The Strongest Summoner

Chapter 54

Chapter 51: (1)

The Warcraft Forest at night is much more dangerous than during the day. Zhuang Yi was waiting for the arrival of the mother orangutan with everyone last night. Today, not only was he on the road during the day, but he also took the risk of saving people from the mother orangutan. He was also injured and tired. , Zhuang Yi suddenly became sleepy, and Lei Xiu found a suitable place to rest. Zhuang Yi arranged a simple cover formation around him, then leaned against the tree, closed his eyes, and recalled every scene of the daytime battle.

Since Zhuang Yi advanced to Level 3, this was his first battle. Since the opponent was a Level 6 Monster, even Zhuang Yi could not fight back even if he advanced, so he didn’t really fight back during the period. However, Zhuang Yi still clearly felt his progress, and the benefits of the summoner gradually became apparent as his level became higher and higher. For example, the amount of soul power stored in Zhuang Yi’s body is basically comparable to that of a fourth-level soul master. , And Zhuang Yi’s resilience is often much faster than others.

At this time, every improvement in strength is particularly important. Zhuang Yi thought about it, and fell asleep slowly and unconsciously. I don’t know how long it has passed. Suddenly, a sense of danger that cannot be spoken came upon. Zhuang Yi was clever all over, opened his eyes, and suddenly saw several pairs of green light spots hidden in the grass not far away, but it should have been. Lei Xiu, who was sleeping next to him, had already stood in front of him, his body slightly lowered, his soul power condensed all over his body, and his eyes were staring at the unidentified beasts surrounding them.

Zhuang Yi’s heart tightened. When he saw so many eyes, Zhuang Yichu thought it was those timid and greedy voles, but seeing Lei Xiu’s appearance like an enemy, and the waves of spirit power in the air, Zhuang Yi’s entire body was erected, and the group of unknown creatures that surrounded them was probably above the second-order in strength.

With the current strength of Zhuang Yi and Lei Xiu, it is nothing to encounter one or two Tier 2 monsters, but when this number grows to a dozen, the situation may be reversed.

Zhuang Yi adjusted his posture without a trace, and was about to condense his spirit power. As a result, a thing slowly slipped along his chest pocket, and finally fell to the ground. Fortunately, the thing fell very slowly and quietly. There was no sound.

Zhuang Yi stared at the thing that fell, and didn’t dare to breathe. The thing that fell was nothing but the shadow crystal he had been pinning to his chest before.

Zhuang Yi stared at Ying Jing, suddenly thinking of something cold and sweaty in his heart.

The shadow crystal had been worn on him for a long time, and he almost forgot the existence of this thing. If it hadn’t happened at this time that the shadow crystal had fallen out, Zhuang Yi would have summoned a three-line spirit beast on the spot. When the hospital saw this , Zhuang Yi’s identity may soon be revealed!

Seeing that the shadow crystal fell into the leaves and was quickly covered by a leaf floating in the air, Zhuang Yi decided not to pick it up first.

Lei Xiu was still confronting those monsters. Zhuang Yi ignored Ying Jing’s pre-existing experience. His whole body’s spirit power quietly condensed. The first soul beast released by him was the withered leaf butterfly, which was both hidden and dexterous. He was good at attacking. With a pair of daggers between his hands, Zhuang Yi looked down at his war spirit beast. As a result, the corner of his eye swept the wound on his arm. Zhuang Yi finally understood why they would be surrounded by a group of monsters tonight.

The wound on Zhuang Yi’s arm may have been cracked because he fell asleep, and a trace of blood oozes out. This **** smell is not noticeable to humans at all, but it is different in front of the monsters, although Zhuang Yi made some arrangements before going to bed, but they were all relatively rough formations. The monsters came along with the smell of blood. Seeing that only Zhuang Yi and Lei Xiu were one person and one beast, these monsters naturally had different thoughts.

The strength of Lei Xiu’s fourth-level beasts made this group of beasts hesitate. They surrounded Zhuang Yi and Lei Xiu. They did not dare to act rashly, but were unwilling to give up. After all, humans can turn beasts into beast souls and increase their strength. It can also absorb human power and become stronger.

