The Strongest Exercise Upgrade System

Chapter 912 - Sage

At this time, a vast and solemn voice suddenly came from the sky: “I don’t think it is necessarily!

There is no birth in the mind, and there is nothing in the front if there is no mind!

To be empty is to have, and to be empty!

In the chaos, the four are all empty, why can’t they be made out of nothing? “

After the voice fell, it disappeared, leaving only Chu Futian, Wei Yan, and Yan Ming staring at each other, obviously unable to understand the deep meaning of Wusheng’s words just now.

The three saw that Zeng Xiaoyu had disappeared and the goal had been achieved, and they didn’t care too much about Wusheng.

The three nodded each other, and then they shook their bodies and disappeared into the air at the same time.

In the chaos, Zeng Xiaoyu’s body was helpless, drifting aimlessly in the boundless chaotic void.

Although it is constantly drifting, it gives people a feeling of stillness.

At this time, Zeng Xiaoyu had already eliminated the power of darkness invading his arm.

But Zeng Xiaoyu encountered a more troublesome problem.

In this place, there is no upper and lower four dimensions, no concept of time, no fairy air, no land, nothing, only the boundless chaotic void.

Zeng Xiaoyu didn’t know where he was, let alone where the fairy world was, and didn’t know how to leave here.

In such a place where there is nothing, if the average person stays for a long time, I am afraid that because of the endless silence here, they will eventually go crazy.

This kind of void, with no place, withered and boundless, is more maddening and frightening than those small closed black rooms in prisons.

It’s good not to go crazy and commit suicide in such a place.

Fortunately, Zeng Xiaoyu’s temperament has been tempered very tough, even in this deadly and boring place, Zeng Xiaoyu quickly adjusted after feeling a little uncomfortable for a while.

Zeng Xiaoyu first stabilized his mind, so that he was not overwhelmed by the dryness here.

But for a long time, it’s hard to say.

Zeng Xiaoyu is in the endless chaos, his body is helpless and drifting with the flow.

Here, there is no air, let alone immortality.

Fortunately, Zeng Xiaoyu was already at the peak of Daluo Jinxian’s mid-term cultivation base. He did not need to breathe from his mouth and nose, and could survive by changing his breath to internal breathing.

It’s just that there is not even a trace of immortal energy here, but there is no way to cultivate immortal power to supplement the consumption of the body.

Fortunately, Zeng Xiaoyu’s accumulation over the years is very impressive.

In Qiankun’s bag, there are still many elixirs and immortal medicines suitable for taking Da Luo Jinxian level.

In this dry world, the only thing Zeng Xiaoyu can do is practice.

“Since there is no way to go out for the time being, let’s practice!”

Zeng Xiaoyu shook his head and smiled bitterly. He sat in the void at random, took out a bottle of elixir suitable for Da Luo Jinxian period from the Qiankun bag, raised his head to take it, and began to refine and practice.

From then on, Zeng Xiaoyu took out an elixir from Qiankun’s bag every once in a while, took it, and immersed himself in cultivation, in order to pass the boring years.

I don’t know how long it took, when Zeng Xiaoyu almost consumed the immortal medicine in Qiankun’s bag, his cultivation level finally broke through from the middle of the Daluo Jinxian to the late Daluo Jinxian, and it was also the peak of the Daluo Jinxian late stage.

Entering the peak of Daluo Jinxian’s late stage, he also comprehended the law of time, Zeng Xiaoyu has truly become a master of the immortal emperor level.

But in this chaotic world, even the immortal emperor level can do nothing about it.

Although Zeng Xiaoyu was promoted to become the Immortal Emperor, he still couldn’t find a way out, and could only be trapped in the chaotic world, sighing.

Zeng Xiaoyu couldn’t be idle either.

Because once Zeng Xiaoyu is idle, the boundless loneliness will immediately occupy Zeng Xiaoyu’s heart, and control Zeng Xiaoyu’s heart, making Zeng Xiaoyu feel that being alive is meaningless, almost going crazy. However, since the elixir has been taken, Zeng Xiaoyu’s cultivation of immortal power has reached its peak, and it is difficult to continue practicing.

“Let’s find something to do!”

In order to stick to the original mind and protect it from the boundless loneliness, Zeng Xiaoyu continued to sit down and began to comprehend the laws of space.

Before entering this boundless chaos, Zeng Xiaoyu had some insights into the laws of space.

Now that I have nothing to do, I can concentrate on comprehending the law, and there are no factors surrounding Zeng Xiaoyu’s comprehension. The environment is very conducive to retreat.

Not long after Zeng Xiaoyu practiced, suddenly her body trembled slightly, and she magically entered the realm of enlightenment and enlightenment again!

Fortunes and misfortunes depend on each other. The world of great annihilation here is exactly the scene before the world, and it is closest to the essence of Tao!

The effect of practicing here is more than ten thousand times that of practicing outside!

Zeng Xiaoyu didn’t know this, because at this time Zeng Xiaoyu was already immersed in the realm of enlightenment.

In the Alchemy Academy, Wu Chunfeng and Zhao Po’s six brothers gathered in the hall.

In addition, there are Wu Qixiu and others who participated in the Wanxian Conference.

At this time, the faces of everyone present were filled with sadness.

“Junior Brother Zeng hasn’t come back yet! It seems that he is more ill-tempered!”

“Chu Futian and Wei Yan, the two old thieves, join forces, no matter how strong Junior Brother Zeng is, he will not be an opponent!”

“Hate my strength is too weak! I can’t help much!

Chu Futian, Wei Yan, kill my master and slaughter me!

This hatred cannot be shared. One day, Wu Chunfeng, I must avenge this revenge! “

Brother Wu Chunfeng, along with Wu Qixiu, all felt grief and anger after guessing that Zeng Xiaoyu might have been killed.

Secretly vowed that one day, we must avenge this great revenge for Zeng Xiaoyu.

“Now that Junior Brother Zeng has fallen, Chu Futian and Wei Yan are already determined to destroy my master’s tradition and annex my Eastern Immortal Realm!

For this plan, I can only hide it temporarily and practice secretly.

Until a certain day, someone can be promoted to the Immortal Emperor, that time is when I am waiting for revenge! “

After discussion, Wu Chunfeng and several people decided on a strategy to hide traces and develop secretly.

Afterwards, Wu Chunfeng handed over the management of the fairy courtyard to the four vice-masters, and he took Wu Qixiu, together with the other five juniors, the secret disappeared and disappeared.

In the boundless chaos, a light flashed suddenly, and through this light, a figure was looming in the boundless chaos.

The person is sitting cross-legged, eyes slightly closed.

In his body, there are two laws interlacing around him, forming a small world that initially possesses time and space.

Yes, there is nothing in the chaos, without time and space.

But this person, relying on the laws of time and space he comprehended, was born in this boundless chaos, and gave birth to a small world.

Although this small world is just a rudimentary form, there are only the laws of time and space, which is not complete yet.

However, a world that has the laws of time and space is as if it already has the skeleton of the world.

In the future, it only needs to be gradually improved and other laws added.

One day, it will become a real world!

At that time, this person will become the master of this world!

His every move will affect the operation of the entire world!


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