The Whole World Knows I’m a Good Person [Quick Wear]

Chapter 137 - Little Master in a Rich Nest (20)

Ever since Shi Qing took over the Shijia business, he has almost played the invincible player in the world. His former friends still maintain the same style, so he made a lot of money and wanted to show him off. Can’t find anyone.

Now there is a rare cousin Wang Zhancheng. The young master can be excited, and he keeps talking.

Wang Zhancheng was still immersed in the daze of the idol filter.

Until a sharp look called him out of his thoughts.

He snored unconsciously, raised his head strangely, and found that the little cousin who was next to the little cousin was watching himself.

The little babies were tall and had good looks, but their faces were cold. When they looked at them, a fierce look appeared, and with a pair of light-colored eyes, they were looking at him coldly.

If his eyes can be turned into a knife, I am afraid that 10,000 blades have already fallen on him.

Wang Zhancheng shuddered again.

He couldn’t even care about the rags of the filter now, just because of the inexplicable sense of crisis rising from the bottom of his heart, he carefully shook the corner of Shi Qing’s sleeve, and took the hand of his cousin excitedly pulling his arm carefully.

With Shi Qing’s hand no longer grasping him, that stern look really reduced slightly.

Wang Zhancheng breathed a sigh of relief.

The little master was talking about the excitement and didn’t take it seriously, and still said happy

“Cousin, you came to Hecheng, but you are right. I am the most familiar here, and I have a lot of fun. When I have eaten for a while, I will take you out for a better turn.”

Then he patted his chest again. “Cousin, rest assured, today I’m not going to do anything, just stay with my cousin.”

With Shi Qing’s words falling, the sharp eyes that had been let go of Wang Zhancheng returned to him sharply.

And this time it seemed more fierce, it was almost as if someone was holding a big knife and sharpening Huo Huo towards him.

Wang Zhancheng “…”

He couldn’t figure out what was going on. He just swallowed a saliva, and squeezed a dry smile on his face. “Thank my cousin, but I’m toiled and want to rest first.”

He was a guest, and the guests said that they wanted to rest. Shi Qing, the host, was not good at forcing people to go shopping.

Little Master can only express with regret, since your cousin wants to rest, I will arrange the best rooms for you and so on.

Wang Zhancheng followed his followers to settle down.

Jiang Bie and Yu Shiqing were left in the study room, and they stood in place respectfully and respectfully. A faithful servant man immediately took off his disguise.

Take a step forward, and take the time from behind to embrace.

Jiang Bieyu’s voice was low, magnetic and good-looking. He knew that Shi Qing was not only a face-control or a voice-control. In front of the young master, he always showed his charm on purpose.

“Brother Qing, you are really hard-hearted. I have traveled so long to see you, but you have to leave me and accompany your insignificant cousin.”

Shi Qing worked hard and didn’t move away, raised his feet and stepped on Jiang Bieyu’s boots.

“Don’t always be like this, someone will come in soon.”

Jiang Bieyu kissed the young master’s hair

“Rest assured that no one will come in.”

The young master immediately turned back and watched him in a vigilant manner. “You have put people in my house again ?!”

The man took a chance to bow his head slightly, and touched the tip of his nose.


Shi Qing pushed him, did not push away, more angry. “It is not because of you. It ’s not because of you. I ’ve hit the other side over the past three years. It hurt my business. I do n’t know how much money I lost . “

“Brother Qing has wronged me.”

Jiang Bieyu coaxed, “I have never touched Hecheng in the past three years, I just want to take a detour, I am afraid of hurting my home. As for your business, every time I win a new city, I will He was told not to touch the people and the major shops under the disease. “

While he was talking lowly, while the little master was listening to himself, he quietly embraced the people in his arms and leaned on the couch where the study was used for a nap.

“Hecheng is in chaos, but the prince is about to come, his sons are fighting.”

Since Shi Qing took over the business of the Shi family, the reputation of the Shi family has spread a little bit everywhere.

The whole world knows that when his family had a little stone to become a golden hand, Shiqing, how could the natives of Hecheng not know.

Such a troubled world, such as the Shijia family, a rich and enemy country, partial to the people who have no power and no soldiers, if it is not Jiangbei for more than three years has been behind all kinds of puppet people, would not be able to guarantee today.

But he was able to cut off the claws of the outside world, but he couldn’t control the people in Hecheng.

The prince looked dying, and the sons below all smashed their ideas on Shi’s family in order to fight for power.

After all, if there is such a strong financial support from Shijia, the winning rate will definitely be more than a little bit.

In such a fight, it is impossible for the Shi family to fail.

Although Jiang Bieyu knew that they only wanted Shijia’s financial support, it was unlikely to hurt Shiqing’s sole heir.

But he couldn’t afford to gamble.

Even if only the odds of 0.001 will hurt Shi Qing.

