The Sun - Lord of Mysteries (fanfiction)

Chapter 53: Excalibur

Medici and Diana exchanged glances as their auras collided in a battle for dominance.

Everything around them fell silent, like the calm before the storm.

Then it all came crashing down in a spectacular way, as Medici and Diana vanished from their position, leaving massive craters in their wake due to the sheer force they were exerting with each of their moves.

The figures of Medici and Diana transformed into streaks of golden and red lights that blazed through the sky, colliding and repelling against each other along the way.

The angels evacuating from no man's land came to a halt and stared blankly up at the sky.

The entire sky was filled with streaks of golden and red lights, as if someone had drawn the most complex ziz-zag formation on the sky.

This only appeared a fraction of a second after Diana and Medici took off into the sky, indicating they collided many times within this second, which was even far beyond what even angels could clearly do or sense.


An angel's horrified yell jolted them out of their trance, and their eyes soom filled with fear. All of them did not hesitate to turn back and begin using their techniques or entering the spirit world to flee the battlefield as soon as possible


The destructive force erupted from the clashes of Diana and Medici, then impacted on no man's land without any resistant.


When this terrifying force descended, everything was broken down into fine particles, whether it was mountains or rivers, angels or demigods, nothing could remain intact or survive the destruction.

As everything disintegrated, the angels fled using various methods. But, no matter what, they couldn't escape the approaching destruction, which was faster than them.

However, the gods did not sit back and watch their angels disintegrate, as the light of the sun fell on all of their figures, teleporting them out of the battlefield.

In the sky, Diana was solemn and grave, her eyes trailing each of the slashes in Medici's countless sword attacks on her. With swift moves of her sword, she blocked and parried all of them. She did, however, feel the attack power increase with each attack thrown at her.

Boom! Boom!

She finally made a decision and ignored the incoming sword attacks, and raised her Excalibur, which began to glow with golden light.

She looked at the elated Medici, who didn't seem to care about anything but battle. It irritated her so much that she wanted to punch him in the face to get that smirk off his face.

She ignored the sword slashes falling on her, which left long gashes on her silver armour.

Suddenly, Diana's figure became translucent, and all of the swords attacks passed through her figure, further destroying the lands behind them.

She vanished from her position and reappeared directly in front of Medici, causing the latter's eyes to narrow and to raise his sword to the position of chest.

Diana thrusted her excalibur forward with all her might, aiming for his heart.

It wasn't a simple thrust, for the air around the entire sky was extracted and everything fell silent.


Then, it clashed with the red sword.

The air finally exploded, releasing a blaze of light. The space shook and collapsed as it was illuminated and overwhelmed by the light storm that was sweeping everything.

Diana and Medici continued to clash their swords as sparks of light as bright as the sun flared up. Both of their armour began to crack, and blood poured out from the very crakes, revealing deep gashed wounds.

Meanwhile, due to the sheer force of Diana's attack, they also shot out of no man's land.

They were blazing across the sky like shooting star, heading towards.....

Solomon Empire!


They blasted into the Solomon Empire as the twisted rules woven throughout the empire literally broke into pieces along with the space in their paths.

The Black Emperor's "rules" over the empire is indeed strong, but that doesn't mean it can't be broken; this was also largely facilitated due to the fact that the "rules" had lost their connection to the authority that supported them.

Solomon did not exercise his authority to stabilise the rules. He knew the six gods would not just stand by and watch, but would immediately accuse him of intervening in their battle. He didn't want to fight them right away, so he could only watch everything with red eyes.

However, he will not hesitate to intervene if they become too destructive. The previous clash of swords alone caused a flash of light that completely destroyed No Man's Land and even affected the six kingdoms. He is certain that if they continued without the intervention of the gods, the northern continent would be destroyed.

The blazing star was descending from the sky in the Solomon Empire, towards a long mountain range with a beautiful city in front of it.

Hornacis mountain range!