As Lei Xiu confronted the monsters for longer, the atmosphere became more tense. At this moment, the hesitant group of monsters suddenly let out a sharp wolf howl, as if a dozen monsters had received orders. The whole body’s spirit power suddenly exploded, and then, a gray-black figure jumped out from the depths of the woods, and Zhuang Yi immediately saw the identity of the group of surrounding them-the troll wolf!

Troll wolves live in the Forest of Warcraft. They are larger than normal wolves. They are social animals. The female wolves dominate the wolves. The general level of wolves is not very high. Most of them are between level 2 and level 4. Because the team of wolves is too strong in cooperation and the number is mostly between ten and twenty, they can often hunt prey that is about two levels higher than them.

The group of troll wolves in front of them are generally at level two. Since Zhuang Yi has still confiscated the level three monsters, he appears to be a level two spirit master, and Lei Xiu is a level four monster, just within their hunting range!

These thoughts flashed through Zhuang Yi’s mind, but his body movements were not slow. He jumped up almost instantly when the troll wolf appeared, and the other two spirit beasts in the mental space in his brain were also released at the same time. Zhuang Yi is now Level three, although it consumes a lot to control three level two monsters, it is not too laborious. The dead leaf butterfly turns into a dagger to enhance Zhuang Yi’s aggression and flexibility. At the same time, it can also play a defensive role. Behind Zhuang Yi, the white wings of two swans appear, suspended in mid-air, playing the role of defensive back.

There are a total of 13 troll wolves surrounding Zhuang Yi and Lei Xiu. Female wolves are mostly smaller than male wolves. At the same time, because they are responsible for directing the battle, they did not jump out and were hidden in the dark. The demon wolves surrounded Zhuang Yi and Lei Xiu in a huge circle, each eye was shining with terrible green light. They gnawed their teeth, slowly spinning around Zhuang Yi and Lei Xiu, as if they would pounce at any time. Come up and bite their throat.

The dagger formed by Zhuang Yi’s battle spirit beast turned quickly in his hand. The release of the three series of spirit beasts complemented each other in Zhuang Yi’s body. Lei Xiu stood behind Zhuang Yi. The purple lightning centered on it, crackling. Flickering, Lei Xiu is not the first time he has confronted a wolf-shaped monster. He has defeated a wolf-shaped monster at the Warcraft Testing Center more than once, but it is the first time he has faced so many wolves besieged, and he dare not take it lightly. .

Suddenly, a huge male wolf leaped violently and leaped towards Zhuang Yi!

This wolf was like an offensive signal. After it jumped up, the remaining twelve wolves also jumped up quickly. Zhuang Yi’s attention was highly guarded. When the first wolf pounced, Zhuang Yi immediately raised it. The dagger draws a sharp light in the air, and meets the claws of the troll wolf in mid-air. With only a ding sound, the nails of the front claws of the first troll wolf are directly cut off by the dagger of the withered leaf butterfly. The next second, another troll wolf pounced, Zhuang Yi flashed away, and the Soul Guardian barely resisted the unavoidable blow for him. Then Zhuang Yi raised his other hand high, and then made a sharp stroke. With a tear, the back of the second attacking troll wolf was torn apart. Unfortunately, the body of the troll wolf is huge with thick fur. The dagger is a short soldier. Unless it attacks the deadly places such as the throat and abdomen of the troll wolf, otherwise. Can’t cause real damage to the troll wolf!

While Zhuang Yi concentrated on fighting the wolf, Lei Xiu next to him also entered a more fierce fighting state. Lei Xiu is a level four monster. The troll wolves naturally put more attention on Lei Xiu. At this time, among the twelve troll wolves that attacked them, four of them were besieging Lei Xiu, and the remaining eight second-level monsters were partly assisted by the third-level troll wolves, and partly entangled with Zhuang Yi fight.

Zhuang Yi still had injuries on his right leg and arm. This was extremely detrimental to the battle. At first he was able to fight a few troll wolves on par, but as his physical strength gradually drained, Zhuang Yi panted. Slowly couldn’t take it anymore, but fortunately his soul power consumption was slow, even if the counterattack slowed down, the soul guarding beast could still guarantee his safety.

Seeing that Zhuang Yi was gradually overwhelmed by Lei Xiu, he slowly got closer and closer to Zhuang Yi. He wanted to protect Zhuang Yi. Lei Xiu’s move was quickly seen through by the she-wolf hiding in the depths of the jungle, and the she-wolf kept sending out The wolf howl commanded the wolf pack, and soon the wolf pack’s combat strategy changed and began to mainly attack Zhuang Yi, and came to try to contain Lei Xiu!

