The Strongest Summoner

Chapter 35

Chapter 34:

In just two days, Zhuang Yi’s spirit war master and master soul master skills awakened, Lei Xiu rose to level three, and the harvest was rich. Although Zhuang Yi has not yet advanced to the second level, since the awakening of the skills of the three elements, Zhuang Yi can clearly feel that the spirit power in his body has become much more active. It keeps growing all the time, and it keeps wandering in Zhuang Yidi’s body all over the place.

Zhuang Yi returned to Broadway Academy with Lei Xiu in his arms, feeling the vitality in his body, he couldn’t help but feel secretly happy. If he could grow at this rate, he might be able to advance to the second level within a few days, and he would be the third line. All advance together!

The next day, the third day of the holiday.

Zhuang Yi brought Lei Xiu to this training ground again. It was different from the purpose of awakening with skills in the previous two times. Today, Zhuang Yi’s main purpose is to see what has changed after Lei Xiu was promoted.

Fighting each other continuously for two days in a row, both Zhuang Yi and Lei Xiu had a certain understanding of each other’s fighting habits. Both of them stood up separately, Zhuang Yi watched Lei Xiu’s body creeping slightly, then his dark red eyes stared at him quietly, and he also summoned the battle spirit beast.

The second after Zhuang Yi’s gloomy long fingernails grew out, Lei Xiu’s body slammed into force, rushing towards Zhuang Yi like lightning, and he flashed before Zhuang Yi’s eyes almost in the blink of an eye, before Zhuang Yi had time to react. , Lei Xiu stroked Zhuang Yi’s clothes unceremoniously.

Lei Xiu tore a small mouth in the defensive Summoner’s family costume just by hearing a “tear and pull” sound.

Zhuang Yi dumbly watched Lei Xiu churn in mid-air, and jumped back to where he was.

Lei Xiu looked up at Zhuang Yi’s dumbfounded look, flicked his tail, raised his head, his two big ears moved back and forth, his expression looked really proud and ugly.

“Come again.” Zhuang Yi came back from his disbelief. He firmly believed that he was in poor condition just now, so Zhuang Yi quickly adjusted his body to the best condition, and then stared at Lei Xiu, waiting for it again. Launch an attack.

Lei Xiu glanced at Zhuang Yi, and saw that Zhuang Yi looked focused and serious. He lowered his body again, and this time it aimed at Zhuang Yi’s pants.

Zhuang Yi saw Lei Xiu’s figure disappear in the blink of an eye, he didn’t even know where Lei Xiu jumped to!

However, although he couldn’t catch his eyes, Zhuang Yi’s fighting instinct made him take a step back at a critical moment. The next second, the sound of “tearing” came again. Zhuang Yi only felt the skin on his legs cold, and he looked down. , Suddenly embarrassed: “Lei Xiu!”

Lei Xiu’s dead claw actually tore his right trouser leg, from the outer edge of the thigh to the inside, only a little bit can’t even cover the crotch. It was late autumn. Although the indoor temperature was not as cold as outside, it was not much hotter. Zhuang Yi only felt that the skin near the roots of his thighs was chilly. This feeling was really weird.

Lei Xiu had already jumped back to where he was, tilting his head and looking at Zhuang Yi’s legs showing white and tender skin. Zhuang Yi wore a black suit today, which was tailored to fit the body and made it easier to fight. As a result, the fabrics on the chest and legs were all Being torn apart, his skin itself was extremely white, and under the strong black and white contrast, the exposed skin became more eye-catching.

Zhuang Yi looked at Lei Xiu’s ignorant look and knew that Lei Xiu didn’t mean it. Maybe he just wanted to ridicule him by pulling two holes like yesterday. As a result, Zhuang Yi dodged too fast, and the tiger’s claws were like a machete. It’s hard to take it back after the plunge, so the pants were killed in battle.

Reluctantly took out a set of clothes from the space and put on them. Zhuang Yi usually stripped off in front of Lei Xiu and changed clothes directly. Today, being teased by Lei Xiu, I somehow felt a little embarrassed for some reason. He changed clothes on weekdays. At that time, he never paid attention to Lei Xiu, but at this time he changed his clothes and couldn’t help but look at Lei Xiu. He saw that Lei Xiu was sitting upright on the ground, his forelimbs were neatly side by side, and his head was raised to look seriously. As he changed his clothes, Zhuang Yi felt strange in his heart immediately, always feeling something was wrong?

Change clothes as quickly as possible. After this lesson, Zhuang Yi understood that his first-level spirit master was a joke in front of Lei Xiu, a third-level beast.

From the beginning to the end, Lei Xiu didn’t even show his soul power. He was embarrassed only by the claws of the third-level monsters. Don’t say Zhuang Yi dodged, he couldn’t even see Lei Xiu’s figure!

Zhuang Yi decided to withdraw from the illusion first and let Lei Xiu compete with a third-level monster. Only in the case of evenly matched, Lei Xiu can maximize his level, so that it is more convenient for Zhuang Yi to understand which aspects of his abilities have improved.

In the fantasy world, Lei Xiu is fighting with a three-level snow-spotted panther. It is a very balanced monster in all aspects. Although it has the same level as Lei Xiu, its attributes are contrary. The snow-spotted panther is good at spitting ice. The attack, and Lei Xiu are like water and fire.

However, to Zhuang Yi’s surprise, Lei Xiu after evolution did not have the ability to make fires. Instead, his whole body crackled and thunder and lightning continued, water can conduct electricity, and ice is made of water, and the same is true. Therefore, the snow-spotted panthers quickly Just suffered.

At the same time, Lei Xiu’s movements were very fast. The snow-spotted panther was about to pierce Lei Xiu’s body with several ice hits. When Lei Xiu’s limbs moved, an invisible whirlwind formed, leaving only the snow-spotted panther. The phantom of Lei Xiu.

