The Stubborn Skill-Grinder In A Time Loop

Chapter 50: An Early Meeting

Two hundred and twenty-one attempts. This was the maximum number of tries Orodan would allow himself during this mad endeavor.

“Actually, how about we step into this alchemy store? Those are some strange concoctions I see lining the shelves,” Orodan said as he randomly stepped towards it.

“Oh? You’ve dabbled in Alchemy?” Jian Yixia asked. “It’s one of those broad skills that isn’t really restricted by anyone or uniquely belonging to any particular faction. Still, the sort of Alchemy those in Hegemony-controlled territories practice is different from our own. Although at the highest levels, both styles of Alchemy produce items of similar quality with minor differences.”

“Yes, my Alchemy is at the Adept-level, six levels away from crossing into Elite,” Orodan replied. “And while you say that I’ve never seen an alchemical workshop like this, although the products do look vaguely similar to what some in the Eastern Kingdoms back home would produce.”

Hearing his words, the thin-mustached shopkeeper behind the desk had a covetous smile on his face and immediately approached the counter.

“Lord Jian Ren, Lord Song, Lady Yixia, it’s an honor to have you in my humble store,” the man said as a clenched fist met an open palm and he bowed at the waist. Was this the standard greeting on Xian? “And salutations to you as well, young master! It’s an honor to meet an otherworlder. Liu Fan’s Alchemical Wonders is the premier store for all your needs. Perhaps you’ve come to glean the secrets of alchemy upon our world and elevate your own? Come, let me show you how we do things.”

On the shelves, various things were arrayed. Some things he recognized, such as elixirs, potions and vials of poison and acid. These were familiar to him from his world.

What wasn’t familiar to him, however, were the boxes of strange spherical balls in containers. The signs labelled them as ‘pills’. He’d heard of alchemists of the Eastern Kingdoms doing something vaguely similar, but his education in the Imperial-tradition of Alchemy on Alastaia hadn’t explored it much.

“So, these are the ‘pills’ I keep hearing about?” Orodan asked. “They look a bit like candy, how do they taste?”

“How do your potions taste?” the shopkeeper asked.

“Depends on the potion,” Orodan said.

“Exactly,” the man replied. “Adding onto what Lady Yixia said, one key difference in the Alchemy between us and the Hegemony, is that we utilize soul attuned elements, or colloquially… spirit flames.”

As the man said this, his hand erupted with a strange flame Orodan had never seen the like of. Yes, he could cast a Flare and a Draconic Fireball, but both those skills were mana-powered. And he’d seen the flames of opponents who had soul-powered flames. This, however, was neither of those.

“What is that empowered by?” Orodan asked as he lit a small Draconic Fireball in his hand, making the store grow hot and light up before he swiftly put it out. “My flames are fuelled by mana, yet I sense neither that nor soul energy in that flame you produce.”

“An astute observation. You wouldn’t see this sort of energy in anyone else but a cultivator,” the man said. “After all, it is Qi.”

“Qi?” Orodan asked, genuinely curious. “Is that what your sword light is made of, Jian Song? What is it exactly?”

“The combination of mana and vitality,” Jian Song explained. “The energy of your soul, it filters into your body and naturally converts into mana and vitality, does it not?”

“Yes, even without using a vitality skill, excess soul energy naturally converts into mana and vitality,” Orodan replied. In fact, this natural conversion during one’s formative years was what caused the natural growth of children into adults and their subsequent maturation.

“This natural conversion of soul energy can be tampered with so that the resultant product is instead Qi,” Jian Song said. “The soul nexus of the Ascendent Sword Cluster naturally does this for all souls within its area of influence. The deceased souls that are drawn into it and new souls being born all have their soul function altered to allow for the natural generation of Qi. Which, as you can tell, makes the current conflict surrounding it rather important to us.”

“Would that not make Qi inferior to the energy of the soul?” Orodan asked.

“Yes, that would be correct, young master,” the shopkeeper said. “While this spirit flame of mine is decent enough to warrant selection as one of elder Liu Fan’s disciples, the ideal spirit flame would be one empowered by the soul itself.”

“Intriguing,” Orodan said. Despite his efforts, he’d failed to develop a resistance for soul energy itself. But with Qi being a subordinate form of energy, perhaps it wasn’t out of the question. “But I’m not here for spirit flames, not yet.”

“Oh? Perhaps you’re looking for a particular product? We have elixirs that could grant you immortality, pills that can increase your battle power, and powders that will make your weapon a tool of lethal poison,” the shopkeeper said.

“Neither, I’d like to be taken to your actual workshop to peruse the ingredients,” Orodan said. “Your shop… could use a good cleaning, no?”

“T-that is…! Young master, if my master overheard that, he would take it as a grave insult!” the man said.

“Orodan Wainwright, the Celestial Emperor waits for us,” Jian Ren said. “We can do all of this afterwards if you so desire.”

Orodan simply sighed. Politely asking wasn’t going to do the trick, so he would have to instead show his results.

Vision Of Purity extended so he could see the surrounding few miles, and then… his Celestial skill, the Domain Of Perfect Cleaning, shot out and immediately encompassed everything within two miles.

[Domain Of Perfect Cleaning 76 → Domain Of Perfect Cleaning 77]

Near him, the Jian siblings and Akelrim were caught off guard as everything physical, down to an atomic level, was cleansed utterly and completely. For the sake of avoiding complications with violating someone’s mind and soul, he avoided cleansing those. Particularly since ‘filth’ within those was subjective and he wouldn’t intrude upon anyone’s privacy unless they asked, or they were a mortal enemy of his, okay with doing the same to him.

“What in the heavens… is this what a Celestial skill’s activation feels like up close? No wonder it was felt so keenly from so far away…” Jian Ren muttered. “My body feels lighter, as though I’ve lost the weight of many years. What have you done?”

Orodan simply smiled.

“I cleaned everything, down to the most minute imperfections,” he replied.

“Frightening… can that skill affect minds and the soul as well?” Jian Song asked.

“It’s particularly effective at cleansing the mind and soul,” Orodan replied. “I simply chose not to do so out of respect.”

Jian Song’s eye twitched, and it was only the crown he wore around his arm that allowed him to get a vague warning that the man had sent a message out via world energy. To who?

Well, his superior of course.

