The Strongest Summoner

Chapter 67

Chapter 63:

half year later.

After returning from the Warcraft Forest experience, Zhuang Yi and Wei Jin successfully advanced to the fourth level. This year’s trip to the Forest of Warcraft is much easier than last year. The school has learned the lessons of last year and strengthened protective measures. The second and third grades that have experienced disaster-like experiences in the past year are much more stable than in the past, plus When the second and third grades were the first and second grades, they used to have partners. Everyone knew each other well. Although some unpleasant things happened occasionally, when the task was finally completed, not only there were no casualties, but also It is a happy situation for most people to successfully advance.

And this year, the first grade partner with the fourth grade partner, under the temper of the fourth grade, is also more honest.

As the summer vacation approaches, when everyone is relaxing and having fun, Zhuang Yi and Wei Jin are busy preparing to leave Boda and go to the college where they will stay for the next year.

Before leaving, Boda Academy gave each of them a Level 4 monster. Among them, Zhuang Yi successfully conquered a Level 4 hallucinogenic dandelion in the academy, which not only increased the speed of Zhuang Yi’s transfer, but also the magical magic attached to the hallucinogenic dandelion. , It also has a certain blessing to the illusion skills that Zhuang Yizhan Soul Master is good at.

In a blink of an eye, half of the summer vacation has passed, and a month or so will be the opening time of major colleges and universities. Zhuang Yi and Wei Jin embarked on the journey of leaving the Broad Academy, each heading in different directions.

The Allen Academy is located in the north of the mainland, and the climate is relatively cold. Zhuang Yi specially put a few pieces of clothes with warmth-proof properties into the space, and some necessary daily necessities for him and Lei Xiu also piled up the space, and then set off. .

Exchange students go to another college, and that college will send senior representatives to **** them all the way. The people who are sent are often people who have been to Boda College for exchanges, because the distance between Boda College and Allen College is thirty-two. In this city, if you use ordinary transportation equipment, it may take a full fifty days to come back and forth. However, there are some differences between Allen College’s holidays and school opening time and Broader College. Therefore, in order to allow exchange students to successfully arrive at the beginning of school Allen College finally decided to use Liyun City between the two colleges as the midpoint, where students from the two schools met.

In order to take care of Zhuang Yi’s Warcraft, Boda Academy specially hired a super-large carriage. The horse pulling the cart in front was shielded by the teacher of Boda Academy, so that they could not sense the breath of Lei Xiu, otherwise it would be low-level. The Warcraft Horse saw that Lei Xiu couldn’t stand at all, let alone run.

Not long after returning from the remote road of the Warcraft Forest, Zhuang Yi and Lei Xiu sat in a carriage again, sitting tiredly in the carriage. The sun was scorching hot in the summer, shining in through the gaps in the carriage, and the sultry air made people lazy. of.

Lei Xiu was lying on the soft cushion. Compared with half a year ago, due to the arrival of summer, his tiger hair has become sparser, and it doesn’t look that big. At the same time, Lei Xiu was due to his trip to the Warcraft Forest last month. , Smoothly promoted from level 5 to level 6, the body fat that has been hung on it for a year has finally been reduced. Not only the whole body becomes thinner, but also the clearly-textured muscle lines are slowly revealed.

At this time it is lying on a soft cushion, the lines from the head to the tail are full of pliable beauty, especially the strong limbs and the thin waist form a sharp contrast, the tail is thick and long, and the whole body is perfectly proportioned. Full of power!

Zhuang Yi leaned on Lei Xiu’s body lazily, with his head resting on Lei Xiu’s soft abdomen, and from time to time he stretched out the paws of the manual Lei Xiu and touched his tail.

Lei Xiu was a little sleepy. He squinted his eyes from time to time, and he almost closed it. Zhuang Yi moved his body and opened it again. Then after a while, he became sleepy again. As a result, Zhuang Yi moved again. After repeating this, Lei Xiu finally got annoyed, lowered his head and licked Zhuang Yi’s neck vigorously with the tip of his tongue, drilling back and forth between his shoulders and collarbone.

It is not only humans who can tease the sensitive points of animals. Under the guidance of Zhuang Yi, Lei Xiu has learned this trick a long time ago.

Zhuang Yi laughed as he was licked by Lei Xiu. The journey was too boring. The scenery passing by outside was basically the same. Zhuang Yi was getting bored. Seeing Lei Xiu playing with himself, he immediately lay on Lei Xiu and started playing with him. In the end, one person and one beast were tired from playing, and then they exchanged spirit power against each other’s foreheads, which relieved fatigue and promoted cultivation.

