The Summoner's Rebirth: Awaken, Milady

Chapter 147: Decoy

The dragon's element was flame. This was a good sign to start with, because Aria's main ways of attacking included using the Water and Earth element, which both dealt quite the substantial damage to a flame bearer. It was after all just a child, so Aria did not feel like the fight was impossible just yet.

However, if she truly went by the prediction that the Association gave her, then this dragon was set to branch out and grow into an adult at any given moment. It was already at the peak of its adolescent years and was just waiting for a trigger to come and greet it into adulthood.

Once again, Aria was thrown into confusion since the System did not seem to detect the dragon as an enemy even though she was starting to get fairly close to the entity.

"Alena. If you find anything, tell me. I will initiate the fight since I think I will be able to do the most damage to it. Elemental dragons in theory are the same as any other dragons, but the thing that differs it from the rest is the fact that attacks of the elements it is weak to.. Will deal more damage. If your Ilyin was stronger than the dragon, then her attacks would be amplified and the dragon would take significantly larger damage than normal. However, since Ilyin is weaker, I suggest you store that spirit down. If she engages in battle and is pushed back or harmed, then the damage she will take will also be amplified harshly. Especially from a dragon.. It is not something to joke about. Store it for later." Aria properly warned as they marched towards the still dragon with hasty steps.

Alena heard the elder's warning and nodded without hesitation, taking it into account.

The dragon did not seem to attack them yet, as if something was holding it back. However, its golden eyes carried a strong intimidation, so a lot of people were already starting to become hesitant. They felt small in front of the dragon because of the pressure it released. Luckily, just at that pivotal moment, Reina's voice could be heard loud and clear. It seemed like she used a voice amplifier of some sort, because

"Those who are doubting themselves! We are here as brave Hunters, and we will naturally hunt this fellow out with ease! Don't you panic, don't you think about useless thoughts, use your powers to strike at the golden chance! We must march without stop and eradicate this calamity from our country!" Her voice rang throughout the various squadrons and resonated a clear will.

It was Aria's first time seeing Reina this active in battle. She truly knew what to do in a massive team fight like this. Aria preferred smaller groups, but people like Reina had the capability to lead larger groups and influence them. She was charismatic and knew how to use her words to fire them up.

The crowd was once again brought up and started to pick their confidence back. In a tense fight like this, naturally a lot of doubts would be circulating. Fear. Nervousness. Such emotions were normal. To raise their morale and reduce the unneeded casualties ahead of time, Reina's efforts were greatly appreciated.

"Magic firing squad, stay in the backlines! Vanguards, march with caution! Defenders, protect your allies, but do not falter and die! Scouts, fire off! Supports, be sure to keep an eye on everyone! Let's go!" Reina seemed to have assumed the position of a leader, and it was unanimously accepted by most of the crowd with some exceptions being standalone Hunters that weren't affiliated with any groups.

Despite the surrounding Hunters being fairly high leveled, it was nowhere near the requirement to fight a dragon, even though it was still a child. Aria had no intention of taking the large task by herself, however. It would also be taxing for her since her stats were not on par yet.

Also, considering that the Association had sent out the notice this late into the game, when the gate already opened up, naturally the Hunters that were able to rush here was not that organized. and the numbers weren't as desirable as it could be. Thankfully, Seoul still had a lot of talented Hunters on hand even with the short notice.

Aria was able to vaguely gauge the dragon's powers and found that unless it was tired out, then Aria could not land a killing blow on it. Hence, unfortunately, she only planned to stall for time. For these folks in front of her to sacrifice themselves. There was no other way, so she hid her cruel intention to herself.

She had no attachment to the people before her, so she just listlessly observed the fight from the side, pretending to exert force and attack the dragon despite hiding herself back. After going back and forth, she finally drew back and acted as if she was wounded. This was all in order to fool the others into thinking that she had made a mishap, when it was actually planned thoroughly.

"Big sister... you are truly a tricky person." Alena spoke out as she observed Aria's behavior. As someone who knew how tenacious and strong her big sister could be, Alena obviously realized what Aria was trying to do.

"This kind of tricky person is exactly who will last the longest, you know? It takes a lot of mind power to destroy this kind of dragon, not just strength. If I were to fight from the start, my stamina couldn't possibly catch up to the dragon's. I will just be dying in vain. It is better that I do this kind of act.. and come to strike it from the back when its not in its prime state anymore."

"Of course I understand, big sister. I wasn't trying to critique you. Also, I have started to run the dragon with my ability. I am scanning it, but its taking a lot more time than the usual monsters.. I wonder if it is just because the dragon is significantly stronger, or because its an artificial creature that my older sister has generated." Alena spoke as she gazed at her empty hands. Her body was trembling slightly being in this battlefield where her life could be swept any second, but she stayed strong as she made herself believe that she wouldn't pass away in this barren lands.

"...Right. Stephanie Croft. I will be hearing about that matter later on. Now.. I also want to know about another thing. Blythe. HIs group, and the other famed Hunter groups. When are they coming? People like them, you told me that they would definitely bid their time to take the spotlight later on. I'm sorry, but I definitely won't let them be the ultimate star for today's show. I will be taking the dragon's head." Aria was ambitious in regards to the slaying.

She had a feeling that this would grant her a lot of rewards, and on top of all, a mountain of experience points. It was a dragon, so just from the caste, it already surpassed the other monsters by a mile. It was also sitting nicely in the boundary that separated childhood from adulthood. If she took the golden chance and timed it just right, she would be able to reap the fruits of slaying an adult with the price of fighting a child.

Her vision was set on the highest rewards. She did not need the fame, but she needed the head of this dragon. The materials would probably be taken away by the Association, no matter if she liked it or not. Of course, she would make sure that her contribution would be noted down and receive an appropriate amount of reward from it later on.

Nonetheless, her role right now was to wait. Wait until the other main characters arrive, and strike from then on. She wasn't stupid or senseless, she knew her limits at this moment. It would be the same as throwing her life away if she jumped into the fight and committed to defeating the creature fully right now. Later on, she would have no means to fight or defend herself, which would result in a heinous tragedy.

Thus, she watched. Watched as members of Lichte, who shone the brightest in the squad fought with the other groups or standalone Hunters. They launched attacks at the fire dragon, which naturally caused the creature to be even more enraged with each passing second. One swift swish of its tail, and several people were instantly launched to the sky and severely hurt.

When it opened its mouth, it meant that a fireball was due to come out. People were burnt into crisp and almost fell into the Underworld, but was healed by their supportive mages and rose back to fight.

A fight of stamina. In this battlefield, there was no one who could contend against the fire dragon in a 1v1 versus. Aria had the power, but not enough stamina to wear the creature down by herself.

Thus, sacrifices had to be made.

"That's right.. Continue wasting your stamina at these fools.. So that you will fall into my hands later on." Aria smirked. By the side, Alena could only shake her head, focusing on her own powers to gain information.

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