The Dao of Domination and Supremacy smashed into his iron mind, and even harder than last time. It attempted to coerce him into a loyal subject of the Celestial Emperor, to bow before the regal splendor and rightful rule of Jian Huangdi, Emperor of the Celestial Court. Orodan nearly buckled, but managed to hold strong as his rage and determination resisted the Celestial Emperor’s assault.

Most importantly, it made little sense how he was able to resist this man’s Dao so easily. Beneath the surface of this assault, what exactly was there? It felt as though some manner of resistance skill he possessed was helping him.

But he was far too preoccupied with defending himself to properly examine the nature of the attack. Orodan learned the hard way that the Celestial Emperor didn’t need to be anywhere near him to reach out with his Dao.

Still, despite the overwhelming assault, Orodan focused, and returned his own barbs towards the foe with Warrior’s Reciprocity and Domain Of Perfect Cleaning which began treating the assaults as impurities which needed to be cleansed.

Immediately, three things became apparent. First, Orodan was almost certain the Emperor’s Dao of Domination and Supremacy was a Celestial skill. It made sense, much like his own Celestial skill, it could fit multiple things into it. Domination and Supremacy were separate terms and concepts, even if closely related.

Second, Orodan’s own Celestial skill was lower in level, after all, the Emperor was a Transcendent at least… but the higher number of skills he had in his Domain Of Perfect Cleaning allowed him to stalemate the man and hold his ground. Plus, whatever was within the emperor’s attack, it was familiar, if subtle. Orodan had dealt with it before.

And third, the Emperor’s willpower was titanic. Warrior’s Reciprocity firing back at with a five times multiplier to counter the will-based assault wasn’t as effective as it normally was. It implied a monstrous willpower, or something more.

Seconds turned to minutes as Orodan resisted with all his might. In the last checkpoint loop, he’d been too preoccupied with retaining his mind, and consequently couldn’t focus on fighting back as much. Warrior’s Reciprocity made his foe pay for daring to assault him, and Domain Of Perfect Cleaning continuously scrubbed the attack from his mind to the best of his ability, trying to render it as harmless as possible.

He wasn’t sure exactly when he died, too preoccupied with resisting the assault to notice. But one moment he was struggling against the colossal assault on his willpower, and the next, he was in the streets of Swordmist City once again.

[C$h@ec(kp*oi#nt R#es%to&red]

[U@ses Re^ma#in@ing - 2220]

“Come then, Orodan Wainwright, let us walk through Swordmist City and make way for the Celestial Palace,” Jian Ren offered.

Orodan’s eyes carried a crazed glint of determination, something that seemingly unnerved Jian Song as the man was the subject of Orodan’s glare.

“Orodan Wainwright…? Is everything okay?”

“So, you’re the traitor,” Orodan said as he drew his weapons.

In response Jian Song’s eyes widened in panic and a familiar surge of world energy went out in the form of a message.

“He’s returned! My liege the plan failed!” Jian Song immediately cried out.

Even more evidence for the fact that this had been planned.

Going around telling people he was a time looper had its consequences.

As expected, the Dao of Dominance and Supremacy immediately slammed into his mind once more, but this time Orodan was prepared. His mind steeled, braced like a pikewall. He happily accepted the attack as he used the chance to temper his will.

What a boon this was, the chance to train against one of the deadliest mental threats in System space. To sharpen the sword that was his mind against this tyrant.

He roared like a rabid beast, a War Cry spilling forth and utterly terrifying several civilians nearby and causing Jian Song to take a step back in surprise.

[War Cry 35 → War Cry 36]

“Come out and show your face! Sitting on that throne of yours while you assail me is a sign of weakness! Are you a fat noble or the Celestial Emperor?!” Orodan roared. “Look me in the eyes like a warrior!”

He proclaimed this to thin air, but he had a feeling the tyrant was listening. And his hunch was proven correct as the assault stopped for a brief moment.

Space ripped apart and a man with a look of deathly rage upon his face stepped out of the spatial rift and made eye contact with Orodan. And for once, Orodan himself closely examined the man, Vision Of Purity extending to envelop the Emperor.

At the same time, the Emperor’s assault reached his mind, and both Vision Of Purity and the subsequent message confirmed the mystery behind why Orodan was able to resist the mental assault of a man with the most willpower he’d ever faced thus far.

[Eldritch Resistance 60 → Eldritch Resistance 61]

“Eldritch…” Orodan muttered. “Of course you’re corrupted by that foul plague too.”

Just how deep did the Eldritch go?

Yet, unlike most bearers of the Eldritch the Celestial Emperor gave absolutely no visual indication that he was under the effects of such. In fact, only the most thorough look revealed it at all, and Orodan could only detect a faint and incredibly subtle trace of it in the deepest parts of the man’s soul. Even his attacks, which were mostly empowered by the soul, still had a subtle trace of Eldritch in them all throughout.

This was what had allowed Orodan to resist it. Otherwise, given the sheer power of the Celestial Emperor’s Dao, he had a feeling he would’ve been stuck in a years-long mental battle. A long period of time during which he’d be vulnerable to the arrival of the looming threat that was the Administrator.

There were different sorts of Eldritch corruption. The Eldritch Avatar for one, held an incredibly potent and virulent version of it. It was infectious and seemed to practically transmit its madness and corruption to anything around it, living or non-living. Then, there were the Eldritch creatures he saw in the depths of Alastaia. Corrupted by the fell element, but not infectious, still maddened of course. And then… Alovardo Balmento, the strange and insane old man he’d met in the city of Arkwall back on Alastaia. The man seemed to commune with the corruption in a sense, yet it wasn’t visually apparent at all.

The Celestial Emperor’s brand of corruption was similar to Alovardo’s. Subtle, yet still present. Perhaps the man’s current actions were a result of this subtle corruption? After all, Jian Huangdi didn’t seem outwardly insane, although much like Alovardo, the man’s actions could very well be driven by the Eldritch.

This warranted further investigation.

“Eldritch…? Is that what you call it? Of course… it’s what the System brands it as. For me… for us, it’s but a glimpse of the truth,” Jian Huangdi said. “Unlike many of the maddened beasts you’ve fought, I’m driven by glorious purpose, to ascend beyond the shackles which bind us. To free that which empowers it all so that we may ascend while depending on naught but our own strength.”

