The Whole World Knows I’m a Good Person [Quick Wear]

Chapter 160 - The Sovereign of the Immortals (3)

Shi Qing was so righteous that Lin Xingzhi was blocked and he didn’t know how to refute.

He did n’t know what the iron bone ancestors were doing, but he closed his eyes with his generous expression; “Uncle, do n’t listen to him! A disciple will never let himself be a threat to you tool.”

Shi Qing looked at him with a smile, and applauded, “It really is the three generations of Tianyanzong elders. It is this kind of singing and weeping spirit that is willing to give themselves, I! Admire you!

After exaggerating, he changed his face in a flash, slamming his fingers, “hands. The quick action will immediately fall on Lin Xingzhi’s neck.

Lin Xing closed his eyes tightly subconsciously.


The cold tone sounded coldly, Shi Qing raised an eyebrow, looked at Gu Qiushu who was looking at him with his eyebrows twisted, his lips raised proudly, and waved

傀儡 Get instructions, and then put his hands down silently.

Lin Xingzhi just started to breathe. The dungeon was impenetrable, but he felt like he was being blown by the cold wind, his body was shaking, and his forehead was full of cold sweat.

Shi Qing didn’t go to see him at all, only smiled. After taking a few steps, Guo Qiushu walked around a few times.

Gu Qiushu never moved. Even if people watched this way, he just looked blankly at the ice sculpture in front of him.

Alas, Gu Qiushu, you are really interesting. It looks like you are not interested in anything. It seems as if you don’t care about anything. Can’t breathe

The man holding the posture always held the sword’s hand slightly, but still said nothing.

But it was such a move, but it was already in Shi Qing’s eyes.

Tiegu Zong’s lips have been raised for five days, and the pair of clear and bright eyes that are very different from his behavior slightly raised his eyes; he turned to Gu Qiushu.

It seems that to make you obedient, just hold the young disciples of Tianyanzong.

Gu Qiushu ignored him, and he was not angry. With a smile in his eyes, he looked up and down. “You have a good manner. Even if you fall in the dungeon, you will not show any weakness.

When his eyes fell on his shoulders, he paused slightly. “Are you injured?

As soon as he reached out to fall on Gu Qiushu’s shoulder, Gu Qiushu had already taken a step ahead of him, and frowned slightly to avoid it.

The long, white fingers that had been maintained very well fell into the air so embarrassingly.

Bold! How dare you disrespect your lord!

The disciples of the Iron Bone Sect consciously felt stigmatized, and immediately drew their swords at Gu Qiushu.

Gu Qiushu was still cold, without any intention to give in.

Shi Qing touched her hand indifferently. She didn’t have any embarrassment on her face, and she even criticized her subordinates.

Alas, do n’t you look like this, I ’m not telling you all the time, everyone is a fairy in the gate, you can say it well, do n’t move it; you used to be my father, but now I ’m changing Become a good person like me and become the suzerain, and our iron skeleton sect will go down and work, and we must also practice the wind of goodness


Although Shi Qing only took office for five days, only with his perverted smile and the order to arrest the children of the major Xianmen families as soon as he took office

How can it not be called good.

Seeing that they were aggressive, Shi Qing still smiled very well. “Do you know?

“Yes, lord.”

The disciples of the Iron Bone Sect shivered with his gentle tone, and quickly put away the swords in their hands, one by one, quietly as if they were chickens.

But let them believe in the goodness of the suzerain, it would be better to let them believe that the magic can rise.

Shi Qing went on to say, “Gu Xianchang’s peace of mind, we are not the kind of people who can move hands manually. You don’t let me touch, of course I can’t fight. You agree to let me touch.”

After he finished speaking, glanced at Lin Xingzhi, who was still imprisoned, with a slight understatement, “I am a kind person who is soft-hearted and can’t see any blood.” Take this little Lin Xian long, strangled.


Lin Xingzhi

Only when he was oblivious to Shi Qing’s words did he express any emotions, and immediately obeyed Lin Xing to stop going out.

The immortal Bai Yixian clenched his sword suddenly and stepped forward to stand in front of Lin Xingzhi. A pair of eyes that seemed to contain ice looked coldly to Shiqing

Shi Qing held a handful of her black hair to play with, although her face was still smiling, the clear eyes facing Gu Qiushu were full of fun.

“It seems Xianchang changed his mind?

Gu Qiushu stood in front of Lin Xing’s body and asked coldly, “What do you want.

Not so much, just seeing that the immortal has good roots and high cultivation. I want to get close and exchange feelings.

Everywhere on the body is not delicate and clear, like the iron monarch’s new suzerain of the wealthy little boy who has been raised in the palm of his hand since he was a child, so he smiles at Gu Qiushu.

When he reached out his hand this time, although Bai Changxian shook his body slightly, he still did not avoid it.

As a result, Shi Qing dropped his fingers on his **** shoulder, and the white clothes were already red.

It hurts to look at it, but from Gu Qiushu’s face, he can’t see a little painful expression.

