The Ultimate All-Rounder

Chapter 30

Chapter 30: Nike Policewoman

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Xia Tian’s impression of his aunt since young was that she was a big demon. From his perspective, his cousin sister was the little demon and his aunt, the big demon. His aunt would always show her domineering side except with Xia Tian’s father. One’s outcome would be very unfortunate if they were to mess with her.

Xia Tian’s aunt had been saying that he was not a man since young and he would not be able to protect her and his cousin sister when he grew up.

Since Xia Tian was bored, he opened his phone. As he did so, he took notice of the few pieces of news that automatically popped up.

The first one was a professor from Jing University harassing the first-year top student of Jianghai High School. The content was the dialogue between Xia Tian and the professor from Jing University. To top it off, there was a short video clip as well. There was also a separate screenshot of Professor Pan threatening the other students that they would not be nominated due to Xia Tian. The author of the article had even exaggerated the entire situation below the screenshot.

The news had attracted the citizens and the entire society went into outrage because of such behavior. The Jing University professor had become a hot topic and the news had spread nationwide before noon.

The other three professors that had yet to return to Jing University had been suspended for further investigation.

The second piece of news was the major reformation of Jianghai City’s public safety community. A total of thirty-seven people had been apprehended and the mastermind, Mr Liu had committed suicide.

It was said that the sudden reformation was personally directed by the provincial officer, Xue Wendi.

The third piece was the appearance of a basketball grandmaster at Jianghai University. This person was able to score without fail from the other side of the court. However, no one was able to snap a clear picture of such a person, hence the writer could only describe the entire situation below the picture.

The writer had even purposely noted out all the scores he had made throughout the game.

Xia Tian shook his head when he saw these three pieces of news as he was involved in all of them. He did not intend to stand out that much. “Looks like I have to stay low in the future or else I’ll be stalked by the paparazzi.”

At the Icheon Restaurant.

It was an average restaurant and it was not big by any means. However, the taste of their dishes were very traditional and his aunt would often bring him here for a meal.

Icheon Restaurant was situated at the corner of the bustling commercial street. Xia Tian was currently loitering at the commercial street and he planned to window shop here since he had time to spare. Jianghai City’s consumption level was rather high as he was not able to afford anything with the amount of money he had.

This was especially true for those branded stores, for the prices for their attire was incredibly expensive.

Xia Tian encountered a familiar face as he was window shopping. She was the nurse that had taken care of her while he was hospitalized. He still owed her one hundred RMB as well. Just as Xia Tian was about to walk forward and greet her, Xia Tian witnessed a snatch theft.

A motorcycle snatch theft, in the middle of a bustling street. Genius, right? Xia Tian questioned if water had flooded the thief’s head as he looked at the crowd in front of him. Could he really snatch someone’s bag in such a place?

He charged in regardless as the snatch thief’s target was the nurse.

“Thief!” The nurse screamed as she ran.

Xia Tian’s speed was incredibly fast and he caught up with the motorcycle in an instant. He tapped onto the thief’s arm with two of his right fingers, causing intense pain. As a result, he let go of the handbag and Xia Tian wiggled it out as he grabbed hold of it.

“How dare you thief, snatching handbags in broad daylight.” Someone shouted from the crowd behind him before a kick was thrown at him.

Xia Tian leaned back slightly and grabbed hold of the opponent’s leg with his right hand.

“It’s you!!” The two of them were shocked. It was the Nike girl he encountered last night. She was currently in simpler clothing, and her get-up remained simple as well. However, her beauty did not drop in the slightest.

“Great, I knew you’re a malicious person. How dare you snatch someone’s bag in broad daylight. You’re going to follow me back to the police station.” The Nike girl took out handcuffs from behind her, and this was when Xia Tian finally understood everything. This Nike girl was a policewoman, no wonder the open-minded girl asked if he knew of her identity.

Back then, the open-minded girl was trying to say that she was a policewoman and he should be on his guard.

“It’s not me.” Xia Tian explained.

“Are you still denying it? I’ve caught you red-handed.” The Nike girl did not stop to debate with him despite her leg being grabbed by Xia Tian.

“Sigh, I wonder just how many people in jail are innocent, since we’ve got a policewoman like you.” Xia Tian shook his head hopelessly.

“Unhand me or I’ll sue you for assaulting a police officer.” The Nike girl attempted to retract her leg but she did not budge after trying a few times. She could clearly feel that Xia Tian was not putting in any strength at all but she just could not get her legs out from his grasp.

The nurse panted as she ran over.

“Thank you.” The nurse bowed down as she thanked Xia Tian.

It was only then the Nike girl knew that she had misunderstood Xia Tian. However, she really did hear someone screaming that her bag was stolen, how was Xia Tian able to take it back so quickly?