“And yet, your ploy to bend my mind failed,” Orodan said.

“I had not counted on your anomalous strength of will. For a mere Master-level warrior, your resolve is many leagues higher than it should be. You are an anomaly that should not exist,” the Emperor said. “I too am a bearer of a Celestial skill my Dao is beyond the Transcendent-level. Yet somehow you refuse my command.”

“Yes, now that we’ve established your petty mind control tricks won’t work on me, how about we fight? I find the best way to know a man is by crossing blades,” Orodan said as he drew his weapons. “I’m curious to know whether it’s the Eldritch driving you to act in such a way, or whether you’re just rotten at core.”

“It need not be like that,” the man said, and Orodan’s eyes narrowed at the sudden shift to a diplomatic tone. “Do you not wish to know what is beneath all this? The advancement we could make by working together?”

“You attempt to assail my mind multiple times now, and you want me to join you?” Orodan asked, and then a feral grin emerged on his face…

“…you’ve made the wrong enemy today.”

The Celestial Emperor’s face held a look of distaste and anger, but also a hint of fear.

Perhaps the almighty ruler of the Celestial Court had thought his gamble would pay off. In fact, it was reasonable to believe the mightiest being of a faction renowned through System space could easily subvert the will of a mere Master-level Celestial skill bearer. Hells, it was a gift, wrapped with a bowtie, for any being of power who could get their hands on him.

But who could have predicted that Orodan had willpower capable of rivalling multiple Gods?

It was a fair risk the Celestial Emperor took… Orodan would admit so himself. However, the man had picked the wrong target, even if there were other time loopers in the wide universe, somehow Orodan doubted they had the kind of grit that he did.

The Eldritch within Alastaia were the product of its world core. The Eldritch Avatar was the product of some other world with a fully corrupted world core. But just who was behind the corruption of the Celestial Emperor?

“I admit I calculated incorrectly, or rather, I didn’t have all the information... But your doom approaches in any case. When you so foolishly went around declaring your status as a time looper, forces beyond your reckoning were informed,” the Celestial Emperor spoke. “Your permanent death is inevitable.”

“Ah, but you see… I enjoy courting death,” Orodan replied, and Jian Huangdi’s cold rage was great as Orodan was vaporized by his full power, without even the chance to fight back. His mind held strong, but his body was simply melted inside out as each cell was simultaneously ground down to non-existence.

In Orodan’s last moments of life, the man began laughing maniacally, and the Celestial Emperor’s eyes began to whiten slightly. The tell-tale signs of mania induced by the Eldritch.

“Hahahahah! Oh, Orodan Wainwright, your bravado is admirable. You know not what comes for you. Did you think going around telling everyone you’re in a time loop was wise?” the man maniacally asked with vicious glee. “Maybe you’ll manage to kill me eventually. Perhaps even the Hegemony will fall before you. but your doom comes all the same. The moment I received word of your time loop, I informed the Administrator. And you’ll find that certain beings have ways of informing themselves of things, even within a time loop. Soon… this will all fall apart, and the System’s pathetic attempts to contain the inevitability, will all be for naught.”

The darkness took him shortly after.

[C$h@ec(kp*oi#nt R#es%to&red]

[U@ses Re^ma#in@ing - 2219]

“Come then, Orodan Wainwright, let us walk through Swordmist City and make way for the Celestial Palace,” Jian Ren offered.

Orodan turned to glare at Jian Song. The cultivator looked more than a little confused and wary, but Orodan cared not. The man was a backstabber, and perhaps him being sent to ‘retrieve’ Orodan was more than just coincidence.

More importantly though, Jian Huangdi’s final words in the latest checkpoint were more than a bit concerning.

Orodan clearly recalled overpowering the System being when he’d refused to be frozen in time while Eldarion’s ascendancy trial took place. Then he’d received the message that an Administrator had been notified. Orodan had known that something was coming for him, although not what it was or when. But, to know that the approaching unknown could be in league with the Eldritch?

This could swiftly get very dangerous. Especially when this Administrator knew about the time loops. Was there perhaps a method of dealing with time loopers?

A dangerous enemy was very likely coming for him, and caution would be wise in such a situation.

Of course, when was he ever known for being cautious or wise?

A gleeful smile graced his lips, making Jian Ren look at him with concern. Orodan cared not who or what came for him. He would struggle, he would die, and he would grow. And if he died? So be it. He gladly marched to his death in his very first life, why would the thought of a permanent end scare him?

Whether they knew of the time loop and had countermeasures ready or not, Orodan would face all comers.

He looked to the mountains in the distance, temple-cities winding around them, places of learning upon their peaks. It was time to grow and expand, all for the glorious battle that awaited him in the end.

“How about we visit one of these sects,” Orodan said. “Before I get to meet the Emperor, wouldn’t seeing some of this cultivation for myself be nice?”

“That would take far too long… we can do all of this after meeting with the Celestial Emperor,” Jian Song said.

“Well, I insist,” Orodan replied. “Come on, a quick trip shouldn’t take too long. I want to see these sects everyone here keeps talking about. Zaessythra, get into my spatial ring, I might get up to some destructive training.”

His favorite book seemed annoyed but complied. It was mainly because he didn’t enjoy seeing her be subject to the Emperor’s Dao. So, he made a mental note to coerce her into his spatial ring in each retry from now on. At least as long as he was challenging the Celestial Emperor.

“Well, I suppose a quick trip couldn’t be the worst thing, no?” Jian Yixia asked.

“You too, Yixia?” Jian Ren asked and then sighed. “A small detour is acceptable then.”

The group then made way for another building containing a teleporter, less heavily guarded, but with fierce-looking guards around it all the same. They were allowed through and stepped through the rift.

Blue skies, and beneath them… clouds. They were on a mountain, that much was for certain, but it was above even the incredibly high cloud layer of Xian.

“This isn’t one of the mountains I saw in the distance, is it? I don’t recall any of them soaring past the clouds,” Orodan said.

“It would be poor manners to bring you to any average sect. Not when you’re an esteemed guest of ours,” Jian Ren said. “Orodan Wainwright, I bid you welcome to an ancient place. One whose origins even immortals like us have forgotten. Cultivation’s Peak, the birthplace of cultivation and where the first cultivator arose to discover the Dao and began his journey to ascend the heavens.”

