The Ultimate All-Rounder

Chapter 56

Chapter 56: The Congregation of Beautiful Ladies
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Lil Fei, you wanted to learn martial arts, right? Well, I’m about to teach you that today.” Xia Tian intended to teach Lil Fei his martial arts, and he would first relay his slumbering techniques to Lil Fei. As for the other techniques, Xia Tian was unable to teach them even if he wanted to, as it was impossible for Lil Fei to learn. To illustrate, in order to learn the Unrestrained Cloud Sage Steps, Lil Fei would need to memorize the eight trigrams and the Book of Changes since he was a child. For the Resonating Finger, Lil Fei would need to completely understand the physiology of others before he could begin to cultivate it.

However, as long as Lil Fei learned how to use inner energy, he would be free to learn any other techniques.

“Thank you, Master.” Gao Fei prostrated himself to Xia Tian and kowtowed three times.

“Stand back up. I can’t teach you much; learning the other techniques would depend on how well you can cultivate them yourself in the future. I hope that you can put in the effort,” said Xia Tian as he nodded his head.

“Don’t worry, Master. I’ll definitely work hard.” In Gao Fei’s eyes, Xia Tian was the person he revered the most. Gao Fei’s ideology was simple, if someone treated him well, he would treat that person well also.

Since he had no parents, Xia Tian had become the closest person to Gao Fei, and due to this, Gao Fei had completely entrusted his life to Xia Tian.

Xia Tian’s training regime was pretty simple. For his first order of business, he would purposely tire Gao Fei out. By doing so, he would enable Gao Fei to get some quality sleep. This was somewhat of a shortcut, but in spite of this, Gao Fei had followed Xia Tian’s instructions and he did as was told. Although Gao Fei was unable to carry out many of Xia Tian’s movements, he still tried his best.

Some examples of these movements included a one-handed hand-stand jump, a one-fingered push-up, and many others.

As expected, Gao Fei had astounding resilience. Gao Fei was already completely drained once an hour had gone by, but even then, he still did not give up. Instead, he had gritted his teeth and held on to the regimen.

By the time another hour had gone by, Gao Fei could no longer stand back up.

“Listen closely to my words and do exactly as I tell you to.” Sensing that the time was right, Xia Tian began to teach Gao Fei his Empyrean Slumber Technique.

As expected, Gao Fei did not disappoint Xia Tian. Although Lil Fei had not entered a sleeping state that was as advanced as Xia Tian’s, he had still achieved an intermediate state that was only one rank lower than his master’s.

Lil Fei’s aptitude could be seen through this experience. Not only did he have astounding resilience, his aptitude for cultivation was also remarkable.

That evening, Xia Tian did not go anywhere. He was continuously cultivating, and whenever he had exhausted all his stamina, the Ancient Buddha’s Sarira contained within his Dantian would replenish his stamina for him. Xia Tian had only stopped once nightfall came, and during the night, Xia Tian cultivated his Empyrean Slumber Technique instead.

The second morning, Elder Xu had come over to fetch Gao Fei back home. Just before he left, however, Xia Tian had handed off the Emerald Cloud Dagger and the mechanism under the Tier-two assassin’s shoe to Gao Fei.

Once that was done, Xia Tian still remained at his house. The matter with Ceng Rou had been settled, and for now, there was nothing pressing that Xia Tian needed to attend to. The NCEE posed no difficulty for Xia Tian, as Xia Tian no longer needed to revise any of the materials. After all, it was as if they were already engraved within his mind.

He had already experienced it first-hand — Xia Tian now had a photographic memory.

As such, Xia Tian continued cultivating. He did not wish to take the easy way out in this cultivation process, as doing so would only cause detriments for himself.

‘You’re mine, the apple of my eye.’

“Hey cousin, what’s up?”

“Don’t forget about the dinner that the basketball team is hosting for us tonight.”

“Will there be any beautiful ladies?”

“Only the best.”

“I’ll be there.”

“Remember, you’re supposed to be my boyfriend. You’d better not say anything suspicious.”

“Tch, again with that thing.”

After hanging up the phone, Xia Tian continued cultivating. He did not want to waste a single precious moment. While he could cultivate at a much faster rate than others, he started much later than they did. Due to this, Xia Tian needed to put a herculean effort to make up for the disparity.

