The Strongest Exercise Upgrade System

Chapter 43 - ask

As soon as the four of Zeng Yu left, the scene was silent for a while.

But after a while, the scene became lively again.

The people of the clan are all talking about the fact that the clan has a wicked talent like Zeng Yu.

At the same time, he was curious about how Zeng Yu became a top master in a very short time.

“Chu Ping, Yurou, how many good sons you two have! One is better than the other!”

At this time, Zeng Chuping and Han Yurou had gathered a lot of people from the tribe. You said nothing to me, and praised the Zeng Yu family.

Even the brothers Zeng Long and Zeng Yu were surrounded by young children and asked the brothers about Zeng Yu.

Zeng Chuping and his wife, including Zeng Long, are proud.

I am very happy that such a wicked talent has come out of the family.

Only Zeng Yu, although also happy for Zeng Yu, is undoubtedly the most lost in his heart.

In the past, he and his eldest brother Zeng Long were both elites in the family, and their strength was impressive.

Recently, I entered the Hou Qizhong, and I should have been happy.

But now, he is much worse than his elder brother and even his younger brother.

He, who was the second most powerful among the three, suddenly became the third.

This made him feel as if he was holding back the family.

Because now the lowest strength in the family is his Zeng Yu.

Inside the Zeng Family Ancestral House, Zeng Yu sat opposite the three elders.

Three pairs of old eyes stared at Zeng Yu fiercely, and kept sweeping around Zeng Yu’s body, trying to discover the differences in Zeng Yu’s body.

The three of them felt ashamed to show Zeng Yu as if they were admiring a peerless baby.

“Fish! Aren’t you from the fifth layer of the first and the last? Why did you get into the second layer of the first nine all at once?”

Grandpa once asked kindly with a coaxing tone.

The other two elders were also staring at Zeng Yu nervously at this time, wanting to hear how Zeng Yu suddenly improved from the back five to the back nine.

Zeng Yu had long expected Grandpa’s question.

Hearing that his face was still indifferent, and he started to talk nonsense, “Grandpa, you don’t know, the last time I went into the mountain, I met an expert!”

“I met an expert!”

Sanrao’s eyes lit up, and he immediately said, “By the way, the last time Chu Ping and his wife sent Pozhang pills over, they had already mentioned to us that Yu had encountered Gaorao in the mountains, and those Pozhang pills were still that high. From someone!

Now it seems that the expert is not easy! Not only gave the fish so many things, but also raised the fish’s strength to this level! “

The three of them looked at each other and believed Zeng Yu’s nonsense.

Immediately afterwards, Zeng Chengfeng asked with a smile: “Fish, what does the expert look like? Did he leave a name?”

Zeng Yu nodded and said solemnly: “That’s a white-bearded grandfather, his name is Diao Fang!”

When the three elders heard the words, their faces were puzzled: “Diaobo? Haven’t heard of it! It must be a secluded worldly expert, right?”

Zeng Yu smiled secretly when seeing the doubts of the three elders. Where did he meet any old white beard grandpa? And he also made the name Diao Bo indiscriminately.

Put it on the earth, who would dare to take such a name, and not be beaten up by others when going out?

However, the three elders still didn’t doubt, after all, this is the world of Xianxia, ​​there are still some experts outside the world, but they have not encountered it.

Seeing that the three elders had believed his words, Zeng Yu began to turn passive into active, cooperated very well with the investigation, and began to narrate how he met Grandpa Whitebeard in the mountains.

Seeing that he is handsome and has the potential to become a handsome guy, the old man with white beard made an exception and used the miracle elixir to raise his strength to the lower nine…

The three elders opened their mouths wide and shocked: “Is there such a person? This person does not look at aptitude, but only looks at handsome or handsome?”

However, the three of them were relieved afterwards: “The world’s top people are mostly eccentric people, and they all rely on their own preferences.

Whoever he likes is lucky, whoever he doesn’t like is unlucky! “

“Fish, your luck is so good! Your handsomeness has inherited my strengths from Grandpa!”

Zeng Chengfeng was very pleased to nodded his beard, and his stinky appearance made the second and third elders look sideways.

“On our planet, in the era of looking at the face and looking at the value of the face, being handsome is indeed better!”

Zeng Yu thought to herself, seeing that the three elders had already entered the plot, she continued to make up the story: “Grandpa, you don’t know, that old white beard is very powerful. He can fly up with just one jump, and he can take it with one palm. A valley has sunk!

And he not only used the spirit pill to improve my strength, he saw that my practice was too low-level, so he smoothly upgraded our family’s five half-strength techniques!

What I am practicing now is the exercise that Grandpa Whitebeard helped me perfect! “

The exercise upgrade system only belongs to Zeng Yu’s secret.

In order to enhance the Zeng family’s overall strength, Zeng Yu had already intended to give the six upgraded versions of the Zeng family’s exercises.

Now I took this opportunity to give all the credit to the old white beard.

Anyway, they didn’t know any old white beard grandfather, and naturally they couldn’t verify the truth of the matter.

As for the upgraded version of the Human Emperor’s Scripture, Zeng Yu does not intend to donate it for the time being.

The Human Emperor Scripture belongs to the practice that can only be practiced in the first realm, and now it is offered, and the clansmen cannot practice it.

Moreover, this man’s emperor’s scripture is very important, and many forces are looking for the whereabouts of the man’s emperor’s scripture. Once it is donated, it is likely to bring disaster to the family.

Therefore, Zeng Yu decided to donate only the profound techniques he had learned.

After all, the profound level technique was enough for today’s Zeng family.

Sure enough, when the three elders heard that the expert even helped Zeng Yu upgrade his exercises, his eyes opened up and said: “Now that those exercises, can you recite them?”

Seeing the eagerness of the three elders, Zeng Yu smiled inwardly and nodded and said, “Not only can I recite, but I have also copied those exercises!

The three ancestors wait a moment, I will go back and show the three ancestors the copy of the exercises! “

When the three elders heard the words, their eyes brightened again, and one after another said: “Go and come back soon! We can’t wait!”

Zeng Yu smiled slightly, and immediately left the ancestral house and flew towards his home.

Zeng Yu’s home is not too far away from the ancestral house. The three elders were waiting anxiously for a while in the ancestral house when they saw Zeng Yu walking in with a burden.

When the three elders saw Zeng Yu coming in, their three pairs of eyes fell on the burden on Zeng Yu’s hand, and his eyes flashed with anxious pull.

They all wanted to see how far their family’s family practice can reach after the Gao Rao perfected it.

Zeng Yu didn’t talk nonsense either. As soon as he entered the ancestral home, he opened the baggage on the table, revealing the seven handwritten secret books inside.

“Please take a look at the three ancestors, this is my copy of the technique after being perfected by that expert!”

When the three elders saw the handwritten secrets in the bag, they nodded solemnly, and each picked up a practice book, opened the cover of the book, and scanned it carefully.

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