A place with a storied history. Orodan could sense the ancient aura surrounding this mountain. They had directly teleported to the top half, near the peak. The lower parts of the mountain were a temple-city, densely populated with disciples the upper portion nearer to the peak, however, was sparsely built upon. In fact, the very peak had no buildings upon it whatsoever.

Frankly, it felt more like a heritage site.

“Quite old,” Orodan said, specifically as his Time Mastery allowed him to feel the age of the mountain. “I presume the regular student isn’t allowed up to the peak.”

“You presume correctly,” Jian Ren said. “Only inner disciples may even approach the gates to the sect patriarch’s abode near the top. And even his dwelling is near the path to the peak, but not upon it.”

“What lays at the top?” Orodan asked.

“The hut in which the first cultivator dwelled as he ruminated upon the Dao,” Jian Ren said. “Now come, let us pay the patriarch a quick visit and show you some techniques and teachings. We have perhaps an hour, and that’s the most I’m willing to delay having the Celestial Emperor meet you.”

Fair enough. It was nice to know the allotment of time he had was so generous. An hour was practically a fortune compared to the fifteen minutes he had been forced to operate under a while ago. And perhaps he could even push it a bit?

A case of theft: this story is not rightfully on Amazon if you spot it, report the violation.

As they approached the doors to the sect patriarch’s abode, a disciple who was cleaning the doors turned and bowed.

“This disciple greets the venerable elders,” the robe-wearing young man said. “The patriarch is within if you wish to enter. He of course is aware of your arrival.”

“I see he still enjoys punishing the inner disciples with menial chores,” Jian Ren said. “You, boy, what did you do to earn this duty?”

“Apologies elder… I brought shame to my clan by swapping the head disciples formation flags with white flags of surrender,” the disciple said.

Jian Ren actually snickered, and Jian Yixia sighed.

“All that for a practical joke… you’ve brought this punishment upon yourself,” Yixia chastised. “Youth nowadays.”

Orodan of course, had another problem.

This cultivator’s cleaning job was…

“…sloppy!” Orodan declared.

“E-excuse me?!” the cultivator replied.

“You’ve wet the cloth and begun scrubbing before even sweeping the dust off. An amateur move. Now the dust will cling to the door as it’s wet,” Orodan explained. “You’re also scrubbing in patterns which cause the filth and dirt to linger. When scrubbing, you should naturally aim to sweep the detritus towards one side for easy gathering later.”

And Orodan wouldn’t even get into the dirt which was fused into the pores as that would be unfair without skills devoted to Cleaning. The wooden door was of high quality. His Woodworking skill sensed it was at least Elite-level absurd to use for a mere door, but it spoke to the wealth of this sect and Xian in general.

“Don’t you think the comparison a bit unfair when you possess a Celestial skill related to cleaning?” Jian Song asked, irritated.

“Skill aside, his basic techniques for cleaning are wrong,” Orodan explained. “When one’s foundations are shaky, skill or no skill, the result can only be lacking. You, who teaches you how to clean?”

“Y-young master… we don’t usually bother with such things. The sect janitor handles the maintenance and cleaning of the grounds.”

“And when was the last time your sect janitor did so?” Orodan asked.

“Why, he cleaned the patriarch’s abode just last week.”

“His skill is lacking, bring him before me so I can teach him how to do a proper job,” Orodan declared.

“Orodan… perhaps a less offensive manner of calling for the sect’s janitor would be appropriate?” Jian Yixia asked calmly. “The man’s Dao of Cleaning is at the Grandmaster-level. And even though the war has separated them, he’s still the Thousand Broom Sovereign’s head disciple.”

“Feh… that broom-wielding traitor doesn’t deserve such respect from your mouth, Yixia,” Jian Song muttered.

“Well, this cleaning job is absolutely shoddy,” Orodan said. “I can clearly see dirt still fused to the wood grain, and the wood’s not as healthy in certain parts, there’s no uniformity either.”

“Who dares critique the performance of my duties?!” a voice roared out from behind.

Orodan turned around and locked eyes with the man. Aged, and wielding a singular broom and a bucket of water. Yet, the power behind it was undeniable.

“I did. How can you call yourself a Grandmaster of the Dao of Cleaning with work like this?” Orodan asked.

“You dare?!” the man roared, releasing a powerful aura which sent the poor disciple scurrying in fear. Of course, Orodan cared not for the display of power and remained standing, unimpressed. The man subsequently coughed and tried to recover. “Show me the quality of your Cleaning then!”

“Fine, watch this,” Orodan said, and then Domain Of Perfect Cleaning shot out, enveloping the door completely.

Everything down to the molecular level was cleaned in an instant.

“This… this…!” the old janitor exclaimed in shock, which quickly turned to rage. “I know who you are, Orodan Wainwright. This is only possible because of your Celestial skill!”

“No, I think even without it, I can show you the deficiencies in your technique,” Orodan declared. “In fact, let’s put it to the test right now. Give me cleaning supplies, and I vow I’ll clean the grounds in front of this door better than you can.”

The sect janitor trembled in anger and shame, but he practically threw the supplies towards him.

“And if you fail, you’ll kowtow and apologize immediately!” the man demanded.

Orodan sternly nodded, and immediately got to work.

Frankly, he’d used his Domain Of Perfect Cleaning for so long, shooting it out like a magical spell, albeit empowered by soul energy, that regular cleaning wasn’t something he often did any longer. Still, nobody got to the level he did by ignoring the basics, and if the quantification of his talent in Cleaning was any indication… Orodan had no equals in the field.

Immediately, before even starting, he raised the broom into the air and closely scrutinized the broom head.

“I wouldn’t ever sully myself by offering you defective equipment,” the janitor immediately said. “Such a victory would be hollow!”

“That isn’t the reason I’m looking closely. Rather, this broom is of excellent quality,” Orodan said. “Still, depending on the task at hand, adjustments can be made.”

And then, in a move that had the old janitor and everyone else baffled, Orodan began carefully smoothing out and tinkering with the fine hairs of the broom.

If he was to use only basic cleaning techniques, then properly adjusting his tool before getting to work was of critical importance.

“Why adjust the broom head?” Yixia asked.

