and eat the same kind.

Liu Chengsi said that the players in the game are more dangerous than the abnormal game design.

Because you don’t know what such a group of people who live in a ferocious environment without a view of the rule of law and morality will do something for a better and more comfortable life.

The interstellar law not only has no constraints on these people, but also stipulates the customs to protect the abandoned planet.

Liu Junxin opened a video file, which originated from a report from an entertainment media account of Star Network.

An authentic singing talent show has gone terribly wrong. Naga Erxing will cut the throat of the contestant who sang songs that defy the gods.

Such a tragedy, the title of the report is “XXX finally ushered in the first point of view since the broadcast”.

A crime, a tragedy. The media wrote it in a lively tone, thinking it was humorous. What is even more chilling is the comment area, where the audience laughed and laughed, their attitude was extremely indifferent and inhuman.

【Stupid! 】

[Watch a monkey kill another monkey. 】

[Too dramatic, with obvious traces of artificial arrangements. Is this song arranged by the program group? If you can’t find the breaking point, you deliberately stimulate the Naga and the stars commit the murder? Sure enough. 】

[Actually, the executed people sang very well, but not as good as the idols. 】

[These savages always think that their talent can conquer us, but there are all kinds of perfect virtual idols, how can we fall in love with them? 】

[They are still useful, watching how they die is my daily entertainment. 】

Such comments are absolutely mainstream, and Liu Junxin felt chills all over.

She goes through case after case. Almost every reality show has a **** accident.

The ratings skyrocket when there is an accident, and the ratings for shows without life and death struggles are bleak.

Judging from the data, the most popular technology star that she has never seen is the bloody, cruel and tyrannical pictures.

“The life-and-death confrontation of virtual idols is boring, too fake. It’s really fun to watch.”

“To entertain us, this is the only use for the barbarians, primitive people of abandoned planets.”

“You are a clown!”

“You are a puppet!”

Liu Chengsi kept lingering in his ears with drunken warnings.

After being warned, Liu Junxin has already thought in the worst direction, but the reality is a thousand times worse than she imagined.


Liu Junxin silently wrote down the strange laws and customs of each planet sorted out by Liu Chengsi.

She remembered which planets people should avoid when they saw them, and which ones could form an alliance.

She opened the second folder, which contained hundreds of small folders, listing the names of various props and marking them with serial numbers. In the small folder, there are various live games. Of course, they don’t have the right to get the complete video of the game, they can only capture various highlights from the mobile entertainment account.

She opens a folder called Full Potency Enhancer. The first video turned out to be Liu Chengsi’s final video.

This is a pure survival game in the name of a sports competition.

In the video, Liu Chengsi, who was covered in injuries, stumbled and fled in the jungle.

Behind him was a man with a ghostly face. The upper body of the other party is full of totems painted with white paint. His height and muscle mass are not at all human-like. He slowly followed behind Liu Chengsi, throwing a spear from time to time, forcing Liu Chengsi, who was about to lose his strength, to continue to escape.

He laughed, he roared and growled like a beast.

This cold-blooded orc is enjoying the hunt, and Liu Chengsi is his gift.

Forced into a corner, Liu Chengsi cursed.

I saw him turn on the communication device and quickly exchange the props. A vial of injection appeared out of thin air in the air, and Liu Chengsi injected it without hesitation.

His slender body exploded in an instant, and his muscles swelled. Just like what she had seen in the holographic world. The raging power was overwhelming, and the hunting orcs were being defeated.

“The full-effect enhancer can be said to be a decisive tool. It helps Liu Chengsi to turn the tide in a desperate situation. Of course, it is an honor to win with the props, but in the future, the side effects of the drug will not feel good. I am afraid that he will want to die on the spot at this moment. In the hands of the opponent. Hahahaha!!”

Such inhuman words were actually said from the mouth of a real show host.

side effect.

The props provided by the program team and the props that the contestants spent a lot of sponsorship money on have serious side effects.

These props are not good things, except for some basic weapons, which are all kinds of body modification reagents.

Increased strength, improved reflexes, improved tolerance, and quick repairs seem to be within the normal range.

There are also various animal-like and insect-like drugs, which are genetically modified.

The descriptions of the potions are all powerful, jump farther, run faster, and even fly, as long as you save enough sponsorship money, you can get props.

However, no one told the players that these drugs have powerful side effects, and their transformation on the human body is irreversible.

“Human experiment?” Liu Junxin’s fist clenched tightly.

The more you understand, the worse the world feels.


The third folder is the information of the contestants of the major reality TV shows of Techstar, as well as the follow-up development.

Very few people successfully immigrated, and some even became famous and became stars in the entertainment industry. But they die unexpectedly within a few years, often in dramatic, tragic ways.

Entertainment reported that our favorite player XX passed away.