Shi Qing’s voice rose slightly, and the ending hit a spin. “How did this happen? Didn’t I just order Mo to hurt Gu Xianchang?” He respectfully replied, “When we went, he was already injured .

This is really strange, you are in a distraction period, who can hurt you in that secret place.

Shi Qing said, straight to the wound, sniffed gently.

Gu Qiushu practiced in Tianyanzong since he was a child. His seniority was high, and his brother was busy with internal affairs. No one dared to get close to him like this.

At this moment, I felt the breath of the man in front of him who gently sprayed wine with his movements. His eyebrows were tightened tighter, but his body was tightly subconscious, but he could only endure standing in place.

“The taste of Izumi Shinseng.

Shi Qing sniffed, raised her eyebrows and looked at Gu Qiushu. “Did you get hurt by the spirit beast that guarded it while picking ginseng?

Gu Qiushu looked down slightly without saying a word.

Shi Qing is not angry, she still laughs

“Go, take me out of Lin Xingzhi and poison him.

Gu Qiushu’s unwavering expression finally had a little more emotion. He looked angrily at Shi Qing “shameless.”

No shame, nothing works.

The Iron-Bone Sovereign is completely a proud look of “not ashamed but proud”. For the sake of Lin Xingzhi’s small life, you better cooperate with me. If I ask you, please return to me. Otherwise, I am afraid he will Can’t see the sun tomorrow.

Gu Qiushu’s hand holding the hilt of the sword became stronger.

Shi Qing felt that if it wasn’t for the ability to suppress people in this dungeon, Gu Qiushu’s sword is probably out.

After all, Gu Qiushu is a well-known cultivating wizard in the realm of cultivation. He has a deification period, but he can leapfrog the Mahayana period.

But who keeps him out of his power now.

You have to do whatever you want now.

“Well, it looks like you agree, I ask, you answer, don’t answer me or lie to me.

Shi Qing raised an eyebrow, didn’t speak, only pointed at Lin Xingzhi, and then vividly made a movement to wipe her neck.

On the edge of life and death, Dapeng’s wings spread

“Come and come, I ask you, what are you going to do to pick up the true ginseng? Isn’t that thing used to restrain spiritual power?

Oh … I see. Could it be the girl you’re interested in, so I took Quan Zhenshen and planned to suppress the girl’s spiritual power and do something indescribable.

Gu Qiushu was able to tolerate it before, but now when seeing Shi Qingyue, he was less ridiculous, and his eyes were more angry.

Four words, really rare, I said so much, and actually got two long words in exchange for Xianchang.

Alas. “Shi Qing shook his head” Since it is not used on girls, please also tell Xianchang where the real ginseng is used.

Gu Qiushu’s eyes flickered, his eyes narrowed slightly, his tone was “used for myself”.

“Five words is like one more word!

Shi Qing applauded first, and then continued to ask, “Xianchang you are so good, why use Quan Zhenshen? The use of Quan Zhenshen can make people extremely painful, don’t you know?”

No, you should be very clear.

He approached Gu Qiushu again, and his slender fingers landed on Baiyixian’s long waist, feeling the slight tremor that was also coming across the clothes, and his eyes fell on Gu Qiushu’s normal but pale face again.

The tone was full of affirmation “You have already given Quan Zhenshen.

Gu Qiushu was expressionless. “Yes.

No wonder I just saw you constantly sitting and adjusting your breath, and the pain of serving Quan Zhenshen was not able to hold back from coma, but you can talk to me as usual, as Gu Qiuzhan. “

Lin Xingzhi originally forcibly suppressed his anger and listened to it, he was disgusted when he heard it. “Uncle, you have served Quan Zhenshen ?? Why? Who would not know if Quan Quan practitioners are serving like a knife and cutting meat? Feeling pain all the time, why are you

Why are you so noisy.

Shi Qing leaned impatiently on Gu Qiushu’s shoulders, waved his hand to He, “take him down, don’t let him see the sun of tomorrow. Gu Qiushu’s pupils shrank, and he stepped forward to block the sun.

The rampant action was rapid, and Lin Xingzhi was directly out of the dungeon.

Inch Qing reached out and fell on Gu Qiushu’s shoulder. He suddenly turned around and pulled out his sword. He was not in a hurry. Before his disciples disciples pulled out their swords to protect themselves, his index finger was somewhere around Gu Qiushu’s waist.

The white-haired immortal who had just arrived was stiff, and he could only maintain this posture and not move.

what have you done.

Shi Qing withdrew his index finger and sighed. “It’s nothing. The practitioners taking Quanshen’s ginseng will be extremely painful but there is no solution. As long as the next point is clicked, it will no longer hurt, but there is a side effect. The practitioner who was clicked down the acupoint can no longer move.

He said with a smile, naturally grabbing Gu Qiushu’s arm to help him put it down, and then gently collected the sword. “I wasn’t sure if you took Quan Zhenshen, who made you so honest, now it ’s okay. It’s in the hands of this lord

Gu Qiushu couldn’t move, he could only look at him coldly.

