The Ultimate All-Rounder

Chapter 20

Chapter 20: A Great Beauty, Tang Yan

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After such an affair, Xia Tian did not wish to remain in class. With only a few days to the college entrance examination, there was nothing else to learn. As revision did little for him, he was better off learning martial arts moves with that person in white.

He did not want to be in an unfavorable position facing Shan and Quicksand.

“Master, wait for me.” Huo Lajiao ran out of the classroom. Behind her were the two hot chicks.

“Why did you follow me out?” Xia Tian did not know what to do with Huo Lajiao. She followed him wherever he went.

“Master, my grandfather said that any martial arts should come with some mind cultivation and cultivation methods. I can’t master that two moves just by looking.” Huo Lajiao depressingly brought up.

“I don’t know any mind cultivation. I learned the same two moves from an elderly man named Fan,” Xia Tian explained.

Master, I understand. You must think I’m not good enough to be your woman so you won’t teach me.” Huo Lajiao lowered her head. Seemingly injected with a boost of courage, she added, “Come, Master, I’m ready to give myself to you.”

Xia Tian was speechless, “Right, lend me your phone. Mine ran out of battery.”

Huo Lajiao handed her phone over to Xia Tian.

“Hello cousin, I’m Xia Tian.

“Yes, I’m okay, I’m still in school.

“Alright, where?

“I’ll head over.”

After Xia Tian hung up, he called Elder Xu to check in on him, but things were not looking good there. Although the Xu Family dared not harm him, nothing was stopping them from striking Elder Xu.

Being a highly capable man, Elder Xu was pursued by the Xu Family for helping Xia Tian.

In the end, Xia Tian decided to retaliate against the Xu Family in the most straightforward way possible. He was to represent Elder Xu in a match against the Xu Family, post his college entrance examination and if he won, the Xu Family should not interfere in Elder Xu’s life. However, if Xia Tian were to lose, Elder Xu must withdraw from Jianghai City.

This suggestion did not come from Xia Tian, rather the Xu Family. The Xu Family came up with this proposal with the intention to get Xia Tian involved. Xu Dechuan breathed a sigh of relief after Xia Tian agreed to it.

The witness to this martial arts match was Greenwood Manor’s Fan Zuifeng. He was a prominent figure in Jianghai City.

With him bearing witness, the Xu Family would refrain from committing any violation. Although Xu Dechuan did not think Xia Tian could defeat Shan, he believed Xia Tian’s Master would show up.

Xia Tian figured the thoughts running through Elder Xu’s head but decided against laying bare. He would need Xu Dechuan’s help to uncover his mother’s whereabouts.

Therefore, protecting Xu Dechuan was his top priority. He knew Shan’s abilities well, and in his current state, he was no match for him. However, there were still a few days to go until his college entrance examination and with the person in white guiding him daily, he would be able to put his practice to the test on Shan then.

As long as he was able to defeat Shan, no one would pose a threat to him in Jianghai City, and plus the Xu Family would be off his back.

“Master, what do I need to do for you to teach me?” Huo Lajiao tailed Xia Tian closely.

“I’ll see how you do,” Xia Tian peered at Huo Lajiao. “you don’t really have the potential.”

Sizing Huo Lajiao up, Xia Tian sized up how she would fare overall. Moreover, she was dressed up in an unconventional style which Xia Tian loathed.

“Master, don’t ask for too much. I am a woman, after all,” Huo Lajiao answered in dejection.

“I don’t really like the current you. I might reconsider if you change your outfit.” Xia Tian wanted to drive Huo Lajiao away, considering her lack of room for growth.

Hearing Xia Tian’s words, Huo Lajiao turned to walk away. There was no point for her to return home so she had her mind set on seeking her older sister, Huo Wennu. She needed a complete transformation.

“Sister Huo, where are you going?” The two yelled out in a panic.

“Oh right, you two should come with me. We should change together. Let’s look for my ol’ sis.” Huo Lajiao walked into a distance.

After directing Huo Lajiao’s attention away, Xia Tian took a cab to Jianghai Univeristy, where his cousin sister was waiting in a restaurant. Something had happened, but since school was not out, the person in white would not be around yet if he were to head back.

He conjectured the person in white must be familiar with his father based on this point because it was his father’s will that he focused on his studies.