In the end, Lei Xiu was electrocuted and moved slowly to death by scratching his paws to death.

When the illusion was over, Lei Xiu raised his furry head and walked in front of Zhuang Yi, his dark red eyes narrowed slightly, and his expression couldn’t be more proud.

Zhuang Yi patted its head appreciatively, and was about to touch Lei Xiu’s mats as a cousin. Lei Xiu immediately retracted his paw and refused, and then followed Zhuang Yi’s arm and leaped onto Zhuang Yi’s shoulder. .

Zhuang Yi looked at Lei Xiu, recalling the battle just now, and thought to himself that Lei Xiu’s current name is Fenglei Long-eared Tiger. He thought it was just a name yesterday, but unexpectedly compared with before, even his attributes have changed. .

Thinking that it was Fire Thunder Tiger at the second level, good at fire and thunder attacks, but at the third level it became wind and thunder, Zhuang Yi slowly frowned.

Like human soul masters, the attributes of Beasts are born. Once determined, they will not be changed in the whole life, and the future evolution will be based on this attribute. He initially thought Lei Xiu was a dual-attribute monster, but now he found that one of its attributes has changed with evolution…

Is this the welfare of mutant soul beasts?

The more Zhuang Yi thought about it, the more clueless he got, and his brows frowned tightly. Suddenly, a meat pad stretched out and pressed it to the center of his brows.

Zhuang Yi: “…Lei Xiu, stop making trouble.”

Lei Xiu’s pad was rubbed between Zhuang Yi’s eyebrows, and after seeing Zhuang Yi’s eyebrows no longer frowning, he retracted his claws.

Zhuang Yi was interrupted by Lei Xiu. Seeing Lei Xiu’s energetic appearance, most of the worries just now disappeared.

Mutation should be mutated, at most two lines, he himself is still three lines.

Having determined Lei Xiu’s strength, Zhuang Yi and Lei Xiu once again entered the illusion and continued to find Lei Xiu’s third-level opponents to practice with. The skills of the master and auxiliary soul master.

One afternoon passed in the blink of an eye, and several hours of training made Zhuang Yi feel tired and fulfilled. The growth rate of soul power in his body has not been reduced, and as Zhuang Yi continued to use skills, it became more and more condensed. The speed directly breaks through and advances to the first level peak.

Zhuang Yi knew that his promotion was not far away.

With the end of the three-day holiday, the quiet three-day first-grader became lively again. Almost everyone went home and had a happy holiday, having fun with family and friends, and taking away the stress and tension caused by the quiz. Put it all aside.

When Zhuang Yi brought Lei Xiu to the classroom in the morning, he looked at his classmates with a brighter smile than before. Although he did not spend a holiday full of laughter and laughter, he was not in a good mood seeing everyone so relaxed and comfortable. Up.

It’s a pity that the first class this morning was for Teacher Wei Tong. When he swept across everyone’s face with a zombie face gloomily, the original relaxed atmosphere of the entire classroom suddenly disappeared, and the air pressure disappeared. Unconsciously depressed.

Although it is difficult for Wei Tong to have an emotional expression on his face, everyone looked at the corners of his mouth, and they knew that he was not in a good mood at this time.

“Do you think that after the quiz, you will be relaxed, you can relax completely and enjoy your happy first-year career?”

Wei said one word at a time, and his signature smirk appeared on the zombie face: “Looking around, the 28 people in the class, except for a few classmates, more than 90% have gone through the quiz. After that, there was no slight increase in soul power! What did you do this holiday! Don’t you know that the best time to increase soul power after the war? Even if you don’t understand the cultivation, don’t you think with your head? When I think about it, why is the Boda Academy so magnanimous, letting the teacher help each of you analyze the content of the quiz, and then give you a full three-day vacation?”

“You don’t really think that this holiday is for you to go home and complain to your parents, how stressful and difficult college life is.”

“Sixteen-year-old soul masters, don’t you think you are a child, toddler? You need love and care to thrive?”

Wei Tong’s unceremonious reprimand immediately caused a lot of people’s discoloration on the spot. In fact, although Wei Tong has a weird personality, he rarely loses his temper with such harsh words. It shows how bad his mood is now.

Like everyone else, Zhuang Yi honestly lowered his head, not daring to look directly at the teacher.

Although his spirit power has improved rapidly in the past three days, and he has worked hard to improve his skills, it is all related to the soul war master, the soul master, and he didn’t think about the auxiliary soul master at all, let alone recall the content of the quiz.

“I believe you have all met the teammates of the soul warriors and soul masters that you will form in the next year. After this quiz, I think you also know that at the end of the first grade, you will be the second The senior elder sister of the grade led to the Warcraft Forest to experience. Although this experience is self-registered, whether or not to enter the Warcraft Forest, every team will have a process of cooperation and guidance with the second grade!”

“Boda Academy has a clear level. Except for those who are particularly strong, the lower grade students have a worrisome status in front of the upper grades. Even if some people are from special backgrounds and have no strength, they are just as wasteful.”

“The whole class stood up and came up to test my soul power one by one.” Wei Tong said slowly, “For those who have not increased their soul power at all, they don’t need to go back to the dormitory at noon and night today. Let the teacher warmly welcome you from a pleasant one. Come back during the holidays.”

Wei Tong’s voice fell, and the atmosphere in the class dropped to freezing point. Some people who knew that their soul power hadn’t moved at all, looked at Wei Tong’s grim smirk, and his face was almost green.

Even if they didn’t want to, under Wei Tong’s gaze, in the end, everyone stood up resignedly, lined up to the podium one by one, and placed their hands on the soul power tester.

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