The Ultimate All-Rounder

Chapter 25

Chapter 25: You Dare Mess With My Cousin Sister

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Xia Tian did not stop training on his own ever since the person in white left. Although his father had never taught him martial arts, he had given him the best foundation he could ever give.

If any average person were to train at this age, their success would be limited no matter how hard they trained. However, Xia Tian was different. Although his father had never taught him martial arts before, he had trained his body since young to be compatible with what he was learning.

The modifications made to his body via the necklace had caused his constitution to change drastically.

His inner energy was similar to a huge vault, but he did not have any technique to release that huge latent power. This was the main reason why he was helpless against Quicksand.

What he lacked was a proper martial art. Unrestrained Cloud Sage Step and Resonating Finger were left by his father and even the powerful person in white had said that they were impressive techniques.

The person in white’s strength was something Xia Tian could not comprehend. Xia Tian did not even realize the person in white attacking before the two Quicksand members were killed.

He always had the belief that martial artists would never be faster than a bullet. However, the person in white did not give Quicksand a chance to fire their guns.

Weapons were useless in front of a true expert.

Xia Tian had some slight progress training for the Unrestrained Cloud Sage Step.

Time flew swiftly, and Xia Tian forgot how long he had been training. It was all he could think of.

‘You’re mine, the apple of my eye.’

“Sister Bingxin? How did you get hold of my number?

“Calm down. What happened?

“Alright, I’ll head out immediately.”

Xia Tiang hung up and ran into the distance instead of waiting for a car. Xia Tian, who had just learned the Unrestrained Cloud Sage Step had finally tasted the benefit of this martial art.

He was quick and had high stamina.

Bingxin was the one who made the call earlier and she sounded rather anxious. She was currently at a place called the Emperor KTV. They had been surrounded by the members of the literature and art club and his cousin sister, Ye Qingxue was currently quarreling with them.

“D*mn it. I’ll show them what I’m capable of if any one of them dares to harm my cousin sister in the slightest way.” Xia Tian’s cousin sister was the person closest to him. He would never forgive whoever dared to harm Ye Qingxue in any way.

Xia Tian’s running speed was multiple times faster than the past. If he were to participate in a hundred-meter sprint right now, breaking the records would be child’s play.

Meanwhile, at Emperor KTV.

“President Li, you’re a dignified man and yet you’re enjoying the show from the sidelines.” Ye Qingxue was furious as she stared at President Li. The literature and art club was supposed to celebrate their basketball competition’s victory, but President Li and Yan Xu from the sports club had come to cause trouble.

They challenged the literature and art club but Ye Qingxue had no plans on accepting President Li’s challenge as she did not want to involve Xia Tian any further.

As they were arguing, a girl from the literature and art club was harassed at the toilet. Ye Qingxue had brought people to help out but the opponents were a bunch of gangsters who did not oblige to common sense.

These gangsters had other plans when they saw Ye Qingxue. They insisted that Ye Qingxue must accompany their Brother Bao for a few drinks. Ye Qingxue thought that President Li and his people were people that knew when to hold back their grudges. Who would have thought that President Li and the rest were no different?

Not only did they refuse to help her, they gave a counteroffer instead.

President Li’s demand was that he wanted Ye Qingxue to accept their challenge whereas Yan Xu’s demand was even more ridiculous. Yan Xu would only help Ye Qinxue if she were to accept him as her boyfriend.

Hence, this was how it came down.

“Ye Qingxue, it’s not that I’m not helping you because we’re from the same school. We’ll help you deal with these gangsters as long as you accept our request.” President Li and his men from the sports club and had strong physiques. These gangsters would not dare to do a thing if they were willing to help them.

“I’m warning you annoying kids to stop meddling around where you shouldn’t. This is Brother Bao’s territory. You might not leave Emperor KTV if you’re not careful.” One of the gangsters had announced that this was their turf as they knew that it would be troublesome if the people from the sports club were to butt in.

“President Li, I’ve misjudged you.” Ye Qingxue stared at President Li and his men.

“Hey girl, it’s your blessing that Brother Bao has taken a liking to you. We’ll not cause any trouble to your friends as long as you accompany Brother Bao for a few drinks.” The leader of the gangsters was checking Ye Qingxue out.

“I don’t even know him. Why should I drink with him?” Ye Qingxue rejected without any hesitation.

“Don’t shut us down like this. It’s your blessing that Brother Bao has taken a liking to you. Don’t blame my brothers for being rough if you don’t listen to us.”The gangsters smiled creepily as they revealed their ill-intent.

“I’ve already called the police; they’ll be here any time soon.” Ye Qingxue had already informed someone to call the police.