Jiang Bieyu couldn’t bear it.

Now that he has won the border of the Acropolis, which is close to Crane City, he intends to swallow Crane City.

Obviously, little master also thought about it.

He didn’t toss and kicked with his calf, and looked surprised at the man holding himself “Do you really want to hit Crane City?”


Jiang Bieyu indignantly watched the little master rise from his arms and whispered softly.

“You feel at ease, I know how hard you worked in Crane City, and it certainly won’t damage it.”

Crane City really prospered under the influence of Shi Qing.

There are various policies within the country. Although some money has been made, which one is not for the country and the people.

Outside there is Jiangbei secretly protecting each other.

The world has been in chaos these years. Either this city fights with that city, or other cities come to invade, the people in the world are like leaves in the water.

Staying in City A, City A has fought, and can’t stay any longer, so he hurries to Bag City with his baggage and his family.

As a result, Gang Ansheng did not take long, and B City also fought.

By analogy, the people who have been regarded as good days have become exiles.

But Hecheng is different.

In the past three years, the world was chaotic. Only Hecheng was as if there were any rules between the big men. The major cities were ravaged. Only it was there. Attacked.

In addition, Hecheng made a famous fame.

Various actions to benefit the people have made the crane city, which is still prosperous during this war, a safe haven for the people.

Outsiders don’t know, Shi Qing knows it well.

Where are there any unwritten rules, it’s just that Jiang Bieyu, a guy who has always been known as a living Yan Wang, is protecting Hecheng.

In these years, once anyone wants to start the crane city.

Within a few months, this person’s power was taken over by Jiang Beiyu.

No one knows this rule, but only feels that Jiangbei Yu Ke is really a peerless one of these great men.

Everyone hits the city, they are close to themselves, or they have a wide range of resources, or they follow the route of the enclosure they want, one by one.

Just Jiang Bieyu this neuropathy.

There is no plan at all, and there is no mention of war logic.

If he wants to fight, he will occupy whoever city he wants to occupy, making it difficult for him to figure out what he wants to do.

Say he occupies the land. Is there such a fragmented site?

Say he is for resources, and those city resources are not so much.

I do n’t understand.

Naturally, these big brothers can’t think of breaking their heads. Jiangbeiyu’s mental illness is just a way of trying to protect one person.

But now, he finally decided to take the golden cage of Hecheng, together with the canary of Shiqing, to his lair.

The thought of being able to accompany him day and night immediately, a lot of joy filled the hearts of men.

As soon as I was happy, I became interested.

When they were together, Shi Qing pulled him to make him happy with himself.

Little Master is unhappy.

Shrinking in the duvet, “Speaking of business, you don’t always have to kick your hands, but you still have to fight the world. Who would hit the world like you are so unruly?”

“How important is my Qing brother in the world.”

Shi Qing always felt that this man really evolved.

It’s only been three years, and every year is cheeky.

But he likes it.

Although he was still shrinking in the quilt, he also showed his head out, looking at the man in front of him, holding Jio gently and nibbling him gently.

Say it’s stubborn, and it’s almost as good as flirting.

“Then when did you hit Crane City? Tell me early, I closed all the shops, lest some people hit the muddy water and fish, and stole the things in my shop.”

The man looked at him like a man who was so rich and rich, but he didn’t want anyone to take it away. He just wanted to love him.

He rubbed his hair and said

“I came first, the army is still behind, and I’m racing fast, they are at normal speed, and they will probably arrive in a day or two.”

“So fast?” Shi Qing asked him, “How many people did you bring? How confident are you?”

Jiang Bieyu quickly answered “10%.”


The young master felt that he was talking loudly, and his face turned away with a distaste, whispering, “Arrogant!”

The man just looked at him and laughed.

He didn’t say that in order not to hurt Hecheng, he won this city that Shiqing liked, and brought almost all the soldiers under his hand.

Although Hecheng is prosperous, its strength is not very strong.

If it hadn’t been for the past three years, he had been secretly protecting him, I’d be afraid it would have been annexed.

Now that the army is coming down the city, it is an exaggeration to say that even if only half of the soldiers he brought are enough to win Crane City.

If Hecheng wants to fight, it is simply a mantis arm.

As long as the principal is not a fool, he will definitely choose to surrender rather than fight to the end.

So it is ten percent certain.

Shi Qing’s hard work here must also be ten percent.

“Well, let’s not talk about this. I sent someone to plant in Hecheng early on, and then they should meet outside. Then the king’s life was short, and the sons under him were fighting for power. All of them are bales, and I will be able to take them down without consuming a soldier. “

“Just talk about it, who knows what will happen then.”

Shi Qing gave him a glance, and then drilled into the quilt, and said, “In any case, no matter what you say today, don’t try to coax me to do that kind of thing.”

“No, I haven’t seen you in such a long time, don’t Qing brother want me? I even have Qing brother in my dream.”