Lei Xiu was promoted to Level 5 a year ago. Compared with the rapid evolution from Level 1 to Level 5 in the first year, Zhuang Yi only changed from Level 5 to Level 6 in his second year. The promotion speed was obviously slower. Although Zhuang Yi was a little puzzled about this, he was quickly relieved.

He often inspected the violent power in Lei Xiu’s body, and found that compared with two years ago, this power had been reduced a lot, which showed that Lei Xiu had been absorbing it and his spirit power had been continuously increasing.

Regardless of whether it is a spirit master or a monster, the higher the level, the more difficult it is to promote. The reason why each level of the soul master is divided into the upper and lower ranks and the peak ranks is mainly for the service of the middle and above spirit masters, even in the later stages, even There is a big gap between the upper level and the pinnacle level of a spirit master at the same level, which shows how difficult it is to improve at each level.

Beasts are the same as spirit masters. Levels 4 to 6 are medium spirit masters, and level 7 formally enters the ranks of high spirit masters. The hurdle between medium and high spirit masters can never be surpassed only by cultivating spirit power. .

If it is a spirit master, the spirit power in the body will undergo earth-shaking changes due to the level 6 to the 7th level. In order not to explode and die when advancing, you must learn to control the spirit power to an extremely fine level and use it to strengthen it. The body is equivalent to reshaping the body again. This process is somewhat similar to when Summoner Zhuang Yi’s bloodline awakened, but it was stronger than that.

After the body washes the marrow and cuts the hair, not only the scars on the body surface will disappear, but the impurities in the body will be filtered by the spirit power, the body density will increase, and the endurance will be stronger. Even the weakest soul assistant will become a seventh-level soul. After the master, as long as the spirit power is used, the body’s defense power will be equivalent to that of a low-level soul master.

All in all, it will be a very difficult and troublesome process to enter the seventh level. Although Zhuang Yi sees Lei Xiu’s promotion every time, it is extremely easy, but when he can, he still I hope Lei Xiu can progress step by step and advance according to his body’s endurance, without any accidents.

In a blink of an eye, more than ten boring days finally passed. When he saw that the warcraft horse pulling the cart no longer circumvented the road from the edge of the city, but turned directly into the road leading to the city center, Zhuang Yi quickly cheered up. Take out a letter in the space and compare it carefully.

This letter was sent to him by Allen Academy. In addition to specifying what items he needs to bring to the cold Allen Academy and precautions, it also specifically explained how to meet after arriving in Liyun City.

According to the letter, I hope that Zhuang Yi can arrive at Liyun City Central Square from 2:00-5:00 noon on the 23rd of this month to wait. Allen College has sent a fifth grade and a fourth grade. I came to pick him up with a third-year student, hoping that he could get to know Allen College thoroughly during the ten days on the road by communicating with the senior students of Allen College.

At the bottom of the letter is a map of Liyun City. The meeting point in the city square is marked on the top, which seems to be in a small pavilion.

Today is the 22nd, and Zhuang Yi arrived one day earlier than the agreed time. When the carriage brought him to the vicinity of the city center, Zhuang Yi quickly cleaned up the contents of the carriage, and then found a hotel nearby. The carriage was settled down, and then Lei Xiu took Lei Xiu into the hotel and rested all night. At noon the next day, he came to the small pavilion as scheduled.

Liyun City is a medium-sized city with a huge gap between rich and poor. There are many ordinary people and soul masters are relatively rare. Soul masters with beasts are even rarer, not to mention the size of Lei Xiu, even near Boda Academy. It was also very eye-catching. After arriving in Liyun City, almost everyone who walked in front of Zhuang Yi chose to avoid a certain distance first, and then watched from a distance.

Although Zhuang Yi was accustomed to the sight of others staring at him in the college, so many people watching him and Lei Xiu with awe together still made Zhuang Yi very uncomfortable. He even saw someone running from a distance. , Just to take a peek at Lei Xiu.

He lowered his head and tried to ignore those gazes. Zhuang Yi endured patiently. He waited from 1:00 noon to 6:00. Seeing that the sun was about to set, there was still no one coming. Zhuang Yi bowed his head several times and compared himself with the map and the timetable. After not getting the time wrong, the expression on Zhuang Yi’s face was completely cold.

Was it because of an unexpected delay that caused them to arrive late, or… Are they giving him power? On behalf of the soul masters who came to receive exchange students from Allen Academy, they did such a rude thing when they first met… This was simply unbelievable to Zhuang Yi.

