The Strongest Summoner

Chapter 268

Chapter 259: Modified version of Fanwai 1

“Zhuang Yi?! You’re not dead!!”

“Zhuang Yi has been killed by the strange demon, you are not Zhuang Yi, you are a puppet controlled by the strange demon!”

A once-acquainted friend deceived him and gave his enemy, making his enemy a summoner respected by all people. However, Zhuang Yi was wronged and turned into a strange demon. Shang Qingyun closed his five senses on the spot and was arrested by Jiang. Xuan Shengsheng took away his soul, this kind of pain was thousands of times more painful than physical damage, and it continued to torment Zhuang Yi. Fortunately, at this moment, the alien demons lurking in Zhuang Yi’s body broke out, engraving all Jiang Xuan’s memories into Zhuang Yi’s brain. Although Zhuang Yi died, he got rid of Jiang Xuan’s control. Shang Qingyun and Jiang Xuan’s abacus fell through…

Zhuang Yi opened his eyes. When he found out that he was still alive, he was startled, and then reflexively looked down at his body.

His skin was white and transparent, and he was dressed in luxurious clothes that he felt luxurious even at a glance in his previous life. Not only did his injuries miraculously disappeared, Zhuang Yi looked at his hands and felt the fullness and power in his body. a feeling of.

This is how the same thing?

The hand is his hand, and the body is his body, but why is it so strange?

Zhuang Yi slowly got up. The moment he stood up, the translucent defensive cover all over his body disappeared automatically, and the surrounding scenes were completely reflected in Zhuang Yi’s eyes.

This is obviously a separate training room. Although Zhuang Yi was born poor, he has seen a lot of good things with Shang Qingyun in the past few years. In addition, he likes to read books, even if he has never seen some things. A check can also analyze a lot of problems.

The priceless Horcruxes, those looming formations that Zhuang Yi can’t understand, and even the walls of the training room are made of special materials. For such a training room, let alone Zhuang Yi, Lian Shangqing I’m afraid there is no cloud at all.

The last image before he died reappeared in his mind, and the expression on Zhuang Yi’s face gradually became stiff from unknown.

He remembered that he was dead, but not only is he not dead now, but he is standing here in such a strange state. Could it be that…under the torture of Jiang Xuan and Shang Qingyun, he broke free without luck?

Whether it is Shang Qingyun or Jiang Xuan, it is an existence that ordinary Boda students look up to. What’s more, Zhuang Yi is an ordinary person. Shang Qingyun and Jiang Xuan want to put him to death, even if there is a difference in Zhuang Yi’s ability. The demon is in the body, unless a miracle occurs, it is impossible to escape.

Will there be miracles? If anything, it should have awakened him in the year he was sixteen!

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that was the case, Zhuang Yi didn’t dare to move anymore, looking at the surrounding environment with a sullen expression.

Jiang Xuan took away his identity as a summoner and wanted his soul. I am afraid that he wanted something from him. Then this strange situation at this time is also easy to explain.

It must have been announced by Shang Qingyun and Jiang, just to make him fooled!

Suddenly, something moved in a corner.

Zhuang Yi turned his head quickly and looked at that position. When he saw someone sitting there, under Zhuang Yi’s gaze, the man slowly opened his eyes and looked at him with dark red eyes. Zhuang Yixinyi Jumping, not knowing whether it was nervous or afraid, Zhuang Yi took a step back unconsciously.

This person’s appearance… seems like Lei Xiu, the number one powerhouse in the mainland who just returned some time ago!

Lei Xiu’s face was a little pale, and his soul power was a little unstable. However, seeing Zhuang Yi wake up and nothing happened to him, Lei Xiu immediately looked at him with joy: “Great, congratulations, Zhuang Yi.”

Will the number one powerhouse in the mainland appear next to him, and look at him with a smile, calling his name?

Thinking with toes to know that this is impossible, the destitute Jiang Xuan monk Shang Qingyun would even arrange such a naive illusion to make him fooled.

Zhuang Yi sneered, staring at Lei Xiu without speaking.

Lei Xiu felt a little strange. He couldn’t sense Zhuang Yi’s emotions. Obviously Zhuang Yi unilaterally blocked the contract. Looking at the expression Zhuang Yi looked at him at this time, it was completely unfamiliar: “What’s wrong? Smoothly charged. Are you unhappy after level ten?”

grade ten?

He is a waste of mental power 4, let alone level ten, there is no level one! Shang Qingyun and Jiang Xuan thought he would be fooled by weaving a 10-level dream for him?

Zhuang Yi looked at Lei Xiu’s eyes more and more cold, but he still did not speak, he was waiting for the other’s reaction, and then watching the change.

“Zhuang Yi?” Lei Xiu frowned slightly.