Xia Tian caught glimpse of his cousin and Bingxi after arriving in the restaurant. Bingxi was in casual wear, covering up her figure. Still, Xia Tian could not help but activate his Insight at the sight of Bingxi, and it was as he predicted.

Today, Bingxin was in blue Pikachu.

Noticing Xia Tian’s dagger looks, Bingxi was overwhelmed with a strange feeling that she was naked before Xia Tian’s eyes. She immediately covered herself up with her hands and that was when she realized Xia Tian’s gaze moved downwards.

“Rascal.” Bingxin grudgingly glared at Xia Tian.

The restaurant was just an average student canteen with limited private dining rooms. The private dining sections were only open to large groups so Xia Tian and his party remained in the hall. It was still bright and sunny out so the restaurant was barely full.

They sat in a simple four-seater table. The place was clean enough.

“What happened yesterday?” Ye Qingxu asked.

“Nothing, it’s taken care of.” Xia Tian did not want to elaborate on the matter, especially with his Insight being something he was unable to simply put into words. Ye Qingxue would be pulled into this mess if he were to come clean with her.

He would end up an experimented lab rat.

“Fine if you don’t want to talk about it.” Knowing Xia Tian, Ye Qingxue would not be able to pry any information from Xia Tian if he was unwilling. “I called you here today because I need your help.”

“Need my help?” Xia Tian felt chill down his spine. His cousin never needed his help and saying that she needed him meant something dire must have happened.

“I order you to represent the student council on a basketball game this afternoon,” Ye Qingxue revealed her domineering side, alleviating Xia Tian of his tension. Now this was the cousin sister he knew.

“Cousin sister, doesn’t Jianghai University have its own basketball team?” Xia Tian asked.

“Yeah, we do but we’re competing against Jianghai University’s varsity team. A forefront member of the team will be participating with other secondary-line members while we’ll be picking those from the literature and art club,” clarified Ye Qingxue.

“Oh, internal strife, I see,” Xia Tian caught up.

“The guys from the varsity team are so full of themselves, especially that coach of theirs who just got back from America. They think little of us from the literature and art club, calling us a bunch of useless students,” Ye Qingxue was furious. “it’s high time we teach that b*tch a lesson. She said that they’ll admit defeat as long as we don’t fall behind more than 20 points.”

“Er,” Xia Tian paused. “it’s not going to be an easy win with amateurs against a varsity team.”

“I don’t care, you need make sure we stay within that 20 points or you’ll never hear the end of it,” Ye Qingxue swung her fist at Xia Tian, showing he was dead meat if he left her humiliated.

“I’ll try my best,” Xia Tian nodded.

Then walked in a group of four, three men and a woman. The three men were of tall build at 1.9 meters. The woman was wearing a blue short-sleeved shirt and a pair of white shorts. Standing there with a slender figure, she was beautiful from head to toe.

She was perfect in every way!

“175cm in height, 114cm legs that go for miles. The perfect figure. If only she’d be my mistress.” Xia Tian’s Insight was activated. The woman’s innerwear was a complete 180 from Bingxi’s adorable style. While her underwear was made out of silk, she was definitely the wild type.

“Rascal.” The beauty gave Xia Tian a vicious look before directing her attention to Ye Qingxue and Bingxin behind him.

Bingxin and Ye Qingxue were laughing up their sleeves. The beautiful lady that Xia Tian took liberties with was their sworn enemy; the basketball coach, Tang Yan.

“Ye Qingxue, the match is in the afternoon. What are you doing hiding here? I heard the literature and art club has nothing but nancy boys and women. How’s the match going to continue if you can’t even assemble five men? Maybe you should head to other clubs to make the headcount,” Tang Yan mocked Ye Qingxue. She too had made it on the Jianghai University’s campus beauty queens listing, positioning in sixth place right behind Ye Qingxue and Huo Wenniu. This was not because she has less charming looks than the two girls but that it had only been six months since she transferred here. She was not as popular as Ye Qingxue and Huo Wennu who also transferred back from abroad.

She had her own club in the student council, the basketball club. Ye Qingxue belonged to the literature and art club. With one in the art division and the other in the physical division, they never saw eye to eye. Hence, the basketball match episode.

“Remember our bet. If you lose, you’ll have to call me Sister Xue.” Ye Qingxue blew a fuse at Tang Yan.

“Of course, and if you lose, you’ll have to call me Sister Yan.” Refusing to be outdone, Tang Yan stood with her back straight.

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