Zhuang Yi felt that the wolves were attacking him more and more fiercely. He immediately used more soul power to control the soul beast to defend. Unfortunately, although Zhuang Yi is now a third-level beast, the soul beast is still a second-level. It’s okay to live with the second-level troll wolf. Facing the attack of the third-level troll wolf, it seems very difficult. If he were not for the three-line spirit masters to cycle with each other, I am afraid that the third-level troll wolf would have broken the defense long ago. .

Lei Xiu kept trying to attract the troll wolf to attack Zhuang Yi’s body, but it didn’t work. Seeing Zhuang Yi’s increasingly pale face and the wound on his arm torn due to the large-scale battle, the blood leaked again. Coming out, drop by drop fell on the ground. Lei Xiu’s dark red eyes flashed with a few hints of hostility. It stared at the annoying group of troll wolves with teeth, and a low voice roared in its throat. Soon, Lei Xiu was all over his body. The spirit power became more and more violent. After a few seconds, the spirit power in Lei Xiu’s body exploded rapidly with it as the center. The spirit power condensed into an invisible force in mid-air, distorting the space, and spreading about five meters in a ring around it. distance–

The abnormality of Lei Xiu’s spirit power immediately attracted the attention of all the beings present. When feeling that the power of level 5 monsters was hidden in that spirit power, the pack of wolves was shocked, and the conditional launch site quickly retreated several meters, and then clamped its tail. The hair all over his body stood up, staring at Lei Xiu in the center.

Zhuang Yi entrusted the blessing of the furious Lei Xiu, and the group of troll wolves jumped away with fright. Zhuang Yi could finally take a breath. He turned his head and saw that the spirit power of the distorted space was spreading out. After a distance of six meters, like a magnet, the soul power solidified in the air quickly retracted at an extremely fast speed. Under the squeeze of this soul power, the lightning that had been flashing on the surface of Lei Xiu’s body became The terrible red color, Lei Xiu’s entire body emits a terrible high temperature. The red light completely envelops it, forming a huge fireball about two meters in diameter, like a small sun. The red light illuminates the nearby darkness. In the corner, a few traces of coercion that cannot be ignored made all the lives present involuntarily heart palpitations-the first signs of a five-level beast!

Zhuang Yi watched Lei Xiu’s advancement with his own eyes. This time it might be affected by Lei Xiu’s mood. The process of promotion was far more thrilling than before. Lei Xiu could have advanced to level five long ago, because Zhuang Yi hoped that he would be able to get better. As a result, he has been deliberately suppressing the promotion. Today, under the anger of the troll wolf, Lei Xiu finally took this step.

At this moment, the she-wolf in the jungle uttered another roar. The pack of wolves who were hesitating about retreating seemed to have a backbone. They were a little timid just now. After receiving the order, their eyes suddenly became firm, taking advantage of it. As Lei Xiu was still in the process of being promoted, the pack of wolves pounced once again, and this time, their goal was Zhuang Yi!

The highest level of the troll wolves is level 3. Lei Xiu’s level four can suppress them severely. Once they enter the fifth level, the gap between the two levels will not be Lei Xiu’s opponents, no matter how many wolves there are. . On the contrary, Zhuang Yi is the opposite of Lei Xiu. Although he is already a third-level spirit master, he can only control a second-level spirit beast. Although his endurance and control are stronger than ordinary second-level spirit masters, he still has certain limitations. , And he was injured just now, and he has just experienced a war. Once the wolves capture Zhuang Yi, it will be worth fighting tonight!

Zhuang Yi saw that the twelve wolves were staring at him. Even in his previous life, he had never been besieged by so many second-level monsters. The unprecedented crisis made Zhuang Yi’s hair stand up. Before Lei Xiu was promoted, If you are a little careless, I am afraid that Zhuang Yi will be killed on the spot today!

Suddenly, a huge troll wolf rushed towards Zhuang Yi, which was a tertiary beast!