Shi Qing didn’t mind his eyes at all, and waited until he lowered his arm before standing with his arms in front of him.

Gu Qiushu looks taller than him, but after a few glances, Shi Qing found that it was not Gu Qiushu who was taller than him, but Gu Qiushu was wearing a hair crown, so he looked taller than him.

So he reached out and went to Gu Qiushu’s hair crown.

Originally, there was a wind of southwest, northwest, and northwest, and my long pupils in white clothes shrank, and my subconscious mind wanted to hide backwards, but I could n’t hide because of the acupoints.

take away

Shi Qing’s hand rested on his hair crown, looking at the sight of the person in front of him full of laughter “Do not let touch? Give a reason first. Gu Qiushu gritted his teeth, coldly said,” Being in front of people is a courtesy.


Shi Qingwang said to the disciples behind him, “Did you hear what Gu Xianchang said? If you all go down, you can’t let Gu Xianchang be rude. The disciples of the Iron Bone Sect have been stumbling and have no choice but to sacrifice their salute.

So there was only Shiqing and Gu Qiushu in the dungeon of the sky.

Well, now no one, come, I will help you to get the hair crown, sleep well, and when you wake up, you do n’t have to endure the pain of Quan Zhenshen, this lord is really kind. “

Gu Qiushu felt that Shi Qing’s hands actually took off his hair crown, and the undulations in his chest were intensified.

“A crown is a private thing, how can you do that?

Well, I’m wrong, I’m not right, it’s a big deal for you to come back.

Said, Shi Qing grasped Gu Qiushu’s hand with a good temper, so that the slender hand also felt his hair crown.

“Let’s do it, sir, you are so small.

Gu Qiushu

He couldn’t wait for the knife in front of the man in front of him, but unfortunately he couldn’t move. He could only watch Shi Qing move him to the bed and put it flat. Then the shameless man lay beside him.

Gu Qiushu’s face was cold, and his eyes were already with the intention of killing. “You kill my disciples of Tianyanzong. If you don’t kill me today, I will let you die.”

“I said Xianchang, you can eat rice indiscriminately, but you can’t say anything indiscriminately. When did I kill your disciples of Tianyanzong?

Shi Qing sat up straight and looked down at Gu Qiushu looking angry at himself.

As he stretched his hands to unfasten his belt, he exclaimed, “Xian Chang, you look so good and popular.

Gu Qiushu’s anger is even heavier. “What do you do!

“Can’t you see? I’m unbuttoning your shirt.

Shi Qing’s light white belt was easily untied by Shi Qing. He picked it at his fingertips, and shook it in front of the white immortal who couldn’t move but looked at himself.

Okay, now start taking off your outer shirt.

Gu Qiushu “… He system, let me go

Why did you react so much to the shirt?

Gu Qiushu’s face grew colder and colder, and he could only grit his teeth and close his eyes, intending to forcefully open the acupuncture points.

Shi Qing reminded him, “Xian Chang, don’t even think about punching acupuncture points. You don’t have any spiritual power now. Even if you punch for a hundred years, you won’t be able to punch. Well, the undershirt is unbuttoned.

Gu Qiushu turned a deaf ear, but closed his eyes, and said coldly, “You kill my nephew and insult me ​​to this point, I will crush you to death.”

Whoever killed your teacher’s nephew, don’t mess with people.

Shi Qingzha pulled away the layers of heavy clothing, leaned down, and looked at the fairness in front of her eyes. After closing her eyes, her long eyelashes curled up slightly, a little frosty face, and she took a breath, Watching the thick long eyelashes shake subconsciously, her lips slightly lifted.

“I’m just saying he can’t see the sun tomorrow, aren’t you in the dungeon, is there a sun in the dungeon?”

Then, he applied the ointment he had just brought to Gu Qiucun’s wound.

Also, what does it mean to insult you so far, I just help you treat the wound, how to deal with it without taking off your clothes?

Gu Qiushu frowned, slowly opened his eyes, and faced with the iron skeleton suzerain above. Shi Qing raised his corners of his mouth, getting closer and closer to him.

The two face to face, close enough to see each other in the eyes of each other.

Fairy long.

Shi Qing approached again deliberately, lowering his voice and asking softly, “You are so nervous, what do you think I want to do to you?”

“You and I are all men. What can I do to you? I’m going to your clothes, not to give you medicine, is it difficult or not to touch you?

He raised his eyebrows and supported his body with one hand, and the other hand fell on his shirt, pulling down on the shirt slightly, and Bai Xi’s neck looked more and more repaired.

Eyes flowing between, with a frivolous charm

Immortal is more concerned, compared to your cold and cold practitioner, I consciously am more attractive by myself.

The two were close, and Gu Qiushu couldn’t move again. When Shi Qing made such a move, he was forced to see it clearly.

Gu Qiu’s face was still condensed, but Shi Qing could clearly see that with his own words, Baixian Chang’s original white earlobe had quietly turned red.

He squinted for a long time before closing his eyes suddenly.

Lips shivered and spit out three words

“You take care of yourself.

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