Assuming it is not an accident, the first possibility is ruled out, unless there is someone who knows him and is celebrating the festival-if Zhuang Yi remembers correctly, the Zhang Zhe I saw outside the Forest of Warcraft more than a year ago is now exactly five Grade? He was an exchange student who came to Barda College a few years ago, and he will definitely be involved this time. In view of the school spirit of Allen College, if Zhang Zhe insists on giving Zhuang Yi a good look, it seems that it is not impossible…

No matter what, this is his personal guess. Zhuang Yi decided to wait another day. If he still does not see the people from Allen Academy, it is impossible for him to go back to Boda alone. The big deal is that he takes Lei Xiu to Ai alone. Lun Academy, see how the other party will respond by that time.

Zhuang Yi put the map away, without the slightest emotion on his face, he lowered his head and said to Lei Xiu: “Let’s go back to the hotel first.”

Zhuang Yi and Lei Xiu got up and left the small pavilion. The people who stopped outside to watch were suddenly surprised and gave way to Zhuang Yi. One of them was too late and even tripped to the ground. When they saw Lei Xiu walking in this direction When he came, the person’s face immediately showed horror, and he ran away.

Zhuang Yi included this situation in his eyes and analyzed it in his heart. I am afraid that although the soul masters in Liyun City are rare, they have a very high status. They should also love to show off their names and show off. Otherwise, the people around them would not see him. There will be such a performance.

Until Zhuang Yi walked back to the hotel, a few children who liked to watch the lively scene followed, pointing at Lei Xiu from a distance and discussing them curiously and fearfully. These children were ragged and looked like stray children, Lei Although Xiu didn’t like being pointed and pointed like this by others, when he saw that the other party was a group of six or seven-year-old children, he also endured it.

It’s just that it’s walking pace has been significantly accelerated, because when it flicked its tail, a group of children behind it yelled “It flicked its tail!” As soon as it turned its head, the children in the back stepped back several steps, yelling “It I’m coming to eat me!” Lei Xiu was so annoyed by them that he couldn’t help but yelled at them. In addition to running farther and yelling, “It’s screaming!”, the children approached after a while. In the end, helpless Lei Xiu had no choice but to move his limbs while walking, even if his tail was hanging stiffly in the air.

Zhuang Yi looked at this situation and found it interesting. At this moment, several disputes came from the front.

Zhuang Yi heard the sound and looked in that direction. When he saw a few strong men pulling a thin woman and forcing her to follow them, Zhuang Yi frowned unconsciously.

The men are healthy, but there is no spirit power fluctuations around them. They are a group of ordinary people. They have a uniform pattern on their arms. They should be members of a certain group. The woman surrounded by them is thin and tall. But she was very tall, even if she was dragged by so many men, she struggled vigorously, yelling: “I’m not going, I’m not going!”

“You have to go if you don’t go, this is what you owe us!” one of the men whispered grimly.

The woman’s face was pale, her eyes were a little crazy, she struggled with all her strength, but only yelled the three words “I’m not going” in her mouth.

Zhuang Yi stared at the woman’s skinny face, only feeling familiar, but he couldn’t remember where he had seen it… He was sure that this woman was not similar to anyone he knew, so Zhuang Yi must I’ve seen this woman somewhere, and it shouldn’t be an ordinary person who can impress him.

Zhuang Yi was about to step forward and do something. At this moment, I heard one of the men say to the woman: “This is what you owe us to the casino. I knew that there would be such a day. Why didn’t you tighten your waistband and save money? , I don’t have that strength, and I dare to borrow so much money. It’s been considered as the best of humanity to take you away until today!”

Casino, owe money?

Zhuang Yi stopped, and finally let the men take the woman away. Repaying debts and paying off the debts is justified. When he dared to borrow money boldly, he should have expected the situation today. Naturally, Zhuang Yi would not be nosy for such people.

Just looking at the woman’s back, the familiar face lingered in his mind.

I have been observing Lei Xiu’s child from behind. Seeing Zhuang Yi stopped and kept staring at the few people who left, a child couldn’t help but said, “Brother…Do you know them?”

Zhuang Yi turned his head to look at the lead child in surprise, and took a closer look. Although the child was all dirty, he had a clever look. Zhuang Yi didn’t answer, and asked, “What’s wrong?”

The child smiled slyly: “It seems that my brother doesn’t know, that’s right, you just came yesterday. Brother, if you want your big tiger to touch me, I’ll tell you who they are.”