The dead leaf butterfly turned flexibly in Zhuang Yi’s hands. Zhuang Yi dodged while using a sharp dagger to counterattack. At this moment, another three-level beast leaped towards Zhuang Yi, taking advantage of Zhuang Yi and the other three. During the battle of the first-level monsters, this monster tugged fiercely with its sharp claws and teeth, and even directly tore the wings of Zhuang Yi’s Soul Guarding Beast away!

In the next second, two third-level monsters pounced and looked at the part where Zhuang Yi had just been defensive. The sharp wolf claws were about to rip through Zhuang Yi’s back severely. Zhuang Yi gritted his teeth and simply lay down. Seeing the two wolves leaping past his eyes, Zhuang Yi built a temporary defense around his body with barbata. At the same time, his hands were injected with spirit power, and the dagger was fiercely inserted into the chest and abdomen of the monster. The power of the magic wolf’s jumping directly pierced the abdomen of the two troll wolves!

Blood and internal organs rushed down, and the two troll wolves let out painful howls, lying on the ground unable to move, but Zhuang Yi immediately rolled aside, his shoulders and back were splashed with a lot of wolf blood. When I thought of myself, I saw the remaining ten wolves completely surrounded him. Seeing that they were about to pounce on him and drown him, they were completely torn to pieces. Just when the army was firing, the huge fireball formed by Lei Xiu was not far away. It exploded fiercely, and the flames spread out. Under the control of Lei Xiu, the flames whizzed through the air, accurately hitting the fragile parts such as the head and mouth of a dozen troll wolves!

The troll wolves were covered with black-gray body hair, which could play a defensive role, but at this moment, under the flames of Lei Xiu, they caught fire on the spot. Several second-level troll wolves wailed and rolled on the ground. If you want to extinguish the flames, the third-level troll wolves are better. The two remaining third-level troll wolves use their soul power to barely extinguish the flames. When they look up and see a huge tiger appear in front of them, they will attack them. When the sharp and dangerous fangs were exposed, the coercion of the fifth-level beast immediately reduced the morale of the wolves to the lowest point, and they quickly and slyly tried to escape with their tails sandwiched between them.

Zhuang Yi, who had escaped from the mouth of more than a dozen wolves, turned his head and was shocked when he saw a huge tiger standing next to him.

The original Lei Xiu was about the same size as a kitten, and he could easily be held in his arms by Zhuang Yi, or jumped on Zhuang Yi’s shoulders, and served as a collar for Zhuang Yi in winter. Although he was a tiger, except for the body. The lines and claws are sharper than those of ordinary cats. From the appearance alone, the tiger’s power is basically not visible. Zhuang Yi often uses this to laugh at Lei Xiu, but at this moment, standing in front of Zhuang Yi Lei Xiu completely changed his appearance and became a true king of beasts.

After being promoted, Lei Xiu’s body size has increased by at least two or three times. The original body length of 30 cm (excluding the tail) is now at least two meters long. His limbs are strong and powerful. Due to the species, his forelegs are stronger than his hind limbs. The tail is It is thick and long, with distinctive dark black and gray-black tiger fur, which surrounds the whole body, and finally forms a majestic “king” character on its forehead. Its nose is wide and long, and its eyes are still strangely dark red. Lei Xiu looked at Zhuang Yi a few times and confirmed that Zhuang Yi was not in serious trouble. It opened its mouth, and a ball of fireballs wrapped in thunder and lightning flew towards Zhuang Yi, three or four meters in front of Zhuang Yi, quickly spread, and then around Zhuang Yi’s body. Formed into a flame protection cover, thunder and lightning appeared on the surface constantly flashing, looking from the outside, it was extremely dangerous, and Zhuang Yi, who was wrapped in the center, did not feel the slightest danger. Lei Xiu’s spirit power was very familiar to him, and he only felt very Safety.

After finishing the protective cover for Zhuang Yi, Lei Xiu turned his head and stared at the fleeing wolves. The next moment, Zhuang Yi only felt that there was a flower in front of him, and Lei Xiu was gone.

Zhuang Yi looked at the direction in which the wolves were fleeing, feeling the energy of the protective cover that was enveloping him at this moment, and determined that Lei Xiu had advanced to level five. There shouldn’t be much danger in chasing after him. Zhuang Yi reluctantly breathed a sigh of relief and continued to lie down. On the ground, while regaining his strength, he waited for Lei Xiu’s return.