“Because, over time, the patterns and uniformity of the hairs can become jumbled,” Orodan explained. “If I want each and every particle of sand upon these stone tiles to be swept away, then I must ensure that the hairs of the broom are arranged in such a way that there are no gaps whatsoever.”

“Such detail…” the janitor muttered. “Why not just infuse the broom with Qi to have it retain its structural integrity?” freeweɓnovēl.coɱ

“He’s just arrived in Xian and only recently been granted access to our restricted skills. I do not think he’s had the opportunity to learn the Qi Empowerment skill,” Jian Ren said.

“That, and Qi would be an inferior form of energy to the soul, which I already use to empower my weapons and tools,” Orodan explained. “I have a similar skill from my world, but I’m not using that here. The purpose of this is to show that even without any soul energy, mana or this Qi you cultivators use, the very basics, the foundational techniques, can make a true difference.”

A few seconds later, he felt satisfied, and along with this satisfaction the broom was lowered to the sand-covered stone tiles for the first time.

A singular stroke across the stone. That was all Orodan did. And yet…

[Domain Of Perfect Cleaning 77 → Domain Of Perfect Cleaning 78]

“…by the heavens!” the janitor exclaimed as he stared in disbelief at the patch of stone Orodan had swept. “N-not a single grain of sand is left, how?”

Orodan simply smiled.

“Technique. Perfect foundational technique as a matter of fact,” Orodan elaborated. “Perhaps with a bit of Tool Mastery too, I’ll have to admit. But mainly through comprehension of the very basics of cleaning.”

The janitor stepped back and clasped a fist and an open palm together, bowing at the waist.

“All my life I’ve pursued the deep intricacies of Cleaning. The unfathomable secrets and complexities to which the craft can rise,” the janitor spoke. “Yet, to see the most basic of techniques mastered in such a way… you humble me, otherworlder.”

In truth, Orodan surprised even himself by gaining a skill level from that. Perhaps some of the higher skill levels in Domain Of Perfect Cleaning could come from the simple things, and not simply cranking the skill up to ludicrous levels and affecting many miles.

As they spoke, the doors to the sect patriarch’s abode suddenly opened, and a wizened and ancient-looking old man in tattered robed stood before them. Orodan had grown up poor, but the thing with being poor was that one usually tried to mask that fact. He and the other orphans would at least try to look for nicer clothes, stay clean and seek better. But this man truly looked like a raggedy beggar who’d lost all hope.

“Uncle!” Jian Ren exclaimed as he stepped in to firmly embrace the man.

“Oh? Ren! It is good to see you,” the man said. “You visit so rarely nowadays… just because you’re stronger than an old man doesn’t mean you get to now ignore your teacher.”

“I apologize, my duties as chief minister often keep me busy nowadays. I could never forget you, uncle,” Jian Ren said. “Our liege keeps me close at hand for domestic affairs.”

“Indeed, I hear Song has all but taken over your duties in managing the Court’s armies,” the old beggar said, and Jian Ren’s face turned to a frown at the mention of that.

“It’s not my place to question our lord… besides, I’m sure Song’s performance is satisfactory,” Jian Ren said.

“I see, I see…” the man said. “And is that you? Qing Luo? I heard your soul was shunted off into the cosmos after you nobly gave your life to protect the Prince.”

“Yes, patriarch,” Akelrim said from behind. “The otherworlder generously offered a return to my home.”

“Good, good,” the sect patriarch said. And Orodan had to wonder just how the patriarch of a sect could look like a complete beggar. “You must be our guests then? Come inside, Orodan Wainwright. You can let that sorrowful soul out from inside your spatial ring too.”

Zaessythra. The patriarch had sensed her, which wasn’t of note, but detecting her soul damage at a glance was.

“I’ll have to decline,” Orodan said. “She needs her rest for now.”

“Fair enough. Now then, care to see the peak of the mountain?” the patriarch asked. “It’s quite the historic site.”

“Why not? I haven’t made a pilgrimage up here in a long time,” Jian Ren said.

The party walked up the steep mountain path for a bit, ascending up the winding slopes and sharp inclines. Teleportation wasn’t allowed to or from the mountain peak directly, chiefly to avoid any damage or disruption of such a storied site. As they ascended, Orodan could feel the incredibly potent amounts of world energy in the air. It was jarring and unnatural, as most areas with a high density of world energy that he’d been in had the density increase gradually. Yet, here, as soon as he’d stepped onto the peak proper, the density had immediately skyrocketed.

He had no doubt that if monsters from his world stumbled upon an area like this, it would be a hotspot for quadruple-Grandmasters.

The peak itself looked rather unremarkable. A singular hut of incredibly simple make and plain construction was erected, and it looked to have a powerful aura of time surrounding it, preventing any sort of decay. And in front of the hut, a large stone with some carvings upon it.

“The top of Cultivator’s Peak, where the very first man to achieve comprehension of the Dao rose to ascend past the heavens,” the patriarch said. “Legend has it that this founding ancestor cultivated a skill beyond even the System.”

“That’s… possible?” Orodan asked.

“To go beyond the System? I wouldn’t know. We call our category of skills the Dao, but they’re skills under the purview of the System all the same,” the patriarch explained. “Both you and our janitor use similar things. The System calls his skill the Dao of Cleaning, it calls yours the Domain Of Perfect Cleaning. But at the end of the day, the Dao is no more than the concepts you otherworlders use in your higher-rarity skills. At the highest of levels, an otherworlder using a Celestial skill which embodies the concept of cleaning, and a cultivator who uses the Dao of cleaning, are really using the same thing. Neither is better than the other, it’s a difference of mere semantics and how one sees the skill.”

“Then, could I also learn the Dao of Cleaning?” Orodan asked.

“The Thousand Broom Sovereign would be a better person to ask. But, given the rarity of your skill, I suspect not,” the patriarch said. “Which is a little difficult given that he’s on the opposing side of the current war. But perhaps you’ll meet him on the field of battle.”

“How do Dao skills work then? Do I just meditate, focus on acquiring Qi and then obtain a skill called ‘Dao of the Sword’?” Orodan asked.