In the comments it says:

[Another show has ended. 】

【Would you like to change to a creative ending next time? 】

[Actually, these monkeys are quite pitiful, and they died before they even knew they were monkeys. 】

【What’s so pitiful? They walked out of the barren land and enjoyed the dream of getting rich and surrounded by handsome men and beauties. Although they suffered before they died, the benefits they enjoyed were something they could never win in their lifetimes. 】

[Appeal to major program producers to be innovative, not interesting at all, tired of it. 】

Born on the most advanced and wealthy planet, tech stars are born with everything. They extract resources from other planets, enjoy the brain holes of machines and AI, and live a prosperous and leisurely life. Their greatest joy is to watch the abandoned star players truly interpret life.

People who came out of the wild land fought **** and **** like wild animals in order to live a prosperous life.

Seeing these is not enough, they continue to watch the players’ subsequent lives. Thought the reality show was over and left the show?

No, it doesn’t.

Every player’s life is monitored and broadcasted all the time, and until his death is someone else’s entertainment, it is their talk.

Arranged for a lifetime.

Liu Jun thought of a classic movie “The Truman World”.

A child has lived in a studio since he was a child, surrounded by audiences all over the world. He has no privacy and cannot live according to his own wishes. He discovers the truth and escapes from the sprawling studio to meet life.

From signing up to get the badge, each Abandoned Star player enters the world of Truman.

They have become entertainment for tech stars, to be observed, arranged, and ridiculed. They seem to have no right to say the end, only death can escape.

After the player’s life is over, they have another goal.

It is the fate of the winner, and there are many, many eliminated players. They either disappeared or died unexpectedly on the way home. Few have ever managed to return to their home planet.

There are also some people, they did not win, but have popularity. They will also be left behind and end up living in the audience’s field of vision just like the winner, ending up in an accidental death.

Only a very small number of lucky and smart people survived. They either joined entertainment companies, became mentors sent by producers, and returned to their home planet.

They formed an organization called “White Dove”, trying to persuade or wake up the younger generation to stop participating in the entertainment of tech stars.


Liu Junxin closed the information and took out the CD, her heart was heavy.

It was already nine in the morning, but the howling wind had not dissipated. It was too dark to see the sun, and the containers were scratched and rattled.

Liu Junxin lay on the bed and closed her eyes to rest. The audition was about to start in less than a day. She didn’t have enough rest and couldn’t fall asleep.

The world made her feel sick.

Those things that are darker than the sand and dust outside the window are always in front of her eyes, so how can she rest?

Liu Junxin thought of Liu Chengsi.

The side effect of the full-effect booster is nerve pain that accompanies lifelong. She suddenly understood why Liu Chengsi was drinking and taking drugs. This was his way of pain relief.

Although he is not a good father, but a good mentor. He reminds everyone of the risks as much as possible, and what he can say publicly within his purview has been stated.

Unfortunately, no matter how Liu Chengsi emphasized the danger of participating in reality shows, young people still sprinted into the abyss.

Even herself, didn’t she take him seriously at first?

Liu Junxin thought of the original owner and the original plot again.

When I first read the book, I thought it was outrageous. How did the overbearing president dote on Cinderella’s romance, come to such a bad ending?

She thought it was the end of the author’s newspaper office, but she actually read it wrong.

The original text is not a romantic text, it can be explained from another angle. From start to finish, the author describes a well-planned reality show.

A girl with a dream is hit by reality. The broken dream is a reality drama. The Cinderella girl with a broken dream is photographed by a domineering president.

The contestants agreed to participate in the reality show, but they did not agree to sell their lives completely! Outside of the show, the contestants do not need to satisfy the perverted desires of tech stars!

In a desperate environment on the home planet, young people eager to escape join the reality show. They don’t know that what is scarier than the environment is the human heart.

What should she do? Retire and flee?

If she could retire, Liu Chengsi would have made a fuss for her to retire long ago.

She didn’t have to, and didn’t want to.

“It is necessary to take a look and experience it for yourself.” Liu Junxin said to himself.

The information Liu Chengsi gave her gave her a glimpse of this twisted world. For the rest, she needs to see it with her own eyes and find a way to change.

She smiled and said, “I knew there was a fire pit on the other side, but I wanted to step into it. This is really not in line with my style of behavior.”

Perhaps her self-confidence has swelled after experiencing many worlds. Seeing such a disgusting world, she couldn’t just find a planet to spend the rest of her life in peace.

She wants to change!

Staying at Blue Star, on this abandoned planet with backward technology, exhausted resources, and withered talents, she can’t do anything.

Only by entering the game and using the game will she have a chance.


for two days~~

Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during the period of 2020-04-0902:05:57~2020-04-1119:58:49~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 2819507720 bottles; 10 bottles of Ningshu; 446251805 bottles; 2 bottles of lazy words; 1 bottle of LOliver;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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