“The police? Haha. Our Brother Bao has a wide network. All he has to do is to make a phone call and the police will disappear.” The gangsters seemed full of themselves. The reason they were with Brother Bao was that they would be able to do anything as long as Brother Bao was around.

“Don’t you dare cross the line. Do you really think the law doesn’t apply here?” Ye Qingxue stared angrily at the gangsters.

“Law? I’m the law here. Mr. Liu, what do you think law is?” Brother Bao walked out from a cabin from afar. There was a very muscular man beside and his muscular chest puffed in his stride.

“What trash.” Brother Bao stared at the bunch of gangsters before shifting his attention to President Li and Yan Xu. “What do you guys think you’re doing? How dare you make a scene on my turf!”


Brother Bao shattered his own beer bottle on the ground. Dozens of gangsters flooded in from all directions as soon as the bottle shattered.

A few of the gangsters had even barricaded the Emperor KTV’s hall to prevent passersby from recording or watching the incident.

President Li and Yan Xu’s faces turned pale when they saw these gangsters appear. There were only a total of ten of them and they believed that they could fight against these few thugs. They believed that they were in the advantage but they did not expect so many to appear out of the blue.

How could they fight against so many people at once with just the ten of them?

“You’re Brother Bao, right? I believe there’s a misunderstanding. We’re not close to these people at all.” Xan Yu panicked as he could tell that these thugs were jobless and had nothing better to do.

This was especially true to Brother Bao. Everyone could tell in an instant that he was not someone that could be easily messed with. All of them would be harmed if a fight were to ensue. To top it off, he had already noticed a few of them standing outside had knives in their hands.

“Fine. Now f*ck off.” Brother Bao was not something that was easy to handle and as a result, he was sharp with his words as well.

“Hmpf.” President Li harrumphed. His expression looked rather gloomy but they ultimately merged with the crowd, leaving behind the bunch of people from the literature and art club, totaling of sixteen. Four of them were males and the other twelve were females. Despite that, these four men were no stronger than the girls.

Ye Qingxue and her group were left defenseless the instant President Li brought his men away from the scene. Ye Qingxue knew very well that these people did not lie to them at all earlier.

The police would be stopped by that Mr Liu even if they were to arrive at the scene. Furthermore, there was a person beside Mr. Liu and it was obvious that the man was a lawyer. These lawyers were very sharp when it came to these situations.

“Lady, I suggest you come over and accompany me with a few drinks. I’ll overlook this incident if you do so. However, I won’t let a single one of you leave here if you don’t comply.” Brother Bao glanced at the group of people. “My brothers here have a strong liking for university students.”

It was a threat.

What he really meant was that if Ye Qingxue were to not accompany him alone, he would order his men to harm her people.

“Sister Xue, you mustn’t listen to him.” Although the four men from the literature and art club were not as muscular as the men from the sports club, they were as equally as manly as them as the four of them had stood in front of the girls.

“Sister Xue, we won’t let them take you away.”

The four boys from the literature and art club were in their positions.

“All four of you are just a bunch of p*ssies!” Brother Bao said coldly. “You guys, teach them a good lesson.”

Ye Qingxue’s expression was unusually pale. Although she was being protected by these four men, she did not feel a hint of safety at all being surrounded at that moment.

There was no way out, and the consequences were unimaginable if she were to leave with these gangsters.

“Qingxue, I’ve already called Xia Tian.” Bingxin whispered.

“What? What use is it to call Xia Tian now? Why didn’t you call Sister Wen instead?” Ye Qingxue panicked.

“I’ve tried calling Sister Wen but she’s not picking up at all. I couldn’t think of anything else so I’ve decided to call Xia Tian instead.” Bingxin frowned as she responded. It was a given that she knew that she should call Huo Wennu in this situation.

“What should we do?” Ye Qingxue started panicking and she did not realize that Bingxin beside her was clenching her fist tightly.

The gangsters were already walking to the four men from the literature and art club, but they did not back off.


“Who’s there?” There was a loud explosion outside and everyone shifted their attention.

“Cousin sister, where are you?” Xia Tian’s voice came from outside.

“Xia Tian, we’re over here.” Bingxin’s voice came from the inside. The instant Bingxin finished speaking, she noticed that Xia Tian had already appeared beside her. This place was incredibly crowded. How did Xia Tian squirm his way in?

However, Bingxin relaxed her fist then.

“How dare you mess with my cousin sister.” Xia Tian turned his head around to look at Brother Bao and Mr. Liu. Everyone could tell that these two were the leaders of these thugs.

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