The Ultimate All-Rounder

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Huo Lajiao

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Xia Tian felt refreshed after a good night’s rest. It was only six in the morning so he planned to jog for a while before heading to school. He changed into some loose sportswear before taking the stairs down.

His cousin sister and her friend were still sound asleep next door.

Xia Tian’s body felt lighter and stronger after being healed by the necklace. It used to be a struggle to do twenty push-ups but he was nowhere near fatigued doing a hundred this morning.

Arriving in a nearby park, Xia Tian did a few simple exercises and was surprised to complete it all with ease.

He then noticed an elderly man staring at him from afar.

The elderly man smiled and nodded when their eyes met. Xia Tian nodded back before returning to his exercise.

“Young man, you have a good physique. Were you in the army?” The elderly came over to ask Xia Tian.

“I’ve never joined the army. I’m only nineteen,” Xia Tian explained without stopping to take a break.

“You have great stamina without army training, that’s not easy to do.” The elderly man nodded in admirance before proceeding to do some tai chi beside him.

“Young man, would you be interested in sparring with me?” The elderly man suddenly asked.

“I think it’s best that we don’t.” With the increased strength of his body, he might harm the elderly man if he were to engage in combat with the old man.

“What? Afraid you’re going to hurt me?” The elderly man smiled. He kicked a stone block with his right foot, causing it to slide for five or six meters before stopping.

Xia Tian was blown away by the old man. That stone block was likely a hundred pounds or more and yet this elderly man managed to kick it away with a light punt. This could not be achieved by an ordinary man.

He had heard of martial arts masters, but believed they were just made-up stories as time went by. However, this old man here was definitely a martial arts master.

As a matter of fact, this was not unusual. He could see through walls with his eyes so nothing was impossible!

Xia Tian never engaged in combat with anyone, nor had he ever gotten in a fight. Now that he came across a martial arts master in the flesh, he was itching to try his hand.

“Then I’ll be in your guidance.” Xia Tian responded respectably.

“Okay, you’re keeping a level head. That’s rare to see.” The old man nodded with admiration before assuming a fighting stance.

Xia Tian was not proficient in martial arts so he immediately swung a punch instead. The old man stood still and pressed two palms forward to counter, hurling Xia Tian aside. Xia Tian did not think he could be easily thrown away but quickly did a backflip and landed on both his feet, following his improved physique

“Good move,” The old man happily complimented.

Xia Tian no longer dared to underestimate this elderly man. He did not move an inch yet was able to defuse Xia Tian’s attack.

This time, Xia Tian faked a high jab before swinging below. Xia Tian’s movement did not elude the elderly man’s eyes as he lifted his right leg to neutralize Xia Tian’s leg sweep. At the same time, the elderly man held out his right hand to grab Xia Tian’s arm up and tossed Xia Tian’s body back.

“That was good.” Xia Tian tumbled to the ground and stabilized his body with his right hand. ‘It’s like he doesn’t have any weak spots. He’s able to dissolve my attacks from anywhere.’

It was then Xia Tian activated his Insight. Countless paths appeared in his mind and these paths seemed to be attack paths for the old man. Xia Tian was pleased to see these attack paths and threw a punch, prompting the old man to retreat in a huff. Xia Tian’s punch seemed to have found his blind spot.

Another few attack paths appeared in Xia Tian’s mind. There were not many weaknesses if the old man held still but once he was on the move, the flaws presented themselves.

Xia Tian took the chance and attacked the old man. The string of attacks left the old man blind-sided. The elderly man constantly felt he was in danger.

“I’m not fighting, not fighting anymore.” The elderly hurriedly raised the white flag, stirring Xia Tian to retrieve his fists.

Xia Tian felt refreshed. It was simply invigorating to have an exchange with the old man. Although he was not proficient in martial arts, his Insight helped him find the old man’s weakness through his seemingly impenetrable defense.

As a result, the elderly man was left appalled. He knew his tai chi very well and though he was no martial arts expert, ordinary men could not come close. He would not faze against the attack of three or four retired soldiers.

He could tell this young man knew nothing of martial arts yet was able to overcome his tai chi.

“Brother, what is your name?” The old man asked.

“My name is Xia Tian,” came the answer.

“Xia Tian, great. You can call me Old Fan. Can you tell me how you saw through my tai chi?” Old Fan was curious. Xia Tian started off like an ordinary person, unable to deal with him but in the end, he managed to see through all the weaknesses.