Jiang Bieyu coaxed him to take his hand out of the quilt, and brought the soft little hand to his cheek, seduced with a smile

“Don’t you always say that you like my face? Look, I haven’t seen you for a long time, do you agree with me again?”

Shi Qing really raised her eyes coaxed, and did not drill into the bed. Her soft hands were playing with toys and pinching the man’s cold cheek.

There was also a little joy on his face. “How do you always feel like you are more powerful than in the past?”

Jiang Bieyu let him play with his face, slightly sideways, and the tip of his tall nose touched the soft hand of the boy, sniffed slightly, and asked warmly

“Can you like the milk I sent? Knowing that you like to drink these, I went to the prairie to find the best milkman and found the best cows to keep. Even in winter, I have to do everything possible to give It found fresh grass. “

“I said why the milk smelled like fresh grass and it was hard to drink.”

Jiang Bieyu stayed in the family, but he kept a lot of people, what he eats and drinks every day, just yawned, and someone wrote a letter to him with flying pigeons. He naturally knew that the young master loved to drink. I have a drink every day, but now Qijiang Bieyu came to bully him again, so I deliberately stabbed it.

The man hugged him with a smile, and the magnetic voice smiled low. “Okay, Brother Qing doesn’t like the fresh grass smell, so I won’t let people feed the fresh grass of the cows, and let people bring the cows to my eyes. Stay with them all day, let the milk they produce have my taste, and you will love it. “

As he said, he leaned down slightly and whispered in Shiqing’s ear, “You’ve had it, I know, you love it very much.”


The young master’s face flushed suddenly.

A pair of beautiful and moist eyes widened slightly, pushing an entangled person in shame, “Jiang Bieyu, I think you want to be whipped again!”

Jiang Bieyu fought outside for three years, and mixed with a group of soldiers every day, his face and mouth had been cultivated for a long time.

Seeing that the young master was annoyed, his white cheeks looked flushed and looked good-looking. He glanced down slightly and led people backwards.

In the study, I heard the temptation of men’s magnetic depression

“Brother Qing, would you like to see the new whip I sent you?”


As soon as Wang Zhancheng entered Shiqing’s courtyard, he saw his delicate, cousin-like little cousin standing under the corridor with a long red whip in his hand.

The whip didn’t know what system it was in. Qing didn’t have much strength on his hands, but when he fell to the ground, he made a series of marks, which looked very good.

“it is good!!”

Although Wang Zhancheng doesn’t play whip himself, Jiang Cheng has many young men who like to play whip. He has also seen a lot and can’t help but applaud.

Shi Qing stopped waving her whip, raised her eyes, and saw Wang Zhancheng with a smile on her face. “Come cousin is here?”

The girl who was waiting beside her stopped when she saw the young master, and quickly put the cloak in her hand on him, and carefully tied the straps, so that the young master who was no longer active was blown by the cold wind.

Another lady took the tray and stepped forward, took the whip from Shi Qing, put it properly, and stood there.

Shi Qing saw Wang Zhancheng stepping forward, and then took the papa handed by another girl, wiped her hands, and asked

“Cousin can rest? How about going out for lunch today?”

“After a short rest, I feel much better.” Actually, Wang Zhancheng, who was not too tired, smiled, looked around, and did not see Jiang Bieyu, relieved.

He asked again, “Cousin, was that little sister next to you, wasn’t he?”

“I asked him to do something.”

The clear surface does not change color.

In fact, Jiang Bieyu was asleep in the dark room under the bed in his house.

This guy came bluntly for three days and two nights without coming to sleep. When he came, he held Shi Qing and gave his energy.

Did not fall directly to the ground, then he still has a male aura.

In order to avoid this guy’s sudden death, Shi Qing directly pressed him to give him a good rest.

That dark room was also made by the father when the house was built. After all, the situation is unstable. If there is something, the gold and silver jewelry hidden in it is enough for the family to live.

Shi Qing envisioned what would happen if Shi ’s father knew how he used the Shi family’s darkroom Tibetan man to hide gold and silver.

After a second, he really gave up and continued to imagine.

Wang Zhancheng in front of him really let out that breath.

Just be away, just be away.

He was relaxed, and he talked a lot. “Cousin, why did you invite such a person to be a puppet, I was scared when I looked at it, aren’t you afraid?”

“I have nothing to fear, but it’s just a little bit.”

Shi Qing’s face did not change the color of the blackened Jiang Beyu. “Cousin, don’t look at the fierceness of his birth. In fact, he is weak, flexible, and very dependent on people.”

Wang Zhancheng was dubious. “But I looked at him with a very nasty look.”

“He just did it.”

Little Master put his mouth away, as if to vent all his resentment against Jiang Bieyu by discrediting him

“Actually, he fainted at the sight of blood, as timid as a mouse. Because he was afraid that others would laugh at him, he deliberately made a fierce look.”