A bright light flashed in Zhuang Yi’s eyes: “How do you know that I just came yesterday?”

The child seemed to feel the change in Zhuang Yi’s mood, and shrank, and then summoned the courage to say: “You tiger is so conspicuous. When we first came yesterday, it spread all over here around us. Someone asked us to stare at you. …”

Zhuang Yi looked at the child and suddenly remembered that although these people are a group of vagrants, they wander around in every corner of the city. They seem inconspicuous, but they are well informed. These people who are easily overlooked often have unexpected The role of. Thinking of this, the expression on Zhuang Yi’s face immediately became solemn: “My tiger is not easy to be touched, but I have some money here. If you tell me, I can give it to you.”

The child’s eyes lit up, and he looked at each other a few times, and finally said: “The group of men just now belonged to the Bipolar Square, the largest casino in the city. The patterns on their arms proved their identities. People are dispatched to collect debts on behalf of Shuangjifang, and they like to bully men and women. Everyone is afraid of them. Shuangjifang is not only the largest casino in the city, but also the most famous in the nearby cities. In addition to ordinary people, there are many soul masters who come here and want to play. It is said that the owner of Shuangjifang has a background, and the average person can’t afford it. A few years ago, someone wanted to—”

“Can you tell me who that woman is?” This child has obviously been questioned more than once, and probably the people who were interviewed before were interested in Bipolar Square, so the child immediately went around Bipolar Square and talked endlessly. stand up. Compared with Bipolar Square, Zhuang Yi was more interested in that woman, so he couldn’t help but interrupt the child to ask.

“She?” The child was taken aback, and then immediately said, “Her name is Luo Tingen, she is a local, 21 years old this year, married to her current husband two years ago, that husband is better off before, although she is Ordinary people, but polite to everyone, knowledgeable and motivated, but unfortunately after his parents died, his temperament changed inexplicably, and later became obsessed with gambling. In just one year, not only all All the money was lost, and he owed a debt. Luo Tingen was pregnant, but because of her husband’s miscarriage, the doctor said that she might not be able to have a baby anymore. His husband took her idea and sold her to the casino. People, the people of Shuangjifang wanted to take her away many times, and she escaped every time, but today—”

“I’ll give you this money, thank you.” After Zhuang Yi finished speaking, he immediately led Lei Xiu to the direction where Luo Tingen was taken away.

Zhuang Yi remembered why he thought Luo Tingen was familiar. The reason why he couldn’t remember it was because Luo Tingen was known by Zhuang Yi in the previous life, and when Zhuang Yi met Luo Tingen, Luo Tingen was already a female soul master!

At the beginning, Zhuang Yi played as an ordinary soldier. In their team, there was a soul master named Xu Yang who led his team to fight side by side with ordinary soldiers. Xu Yang and Zhuang Yi had a good relationship, so Zhuang Yi also It was fortunate to know the soul masters in his team, but because Zhuang Yi had a serious inferiority complex in his last life, and those soul masters were not good at communicating with others, there was basically no deep intersection between them.

Zhuang Yi clearly remembered that there was a female soul master in Xu Yang’s team, named Luo Tingen, who was a fourth-level high-level war soul master. This woman’s soul beast was a blue thunderbird, who was good at long-range blasting attacks, although her personality was very cold. , But he was a person with cold outside and hot inside. There were many battles. After Luo Tingen was responsible for the interruption, Luo Tingen worked hard to protect the lives of ordinary soldiers during the battle. His fate is not taken seriously.

However, unlike other female soul masters, Luo Tingen’s right hand has all five fingers severed. Zhuang Yi once heard Xu Yang say that Luo Tingen is a unique soul master. When she was 16 years old, she tested her mental strength below 20. She was supposed to be an ordinary person for a lifetime, but when she was 21 years old. , Encountered a disaster, changed his mental power, and was fortunate to become a soul master in the end, and those five fingers were also cut off in that disaster. Xu Yang didn’t know the specifics.

Now, Luo Tingen is 21 years old, and her finger hasn’t been broken yet! Just aiming at the intersection of his previous life, Zhuang Yi has to take a look and provide help when necessary. What’s more, Luo Tingen is just a poor woman betrayed by her husband. Anyone who is compassionate is doing what he can. I couldn’t just sit idly by.

The author has something to say: Warm reminder: Xu Yang is someone Zhuang Yi knew in his previous life, and he has appeared before, and he is the soul master who reminded Zhuang Yi that there is still a problem

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