The Sun - Lord of Mysteries (fanfiction)

Chapter 55: Betrayal

The setting sun cast an twilight glow on the Solomon Empire.

The capital, which is located in the heart of the Solomon Empire, also serves as the Empire's core. This city, on the other hand, can only be described as "Crooked," as it has the potential to push a perfectionist insane at first sight.

The city was filled with the black gothic buildings. Their style was oddly lopsided and crooked. The city's streets and roads were built without any order, resulting in complete unevenness throughout the city.

The bustling streets were packed with people who defied the current outside world's common sense in every way. Their dressing style was asymmetrical, and their habits and manners were diametrically opposed to world standards. Despite this, people went about their daily lives as if everything was normal.

A priest sat on one of the benches on the sidewalk, 'His' figure illuminated by the setting sun, revealing 'His' golden beard and hair. 'He' was dressed in a pure white cloak with a silver cross across 'His' neck, just like any other priest. 'His' golden and clear eyes, on the other hand, revealed 'His' exceptionality clearly.

Despite the stark contrast between the priest and everything around 'Him', people walked by was completely oblivious to priest on the bench.

Adam, the Angel of Imagination!

Adam was holding a simple feather quill in 'His' right hand and a book on his lap, while writing with the quill in the last page of the book.

'He' also took occasional glances at the bizarre yet strangely beautiful city while writing the book.

'He' was like a spectator, observing but not interfering in any direct way.

'He' was present at the beginning and returned to witness its end.

'He' showed Solomon and others the second blasphemy slate with the path of the god at the beginning of the epoch, finally layering the cornerstone for the empire to rise.

'He' witnessed the rise of the Solomon Empire, the very first human empire, since the destruction of modern civilization.

'He' was ever-present in all major events throughout history of the fourth epoch.

The angel families that rose to prominence during this period, as well as the three kings of angels, Cheek, Artisan, and Bethel, who are only one step away from godhood, were all facilitated and made possible by 'Him.'

As 'His' golden eyes gleamed in brilliance, Adam wrote the final paragraph of the book.

"The radiance of Sun and Moon illuminated the empire. The national flag in the top spire of the royal palace fell from its pole onto the dusty ground. The terrified crowd paid no heed as they stamped on the flag that they had once revered above their own lives. The golden sun and crimson moon descended on the empire, bringing the magnificent empire that had stood for a millennia to an end."

"-----The End-------"

Adam finished and closed the book as the cover revealed the title, which was boldly written on it.

"The Solomon Empire."

'His' gaze was finally pulled to a gothic castle as 'He' saw two angels walk out of the balcony, one of them holding a brass book.

Adam's golden eyes become deep and mystical for a brief moment after seeing those angels. Then, 'His' gaze was drawn to his finished book, which he took and placed within his robes.

'He' raised his hand, as a new book appeared from nowhere on his hands.

Adam gently caressed the black cover, as illusory letters appeared on it in a jumbled fashion, eventually joining to form a title on the book, which said,

"Tudor-Trunsoest United Empire."

'He' opened the book and took the quill, writing on the first page.

"--------The Beginning--------"

Adam, on the other hand, did not continue, but instead closed the book and placed it in his robes. 'He' then rose from 'His' seat and walked in the direction of the gothic castle.

'His' figure vanished among the crowds under the illumination of twilight.


Two angels walked out of a room onto the balcony of the gothic castle, their figures illuminated by the twilight.

The angel in front had brass-coloured hair and golden eyes. He had attractive features, but exuded a scholarly air. He was holding a brass book in his right hand.

The brass book is the uniqueness of Justiciar pathway!

The angel following behind had brown hair and a sharp, reserved face. He had blue eyes that were filled with indifference.

They were Trunsoest and Alitsa Tudor, the subordinates of the Solomon, Black Emperor.

Trunsoest came to a halt at the edge of the balcony and looked out over the city. His eyes were hesitant, and his heart was full of self-doubt and questions.

His grip on the brass book tightened as his gaze wandered to the royal palace in the heart of the city. His eyes was drawn to the waving flag atop the spire. He instinctively took a step back and dare not look at it again.

Alitsa noticed this and grabbed his shoulders, causing Trunsoest to turn to face him.

"Trunsoest, there is no turning back. Every minute counts from now on, as our lives hang in the balance. The majesty will soon discover what is wrong, and Mr. Door will be powerless to protect us by then."

Alitsa said solemnly, but a tinge of jealousy rose in his eyes as he looked at the Trunsoest in front of him.

However, seeing his hesitation, which didn't go away even after hearing this, Alitsa sighed and took his hands off the other's shoulders.

"In the end, it's your choice." He said it firmly, as if he was willing to die alongside Trunsoest even after being exposed.

Alitsa finally said, as his blue eyes gleamed. "Remember our dreams, Trunsoest. They cannot fade alongside us."

What Alitsa and Trunsoest didn't realise was that they weren't alone; a priest was nearby, quietly watching everything that was going on.

A flash of blue light appeared near the priest, and a black-haired man materialised nearby.

Bethel Abraham, Mr. Door!

Bethel stood silently next to Adam, gazing at the two angels and listening in on their conversation.

Finally, he asked Adam.

"Do you think he'll be able to do it?"

Adam finally turned to face Bethel. 'His' golden eyes, which were always serene and calm, gleamed brightly as 'He' looked at Bethel for a brief moment, which went unnoticed by Bethel.

Then, 'He' replied softly, as 'His' gaze fixed on the golden sun on the horizon.

"It's always the unexpected ones that surprises everyone in the end....."

Bethel's brows furrowed in surprise, and he remained silent. They were just standing in the twilight of the sun, watching history repeat itself.

Trunsoest took a breather at the edge of the balcony to calm his raging emotions.

He looked at Alitsa, and his words echoed in his ears.

'Remember our dreams, Trunsoest. They cannot fade alongside us.'

Soon, the last words of Eternal Blazing Sun during the meeting flashed through his mind.

'Trunsoest, with your own hand, you will usher in the new era. The era of order and justice will arrive, just as you envisioned.'

'My Dream...' Trunsoest thought as his entire life flashed before his eyes, those lies and deception stinging his heart.

He walked forward, his eyes shining, the last of his hesitation and self-doubt gone, as did the pain in his heart.

He opened the brass book, which began to flicker with light, and a divine aura erupted from him.

The divine aura morphed into massive symbols of the six gods that hung in the sky. Soon, the symbols entered Turnoest's body one after the other, under the blessings of six gods.

His figure expanded into a gigantic black shadow that covered the entire sky, holding the brass book in one hand and a illsuory balance scale in the other.

Turnoest gazed at the Solomon Empire, illuminated by the twilight, as the brass book shone brightly.

He declared, as his majestic voice reverberated throughout the world.

"All rules are ineffective."

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