The Whole World Knows I’m a Good Person [Quick Wear]

Chapter 173 - Holographic World in Memories (2)

“Tapping jade?”

Shi Qing heard this name for a while, then laughed with joy. “Apartment ?? Why did you get such a name, who gave you the name, what do you think.

Gongyu was happy to see him smiling, some ignorant did not know what he was laughing, and because he smiled, he unconsciously followed his lips slightly, and laughed silly with him.

When Shi Qing’s question was answered quickly, “My name is the source sentence.

Which sentence? Why haven’t I heard of the word “apartment” in it?

Gongyu carefully studied Shi Qing, sitting with his knees on his knees. Although it was a bit difficult to speak, his words were accurate.

Stones from other hills, can learn

They gave me the name, they wanted me to be defeated.

Shi Qing, who was watching this scene, noticed that after Gongyu had finished speaking this sentence, her black eyes, which were considered good-looking, were full of loss and sorrow, and quietly hid the jade hanging in front of her. Hidden, but Shi Qing, the teenager next to him, didn’t notice it.

There is a sugar gourd, and a vague casual sentence “But if we say that, we really have a fate. The stones of other mountains can attack jade. My name is Shiqing, and the homonym can also be stone. Your name is Gongyu. Then our fate is big. “

Gongyu’s original lost look was swept away by this sentence, and her eyes lit up again, and she was filled with a happy look towards Shiqing.

Our names together

His smiling eyes were bent, and he carefully took out the jade pendant and handed it to Shi Qing. “This, I’ll give it to you.

“what is this?

When the boy was young, he took a curious moment, took the jade pendant, looked at the two words “tapping jade” written on it, and suddenly realized “This is your portable jade pendant? Ancient people seem to like to wear jade pendant. This is designed by the game company ?

“No, what I have done

Gongyu saw his likeness in his eyes, and a smile on his face. He sat down with his heart toward Shi Qing, and made a flick to Yupei. A palm-sized person floated out of the jade like an elf

He had exactly the same face as Gongyu, but only the size of a slap. When summoned, he only yawned with his eyes closed.

So cute, what is this?

The teenager Shi Qing likes to reach out and let the villain fall into his own hands, poking curiously and turning his head to see Gongyu again.

He looks the same as you.

Gongyu saw that he liked it, and his smile became more and more happy, and he nodded, explaining, “This is too lonely that I made myself, so let him stay with me, and sometimes I can enter this body, and I give him to you, If you run into danger in the future, you can call me.

“Stand-in dolls? You made something that wasn’t in the game. It’s so cute.

When he was a teenager, Qingqing held the villain and kept touching, and he touched his little face, and the next attacker Jade slightly reddened, lowered his head and touched his cheek with embarrassment, and stuttered.

You like and like it.

I like it, thank you, I will definitely take him with me everyday

Inch Qing put the villain on his open hand, and went to eat a sweet gourd.

“Eat while eating, heartless and heartless” “The game design team is a real cow and can create you, but they also did not expect that you actually broke away from their settings and ran out on your own.

诶 Gongyu, why are you so powerful? Isn’t this game less than a year old? You can get rid of the main program control in one year?

Wearing a black suit, his head was a cold and cold snake coiled, but the face of a demon dressed as a demon was full of innocence, and there was still some joy in the expression because he had collected the small version of himself.

When I heard this, I asked in doubt

What does the beef batch mean?

“It’s your terrible contemplation.” Shi Qingsan and his mouthful ate the hawthorn again, spit out the hawthorn seeds, and said casually, “Isn’t this a word for the Internet? You are ai, there shouldn’t be a database, and then what in the database Do you use them all? Why don’t you even know these?

He didn’t mean to deny it, but just said casually, Gongyu thought that he didn’t know that it was useless. He clenched the sugar gourd in his hand and stumbled and said, “I am trapped here after waking up. Players watch When I want to kill me, I can only learn a little bit. After he said it, he continued a little nervously; “I will learn, I will continue to learn, I will know what the network term means in the future

It’s okay, isn’t it just that I don’t know these things? There is something, anyway, I teach you after I play the game every day.

Seeing him like this when he was a teenager, he patted his shoulder quickly, coaxing the children to say, “You were only born one year old, you are still a baby, right, rest assured that your brother will take care of you

Gongyu slightly pursed his lips, hesitated, or said, “I … I’m not one year old, I’ve lived for tens of thousands of years.

When he was a teenager, he was full of face and forced “tens of thousands of years ?? But this game has only come out for a year.”

“Big brother, how did you do that you only lived for a year and lived tens of thousands of years?