The necklace on his neck contained the hopes and dreams of his parents. Although it was now dull, lifeless, and looked no different from the necklaces sold at the roadside stalls, it was still a relic that was passed down from his parents.

After it had treated his wounds, the aura contained within the necklace had dissipated. The Celestial Scroll Fragment, however, was still contained within the gemstone at its center.

Yin Nie arrived in the afternoon.

“Today will be the last day I’ll train you, I’ll be leaving Jianghai City tomorrow. Please be wary of Quicksand,” Yin Nie calmly stated.

“Noted, please accept my gratitude for your guidance in the past few days, Master.” Xia Tian was offering his sincere gratitude. Had it not been for Yin Nie, he would never have learned his father’s techniques, and in turn, he would not have been able to survive against Quicksand.

As usual, Xia Tian was on the offensive whereas Yin Nie was on the defensive end. Four hours later, Xia Tian still did not manage to move Yin Nie from his spot.

With that, Yin Nie took his leave. It might be months or even years until they would meet again.

Xia Tian resumed his cultivation since there was still some time before nightfall. Although Xia Tian was clueless about the number of participants, all he needed to know was that there would be beautiful ladies present.

Three hours later, Xia Tian finally ended his cultivation. He then headed to the pond located within the woods to take a bath, and after he took his bath, he headed into the city with a set of clean clothes. He rarely took any rides nowadays, as he wanted to hone his Unrestrained Cloud Sage Step.

Since the occasion was Xue Chuan’s apology, it could not be held in any shabby restaurant. However, the dinner could also not be held in any high-end restaurants as Huo Wennu did not allow it.

As such, the dinner was hosted within a mid-range restaurant. The environment there was nice, and it was even partitioned into several rooms.

Xia Tian had arrived early. Seeing that no one had arrived yet, Xia Tian had decided to take a stroll around the area.

“Xia Tian, I’m over here.”

It was his cousin and Bingxin.

“Why are you here so early?” Ye Qingxue queried.

“I had time, so I came,” answered Xia Tian.

“Let’s head inside, then. Sister Wen called just now, she said that she’ll arrive soon.”

The three then entered a room.

A few minutes later, Tang Yan and Xue Chuan had also arrived. This time, there were not many people attending. On one side of the literature and art club was Ye Qingxue and Bingxin, and on the side of the basketball club, there were only the two that were mentioned earlier. Xia Tian, on the other hand, was considered an exception.

The moment Xia Tian spotted Tang Yan, his face immediately morphed into an excited expression.

Naturally, Tang Yan understood what he wanted.

“Darling Sweetie Hubby.”

“I’m over here!” Xia Tian spoke in an exaggerated manner.

“Qingxue, can’t you manage him properly? He’s flirting left and right, aren’t you afraid that he’ll run off with someone else?” The animosity between Tang Yan and Ye Qingxue had already been settled long ago, and after these two competitions, Tang Yan was also wholly pleased with Ye Qingxue’s mercy.

“I can’t.” Ye Qingxue offered a simple reply.

“Darling Sweetie Wife, I really envy you,” said Xia Tian to Tang Yan.

“What’s there to envy?” Tang Yan asked.

“I envy that you’re my Darling Sweetie Wife. I’m so jealous of you.”

“Shameless!” Tang Yan turned her head away.

“I have teeth! (TN: The author made a pun here. The original text used for ‘shameless’ was 无耻, which shares the same pronunciation as 无齿,which means toothless) Just look at these pearly whites!” Xia Tian showed his row of teeth.

“Hmph.” Tang Yan harrumphed. “I can’t be bothered with this.”

“What’re you guys discussing about that’s so amusing?” The door to the room slid open. Huo Wennu had arrived, and she had not come alone. Instead, there were two other people tagging along, and these two individuals had stunned everyone present.

It was Jianghai University’s most beautiful lady, Yun Miao.

“Hey there, beautiful senior.” To the outsiders, Xia Tian’s eyes looked as if they were ogling Yun Miao. In actuality, however, Xia Tian was actually testing whether his Insight was able to see through her clothes.

Yun Miao had arrived at the dinner, and she had arrived alongside Huo Wennu.

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