The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 218

Chapter 218: Debauchery Princess 14

Murong Junxin sent someone to formally send a letter to the governor of Yunzhou, and let him pick him up through the formal process.

Zhizhou was well prepared, and the pick-up ceremony was grand but not extravagant. Everything was in Murong Jun’s heart.

The hotel where temporary residence is arranged is a quiet and elegant yard, very stylish and comfortable.

The maids sent to serve are also polite, careful and considerate people.

For the first three days of staying in the hotel, Murong Jun thought to “rest” under the pretext of being unwell. Of course, I still have to meet Zhizhou every day and listen to his report to arrange a specific tour schedule.

“His Royal Highness, why didn’t you take someone?” Liu Ruobing asked.

She thought that Murong Junxin would quickly investigate and deal with the issue of Guertu’s beliefs, and she always acted resolutely. But this time, Murong Jun was not in a hurry. Along the way, he also had a good conversation with the governor of Yunzhou, who had obvious problems, and even played an official tone, politely saying words of praise to each other.

She had never seen Murong Jun’s heart like this before, nor could she understand it.

What is the identity of Princess Yongchen? She doesn’t need to be polite to anyone at all. She holds the power in her hands, and it is only a matter of time before she kills or kills officials.

Knowing that this Zhizhou has a problem, and she is better with him, this is not in line with her character.

“What are you thinking about?” Murong Jun said with a smile, “Even if it’s me, I have to deal with people and officials normally. I can’t threaten people with a knife every day.”

“But Your Highness, several lives have been lost.” Liu Ruobing reminded.

Zhizhou’s implementation of new beliefs killed monks, and this matter should be seriously investigated.

“Because there is a big problem, we can’t be in a hurry.” Murong Jun explained patiently.

The situation in Unju is different from that of Cheongju.

Those corrupt officials in Qingzhou are beasts, and the people’s grievances are boiling, and they are killed for the people.

The prefect of Yunzhou is well-known among the people and is a good official. Treating him arbitrarily is her cruelty.

“Evidence, what I want is evidence, not rumors.” Murong Junxin said: “At this time, it is up to you. The more information we collect, the better it will be for us. Of course, we have to be careful to hide ourselves.”

Liu Ruobing nodded, she understood.

She will take the opportunity to collect folk songs to talk to other people and try to get more information.


“Actually, we shouldn’t reveal our identities so early. Every move is being watched, and it’s hard to ask for information.” Liu Ruobing reflected.

“You are wrong. Unannounced visits have the benefits of unannounced visits, and a clear identity inspection is also a means.” Murong Jun pointed out: “You are from the eldest princess, and you came out to inspect and investigate. You don’t need to conceal your identity at all. With the purpose, openly and honestly ask no one to help you.”

The prefect of Yunzhou has a reputation among the people. When dealing with him, you must pay attention to the procedures and pay attention to the fairness and openness of the investigation.

Of course, there is work to be done on the bright side, and there is also a lot of work for the dark guards.

The missing magistrate is the key. I don’t know if they can find someone.


On the fourth day of coming to Yunzhou, Murong Junxin sat in the prefect’s yamen hall and listened to the work report of the prefect.

The prefect didn’t really say anything at work.

There are few words of flattery and scenes in his mouth, and every sentence and every word is practical.

“There is still a locust plague this year, but the perennial governance has played a certain role, and the disaster has been alleviated.” Zhizhou reported: “We have specially organized manpower, and each county has formed a locust control militia. Means such as burning bonfires and guarding the fields have proved effective, and if you persist for a long time, whoever cannot completely eliminate the locust plague will also link the disaster to a certain extent.”

Zhizhou also proposed many strange methods, and they also tried them specially. He not only thought about it himself, but also set a reward to encourage the people to come up with more ways to eradicate the locust plague.

“It’s been hard work.” Murong Jun was sure that he knew the work of the state.

“The duty of the lower official.” Yunzhou Zhizhou bowed deeply.

Zhizhou continued to report.

In addition to locust disaster management, another major problem in Yunzhou is wind disaster. Zhizhou set up watchtowers along the coast to specifically implement the weather. If the weather changes and the storm is coming, it will be warned by means of bonfires, ringing bells, etc. This gives people a chance to escape.

“It’s a good idea.” Murong Jun felt that this method could be promoted nationwide.

After talking about disaster management, Zhizhou reported on business, taxation and so on. This discussion lasted for a whole day.

Just listening to his report, Yunzhou Zhizhou is really a good official who is down-to-earth and pragmatic, and he has indeed done a lot of good things.

Next, Zhizhou took her to tour the counties, and the situation she learned was not much different from the report of Zhizhou.

Ask the common people, they are very satisfied with the overall performance of the officials, expressing their love for such parent officials.

If this is an ordinary imperial envoy, seeing such a situation, most of them will go back with peace of mind.

The more outstanding and perfect what can be seen, the more uneasy Murong Jun’s heart is.

The magistrate of a county disappeared, and no one could be found. The entire Yunzhou officialdom did not mention it, and did not report it to the court.

Zhizhou took the lead in promoting new religious beliefs, which is even more taboo.

Before, Murong Jun didn’t mention it. It is because it is unclear how much the people of Yunzhou believe in Gurtu. It is not easy to start without careful investigation.

If most of the people are all deceived, then taking coercive measures may be counterproductive.

Now that the investigation is clear, she has given the gentleness and friendliness that should be given, and it is time to open the skylight to speak up and put pressure on them.


After listening to another round of reports, Murong Jun asked the missing magistrate in his heart.

From Zhizhou down, everyone kept silent, saying they didn’t know.

Murong Jun lost his temper, and Zhizhou knelt down with a thud. He knelt at the front, and the county magistrate knelt down behind him.

“To be honest, I’m very disappointed. After listening to such a circle of reports, I looked around and still no one confessed to me.” Murong Junxin showed a heart-wrenching look and said, “You think you avoid talking about it. , I don’t know?”

People are indeed missing, and there are no dead or dead bodies. Only the magistrate’s wife was left to wash her face in tears every day, and she did not dare to speak out.

The dark guard dug three feet into the ground and found no one.

“Damn Weichen!” A group of officials knelt down and kowtowed, saying clichés. They also dared to beg Murong Jun not to pursue.

“Absurd! Your colleagues have all lost, why didn’t you report such a serious matter?!” Murong Jun asked sharply: “You are busy burning incense to defeat the new Buddha, but you are very active, but none of you are looking for your colleagues, even the basic ones. You can’t even report. What’s your motive?!”

Murong Jun wanted to take out the evidence he had collected for questioning, but Zhizhou’s remarks confused her.

“Your Highness the eldest princess, don’t say anything blasphemous. Gurtu is the true god, and slandering the true **** will be punished by heaven.” Yunzhou Zhizhou repeatedly kowtowed, he said with a shudder: “The missing county magistrate Zhou Ziyu is the He was not the only one who was condemned by God because he did not believe in the true God.”

Murong Junxin: ? !

Her head is full of question marks.


Today is a little shorter~~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-03-2922:10:48~2020-03-3023:59:44~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 385225551;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Changxi Angli and Yan Tongsheng; 406598827 bottles; 2 bottles of Murong Jin; 1 bottle of Wushang;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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