When Lei Xiu looked at him with a smile, although Zhuang Yi tried to keep himself unmoved, he couldn’t help being attracted by Lei Xiu’s gaze. At this time, Lei Xiu frowned, and Zhuang Yi’s mood also became strange. , This strange emotion made Zhuang Yi feel very distorted.

He looked at this “counterfeit” number one powerhouse, and slowly said, “Level ten?”

Lei Xiu nodded, calmed down from the joy of Zhuang Yi’s successful promotion, and looked at Zhuang Yi suspiciously.

“Then what?” Zhuang Yi raised his eyebrows. First, he gave him the identity of a tenth-level spirit master, and then asked the first strong person to congratulate him. Then, what tricks Jiang Xuan and Shang Qingyun have to play?

Although Lei Xiu felt puzzled, he still answered Zhuang Yi’s question: “You regained the new level 9 spirit beast. With the help of Linglong Box, not only did you break through the level ten, the dead bird, the white crane and the mouse were both Resurrected, you wake up, they should also wake up.”

Zhuang Yi nodded: “Continue.”

Lei Xiu considered his promotion to the tenth level, he slowly got up and walked to Zhuang Yi: “Zhuang Yi, have you forgotten something?”

“What did I forget?” Zhuang Yi raised his eyebrows and looked at Lei Xiu. In his opinion, the person in front of him could not be Lei Xiu. Jiang Xuan and Zhuang Yi disliked each other. Jiang Xuan did not have such good patience to accompany him in acting, so the greatest possibility is that he has been fooled for several years. Shang Qingyun!

“Zhuang Yi, who am I?” Lei Xiu lowered his head and looked at Zhuang Yi closely, his dark red eyes reflecting Zhuang Yi’s appearance.

“Shang Qingyun!” Seeing Lei Xiu approaching, Zhuang Yi’s pupils shrank. At this moment, Lei Xiu’s face almost overlapped with Shang Qingyun. Zhuang Yi’s heart was cruel, and he finally couldn’t bear it anymore. He directly raised his hand. The fist hit Lei Xiu’s cheek severely.

Lei Xiu didn’t have the slightest defense against Zhuang Yi. His mental power was stronger than that of Zhuang Yi. He discovered an abnormal expression on Zhuang Yi’s face very early. Even when Zhuang Yi waved his hand, Lei Xiu could see clearly, but that In an instant, he was as if a demon was stunned, convinced that Zhuang Yi would not beat him… Then, he was beaten.

Lei Xiu’s height is much higher than Zhuang Yi. Zhuang Yi is still not used to this powerful body. He threw a punch with all his might. Because the head was wrong, he didn’t hit Lei Xiu’s cheek in the center, but instead hit his. After the jawbone, the phalanx and the jawbone collided, Lei Xiu put his face away in pain, and Zhuang Yi’s hand turned red on the spot.

“Zhuang Yi!” Lei Xiu finally determined that Zhuang Yi had a problem. He ignored the pain on his face and took Zhuang Yi’s hand.

When Zhuang Yi saw Lei Xiu’s hand stretched out, he went crazy like a blasted cat. He shook Lei Xiu’s hand vigorously. Seeing that he couldn’t do it, Zhuang Yi struggled fiercely. While struggling, he shouted: “Do you think you weave this kind of fake dying illusion in front of me, I will be deceived? Shang Qingyun, Jiang Xuan, I tell you, even if I die, I won’t let you get my soul–”

“Zhuang Yi, calm down.” Lei Xiu didn’t know what Zhuang Yi had experienced. He was shocked at every word of Zhuang Yi. He gently subdued Zhuang Yi with his soul power, so as not to let him move. After bruising his body, Lei Xiu hugged Zhuang Yidao, “Shang Qingyun and Jiang Xuan are both dead, have you forgotten? Jiang Xuan was possessed by a different demon and died in Shang Qingyun’s hands, and Shang Qingyun was lurking in The human traitor to the different demons was eventually eaten back to death by the different demons.”

“Do you think I would believe your words easily?” Zhuang Yi stared at Lei Xiu with a cold expression on his bones.

Lei Xiu was startled, and somehow, he thought of the way the two got along when Zhuang Yi came to him when he lost his memory.

Was Zhuang Yi in the same mood as him at the time? When the other party looked at him with completely unfamiliar eyes, this uncomfortable and depressive feeling…

“Zhuang Yi, you may have lost a part of your memory.” Lei Xiu patiently took off the shadow crystal from the ear buckle and handed it to Zhuang Yi. .”

Zhuang Yi looked at the ear buckle mockingly, and turned his head away with a sneer.

Lei Xiu didn’t expect that Zhuang Yi, who usually looks so gentle, would become so sharp now. He was thinking of a way. At this time, Zhuang Yi said: “Let me go first.”