The shooting star finally descened with enough power to make nuclear weapons look like firecrackers.

The collision obliterated a 20-kilometer wide area in an instant, resulting in a explosion of rocks and magma erupting from the ground. As the entire northern continent rumbled, a massive shockwave shattered faces of most mountains across the range.

An gargantuan explosion ensuded, which ripped through the beautiful city of night, obliterating gothic buildings in a matter of seconds and sumberging thousands of people who were still oblivious, thus instantly ending their lives without any pain or suffering.

After everything had settled down, all that remained was the main peak of the Hornacis mountains, with a ruined castle perched atop it.

The castle and main peak were collapsing minute by minute, insinuating that they were still affected by the explosion, despite an archangel's desperate attempts to protect everything.

In the massive carter, two figures stood up from the ruined ground, still clutching their sword tightly.

Medici walked steadily, his black armour shattered, especially the chestplate, revealing a hole through, which clearly displayed his beating heart and devastated lungs. His crimson blood had completely saturated his armour, dripping down on the ground and leaving a blood trail as he walked.

Even though he blocked the legendary sword's attack, he was still affected in the end. However, all of his injuries began to heal visibly.

This would be a fatal blow to most, but it's nothing for Medici.

Diana, on the other hand, was not faring much better. In their collision, her silver armour was completely shattered and broke into pieces, leaving her with only blue traditional robes that were also covered in blood, as deep gashs on her skin could be seen across her figure.

Her arm that held the excalibur was broken, but she didn't even flinch as she twisted it back with her other hand. Her face was also covered in blood, which was dripping from her head.

She walked towards Medici, holding the excalibur, their gazes locked. Despite seeing him in this devastated state, she didn't feel joy, because she knew better.

"It's been a long time..." Medici said as he spat blood from his mouth onto the ground, "Since, I've been forced into this state. Even though you are an angel of Aucuses, you are fully worthy of wielding the legendary sword and confronting me with all of my might, Diana." He finished with a twisted smile and his eyes shimmering with joy and excitement, as his sword began to emit crimson light.

Diana laughed tragically. "Am I worthy?" She considered the weight she carried on her shoulders as she held the holy sword in her hand.

Those scenes flashed before her eyes, and while everything may have seemed to pass in seconds in reality, it was so long for her that she lost track of time there. Under the terrifying whispers, she almost felt like she was in eternity....

Diana took a breather to calm down her raging emotions, as she raised her Excalibur above her head with both hands. The entire holy sword was bathed in a golden light that radiated glory and hope.

She finally glared at Medici and spoke to him word by word. "You know nothing about me!"

Medici chuckled and raised his sword, as the crimson light on the sword surged widely like flames.

"Diana, I hope you make it through this. So, we can still fight the next time we meet...."

He smirked and spoke quietly.

Then, without hesitation, he swung his sword down with all of his might.


The red sword emitted a beam of crimson light, annihilating everything in its path, including space and reality itself.


The entire northern continent rumbled visibly as the crimson beam struck the ground, causing earthquakes across the world.

Diana looked at the crimson beam that was heading straight for her. She inhaled deeply as her eyes, which had flashed with a kaleidoscope of emotions, finally settled into calmness.

As a beam of light erupted from her holy sword, she clutched the excalibur with both hands.

She declared, as her voice rang out around the world.


She swung her sword, unleashing all of its power, as the golden beam of light descended into the world, blazing towards the crimson light.

The golden beam cut through everything in its path.

The golden and crimson light beams blazed towards each other, annihilating everything in their path.

The gods, who were watching this, finally rose solemnly from their seats. Eternal Blazing Sun, Earth Mother and Black Emperor didn't hesitate to descend on the battlefield immediately.

However, it was already too late...

Under the gazes of the entire world, the beams of crimson and golden light finally collided.


An unimaginable sea of scorching light surged out, drowning the figures of Diana and Medici.

As the light completely submerged them, they both closed their eyes and their grips on their swords finally loosened.

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