About ten minutes later, a huge dark figure appeared beside Zhuang Yi, and the protective cover protecting Zhuang Yi disappeared. Zhuang Yi looked up and saw Lei Xiu standing next to him, with the corners of Lei Xiu’s mouth and paws. It’s covered with blood. The dark red blood is not obvious under the black hair on its body, but the strong smell of blood rushes to the nose. Combining its vigorous and fierce body shape with its fifth-level strength, it looks like another Cruel and bloody.

“Catch up?” Zhuang Yi asked, looking up and down Lei Xiu, after confirming that there were no wounds, he was relieved.

Lei Xiu nodded, and stretched out his tongue to get close to Zhuang Yi to lick him. As a result, he ate the smell of blood from the corners of his mouth. At the same time, because it had changed into the shape of an adult Monster Tiger, the barbs on his tongue became exceptionally sharp. , If he licked Zhuang Yi with the same intensity as before, I am afraid that Zhuang Yi would have to be licked off by him, and Lei Xiu had to give up.

Zhuang Yi’s attention was on the blood stains on a person and a beast. He didn’t notice Lei Xiu’s small movements, so naturally he couldn’t guess his careful thoughts. He looked up at Lei Xiu, usually holding it in his arms and lowering his head. The person talking to it became so big at this time. A young cub came of age in the blink of an eye, and was much larger than him. Zhuang Yi suddenly became a little uncomfortable. He didn’t touch Leixiu as usual, so he took a picture. He patted its body and said: “The smell of blood on our body is too strong. Go and find a place nearby to wash it.”

After he finished speaking, he turned and walked under the tree, took the leaves away, and then took out the shadow crystal. After thinking about it, Zhuang Yi finally put the shadow crystal in his pocket.

He can’t guarantee whether the next road will be safe. He and Lei Xiu are one person and one beast. If they want to survive in the Warcraft Forest, they must use the greatest strength, and Shadow Crystal’s record will expose Zhuang Yi’s greatest secret, although Hiding Yingjing would make the school unhappy, but Zhuang Yi couldn’t take care of that much at this moment.

Lei Xiu watched Zhuang Yi limping and walking slowly, and couldn’t help but step forward and rub his head against Zhuang Yi.

Lei Xiu’s head was a bit bigger than Zhuang Yi’s fist in the past, and his whole body was full of cubs’ hairs. It was cute after a rub. Now that he is so big, Zhuang Yi is rubbed by him, and he looks down at him. The tiger’s head came over eagerly. The tiger’s head was round, and the cheeks were surrounded by a circle of long cheeks. It looked strange and majestic, but when Zhuang Yi’s hand touched its head, those two The ears folded, and the familiar expression made Zhuang Yi couldn’t help but smile.

Lei Xiu held Zhuang Yi’s hand with his paw, and motioned him to lean against it like this.

Zhuang Yi immediately understood Lei Xiu’s intentions, so he held Lei Xiu’s body with one hand, and then walked slowly, one person and one tiger coordinated. Zhuang Yi nestled against Lei Xiu’s body, feeling Lei Xiu turning his head from time to time to look at him. The situation, the inadaptability just now, was gradually replaced by novelty and warmth.

Zhuang Yi has never kept Warcraft before, but he learned from the book that the promotion of Warcraft is a gradual process. If the contract is signed at an early age, as the level rises, the body will gradually grow up, and then eventually go to adulthood.

However, Lei Xiu hadn’t had much difference in body shape until he reached level 4. As a result, he quickly changed dramatically as soon as he entered level 5. Zhuang Yi himself understood that Lei Xiu was from the turbulence of space, and he immediately moved from childhood to adulthood. The summoned will be different from the monsters on this continent, but others don’t think so…

Suddenly, Zhuang Yi’s eyes lit up. During the promotion process, if something unexpected happened to the monsters, such as swallowing other monsters and mutating, then it is possible that major changes will occur after entering the next level.

It is no secret that Lei Xiu is a mutated monster. At this time, Zhuang Yi and the soul master team are separated. As for him and Lei Xiu, Ying Jing did not capture Lei Xiu’s promotion. So what was the process of Lei Xiu’s promotion? Yes, no one knows.

Zhuang Yi immediately thought of several explanations for Lei Xiu’s promotion, and finally chose the most appropriate one to refine one by one, and tried to hypnotize himself that the explanation really happened. Only in this way, when the school teacher asked about it. At that time, he would not show the flaws.

