The Void Wolf

Chapter 59: Don't Believe Everything You Hear

The journey continued. The first signs of spring were starting to appear, but it was a bit hard to tell since the temperature tended to be warmer near the Free City as it sat near the ocean. The days were pretty uneventful due to the level of security around the convoy. In the blink of an eye, the second and final checkpoint appeared in sight. A large border town with a higher military presence than any other town before it.

Those escorting the convoy separated in a practiced manner, the merchants, nobles, and mercenaries went to their respective gathering places.

While all that was happening, the Fourth Prince slipped off on his own. Although he was handsome, he carried a very visible vulgar look in his eye and gazed at any woman that passed by him. Eventually, he found his way into a nameless place where women sold themselves, at least that’s how it appeared on the outside. As soon as the Fourth Prince entered the building, the perverted look vanished as if it was all a facade. The women inside of the building wore very revealing clothes, but their faces carried a disciplined seriousness. No matter what they were doing before the women inside immediately knelt at the same time.

“No need to bow, I’m not the King, Vivian.” Leonard said as he found himself a table and took a seat.

“Not yet, Your Highness.” Said an attractive woman with dark blonde hair. She held seniority over all of the women inside the building and was something like a leader toward them. She bowed sincerely before she took a seat across from him.

“You haven’t heard? The Fourth Prince is far too incompetent to even be considered for the throne.” Leonard laughed to himself.

“Those who fail to see your vision are nothing but idiots.” Vivian said with hatred flowing through her eyes.

“It was only a joke...Now, what do you have for me?” Leonard asked.

Vivian gave a signal and someone went to lock the entrance. After it was securely shut, she placed a plate-shaped stone, with strange inscriptions, on the table. It was a silencing stone that the Prince himself helped to develop, although that wasn’t public knowledge. The silencing stone was an extremely rare and expensive item coveted by all countries. There had been attempts to duplicate it, but so far no one had success.

“There is much to discuss, but the most shocking news is from the Tel’vian Empire. The source is reliable but…” Vivian looked troubled on how to proceed.

“Go on.” Leonard’s eyes went serious.

“It’s said that they’ve built an iron ship that can fly, it seems they have taken to calling it an airship.” Vivian said as she found herself doubting the words that came out of her mouth.

“A ship that can fly? If I were them...They’ve been hiding those Mana Cannons for quite a while. It’s hard to believe they wouldn’t attach them to that...Airship.” Leonard said without much change in his expression. “Although it’s quite surprising, it’s nothing to be alarmed over.” he added.

“If you say it then I will naturally believe it, Your Highness.” Vivian responded.

“We’ve gained enough information for the moment, send two dosages of the Black Orchid solution to our contact.” The Prince ordered.

“Consider it done, Your Highness.” Vivian’s expression showed a mix of surprise and fear at the mention of “Black Orchid.”

The Fourth Prince had a strong information network and most of it was due to the solution he had created. It was a highly addictive substance and just a small amount could cause normal people to become addicted. It was a recruiting tool that was far more reliable when compared bribery or the promise of future gains.

The task of winning over reliable allies was usually difficult and could lead to a massive amount of wasted resources. For example, the other Princes had to establish their own reliable power base to draw in others, and to secure allies they usually had to curry favor, sending gifts or making appearances. For those that were disposable or couldn’t be trusted they would be given Black Orchid. Those who were great assets went through a different process. Ira was one such person on the Fourth Prince’s list. Setting up an ambush was just a way to test the waters and see a small portion of his skill.

“How are our partners in the Free City?” The Prince asked.

“They are more than happy. Your Highness’ connections in each country helped to make suggesting the tournament easier.” Vivian said with admiration.

“That’s good. Now all that’s left is convincing Ira to enter.” The Prince showed a deeply contemplative look. He had compiled information about Ira and was lost on how to properly proceed in getting him as an ally. From what he gathered, Ira’s tolerance toward schemes was either very thin or downright indifferent. His nature was unpredictable but there weren’t any cases of him turning on his allies.

“About Ira…” Vivian started with an unsure look.

“What about him?” Leonard asked.

“None of our agents were able to get a second glance.” Vivian said with clear shame.

“That’s not surprising.” Leonard nodded as if he expected it.

“There were a few rumors we’ve heard though. Other than his voracious appetite, it's said that he is very partial to a particular pastry. In fact, that Juliana Fairfax we’re keeping an eye on was said to get into an argument with Ira over pastries.” Vivian laughed, finding it funny.

“If she ran into him outside of the Capital walls, I doubt she would still be alive.” Leonard said to himself, although he didn’t know Ira he could guess at the less complicated aspects of his personality.

“That could be true. Anyway, we’ve also inspected his known associates. His marriage to Avery Thynne isn’t known to many and the Kingdom still has decided to keep quiet about the Valkyries. Recently, Ira has been seen with a hooded woman, though I’m sure you knew already.” Vivian said.

At the mention of Valkyries Leonard showed a hint of shock. Ira was an unpredictable variable on his own, adding Valkyries to the equation increased the need to secure him as an ally or to keep him out of what was to come.

“I’ll go and personally meet with Ira once we get to the Free City. I expect to see you there, Vivian.” Leonard smiled as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

Vivian's face became slightly redder when faced with the Prince’s actions. Although she was dressed in revealing clothing, it was only an act, anyone entering the building wasn’t a customer, but someone coming to exchange information for a dose of Black Orchid.

“Yes, Your Highness.” Vivian nodded.

Elsewhere, Harper had arrived back in the Capital. The first thing she wanted to do was to check and see if Ira was at their house. It had been a while since she had him and she had to admit she was missed him a great deal. Harper avoided any detours and arrived at the house very quickly.

“Ira?” Harper opened the door expecting to see Ira but instead was met with the sight of a green-eyed girl eating at the kitchen table.

“Uh...Harper, right?” Amy swallowed her food before asking.

Harper narrowed her eyes while reaching for the baton on her hip that was still stained with blood.

“Ira brought you with him when I was recovering. I even went to the wedding.” Amy waved her metal arm at Harper as she could see the situation was escalating.

“Oh! I remember you.” Harper let go of her baton and went to take a seat. “Where’s Ira?”

“He went on another job.” Amy answered.

“Another one?” Harper repeated as her expression deflated.

“H-He said I should join you on jobs until he gets back.”

“Go on a job...with you?” Harper looked at Amy strangely.

“I’m not as weak as you think!” Amy said defensively.

“Doesn’t that mean you’re still weak?” Harper muttered.

“I haven’t gotten full control of my abilities, but when I do I’ll definitely be stronger.” Amy said confidently.

“If you say so.” Harper stood up and began to walk upstairs.

“Should I ask Samantha to get us a job?” Amy asked with enthusiasm, she wanted to quickly test out her abilities in a real situation.

“Yeah. I guess.” Harper shrugged.

Although Harper was clearly dejected, Amy felt incredibly eager. Ira had told her that Harper used a variety of weapons and was probably the best person to train with due to her ability to create a Phantom. Just thinking about her growth made her speed up, she finished her plate and rushed out of the door to go find Samantha. Amy could see her first real job as a Mercenary happening very soon.

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