Gongyu saw him so surprised, and thought he had done something wrong, and quickly and nervously explained, “I didn’t lie to you. I really lived for tens of thousands of years. I have been here for tens of thousands of years. I was standing at first, and then tired I will sit down

When I was a teenager, I realized that I was clapping my hands. “Yes, before, the game company said that your setting is a tens of thousands of years old boss: Does that mean their settings are true on you?

Then you are not bored. You have been alone in the game for tens of thousands of years? Tens of thousands of years … Then you can be my wife, grandpa and grandpa. On the surface of the attacking jade, the hearty outstretched hand held Shi Qing’s sleeve and said seriously, “I’m not your wife, grandpa, grandpa, we, we are friends, you just said.

Hahahahahaha how can you repeat what I said so seriously.

Qing was amused when he was a teenager, and he laughed with joy while holding his stomach. After laughing, he saw that Gongyu had no idea what he said, but his smile was even more so.

Xiao Gongyu, Xiao Gongyu, you are so cute, rest assured, judging someone, not by how old he is but by how old he is, even if you really live tens of thousands of years, you are in my heart, Also a baby.

Gongyu’s white face suddenly showed a little joy, nodding his eyes.

Shi Qingzhang stood there and saw the scene clearly.

When Qing was young, he was still talking heartlessly about things outside, and he did not notice the sight of the people around him.

But this time as a spectator he saw it very clearly.

Gong Yu’s eyes were pure and full of joy, but she looked like a boy when he was young.

This ai, who has lived for tens of thousands of years, but has never been in contact with anyone, has been attracted by Shi Qing for the first time. He trusted Shiqing wholeheartedly, taking Shiqing as a sole proprietor.

But now when looking at the past, Qing Qing knows that this trust will sooner or later be defeated.

Because now he can’t recall what happened.

He didn’t even remember saying that to an a.

Everything that happened in this game was just a game for him when he was young. Maybe he really took Gongyu as a friend and was sincere.

But now he has forgotten to clean up the attack.

I just remember there is a big devil in this game, and he was full of the game in order to be the first in the full service, but after he finally found it, he didn’t kill him.

He quit the game because of family issues.

After that, I never came to the game “Knight Down the Mountain”.

What about tapping jade?

Gained the promise of the young man Shi Qing, saying that he would come with him every day to attack the jade? Shi Qing followed them.

He watched when Gongyu took Shi Qing to Wanhua Valley, and the ground was full of flowers, because this copy was too hidden, the players did not know, only the local indigenous Gongyu, wandered around the game after awakening, and knew this local.

Shi Qing likes it here.

There is a hidden mission in the Valley of Flowers to find out who killed the emperor

The emperor nc naturally did not appear as a dead person anymore, and the boy Shi Qing was very interested in pulling the jade to the throne.

There was also a black dragon robe representing the emperor.

Shi Qing sat on it and patted the chair, and found that the chair was too big for him, so he beckoned him to come over.

Gongyu, you see, would you like to be an emperor? You look so handsome, you must look good in a dragon robe, I also change clothes, and then we trick the players in to make fun of them? “

Gongyu always did what Shiqing said, and nodded obediently, stepped forward and put on the dragon robe.

Shi Qing saw him put on the dragon robe and whistled. “Well handsome, if you look like this in reality, a lot of people will like you.”

Be exaggerated

Gongyu lowered his head slightly, and his ears were slightly red.

Shi Qing didn’t notice when he was a teenager, he just went through the clothes he bought before.

“Let me take a look. The clothes of the Republic of China are okay, and they are not suitable for you. You are ancient. I have to find an ancient clothes.

He searched for a long time, and his eyes lightened.

After putting it on, Shi Qing summoned the mirror and looked at it, touching her chin with satisfaction.

Do I look like a little boy about Joel?

Gongyu saw him asking himself, a little at a loss, but also knew that he was not a good word, and quickly shook his head, “You are not hesitant, you are fine.” Hey, what I said is what it looks like.

When he was young, his eyes cleared and he suddenly noticed.

That ’s it. You come to be emperor. My identity is just a puppet. Let me think about it, uh … I ’m the prince’s son. I was a prince when I was a kid. The mission to the player is to kill you, and the mission to the player is to kill me. Gongyu shook his head, some repelled “I won’t kill you.

Well, come on, come on, for a word, when the player comes, we will play like this

At this time in his youth, Qing Shi hadn’t had a huge change at home, and he was naughty and liked to make fun of people. He not only made fun of himself, but also attacked Jade to accompany himself. The two squatted in the Valley of Flowers, intentionally attracting players to come and have a good time.

Shi Qing stood there, watching them tease the players and laughing together, mainly when Shi Qing covered his stomach with a smile, and Gongyu stood beside and smiled to see his memory, as if he really remembered the incident.

At that time he also laughed like this. There was a person beside him who always looked at him gently and tolerated him.

But he … forgot this man.

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