In addition to Lei Xiu, there was also Zhuang Yi who landed on his back before Yin Wei and the others, and they were also photographed by Ying Jing when they used the dead leaf butterfly to climb trees.

Zhuang Yi carefully recalled the previous scenes. Although he used the dagger of the withered leaf butterfly at the time, he raised his hands to climb the tree quickly, and he moved very fast. The shadow crystal was stored in his chest. The front, so even if the dead leaf butterfly dagger is photographed, the picture should not be too clear.

As long as Ying Jing did not capture the scene of Zhuang Yi summoning the dead leaf butterfly, Zhuang Yi can use special props hidden in his body to explain the sudden addition of daggers, such as Wei Jin, Shang Qingyun, etc. People have some life-saving treasures hidden in their bodies. Teachers of Boda College have seen many such things, so they shouldn’t be too skeptical.

Having figured this out, Zhuang Yi thought about it again, and made sure that there were no other flaws, and he was relieved.

As the sky slowly dawned, Zhuang Yi and Lei Xiu cuddled, and found a small stream not far away. The water was clear and clean. Zhuang Yi first signaled Lei Xiu to come over, then took out the towel from the space and slowly turned it into Lei. Xiu cleaned up the blood on his body.

The hair of an adult tiger is much different from that of a young tiger. The tiger’s hair is soft and fluffy, and its head is small. After washing and shaking, it will be completely clean. The hair of an adult tiger is thick and hard, and the bones become larger. Muscular, full of strength and explosiveness, tiger paws are even the largest among cats.

Zhuang Yi took a small towel and scrubbed around Lei Xiuzhou’s body up and down. Fortunately, Lei Xiu was also very obedient, and stood motionless. Zhuang Yi moved to the corner of Lei Xiu’s mouth to wash away the side of Lei Xiu’s mouth. Stains, and then found that there was still a bit of meat in the teeth, which was a little nauseous, he immediately signaled Lei Xiu to open his mouth.

Looking at Lei Xiu’s sharp tiger teeth and the barbs on his pink tongue, it really was a big difference from when he was a child. Zhuang Yi somehow thought of the black teeth of the female orangutan. He immediately felt a chill. If he became firm, he had to do it every day. The determination to brush Lei Xiu’s teeth!

There are a lot of daily necessities for him and Lei Xiu in Zhuang Yi’s space. Among them, there is a small toothbrush for Lei Xiu. As a result, Lei Xiu has become bigger now, and that toothbrush is no longer available, so Zhuang Yi had to use himself. He took out his spare toothbrush, and supported Lei Xiu’s upper jaw with one hand, and carefully scrubbed the other hand. Seeing that the brush was almost finished, Lei Xiu probably opened his mouth and was tired, and his tongue moved unconsciously. Lei Xiu’s cheeks slid over, and Lei Xiu suddenly stiffened, stepped back and jumped away, then looked at Zhuang Yi’s face.

Zhuang Yi was focusing on brushing its teeth, not even knowing that his face was licked, so Lei Xiu suddenly jumped away. Zhuang Yi was also taken aback. He looked up at Lei Xiu unclearly.

Lei Xiu found that there was no trace of Zhuang Yi’s cheek except saliva… It just seemed to lick Zhuang Yi with the tip of his tongue?

There was no barb on the tip of the tongue, Lei Xiu suddenly realized that he looked at Zhuang Yi with bright eyes.

Zhuang Yi looked at the unpredictable expression on Lei Xiu’s face and didn’t understand what he was thinking. He only vaguely felt Lei Xiu’s mood at this moment is very happy through the contract. Zhuang Yi didn’t think much, Chong Leixiu beckoned: “It’s not finished yet, come and continue.”

Lei Xiu jumped up on all fours happily, leaped in front of Zhuang Yi, and opened his mouth obediently.

It took Zhuang Yi about half an hour to wash Lei Xiu’s mouth fresh and refreshing. Looking at Lei Xiu’s white teeth, Zhuang Yi had the illusion that “this guy is getting bigger and more troublesome”…

When Zhuang Yi went to clean Lei Xiu’s claws, this illusion had become affirmation.