Lei Xiu was startled, looking at Zhuang Yi’s indifferent expression, took a deep breath, and let go of his hand.

Zhuang Yi noticed Lei Xiu’s pale face and his bloodless lips.

It would cause this, obviously because of the excessive consumption of soul power, which caused the soul power in the body to be unstable, and even the complexion became difficult to look.

Thinking of Lei Xiu’s words just now, what helped him to reach the tenth level… Lies are kind of like weaving.

After his body was free again, Zhuang Yi took two steps back, stood aside, and looked at Lei Xiu coldly.

According to the strength of the arranger, as well as the different attainments of the formation, the power of the arranged phantom formation is also different.

Although there are many formations near Boda Academy, there are not many phantom formations. The teachers of Boda have already left the Boda Academy. Now Qingyun and his family are the only ones in the school. He and Jiang Xuan are not masters of the formation themselves, so If you want to confuse Zhuang Yi, you must invite the students in the academy.

The highest-level formation mage in the school does not seem to exceed the sixth level.

The longer the phantom array lasts, the more the soul power of the person who deploys the array is tested, and the more complex the scene in the phantom array, the easier it is for flaws…

Therefore, before the other party has made excessive behaviors, Zhuang Yi only needs to stand aside and watch the changes.

When Zhuang Yi figured it out, Lei Xiu, who was opposite, looked up at him at the same moment: “Wei Jin, Mo Weian, and they are still waiting for news from us. The little white crane squirrel should be awake now. Let’s go out first, how about?”

Zhuang Yi nodded, followed Lei Xiu’s footsteps, and walked outside.

Lei Xiu walked in front of him in silence. Zhuang Yi looked at his tall back, and somehow felt sad for some reason.

It seems that something I did just now has deeply hurt the man in front of me…

This emotion just came out, Zhuang Yi immediately restrained himself. The most terrifying part of the fantasy array is that it moves people. As long as there is one thing that makes people worry about and can’t let go, it will be gradually disintegrated by the impact of the fantasy array. , And finally became a puppet of those who set up the formation.

As soon as the door of the training room opened, he had long noticed something abnormal inside. The spirit masters waiting outside the door immediately turned their heads to look at Zhuang Yi and Lei Xiu.

The elders, patriarchs, and demon hunting teams, and Zhuang Yi’s group of friends, all stood outside without landing.

“I have sensed the fluctuations in the training room a long time ago, and guessed that you will leave the customs this morning, and you really succeeded today!” Mo Ruhai said first.

The elder Wei and others also immediately came forward and said joy.

As the second person on the mainland to break through the tenth level, he is also Lei Xiu’s partner, the chief hero of the war between different demons. The major families have long regarded Zhuang Yi as a person of the same status as Lei Xiu, and Zhuang Yi has broken through the tenth level. It is a very important thing for the entire continent, so these talents have specially put aside the things in their hands, and have gathered together once for so many years.

Zhuang Yi stared blankly at the group of people in front of him. This group… he hadn’t even seen almost anyone in the past, but he could only see them in his textbooks.

If the appearance of Lei Xiu might be a phantom formation, so many powerful people, so many terrifying auras, could it be simulated by the sixth-grade student of Barda Academy?

Although Zhuang Yi is just an ordinary soldier, he has studied at Boda, has seen several teachers of level seven or eight, has participated in the war of different demons, and has seen advanced different demons with his own eyes. He has judged the aura of the strong. The power is not weak. Although Shang Qingyun is strong, these people are stronger than Shang Qingyun. This kind of aura is impossible to appear unless the people who are in the formation are teamed up by multiple spirit masters of level 9 or above.

Lei Xiu had been observing the slight expression on Zhuang Yi’s face. Although Zhuang Yi didn’t show it on his face, the shocked look in his eyes did not hide from Lei Xiu.

Lei Xiu immediately stood beside Zhuang Yi, accepted the congratulations from the group of people for Zhuang Yi, and then asked, “What happened to the white crane and the little squirrel?”

“After you succeeded in the promotion, they were resurrected and woke up. At the beginning, they waited with us, but there was something wrong with the nine-headed dragon. Two of them accompany it, and they slept with them. Together.” Mo Ruhai said with a smile.

“That’s good.” Lei Xiu nodded, and then said goodbye to everyone on the grounds that he and Zhuang Yi had just broken through and were a little tired, and led Zhuang Yi into the black tower of the Battle Soul Palace.

Zhuang Yi followed Lei Xiu for nearly half an hour before reluctantly regaining his senses: “Is all this true?”

Lei Xiu looked at Zhuang Yi: “Zhuang Yi, there is a contract between you and me. You will feel me. I believe that you must ask for my answer. You can judge whether it is true or false.”