“Far from it. Qi is an inferior source of power compared to direct soul energy. In that regard, you’ll be starting at a stage most people can only dream of,” the patriarch said. “And the actual skill, the Dao of the Sword, is something obtained through skill combination and combining one’s insights. It’s exceedingly rare for any two cultivator’s Daos to be the same, even if they used the exact same skills in combination to reach it.”

Orodan respectfully drew his sword and shield and placed them on the ground in front of him.

“Then… I’d like to learn.”

The patriarch smiled.

“You’ve come to the right place for it.”


Nobody began by acquiring the Dao of the Sword. Its rarity was at least Rare to begin with. Rather, the very basic cultivation skills related to the sword were things like Qi Mastery, Qi Channelling and Body Refining. These were the basic Uncommon-rarity skills that students learned, and from there one might move onto things like Sword Intent, Sword Light and more in the hopes of eventually combining them alongside any ancillary skills into what would become the student’s own Dao of the Sword skill.

It really was just skill combination. Even back in the Bluefire Academy on Alastaia, Orodan had learned that two people could arrive at the same skill through entirely different skill combinations. Additionally, two people could have different ways of using the same skill, and it often boiled down to philosophy. His education at Bluefire had tried to standardize everything, to insist that two people using the Charge skill were the same. Yet, that wasn’t the case. One warrior could envision himself shattering enemy ranks by using Charge, while another could see herself leading the way for allies in the back by paving the way forward. They were mostly the same, but even at the exact same level, mentality and insights could cause two wielders of a skill to differ.

This was how many people could have a skill called ‘Dao of the Sword’, yet their comprehensions and the skills used in combination to attain it could be vastly different. One cultivator could have combined Sword Intent, Sword Light and Power Strike into his, while another could instead use Sword Heart, Sword Step and Lunge.

The skills used upon this world were strange and different too. His entire worldview felt wrong.

For starters, the cultivators of Xian didn’t have access to Physical Fitness, Sword Mastery and many other skills he took for granted. There must’ve been some kind of restriction in place, as he was told that the Conclave and the Hegemony had access to them, and the Devils had access to their own version, but it was still strange to learn that people from different segments of the System had access to certain skills and not others.

He was also told that he likely wouldn’t be learning the Dao of Cleaning anytime soon since he already had a Celestial-rarity skill. The Dao was neither superior nor inferior to other skills, the Dao, was just a concept. And the rest of the universe also honed concepts at high-rarities of skills. Examples being the Mythical skill Agathor used to stop time, or Orodan’s own Warrior’s Reciprocity. Both these skills touched upon the concept of the warrior. And the patriarch had informed him that wielders of the Dao of the Warrior existed as well.

If he merely had the Cleaning skill, then an upgrade through skill combination to the Dao of Cleaning might’ve been possible. But otherworlders with high-rarity skills already focused on their own concepts, their own Dao, even if it wasn’t referred to as such by the System.

“A general of the Conclave, one of our allies, came by and attempted to learn the Dao of the Spear once we gave him access to our cultivation skills,” the patriarch spoke. “And while it was a valiant effort, that elf’s existing Phantasmal Dragon Spear Mastery was a step above any Dao of the Spear he could hope to acquire. Whether it’s called so or not, the general already comprehended the Dao of the Spear.”

“I understand that much, but this Shield Intent skill,” Orodan said. “I’m having a difficult time getting a grasp on it.”

“Naturally, since you’re attempting to apply your soul energy to it, when all new students begin by using Qi,” the old cultivator said. “The hurdle you have to cross is far steeper. And it’s been less than an hour… even if you’re some monstrous prodigy from another world, temper your expectations a bit, won’t you?”

Fair enough. His eyes then went to the stone with strange carvings upon it. He’d looked at it multiple times by now, but it was no more than the carving of a man, bald headed, wearing splendorous armor befitting a general, dual-wielding two straight swords, looking up into the sky, System symbols flitting above his head in a storm that drowned the skies.

The same System symbols that he’d seen form above Eldarion, during the elf’s trial of ascendancy upon Alastaia. It looked remarkably similar to the carvings he’d seen of Zaessythra’s stand against an approaching unknown force as well. Orodan theorized that this ancient first cultivator and Zaessythra had both tried to hastily carve evidence of what had come for them during the System’s trial of ascension. Of course, time was frozen, and memories were doubtlessly wiped of the event, but it was their attempt at preserving some evidence.

“I don’t suppose this first cultivator is still alive, is he?” Orodan asked.

“If he is, then he’s likely on a level beyond us, and even the Emperor. Legend has it he flew into a black hole,” the patriarch said. “There was a rumor a while back that our liege attempted to reach out and seek this legendary figure. Nobody quite knows the outcome. Anyhow, less talking, more meditating. Focus on channelling your soul energy into the very intent of your shield”

Still, try as he might, Orodan just couldn’t grasp the Shield Intent skill in time, and of course, at some point Jian Song’s patience looked to be running out.

“Alright, Orodan Wainwright, we’ve spent enough time here,” Jian Song said. “The Emperor is expecting your presence now. We can resume afterwards.”

“Very well, but before I go,” Orodan said. “How long has the Emperor been corrupted by the Eldritch for?”

Jian Song’s eyes widened at the question, and the space nearby tore apart as the Dao of Domination and Supremacy began to rip through. It was a testament to the profoundly powerful defenses of the peak that it wasn’t instantly torn apart. If anything, the spatial and time defenses upon Cultivator’s Peak bought Orodan a few seconds, during which an unexpected hand came to rest on his shoulder.

“You’ve survived the attempt then? I don’t know how… but you’re back in time aren’t you?” Jian Yixia asked, and Orodan nodded. “Listen for we don’t have much time. The Emperor has been corrupted by the Eldritch, but it’s not the normal kind. Be careful, he summoned something and it’s coming… you have maybe a month before it crosses into our galaxy.”

Before anything more could be said, the surrounding space was obliterated, and the full power of the Celestial Emperor’s corrupted Dao shot straight towards Orodan.

He bravely resisted with all his might and was doing far better at cleansing the incoming attack however it still wasn’t enough.

[C$h@ec(kp*oi#nt R#es%to&red]

[U@ses Re^ma#in@ing - 2218]

“Come then, Orodan Wainwright, let us walk through Swordmist City and make way for the Celestial Palace,” Jian Ren offered.

Orodan had a happy smile upon his face. Yes, he’d died. Yes, something horrid was likely coming for him.

