The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 62: A Father’s Concern.

**** (POV)

I'm coming back to my cozy and warm house after a few days in the wild hunting. If I wasn't hauling around many remnants of many magical beasts I would be skipping over right now.

Oh god I can't wait to nestle myself in my loving wife's embrace. Eat her delicious cooking and then….eh eh .

I'd say my current life is the picture of perfect.

I wouldn't change anything.

Hunting at my own pace. Without a need to care about others.

Supporting my family.

Living the life!

Well, actually I do have one concern.

My son.

He is extremely gifted. Too gifted.

At the age of 12, he already is able to hunt rank 2 beasts alone. That is a requirement to join the elite hunter teams in this town. Yes. The fucking elite groups.

What he lacks in raw power he makes up with technique and will. His mastery of the sword is actually above mine. The only way I've kept my father's dignity all these years is the physical prowess I get from having achieved rank 3. Otherwise, I would get stomped.

I've strived all my life to accomplish one goal. All the 60 years of my existence. That goal is to achieve sword will.

I've achieved the state of being one with the sword.

But manifesting my will into a blade? That is close to impossible.

Or so I thought…until I saw my own son exhibit signs of succeeding.

He can already give shape to formless spirit. Something that is the precursor to sword will.

In a few years, he should manage to accomplish it on his own. But what then?

He has dreams. Huge dreams. Of becoming the top swordsman in the land.

He has the talent for it. He has the drive.

In a perfect world I'm sure he would attain great things.

The problem is: will this world let him grow?

He might be extremely talented, but how many geniuses had their life extinguished before they could shine?

He won't falter in the face of adversity. And that is what scares me.

I'm but a simple hunter in an abandoned town. Abandoned by the bigger powers that is.

He has no backing to help him. I cannot do anything. The only solution is for him to voluntarily join a sect. Even then getting higher in the hierarchy will prove an issue. After all outsiders are not often trusted.

What would be the point of him becoming a renowned warrior if he ends up a death soldier for some god.

I won't accept it! No fucking way!

I know I have to let him fly by himself at some point.

All I hope is that he can find a good place to settle.

I'm hoping maybe he could become a disciple of the Sword-Master, or the Sword-King, or the Sword-Sovereign. All bigshots that besides their mastery of the sword also share oddly similar names. Since they all pursue pure swordsmanship the chances of them betraying him would be lower.

But that is something I will ponder later.


I let the worries leave me as I push the door of home.

The usual smell welcomes me. That is how this woman seduced me. I have never regretted marrying her.

Then I notice a stranger. This is unnatural. While my wife is extremely popular in the neighborhood, she never invites people over. Not to eat anyway. If anyone wants to eat her cooking they need to pay. A small fortune at that.

But here is a young man. He smells of death. Or rather, his equipment does. I've fought long enough to recognize the stench. He's either a dirty scavenger or some naïve broke brat that couldn't afford anything better.

We sit and eat, then:

"Father, Mother. I've decided on a sect to join."

This guy's fault? My son isn't an impulsive kid usually. Did this man try to lead him astray? I'll have to make him disappear if it is the case.

"I'm going to join The Unnamed God sect. I've thought it through, and I don't think I'll ever get a better opportunity than this. I'd like to formally introduce to you the sectmaster. He will stick around for a while. I promised to help him train his swordsmanship."

He fucking did! Trying to sway my son! A man that is obviously worthless is trying to turn my son into his soldier! Not on my fucking watch!


I draw the sword I have hidden under the table. I'll cleave his head off his body, then it won't be a problem anymore. Does he think I'm some soft persimmon? Think again! Die!



Oh fuck. My wife is angry. The way she smiles right now sends shivers down my spine.

It was the same smile she had when a huge group of refugees cum bandits attacked the town. I was away hunting as it often happens.

I came back running after seeing the state of the main gate. Having been taken over by scum it was opened all the way. Fire painting the background red. Heavy smoke in the air. I hurried back home only to find this wife of mine peacefully cooking.

Cooking some bandit meat.

I was always one to applaud her rule to never waste food. Only, not that one time.

I got so scared I decided to never get on her bad side.

I also understood why this son of mine is such a genius. Maybe I'm actually the one holding him back.

It is this precious son of mine that I now need to save at all cost.

Should I just go for it?

Just kill that punk?

"Let's go to the bedroom and have a talk. You boys keep eating, you need nutrients to grow strong!"

Here It comes. I won't budge on this one. This is for the future of our son.

That shady character is one thing.

The sect he represents is even worse. The Unnamed God sect? What kind of god doesn't have a name? I might live in the countryside but I'm not some country bumpkin. I know there are no big sects with that name. No strong divinity either.

It is either a scam or a doomed sect that will never flourish.


As the door closes I gasp all the courage I can muster and ….

"You think he is making a hasty decision?"

"…!?" What's happening?

"Of course you do. How long has it been since you last seriously sparred with your son?"

"Why? Shouldn't we…"

"How long."

"*sigh* Almost a year. You do know I really can't teach him anything anymore. He just needs to grow up and he'll become stronger."

"Let me make you a quick summary. Today this son of ours that has no friend beside his weapons brought back a stranger. Not only was he not his usual restrained self, but he even sparred with him for a few hours.

"A few hours! Even I can't … 0_0"

"Not only that have you seen the look in his eyes? Never has he been so sure of anything in his entire life. I'm not sure how and why but our son believes in that man. I did not raise him to be that naïve either. I'm not sure what that so-called sectmaster is hiding but I'll get to the bottom of it you can rest assured. For now we let him settle in the guest room. You let me handle it."

"But what if he has nefarious intentions?"

"Ha! Simple. I'll just bring out that special pie recipe again. ?"

0_0 Scary!

I might budge on this one after all…

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