“In the future, you must learn to clean up by yourself.” Finally helped Lei Xiu clean, Zhuang Yi just wiped his paws and his waist was a little sore, he straightened up, lit Lei Xiu’s pink nose, and said seriously.


Although Lei Xiu didn’t say a word, Zhuang Yi basically interpreted Lei Xiu’s inner thoughts through his expression. He was proud of his bigger size!

Look at its slightly raised head and its flicked tail. Seeing Zhuang Yi looking at its body, Lei Xiu deliberately walked around Zhuang Yi because its tail was thick and long. Therefore, when it stands on Zhuang Yi’s left side, its tail can go around from the right side and directly encircle Zhuang Yi’s waist.

Zhuang Yi watched Lei Xiu showing off his strong body. He thought of laughing at Lei Xiu about his body shape from time to time in the past few months. At this moment, Lei Xiu finally raised his eyebrows and patted Lei Xiu’s head helplessly: “Well, don’t get too close to me, I haven’t changed my clothes yet.”

After removing Lei Xiu’s tail, Zhuang Yi walked to the stream, took off his clothes full of wolf blood, and then washed his body, letting the blood flow along the stream. Zhuang Yi was about to put on new clothes, suddenly, beside him There was a huge black shadow.

In fact, Zhuang Yi was completely accustomed to Lei Xiu’s approach. From a long time ago, after he fell asleep, Lei Xiu could easily snuggle him to sleep, but Zhuang Yi didn’t notice it until he woke up the next morning. He was only awakened by the heat, but today Lei Xiu suddenly grew bigger and he suddenly approached. Zhuang Yi felt nothing, but his sight felt a little abrupt.

As soon as Zhuang Yi raised his head, he saw Lei Xiu tilting his head and looking at him, then stretched out his paw, and knocked Zhuang Yi down.

Zhuang Yi sprained his foot and was caught off guard by Lei Xiu’s push. He immediately sat on the ground, just sitting on the clothes he had just changed. Seeing himself sitting indecently with his legs spread naked all over, Zhuang Yi’s face turned red even if the other side was his monster, he quickly put his legs together, struggling to get up and said: “Lei Xiu, what do you do? Well.”

Lei Xiu leaned over to Zhuang Yi’s side. It was now much bigger than Zhuang Yi. Its claws were thick and thick, and its fur was smooth. The muscles hidden under the fur were tight and elastic. It felt better when pinched than when he was a child. Even better.

Seeing that Zhuang Yi got up quickly, Lei Xiu immediately pressed Zhuang Yi’s body with a meat pad, and while Zhuang Yi was unprepared, he licked Zhuang Yi’s neck and collarbone with the tip of his tongue. Then, Lei Xiu kept using one of the meat pads. Pressing Zhuang Yi’s calf.

Zhuang Yi’s calf was twisted yesterday, and there was some bruise in the joints. Although he pressed it before going to bed last night, he experienced another fight today, and it hurts even more at this time. But the magic is that Lei Xiu’s pad was pressed on. , Sore and painful, but more comfortable than pressing himself.

Lei Xiu’s claws are larger than Zhuang Yi’s hands, and the fleshy pads are thick. When pressing, he still inputs some soul power to Zhuang Yi from time to time. After a gesture, he took out a piece of clothing from the space and draped it around his waist, covering the key parts, and then half leaning against Lei Xiu’s body, and then bending his calves, Zhuang Yi looked at Lei Xiu’s kneading for him. I felt a little funny in my heart.

It seems that Lei Xiu remembered the scene where he disliked his paw yesterday, so after he got bigger today, he immediately wanted to massage him.

Zhuang Yi leaned on Lei Xiu’s hairy neck. He was naked at the moment, his skin rubbed against the hair of his neck. The touch was extremely comfortable. Slowly, his whole body relaxed, even Lei Xiu’s claws gradually moved from his calves. Above, Zhuang Yi didn’t even notice.

When there was a cold in the crotch, Zhuang Yi was taken aback, and looking down reflexively, he saw Lei Xiu hooking his clothes with a paw, staring curiously between his legs, and by coincidence, Zhuang Yi It wasn’t until this time that I realized that I was too comfortable, and unexpectedly reacted a little bit. The lower body was half hard, and under Lei Xiu’s gaze, there was even a tendency to continue to raise his head.