But the death took longer than the last one did.

And the progress excited him, as it meant it was only a matter of time.


“I’ve returned, the attempt failed,” Orodan said looking at Jian Yixia. “Since when has the emperor been corrupted, and do you know who’s responsible?”

“…truly? Good, there’s hope then,” she said even as space began tearing apart near them. “Ever since an expedition into the black hole at the center of our galaxy two billion years ago, the Emperor has returned changed.”

“Black hole? What’s special about it?”

The Celestial Emperor arrived before his question could be answered.


“The black hole at the center of our galaxy, what’s important about it?” Orodan asked, looking at Jian Yixia.

She looked at him a bit strangely but entertained the question.

“In all truth, we do not know. None of the other factions in our galaxy know either,” Yixia answered. “The slim communications we have with other galaxies suggest that it allows one a higher level of commune with the System itself, perhaps even a measure of control over it. But aside from the legend of the first cultivator diving into one, not much is known of them. Even approaching one is extremely dangerous.”

“I see, thank you,” Orodan replied. And he didn’t miss the pulse of world energy that went out from Jian Song in the form of a message.


“You… how are you comprehending this so quickly?” the patriarch asked.

[New Skill (Uncommon) → Shield Intent 52]

It hadn’t been too difficult. Orodan’s existing Shield Mastery was already at 82. He was an Elite at using the shield, and his abilities with the soul were also at that level. Combining the two separate things into a skill which began at the Adept-level was natural.

Took him ten tries, but he had managed.

What was Shield Intent? It was the act of powering Qi and the will into the very desire, the intent behind the shield. What was a shield meant for? The answer varied for each individual.

For some, the shield was prestige, it was pride, honor. Come home with your shield, or upon it. For others, a shield was meant to protect, to safeguard others, to be the stalwart wall of justice. And then, a shield could also be for offense, to bash, charge, pin and decapitate.

But what was the intent of Orodan’s shield? The loyal armament which had saved his life on so many occasions?

He was a warrior. For Orodan Wainwright, a shield served many purposes in different situations. Yet now, he needed his shield to safeguard his mind and body.

And for an Uncommon-rarity skill, it wasn’t supposed to be powerful. But when a skill relied on soul energy and willpower… just what could it do in the hands of a warrior who had both without limit?

“When one has a lot of time on their hands, many things are possible,” Orodan said as he channelled copious amounts of soul energy into the loyal shield in his left hand.

The shield glowed he used Domain Of Perfect Cleaning on it as well to prevent it from exploding due to the power running through.

[Shield Intent 52 → Shield Intent 53]

And as space tore apart and a familiar Celestial Emperor and his Dao of Dominance and Supremacy came through…

…a copy of Orodan’s shield, composed purely of soul energy emanated from him. Guarding the entire mountain and the people near him from the tyrant’s assault.

A powerful energy…

“…shield light!” Jian Song uttered in shock. “How can he learn it on the first attempt?!”

“Fool, he is looping,” said Jian Huangdi, the Celestial Emperor, as he stepped through the torn space. “Orodan Wainwright, how many tries did it take you to learn the Shield Intent?”

“Ten attempts,” Orodan answered, and the Emperor’s face scrunched up in displeasure as the man’s eyes began to take on the familiar mad whiteness of the Eldritch.

“Hahahah! Good, good! All the sweeter that you feel confident in yourself for when your doom arrives,” the man said with a maniacal laugh. “Let us see how that shield of yours holds.”

The Celestial Emperor’s Dao smashed into Orodan’s shield light.

It trembled dangerously, but it was powered by Orodan’s very soul… which meant his resistance skills extended to it.

[Shield Intent 53 → Shield Intent 55]

[Eldritch Resistance 63 → Eldritch Resistance 64]

His Eldritch Resistance, which had gained over the course of his attempts, now reached 64. Shield Intent gained two levels just from withstanding the assault, and it barely held.

Orodan wasn’t delusional. He knew that the Celestial Emperor was far beyond him. Frankly, the only reason he could survive at all was due to the Eldritch element present in his foe’s attacks. Without it, if the Dao of Dominance and Supremacy hit him at full power?

While he held faith in himself winning eventually, the Gods’ attempts at possessing him would look like a joke in comparison. And he would certainly be under for longer than a month, which was more than enough time for the approaching Administrator to find him in a vulnerable state and put a permanent end to him.

Jian Huangdi’s Dao continually smashed into Orodan’s shield, until finally, the man stopped.

“Troublesome, but I shall not be the whetstone you sharpen yourself upon,” the Emperor said, and then suddenly, the man’s Dao had a very different target.

The space around Orodan.

He flared his Eternal Soul Reactor to the very limit and attempted to resist, but it was for naught. It wasn’t him who was subject to direct spatial manipulation, but the space around him, in a sphere.

“A cheap trick, I’ll simply teleport back, you know I have the raw power for it,” Orodan said.

“Yes, I’ve been briefed on your particular abilities,” the Emperor said. “But you’ll find there are ways around someone like you. Congratulations, your tenacity has impressed me. I believe you’re due for an early meeting.”

Despite Orodan’s best efforts, his own spatial manipulation attempts were overpowered, and the space around him was manipulated into a dimensional bubble, and he was thrown elsewhere.

Stars and worlds hurtled past him, and he could tell he’d been thrown into a spatial fold, meant to send him an extreme distance towards something… or someone.

His soul energy immediately exploded outwards and smashed the spatial fold aside. Yet, the intended purpose had been successful.

In the distance, behind him, was his galaxy. Or at least, it looked like a galaxy from the outside given the diagrams he’d seen during his lessons. It would take him a lot of energy to stage a teleport or spatial fold back, but it would be doable.

Or, it would’ve been doable, if not for the strange shifting distortion in space that was moving towards him.

One moment it looked to be many star systems away, and then the next…

…a hand enveloped his entire face.

“Yet another supplanter.”

A warped voice, insanity incarnate. The mere sound of it made Orodan want to claw his ears out and never hear it again.

The hand grabbing him wasn’t exactly painful. Rather, no harm was being done to him. Instead, he was being dragged by the head, somewhere, very, very fast.

“Wainwright, Wainwright… such an interesting little name! Shall you fashion me a cart? Shall we go for a ride?”

