The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 59: Mentor Acquired! …Kinda

What was that about training?

I look up, not very high.

In front of me is an individual dressed in well-maintained leather work clothes. One made to be similar to armor but without hindering movements at all. I can see pride radiating from his grey eyes. A small smirk adorns his face. In his left hand, he is expertly playing with a dagger. Making it rotate and jumping around in the air. His right hand is nonchalantly laying on his side right next to a sheathed sword. I believe he could draw it before I have the time to do much.

What was the part about me not looking very high to gaze at him? Well, his head comes to about as high as my chest at best.

I give him, 10 years maybe?

Yes, in front of me is a kid. One that seems extremely spirited at that.

"So, what's your answer?"

[Who are you?]

"Me? Just the future strongest swordsman! But what about you? You said you are strong. What makes you think so? Where did you test that strength of yours?"

[Tested it eh? Hum. Does 9 months in the inner region of the archaic savage forest count?]

"HAHAHAHA it sure does. Even then they didn't want to let you join the guild? Are they retarded?"

[I'm not used to fighting humans. He also added bullshit rules I wasn't aware of. Wait…you believe me?]

"Of course! You have no reason to lie to me after all. If you were boasting you'd make it more believable no?"

This kid is cool. Is it me or is he the first one to actually not look down on me? The party I met before didn't believe me. The receptionist and the guild master totally took airs with me. The merchant was nice, but we didn't talk much.

[It is believable actually. The rumors about the forest are vastly overexaggerated. As long as you know where to thread there is not much danger. I have a friend that told me a lot of tricks on how to survive there too.]

"Alright. The name's Zero. You?"

[That…I'm not sure myself. For now, I'm just a wanderer I guess.]

"Oh, that's kind of weird. No name eh. How does that friend of yours call you then?"


"Sectmaster? As in the leader of a sect?! Why didn't you just start with that?! And here I am offering to train you. *sigh* You probably have people to help you with that back at home."

I chuckle a bit.

[HAHA. No. I'm not some bigshot. This sect of mine only has 2 members, and I'm not even sure where my friend is. Hell, I've never actually asked his real name. But he is the first elder of the Unnamed God sect. The one and only.]

"How come you don't even know where he is?

[He left suddenly when we were in the forest. He had something to do, not sure what.]

"Are you guys remnants of a lost cult? How long have you known him?"

[Nothing of the sort. We just met in a dungeon, we got out, he decided to join my so-called sect.]

"Tell me more about the Unnamed God, I'll have my coming of age in 2 years. I'm supposed to go on a journey to decide on a deity of worship."

[The Unnamed God is a God that doesn't exist. You can also call it a dead god. Worshiping him is pointless and you won't receive anything out of it. It is but a concept. An ideal to strive toward. No matter what you should never give up and work toward attaining power by your own hands. Not by relying on some god. You should also find happiness in the small things, not needlessly create trouble, repay kindness a hundredfold, and enmity a thousand-fold. That sums it up.]

"What?! So you are telling me you are worshiping a god that doesn't even exist? Isn't that pointless?"

[Yes haha. It is very much so. But you see I believe in something. Everyone has their own path to walk. So what would happen to people forcibly walking in the steps of another?]

"… you mean to say. They won't ever reach the top? They will forever remain forever in the shadow of their god? But won't that still mean being the strongest human ever?"

[Sure. If that is your goal. But won't you always remain a tool to the gods then? They summon champions to fight their wars. Human life is expendable in that game of theirs. I don't like it. I won't be part of it.]

"Did you share that part with your friend before or after he joined the sect?"

[Haha. You think he left because I told him about the true nature of the sect? No, well maybe. I did tell him before he decided to join. Maybe he got bored of it. Maybe he just joined initially to repay me for getting him out of the Moon Keep.]

"WHAT?! MOON KEEP?! Wait, follow me let's go somewhere more private"

I follow him to a small house in the periphery of the town. While small it does have its own courtyard. That is where we resume the conversation.

"You said Moon Keep?! What Moon Keep?!"

[You know about it? Isn't it on the other side of the forest? I'm sorry I only know of one Moon Keep. Let me see, does Luna, Grey, Eagle, Old warden, ring any bell? Oh right. Maybe you know about my friend too…. hum …. what was it again? Some cheesy-ass title. The undefeatable warrior I think? So much for a dude that got his ass locked in jail HAHA. Do you know any of….]


[…yes? Is that weird?]

"I can't even… (-‸ლ) so you managed to convert the undefeatable warrior and you didn't even start with that?"

[Is he…famous? It's probably the wrong guy. The one I know looks like a beggar. He's only a rank 3 too at best.]

"You do realize rank 3 is extremely high?"

[What? Is it? He was getting scared shitless of that one rank 4 Overwolf we saw too….]

"You met a rank 4 yet you are still alive. You don't even think it to be strange? Are you clueless or do you have balls of steel?"

I take a pose. I stand extremely upright. Then look him straight in the eyes and answer with confidence.


"….." (-‸ლ)

Chuckle. (≧▽≦)

"What are the requirements to join the sect?"

[Why are you asking? It's a bullshit sect. I totally made it on a whim.]

ヽ(´ー` )┌

"Alright. I've decided. I'll teach you swordsmanship if you give me a high position in the sect! I want something related to swords!"

[How about we do it performance-based + add a bonus to your ranking for joining early?]

"So you are telling me the stronger I get the higher my position in the sect?"

[Yes, but not only pure power. It is all about what you accomplish with it you know.]

"I understand! I'll become the ultimate blade master and I'll get the position of the first elder!"

[Sorry. Best I can do is second elder.]

"Damn! Alright! The second elder it is then!"

Funny how we are haggling over a title as a non-existent god's followers.

"But sectmaster you have to promise me something"

[What's up?]

"Don't fucking go telling your entire life to people you've just met!!! Like how fucking dumb is that?!!! You'll either get yourself killed or get me killed for being a heretic. So please! Shut the fuck up in the future!"

[That…alright.] (⁄ ⁄>⁄ _ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)

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