What he said was too serious, and Wang Zhancheng had already believed in 80% of his heart.

He looked at Shi Qing hesitantly.

The cousin’s good looks, his eyes are very beautiful, when he looks at people, he always looks like he is smiling at him, his beautifully shaped lips are slightly tilted, and at first glance it is a flatterer. Looks like.

If we look closely, we have all the fine features.

Coupled with that fair skin and exquisite accessories, just standing there makes people want to hold their breath to appreciate it.

He couldn’t complain, he always felt that this little cousin looked like a jade man.

Wang Zhancheng is also a face control.

The appearance of Shi Qing is here, even if he thinks that the little cousin is not like an outsider, he is a handsome gentleman with the heart to seek the welfare of the people, but he certainly won’t lie to him.

Thinking like this, Wang Zhancheng relaxed slightly.

“That’s fine, cousin, what shall we have for lunch?”

It was just that when he met his aunt, his aunt told him that Qing Er’s bad temperament and he loved to play tricks.

Now it seems that his little cousin, who looks good and has a good temperament, is not what his aunt said.

I’m afraid it’s the mother who always looks bad if she looks at her son.

With this in mind, the smile on Wang Zhancheng’s face became more relaxed.

Shi Qing raised her eyebrows and tightened her cloak tightly

“Of course, I want to go to the restaurant where I lived and taste the drunk duck.”

“By the way, cousin, if you want to do business in Hecheng, do you want to join the chamber of commerce?”

Wang Zhancheng nodded. “But the chamber of commerce led by your cousin? I also heard that the chamber of commerce is to protect those businessmen who have no power or power. My cousin’s righteous move!

He sighed, “Although it ’s a mess today, the merchants are still not respected very much, such as your cousin, you are still a minority. More merchants are not seen by the officials, and they are not seen by Hanmen. Next, ordinary people do n’t dare to go to business, so cousin, you can set up chambers of commerce for many merchants, to ensure the safety of everyone, and to achieve consensus, when I knew about this, I really admired you too much, oh, I’m a bit ashamed to say that, I’m older than my cousin you, but I don’t have such a courage. “

The young master listened to his cousin with a question mark on his face.

“What shelter? Of course this chamber of commerce is to facilitate the exchange of information between our businessmen, cousin, don’t you know?”

Wang Zhancheng “…”

He was half-rigid, “… to communicate … the news?”

“Naturally, for what else.”

Wang Zhancheng “…”

He took a deep breath. “But if you want to exchange information, cousin you have done a good thing! Now that there is a chamber of commerce, everyone shares information, and some uninformed businessmen no longer need to be afraid of being deceived.”

Think about it this way, his little cousin did a good deed!

Correct! That’s right!

That’s it.

Shi Qing brutally broke his mind. “My cousin said, but the biggest benefit of the chamber of commerce is that the merchants who join the chamber of commerce have to pay membership fees each year, one thousand and one a year.”

“But don’t worry, cousin.”

The young master also added intimately, “You are my cousin, I will naturally not collect your money, you can join the association directly.”

After speaking, he was very proud of a smile, the breeze blew through, and the gentleman was like a jade.

“Don’t thank me, everyone is a relative.”

Wang Zhancheng “…”

His entire face was going to be stiff.

His cousin, he rushed to the center and missed his cousin who was so anxious that he could not wait until he arrived.

Completely and completely destroyed.

There were fragments before, but now they are completely ground into powder.

At the same time that his heart was broken, Wang Zhancheng remembered what his aunt said to him again.

Cousin, you do n’t really have a bad temper.

The next few days, he completely dispelled this idea.

As the host, Shi Qing took him through the entire Hecheng city, played around the entire Hecheng city, showed him the department stores and supermarkets in Hecheng, and took him to visit the one that contained thousands of people. Free schools and libraries filled with books that can be borrowed for free.

Even though his little cousin was talking about making money, after seeing what changes Qingqing had made for the people, for the merchants, and for the poor scholars, Wang Zhancheng did not believe what he said.

His cousin must be a gentleman who does good things without a name!

Alas, I really sympathize with my cousin. He is such a good man, but his mother thinks that he is bad-tempered.

I’m afraid the bad things that my aunt said were just small things like not studying well as a kid.

Wang Zhancheng always thought so.

Until the fourth day he came to Hecheng.

When the army came near the city, Hecheng surrendered, and the gate was wide open. Jiangbeiyu, who is known as the living king, led the army into the city.

He raised his eyes and looked at Shi Qing, who had to be dragged to see him.

In a pair of light-colored eyes, it was all gentle.

Sitting next to Shi Qing already believed that Jiang Bieyu was a timid little mouse and not timid Wang Zhancheng “…”

Cousin! !! You lied to me again! !!

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