Zhuang Yi lowered his eyes and turned to look at the scenery beyond the black tower. Everything within a radius of a thousand miles, you can see everything in your eyes, the spirit power fluctuations of the soul of the war hall, and the powerful aura of the man around him, Zhuang Yi can be sure of everything, it is by no means two people, Shang Qingyun and Jiang Xuan. It can be done.

What happened? Let him match up with the brothers of the elders and patrons of several big families, and become partners with Lei Xiu, the top powerhouse in the mainland…

Even if it was daydreaming, Zhuang Yi would not have such absurd fantasy, but all of this was in front of his eyes, and he could not tolerate any doubt.

After a while, Zhuang Yi whispered: “I’m sorry, I didn’t hit you on purpose. I confessed to the wrong person.”

Lei Xiu frowned when he heard the word “you”. He looked at Zhuang Yi’s still somewhat blank face and said, “Zhuang Yi, you and me, between us… don’t be so polite.”

“Sorry, I don’t remember.” Zhuang Yi’s attitude was more respectful.

Lei Xiu looked at Zhuang Yi, and silently swallowed the suffocation in his heart. Seeing Zhuang Yi’s dazed and humble appearance, Lei Xiu felt very uncomfortable. He said, “Then you can take a good rest here. Anything will happen. , Call me immediately.”

“Yes.” Zhuang Yi whispered.

Zhuang Yi just stayed in the black tower, and two days passed in a blink of an eye.

Lei Xiu lives next door to Zhuang Yi, and he uses his mental power to sense all the dynamics of Zhuang Yi. Seeing that Zhuang Yi sits motionless by the bed in the past two days, except for eating and sleeping, watching the outside world, just waiting. All day long, let alone looking for him, Lei Xiu felt so depressed in his heart.

He hasn’t fully figured out Zhuang Yi’s situation yet, so the matter did not make a public announcement. The people in the Soul Palace and the Demon Hunter thought that there was a little awkwardness between their two husbands, and did not notice anything unusual. .

Lei Xiu was in the room alone, pacing back and forth waiting for Zhuang Yi’s call. After waiting for two days, Lei Xiu finally lost his patience and decided to use the old method to approach Zhuang Yi.

This method has been tried and tested repeatedly, and it can be successful every time. He believes that it will work this time too!

At night, after Zhuang Yi came out of the bathroom, he just stepped back to the room and immediately noticed something was wrong.

There seems to be something more in the room…

Although he is an ordinary person without the spiritual power and soul power of a soul master, his years of military service have made him much more sensitive than ordinary people.

Zhuang Yi scanned the room sharply, and finally froze on the big fluffy thing on the bed.

Such a big one does not look like a blanket.

Zhuang Yi stepped forward. When he was two meters away from the large mass of things, Zhuang Yi really heard the sound of soft breathing.

At this moment, the large group of things moved, and then a round head came out.

Half-round ears, round tiger face, round eyes, pink nose…The black hairs all over the body are shiny and beautiful under the light. The red eyes that set off are like gems, Zhuang Yihe The tiger stared at each other. The tiger flicked his tail lightly, and then moved inward, seemingly inviting.

A tiger asked him to go to bed…it should be an illusion.

Even if it is true, the fool will go up.

And in the summer, sleeping with something so hot can cause prickly heat.

Zhuang Yi ignored the tiger’s favor, walked to the bed, and coldly said to the tiger: “Are you a monster?”

The tiger tilted his head and looked at Zhuang Yi, looking a little dull.

Zhuang Yi recalled every detail he heard two days ago. He remembered that Lei Xiu seemed to have mentioned some white cranes and little mice…

Rats and tigers… Is this a nickname for this thing?

Zhuang Yi: “Little mouse?”

Lei Xiu: “?”

Zhuang Yi: “I don’t like sleeping with other things. Can you sleep in another place?”

Lei Xiumeng’s expression cracked: “…”

It thought for a while, and finally reluctant to get out of the bed, lying on the bottom of the bed.

Zhuang Yi looked at the tiger’s three-meter-long body and said, “In the black tower, there should be a place for monsters to rest, right?”

Lei Xiu raised his head and looked at Zhuang Yi aggrievedly.

Zhuang Yi is soft. He can be cruel to people, but he can’t help feeling compassionate towards animals. However, now he can’t take care of himself and can’t spare his energy to take care of a strange large animal. Zhuang Yi said: “I think it is more suitable there. You, I want to rest, good night.”

In the end, Lei Xiu turned his head three times before being driven out of the room by Zhuang Yi with tears.

The author has something to say: [Lei Xiu who returned to the next room, his claws scratched the wall: God, why did you let Zhuang Yi treat me like this…]

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