The Sun - Lord of Mysteries (fanfiction)

Chapter 51: Probability

Just as the red lightning was about to strike Lucas, it froze in its path. For a brief moment, it appeared as if time had stopped.

Then, the lightning then began to fade away, receding to the crimson clouds, from where it descended.

The blood in Lucas's eyes stopped flowing, and the wounds on his body began to heal at an astonishing rate.

Lucas' face livened up and his fingers twitched. His brows trembled as he slowly opened his eyes.

Suddenly, he stood up from the ground, he opened his mouth wide and let out a big gasp for air. His eyes were still filled with a kaleidoscope of emotions, including panic, regret, dread, and fear.

'I am alive?... I am still alive... How?'

He kept gazing about as jumbled thoughts flashed in his head, only flinching backwards instinctively, when he noticed the terrible man who had been haunting him was staring at him with a sneer.

A sliver of light flashed across his vision, revealing a teenage lad with silver hair dressed in a white linen shirt and black trousers.

Will Auceptin, Snake of Mercury!

Will ignored Medici and reached into his pocket for a charm with a sun emblem. Then, he placed it on Lucas's forehead, while looking at the other's confused expression.


The charm released a dazzling light that enveloped Lucas and instantly teleporting him to the divine kingdom of eternal blazing sun.

Before, Will rebooted Lucas, returning him to his previous state before to his encounter with the Medici. It saved him from imminent death.

Surprisingly, Medici did not intervene and instead gazed up at the dark sky.

He said with a malicious smirk.

"Your preparations and arrangements are truly spectacular, Aucuces. But you're still a long way from our lord..."

With his words, the sky above the battlefield lighted up with silver light, as an angel descended from the sky.

The angel was clad in silver robes and had six silver wings. His red vertical eyes were always apathetic.

In his clasped hands, the angel held an inverted cross with a frightening aura of degeneration!

Ouroboros, the Tail Devourer!

Under the mutual agreement between the two sides, the gods will not intervene in this conflict between angels. But it doesn't mean they can't use loopholes to their advantage.

Ouroboros descended on the battlefield, as his apathetic gaze travelled across Medici and Will.

Medici approached Ouroboros and stood near him, while raising his sword and resting it on his shoulders.

"By joining this war, you dug your own grave, little snake." Medici gave Will a contemptuous scowl.

Will didn't respond to Medici as his solemn gaze was fixed on the inverted cross in Ouroboros' hands.

"Medici," Ouroboros muttered flatly as he stared at Medici. "This is my fight; go deal with the Knowledge Emperor"

He didn't wait for Medici to respond before approaching Will.

"Will Auceptin, this is the end of it all." Ouroboros said indifferently.

With his words, reality became hazy and blurry, and everything fell into darkness.

In this never-ending darkness, Ouroboros and Will floated.

Soon, a faint and illusory sound echoed from the darkness, as a colourless river appeared and flowed, with them in the middle of it all.

The River of Destiny!

"The thousand-year chase is over; fate itself favours me, Will; you shall fall..."

"Ya, ya, the same old, fate indeed always favours you, Ouroboros," Will intrerrputed rudely, while nodding his head.

"So, shall we proceed? I really need to go and get to the buckets of ice cream that Aucuces promised me after this fight." He added, a nonchalant smile on his face.

For a brief moment, Ouroboros' expression froze before returning to normal.

"What always gives you such confidence?" He asked indifferently, as his eyes glowed with silver light.

Will's eyes also began to glow with silver light and a golden sun symbol appeared on his glabella.

"Fate indeed favours you, Ouroboros. But, unlike you, I have never surrendered to fate!"

"So, that's it..." Ouroboros realised, as soon as, he saw the sun emblem on Will.

Aucuces or Will must have known this was going to happen, and Aucuces must have blessed him in the end.

However, neither the Sun nor Will's words created any waves in the heart of the Ouroboros. At the end of the day, this is a fight between them, and their own authority will determine who wins.

Ouroboros declared as he pointed the inverted cross in his hands at Will.

"Let's put an end to it all, Will Auceptin!"

A black ocean descended between them, with an aura of filth and degeneration, as the waves in the ocean swept towards Will like tsunamis.

Will exclaimed by opening his arms wide.

"Praise the sun!"

A blinding golden sun rose before him, scorching rays of the light erupted from the sun and collided with the black ocean.


The reality itself broke like shards of mirror at point of collision.

The sun's rays began to melt the black ocean's waves, while the black ocean of filth churned with aura of degeneration, causing the blinding sun to dim.

As the light and darkness continued to collide, there was soon an unsettling balance between them, with no side gaining an advantage.

Will and Ouroboros, on the other hand, also erupted with a terrifying aura that collided with one another, causing the entire river of destiny around them to become restless.

The authority that the snake of mercury possesses enables them to manipulate probability.

The entire war between them has now evolved into a contest over who has more control over the probabilities of victory.

It's a battle of wills and fates. This is the stakes for both of them.

The one who has the most control over probabilities of victory will triumph in the end, and the god's authority, which are currently balanced, will collapse and annihilate the loser.


While the war of fates was taking place in another space, Medici was walking calmly towards the ruins of the mountains that formed as a result of that girl being slammed into it by his slap.

He knew she was still alive and was probably planning her big move. He wasn't going to interfere with her right now because he wanted to see what she had and if it could reignite the long-lost excitement of battle within him.

He couldn't find any suitable opponents in this era, so he's hoping the angel of Aucuces doesn't let him down.

He also has a strange feeling that the battle of the snake will be more difficult than he had anticipated.

He was unconcerned about Ouroboros' safety, however, because he believes in his Lord's might and that even if something goes wrong, Ouroboros will be fine in the end.

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed, as his smile broadened in excitement.


As though an earthquake had struck the northern continent, the entire no man's land rumbled.

From the ruins of mountains, an aura of "Hope" and "Glory" emerged.


A pillar of golden light erupted, directly piercing into the sky. The brilliance of the pillar shone all over the world.

Medici noticed something extraordinary in the radiance of the pillar.

He saw the nostalgic, sorrowful, and hallowed dreams of those who were placed on the bloody hell known as a battlefield, of all warriors past, present, and future who were fully exposed to the fear of death and despair and who still clung to a desire,

"To be exalted."

Finally, he heard a roar that seemed to reverberate throughout the world.

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