This picture was really ashamed. Zhuang Yi was startled, his whole body bounced, and then his whole face flushed hotly, Zhuang Yi quickly reached out his hand and withdrew the clothes back, hurriedly covering the key parts.

Lei Xiu now has some human wisdom, but in the end he is still a beast. Humans use clothes to cover key parts to hide their shame, but wild beasts don’t. Looking at myself, I couldn’t say what I said suddenly.

Zhuang Yi at least got up in disbelief, and walked a few steps away quickly. He saw that his calf was much better, and Zhuang Yi didn’t have time to check it out. He quickly put on his clothes and turned around and found that Lei Xiu had followed and wanted to continue to overwhelm him with a meat pad. He, Zhuang Yi hurriedly said: “Well, we have to leave this scarlet area as soon as possible and return to the route originally designated for us by the school. The daytime in the Warcraft Forest is not long, and we must hurry as soon as possible.”

Hearing this, Lei Xiu stared at Zhuang Yi solemnly, but his cheeks were still flushing for a few seconds, then turned around obediently and walked forward with Zhuang Yi.

Zhuang Yi looked at Lei Xiu’s extremely calm figure and forced himself to forget what had just happened. When nothing happened, Zhuang Yi often touched Lei Xiu’s body to check his physical condition. Therefore, what Lei Xiu did to him today was actually a very normal imitation…

Zhuang Yi thought about it, and his heartbeat slowly calmed down, and his face was not so hot. He adjusted his mood quickly and walked behind Lei Xiu, so he didn’t notice what Lei Xiu was in front of at the moment. It’s almost an overflow of joy.

After another day of rushing, Zhuang Yi finally returned to the route designated for them by the school, and the basis for Zhuang Yi to be sure that he did not go wrong was the devastated pit behind him with a radius of 100 meters.

That was supposed to be the flat land where they were stationed on their first night in the Warcraft Forest. Due to the sudden appearance of forest elephants and lions, it caused a big earthquake and the surrounding spirit power was unstable. Yi He had more than seventy students from the Barda College who had to choose to evacuate and take a detour…

Now looking at the terrifying pit and bare land behind him, the vegetation was crushed to death due to the battle of the giant high-level monsters. The whole area exudes the breath of death. Zhuang Yi couldn’t help but rejoice in his heart. Fortunately, everyone evacuated quickly that day. Otherwise, I am afraid that many people will die on the first night in the Warcraft Forest.

Thinking of this, Zhuang Yi’s heart suddenly moved. They escaped the first night, but on the second night the team was still torn apart due to the baby elephants. Two forest elephants appeared within two days. Could there be something between them? connect? Even… the seventh-level forest elephant that appeared that day was probably the first forest elephant to fight against the lions on the night!

After all, forest elephants are rare and high-level. Most of them live in the depths of the forest, and they cannot frequently appear in the marginal areas.

Zhuang Yi was staring at the land behind him in a daze. At this moment, Lei Xiu stretched out his tail and patted Zhuang Yi’s hand.

Zhuang Yi suddenly came back to his senses, seeing Lei Xiu standing in front of him looking at him, knowing that Lei Xiu was urging him to continue on the road before it was dark. There was really no place to rest in these four weeks. Zhuang Yi quickly followed, and as he walked, he also left some marks dedicated to the confluence of the first and fourth grades. The reason why Zhuang Yi met this was when he entered the Warcraft Forest. Lu Yinwei taught everyone during the meeting the day before.

Lei Xiu set the road ahead, and Zhuang Yi followed Lei Xiu. When Lei Xiu was small, he was often held in his arms when Lei Xiu walked. Now that he is bigger, Zhuang Yi can’t hold him, so he evolved into The current situation is exactly the same. Sometimes Lei Xiu directly flicked his tail and communicated with Zhuang Yi simply physically. Along the way, several times Zhuang Yi almost fell while walking, and Lei Xiu could use his eyes and hands quickly. The tail looped around Zhuang Yi’s waist and supported his body.

For this reason, Zhuang Yi had to sigh. Although Lei Xiu has grown bigger, he will be a little uncomfortable, but there are still many benefits…

As the sun sets, Zhuang Yi’s sixth night in the Warcraft Forest finally arrives. Tigers’ eyesight and hearing are very good, and walking at night is completely barrier-free, but Zhuang Yi has some difficulties, so they quickly found a suitable place to sleep

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