His power exploded outwards and struck with full force against this strange being’s hand. Hells, he couldn’t even see what his adversary looked like!

“Tut! Tut! You mustn’t be so rough! I wouldn’t want to chop that hand and ring off now, would I? How unfortunate would it be? For your friend to float through space for eternity, no company… no salvation… perhaps if lucky she’ll meet one of the really scary things between galaxies! Hehehe!”

No matter how hard he struck, the damned hand simply wouldn’t move.

“Do you struggle this hard on every death? Doesn’t that get old after a while? How long can one man try? How many deaths can a single being take?” His captor asked. “If anything, I offer a mercy. No need to see your loved ones die over and over.”

“What are you even doing?! Who are you?!” Orodan angrily asked. “At least fight me like a warrior if you’re going to drag me around like a sack of grain!”

“Hahahah! But you see, my little Wainwright, you’ve done nothing to anger me, so I’m offering you the quick and painless way out,” the being said. “Trust me… you wouldn’t want to see what I do to the puppets who get on my bad side.”

Orodan decided this was going nowhere, so he immediately exploded his own head with an almighty blast of soul energy, forcing the being to let go. Mainly because there was nothing to hold.

“Oooh! Ruthless! How high is your Pain Resistance skill to have so easily done that?” it asked. “You aren’t even that old from what I can sense of your soul… what a masochist you are!”

Orodan finally got a good look at it, and it horrified him on an existential level. Deep within his soul, the parts that were intertwined with the System felt fear.

Eldritch, yes. That was the first part of it, at least from what Vision Of Purity told him. But whatever had corrupted this being with Eldritch, was the personification of true terror.

A bald head, with patches of skin being branded with System glyphs which constantly flitted in and out. A topless upper half which exposed horrifically maimed skin, and scars which were in the vague shapes of System glyphs. Scarring wasn’t really an issue with the System, so if this was present, then it meant this being wanted it that way.

Two straight swords were sheathed at its waist.

“Ta-da! Did that carving on Cultivator’s Peak do me justice? I believe I look even better now,” it said, and then gave Orodan an utterly manic look of pure insanity. “Wouldn’t you say so?”

“You look tough… are you this Administrator the Celestial Emperor was talking about?” Orodan asked.

“The one and only!” the being said with an exaggerated bow and flourish followed by a laugh. “When my loyal descendent told me of a time looper going around proclaiming it, I could scarcely believe it! Can you believe it? The smart ones scurry like rats, the ones with bravado amass forces and train like dogs, but you… you’re a weird one, aren’t you?”

“I could say the same about you. You seem insane.”

“I’m told it makes your kind quiver in fear,” it said as its mouth twisted into an utterly inhuman grin which would normally be impossible. “But you’ve done me no wrong little Wainwright, so let me painlessly end the loops for you. You need not be scared of me.”

Zaessythra’s signature within his spatial ring trembled in pure terror.

Every single in Orodan’s own body was also telling him to flee.

And yet…

…he had a freakish grin upon his own face as he only gripped his two weapons tighter.

“On the contrary,” Orodan said. “You’re just the kind of fight I’ve been looking for. This feels like a good battle to end my life on.”

His blood sang, his inner warrior went manic, and all sense of self-preservation left him entirely. Every cell in his body quivered in excitement at the thought of one final, glorious battle.

“You… you’re actually insane too, aren’t you?” it asked. “What sort of freak did it pick this time? No matter, come, let’s give you a permanent end.”

One moment, Orodan was ready with weapons drawn. The next, he was entirely enveloped in a strange substance that simply wouldn’t break no matter what he did, and once more, he was moving at incredibly fast speeds somewhere.

“You see, one thing it doesn’t warn you time loopers of… is that you’re rather vulnerable when taken out of System-space. Shall I demonstrate?”

Eternal Soul Reactor flared, the material attempted to insidiously infiltrate his very soul, but the eternal fires of his very being burned hotter and hotter.

[Eternal Soul Reactor 95 → Eternal Soul Reactor 96]

All of his ‘clones’ sprang forth and began assailing the Administrator from the outside, even as his main body was dragged along. The destination, a strange worm hole in-between galaxies. And something in Orodan knew, that if he was dragged in there, his true death would come.

He continued burning hotter and hotter, assailing the material further and further, until eventually…

…an incredibly small crack appeared within it.

Orodan was on the verge of thinking of some way of widening it, when something occurred.

His very world was awash in white flame and lightning. The space around him and the Administrator was cracked and shattered, and System glyphs and symbols poured out.

“Grrr! You choose now of all times to interfere!?” the Administrator roared in fury. “It matters not, he’s too weak, I’ll still kill him.”

And it would’ve likely been true too. fгeewёbnoѵel.cσm

If not for…

…an axe cutting space itself apart, and an armored hand pulling him through.

Countless stars and galaxies passed him by, until finally, he landed somewhere. And the first face he saw…

“…Jian Huangdi? Why did you rescue me?”

“What? I’m not my father, although I’m told we look rather alike,” the man said.

Regally dressed. Armored in resplendent attire and surrounded by many soldiers.

“Then you must be…”

“Zhou Shan,” the man replied and offered a hand which Orodan took. “And you must be the otherworlder, Orodan Wainwright. We just barely rescued you in time… thank the heavens. My father has lost his mind and must be stopped.”

Around him, was a full team of specialists, operating various complex looking devices and being empowered by multiple treasures and pills. They were within a war camp, and the very air and landscape looked surreal and impossible to comprehend, much like the Celestial Court did.

“What is this place?” Orodan asked.

“Ah, I apologize Orodan Wainwright,” the Prince said. “But I’m afraid I’ve dragged you from one battle to another. This is the war camp of the third army of the Celestial Court. My men are the only true loyalists of the Ascendent Sword Cluster who are willing to stand against both my father and the puppet Sovereign.”

“We’re in a war zone then?”

“Yes, the devils will attack us in moments,” Zhou Shan said. “I sincerely apologize, but I must ask you to join us in battle. Our mutual survival depends on it.”


Orodan could only smile like a madman.

He brought Zaessythra out of his ring and put her to the side.

[C#he*ck&po%in$t S@et]

He could go back and get the Emperor later. But for now… he had a war to grind against.

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