“I lucked out by chance. I won’t be able to get one hit if I were to fight you again.” Of course Xia Tian was not going to reveal that his Insight saw through the blind spots.

“New talents come forth in each era. You have great character and you respect the elderly, but I know my own strength. Young man, take a stroll along Greenwood Manor if you have the chance and just say you’re there for Old Fan.” Old Fan smiled and nodded.

“Thank you, I’ll be taking my leave now.” Xia Tian left the park and had his meal at a nearby breakfast shop. He ordered two breakfast meals to go for his cousin sister and her friend and returned to the residence. Just as he thought, the two had not woken up. He placed the breakfast in the living room before changing clothes and making his way to school.

Xia Tian was a student at Jianghai High School, the best high school in Jianghai City. Xia Tian entered the school with his own abilities and always placed in the top ten in terms of his grades.

It was almost time for the NCEE but Xia Tian had not been in school for two weeks, so he had to report to his form teacher. Xia Tian was a model student and after a quick walkthrough, he was let off to class without further difficulties.

With only twelve days to the NCEE, there were fewer teachers supervising the students. Students would normally self-study or occupy their time with mock exams.

A girl entered Xia Tian’s class and his line of sight. She was on the class’s learning committee and also his ex-girlfriend, Wenya. Xia Tian could never wrap his mind around why Wenya would want to be with a pampered fop like Xu Shaocong.

However, this was in the past. Wenya had broken up with him. Wenya too noticed Xia Tian. Ever since they broke up, Xia Tian went missing. Wenya had thought that something happened to Xia Tian, leaving her with terrible guilt, but she was now relieved to see that he was fine.

Wenya was from a poor family and she thought that she could pull through with Xia Tian for a bright future, but after meeting Xu Shaocong, she realized the use of money. Even if both of them were to struggle all their lives, they earnings could never compare to a year of Xu Shaocong’s lavish spendings.

She never enjoyed such a lavish life but now that she had gotten a taste of it, she realized it was pointless to study hard, find a good job or strive for success. Xu Shaocong could just arrange a job for her that could earn her at least ten or twenty thousand a month.

If Wenya were to marry Xu Shaocong, she could live a great life. Her parents would not need to work so hard and her brother could afford to take a wife.

For this and everything, she chose to leave Xia Tian. Although Xia Tian was good to her and a very able man, he could not give her the life she wanted.

Wenya was no longer in Xia Tian’s thoughts. He knew they both were on different paths.

“Wenya, look what I have for you, it’s French breakfast.” A boy walked into the class. It was Xu Shaocong. He was holding a bountiful breakfast which he placed on the desk. Xu Shaocong had since noticed Xia Tian’s presence.

Of course, he knew Xia Tian was Wenya’s former boyfriend. “Oh my, if it isn’t Xia Tian? I heard you’d killed yourself over love.”

“Shaocong, don’t talk about it,” Wenya muttered.

“Hmph, what’s the point of excelling in your studies if you can’t protect your own girlfriend.” Xu Shaocong threw a side glance at Xia Tian with disdain.

“Alright, Shaocong, let’s have our meal. Don’t talk about it anymore.” Although Wenya had split up with Xia Tian, she did not want Xia Tian to end up in the bad books of Xu Shaocong because of her.

“Oh my, Xu Shaocong, you have the balls to be audacious in my class. You must be tired of living.” A female delinquent stood at the door. Sha had a rather peculiar taste in clothing, almost oozing a gangster vibe.

This girl was called Huo Lajiao. Xia Tian was puzzled, was the surname Huo in the Hundred Family Surnames 1 ? He had always steered clear of Huo Lajiao. It was just him but the entire school that walked the other way in her presence. It was said that she had a complicated family background and was involved in the underworld. The few who dared defy her in the past were no longer found in school.

“Huo Lajiao, mind your own business.” Xu Shaocong was not about to lose face in front of Wenya. Although he dared not provoke Huo Lajiao, he could not afford to be a wimp.

“What are you going to do if I don’t?” Two hot chicks appeared behind Huo Lajiao. The trio took stride to Xia Tian’s side. Carrying herself in an aloof manner, Huo Lajiao really embodied the essence of a lady boss.

“Hey, you stepped on my foot.” Xia Tian looked at Huo Lajiao.

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