“You’re welcome. Here, this too.” Xia Tian took out a hundred dollars from his pocket.

“What are you doing? You’ve helped me get my bag back, why are you giving me money?” The nurse was confused as she looked at Xia Tian. She then believed that Xia Tian wanted some reward in return and decided to open her bag.

“Have you forgotten? I’m Xia Tian, the Xia Tian in the hospital. You borrowed me a hundred dollars that day and I promised that I would return it to you someday.” Xia Tian smiled gently as he realized what the nurse was trying to do.

“It’s you.” The nurse smiled. She found Xia Tian very familiar earlier but she did not put much thought into it. She immediately recognized the man in front of him when she heard the name Xia Tian. He was the Xia Tian who refused to accept five million dollars from the boss girl Ceng Rou.

“Hey, I know that you two know each other and I have no qualm in you two chatting, but can you please let go of my leg?” The Nike girl butted in the conversation between the nurse and Xia Tian.

It was only then Xia Tian let go of the Nike girl’s leg. The latter turned around and left and before she did, she glared at Xia Tian. “F*cking gangster, you better make sure you don’t get arrested by me or I’ll make your life miserable.”

“Thank you so much.” The nurse smiled sweetly.

“I need to thank you properly for taking care of me for such a long time in the hospital.” Xia Tian was under the nurse’s proper care when he was hospitalized and he was a grateful person.

“There’s no need to thank me, I’m just doing my job.” The nurse raised her head as she looked at Xia Tian. “Oh right, do you have anything going on this afternoon? I’ll treat you a meal. Take it as a thank you for snatching my bag for me.”

“I’ve something on later and can’t make it for the afternoon. How about this, are you free tonight?” Xia Tian still had to see his aunt so he could only have dinner with the nurse.

“I’m free.” The nurse responded immediately.

“Great. This is my number, give me a call so that I can register your phone number. I’ll give you a call in the afternoon.” Xia Tian gave his phone number to the nurse.

“I’ll wait for your call. Don’t forget.” The nurse had always thought that Xia Tian was very mysterious. He would sacrifice his life to save a child he did not know and even rejected money as a reward from the other party.

She could tell based on Xia Tian’s attire that he was not a rich person.

She had heard that there were people who would sacrifice themselves for others and would not be fazed by money. However, she had come to realize that such men did not exist when she set foot into society.

In this society, one had to pull strings, even in a hospital. One would not be able to stay in a better room without some networking and one must even talk to everyone at all levels when it came to surgeries.

Some people would even disown their biological parents when money was involved.

However, Xia Tian would give up five million dollars to keep his dignity intact. This was what she admired most about him. She wanted to know what was Xia Tian hiding since five million dollars was not a small figure.

He was the first person that made her curious after setting foot into society.

Xia Tian chatted with the nurse for a while before leaving.

The nurse’s name was Bai Yiyi. She was a practicing nurse at Jianghai City Hospital, and had just started working in the hospital when Xia Tian was hospitalized.

Xia Tian soon arrived at the entrance of Icheon Restaurant, and the place was still hectic as ever. It was only eleven in the morning but many people had already made their reservations. Icheon Restaurant prohibited phone reservations and customers were required to make the reservation in person. Furthermore, they had to make a deposit as well.

Just as Xia Tian was about to open the door, someone from behind rushed in and fortunately, Xia Tian was agile enough to evade her.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m in a rush.” A familiar voice entered his ear.

“Hey Nike policewoman.” Xia Tian raised his head and looked at her. She was the Nike policewoman.

“It’s you again you f*cking thug!” The Nike policewoman frowned slightly the instant she saw Xia Tian. “Are you stalking me?”

“You’re not even making any sense. I came here first.” Xia Tian was speechless against this tyrannic policewoman.

“I’ll let you off the hook this time. I have an urgent matter to attend to.” Nike policewoman barged in the instant she finished speaking. Xia Tian shook his head as he watched the hot-tempered Nike policewoman.

Perhaps these two were fated since they had encountered each other three times already.

Xia Tian went up to the third floor after entering Icheon restaurant and found the cabin with three eights hanging at the door. This was the address given by his aunt and it was already time.

Although his aunt told him to be there around eleven, he was not considered late despite the time was already ten past eleven. He did not dare to be late at all as he knew his aunt’s temper best.

He would be in deep trouble if he were to reach at noon.

Knock knock knock!!

He knocked gently on cabin 888.

“Xia Tian, why are you late.”

“Oh, I got into some trouble while I was on the way here.” Xia Tian explained.

“Come in, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.” Xia Tian’s aunt instructed Xia Tian to enter the cabin.

Xia Tian was dumbfounded when he entered the cabin. He could not believe his eyes at all. It was way too coincidental as someone extremely familiar stood before him.

“Hey, Nike policewoman.”

“F*cking thug.”

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